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31件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 鈴木 隆, 中川 泰彰, 中村 孝志, 松末 吉隆
    2003年 46 巻 6 号 1101-1102
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/02/24
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 中村 太紀, 林 育太, 柳樂 慶太, 榎田 誠, 永島 英樹
    2022年 34 巻 2 号 209-212
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/11/24
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 副島 崇, 村上 秀孝, 田中 信博, 阿部 隆伸, 永田 見生
    2002年 51 巻 2 号 278-281
    発行日: 2002/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have been using double spike plate (DSP) fixation for bi-socket ACL reconstruction since February 2000. In the first 15 cases, a total of 100N were applied for graft tension at the time of fixation when the knee was bent at 80 degrees. We evaluated whether this setting was “over-tightening” taking the patients' symptoms into consideration.
    Five patients complained of stiffening in their knee, despite finally regaining full ROM. Side-to-side anterior laxity differences were evaluated as not tight (Max: -0.5mm). However, the duration until regaining full ROM was significantly longer than other patients (p=0.0011).
    For bi-socket ACL reconstruction using DSP fixation, our fixation setting was critical in considering the patients' symptoms although it led to acceptable anterior stability.
  • 小禄 純平, 三宅 智, 新城 安原, 柴田 光史, 伊崎 輝昌, 山本 卓明
    2019年 68 巻 3 号 529-531
    発行日: 2019/09/25
    公開日: 2019/12/17
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 齋田 良知, 秋吉 直樹
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
    2019年 56 巻 10 号 791-795
    発行日: 2019/10/18
    公開日: 2019/12/02
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 浜田 純一郎, 高瀬 勝巳, 藤井 康成, 乾 浩明, 小林 勉, 後藤 昌史, 塩崎 浩之, 畑 幸彦, 田中 栄, 林田 賢治, 森澤 豊, 森原 徹, 山本 宣幸
    2021年 45 巻 1 号 122-126
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/08/30
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    の提言があり混乱がある.そこで会員に対し凍結肩のアンケート調査をおこなった.その結果,AAOSの一次性凍結肩の定義,一次性・二次性凍結肩の分類に同意する会員はそれぞれ63%,53%であった.原因不明の拘縮肩の診断名は凍結肩31%,拘縮肩22%,肩関節周囲炎16%,五十肩16%と多くの病名が使われていた.調査結果から凍結肩と拘縮肩の定義の曖昧さとAAOSの定義や分類への同意率が低いことがわかった.英語論文100編を調査するとadhesive capsulitisが45%,frozen shoulderが41%であり欧米ではこの2病名を主に使っていた.拘縮肩と凍結肩の定義を明確化するため学術委員会では,可動域制限があれば拘縮肩とし,そのうち原因不明な拘縮肩のみを凍結肩,原因の明らかな拘縮肩を二次性拘縮肩とする
  • Satoshi Shimo, Yuta Sakamoto, Akinari Tokiyoshi, Yasuhiro Yamamoto
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2016年 28 巻 2 号 714-717
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    [Purpose] The effect of early rehabilitation protocols after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is currently unknown. We examined short-term effects of early rehabilitation on functional outcomes and activities of daily living after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. [Subject and Methods] An 82-year-old male fell during a walk, resulting in a supraspinatus tear. Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair was performed using a single-row technique. He wore an abduction brace for 6 weeks after surgery. [Results] From day 1 after surgery, passive range of motion exercises, including forward flexion and internal and external rotation were performed twice per day. Starting at 6 weeks after surgery, active range of motion exercises and muscle strengthening exercises were introduced gradually. At 6 weeks after surgery, his active forward flexion was 150°, UCLA shoulder rating scale score was 34 points, and Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire disability/symptom score was 36 points. At 20 weeks after surgery, his active forward flexion was 120°, UCLA shoulder rating scale score was 34 points, and Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire disability/symptom score was 0 points. [Conclusion] These protocols are recommended to physical therapists during rehabilitation for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair to support rapid reintegration into activities of daily living.
  • 肩関節
    2008年 33 巻 1 号 24-41
    発行日: 2008/10/01
    公開日: 2012/11/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 弦本 直治, 田口 憲士, 土居 満, 江良 允, 太田 真悟, 池永 仁, 朝永 育, 橋口 元一, 尾﨑 誠
    2023年 72 巻 3 号 474-476
    発行日: 2023/09/25
    公開日: 2023/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 松田 秀策, 王寺 享弘, 徳永 真巳, 宏洲 士郎, 吉本 栄治
    2003年 52 巻 1 号 129-132
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have been using double spike plate (DSP) for fixation in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using hamstrings since March 2000. A set force of 80N in male and 60N in female was applied for graft tension with the knee in full extension. We compared this procedure (DSP group; 52 patients) with manual maximum fixation using the Post screw before March 2000 (Post group; 102 patients). The purpose of this study was to clarify the clinical results of this procedure. The DSP group was significantly better than the Post group in the JOA score, Lachman and Jerk test (P<0.05). The average side-to-side anterior laxity difference with the KT-2000 arthrometer was 1.7mm in the DSP group, and 2.0mm in the Post group. No significant difference in the quadriceps and hamstring muscle strength were observed between the two groups with the Biodex machine and range of motion. There were no patients who resulted in contracture or graft failure, so the initial strength applied for the graft was not set high in this procedure.
    2021年 67 巻 2 号 112-118
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/04/30
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

     I performed basic research at the University of Connecticut, New England, USA from October 2016 to June 2018. I worked in the Human Soft Tissue Research Laboratory, which is part of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Connecticut. I performed basic research to develop new treatments for shoulder joint disease with Prof. Augustus D. Mazzocca, who has done extensive work in biological and biomechanical orthopedics, especially for shoulder disease. I was fortunate to be able to work alongside seven highly motivated German orthopedic surgeons from the Department of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Technical University of Munich. During my 2 years at the University of Connecticut, I performed biological, biomechanical, and clinical studies of shoulder surgery and observed the medical and cultural differences between Japan, the USA, and Germany. In this review, I summarize the biological and biomechanical studies that I performed at the University of Connecticut.

  • 荻本 晋作, 原 克利
    2019年 68 巻 1 号 60-62
    発行日: 2019/03/25
    公開日: 2019/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 山﨑 博範, 藤田 耕司
    2018年 42 巻 2 号 417-419
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/09/03
    ジャーナル フリー
     当院における肩鎖関節脱臼に対する鏡視下烏口鎖骨靭帯再建術の短期成績を報告する.2015年4月以降Rockwood分類Type 3以上の肩鎖関節脱臼に対してDog Bone Buttonとsuture button tapeを用いた鏡視下烏口鎖骨靭帯再建術を施行し,1年以上経過観察可能であった15例について調査した.全例男性,平均年齢は43.3歳であった.Type 3が5例,Type 5が10例で,術後平均経過観察期間は14.7か月であった.最終経過観察時のJOA score,JSS-ACJ scoreと術後X線評価を行った.最終経過観察時のJOA scoreはType 3で平均95.0点,Type 5で平均92.0点,JSS-ACJ scoreはType 3で平均95.6点,Type 5で平均94.6点と良好な成績であった.術後X線評価については,Type 3ではexcellent 2例,good 3例,Type 5ではgood 6例,fair 4例であった.肩鎖関節脱臼に対する鏡視下烏口鎖骨靭帯再建術の短期成績は比較的良好であったが,Type 5では術後に転位を認める症例もあり,今後更なる経過観察が必要である.
  • 坂 雅之, 村木 孝行
    2023年 23 巻 1 号 51-58
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 田中 誠人, 花井 洋人, 藏谷 幸祐, 小泉 宏太, 小谷 悠貴, 林田 賢治
    2020年 44 巻 2 号 350-353
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/27
    ジャーナル 認証あり
     SB法ではSugaya分類Type1+2,3,4,5が165肩(76.4%),24肩(11.3%),6肩(2.8%),20肩(9.4%), TR法ではそれぞれ170肩(82.5%),16肩(7.8%),12肩(5.8%),8肩(3.9%)であり,TR法ではSB法に比べてType5が有意に減少した.
  • 橘 優太, 田中 美成, 田中 綾香, 衣笠 和孝
    2023年 43 巻 3 号 159-165
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/07/24
    ジャーナル 認証あり





  • Belayat HOSSAIN, Manabu NII, Shinichi YOSHIYA, Syoji KOBASHI
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This paper primarily proposes a method of implementing statistical shape model (SSM) of distal femur by automatically determining subject-specific femoral coordinate system (FCS). These have a wide range of applications in both biomechanical, 3D image analysis, knee model design and surgical planning. The main challenge in implementing SSM of distal femur as being complex in shape and a part of the whole femur, is to find correspondence across subjects automatically for the purpose of aligning training subjects to a reference coordinate space. While conventional correspondence is observer-dependent and time consuming, this study is intended to tackle these drawbacks by proposing a fully user-independent method to accurately extracting the FCS using 3D magnetic resonance (MR) images of isolated knee because of its popularity in knee surgery due to high spatial resolution. The proposed methods are based on morphological analysis of distal femoral bone in 3D MR image to locate the anatomical features automatically. Afterward an SSM has been constructed by utilizing the implemented FCSs in a set of volumetric MR images. Images were reconstructed and synthesized in each dimension from the model, and finally were evaluated by benchmarks index-generalization ability. In addition, possible application of the implemented FCS could be volumetric image (CT/MR) matching of distal femur, etc.
  • 野呂瀬 美生, 二村 昭元, 鈴木 志郎
    2020年 44 巻 1 号 43-46
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/09/19
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • Kohei Iio, Yuka Kimura, Eiji Sasaki, Shizuka Sasaki, Yuji Yamamoto, Eiichi Tsuda, Yasuyuki Ishibashi
    Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine
    2021年 6 巻 論文ID: 20210046
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/11/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Objective: The objectives of this study were to investigate whether student athletes with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries who returned to sports (RTS) without reconstruction could continue their sporting activities until the end of the season and whether there was an increase in secondary damage associated with knee instability.

    Methods: Altogether, 288 skeletally mature patients aged <25 years with new-onset isolated primary ACL injuries were included. Of these, 20 student athletes continued playing sports without ACL reconstruction to try to finish the season and were classified as the early return to sports (ERS) group; the remaining 268 patients, who immediately quit sports and underwent surgery, were classified as the non-ERS group. Knee symptoms and sporting performance for the rest of the season were assessed for the ERS group. The presence of secondary damage, e.g., meniscus injuries and chondral lesions, associated with instability were compared between the two groups.

    Results: Fourteen ERS-group athletes (70%) indicated that their knees had given way during sporting activities, and seven athletes (35%) were unable to complete the season. In the ERS group, the mean self-estimated performance level after injury was 3.8 ± 2.5 (numeric rating scale 0–10). Despite the RTS period being relatively short, medial meniscus tears (P <0.001) significantly increased in the ERS group, and three patients experienced locking of the medial meniscus and required immediate surgery.

    Conclusions: Although ERS without reconstruction to complete the season may be a reasonable strategy for ACL injury, patients’ self-estimated performance level was low and meniscal and cartilage injury rates significantly increased.

  • 尾崎 律郎, 中川 滋人, 武 靖浩, 水野 直子, 前 達雄
    2014年 38 巻 3 号 835-839
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/11/21
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    外傷性肩関節前方脱臼や亜脱臼を繰り返す事がHill-Sachs損傷(HS)の発生や大きさに与える影響を検討した.対象は鏡視下Bankart修復術を施行し,術前に3D-CTを撮影していた124肩で,3D-CTでHSの発生頻度を調査(初回調査)し,関節鏡所見(AS)と比較した.次に,ASを基に再調査した3D-CTデータを用い,HSの大きさを計測し,脱臼や亜脱臼回数との関連性を調査した.HSは初回3D-CT調査で76肩,ASで104肩に認められ,再調査では軟骨性を除く骨性のHS 89肩全例を確認できた.初回例での脱臼群と亜脱臼群の比較では,脱臼群で発生頻度が有意に高く,大きさも有意に大きかった.さらに,反復例も含めた検討では,1回でも脱臼することによりHSの発生頻度は上昇し,かつ,大きなHSが発生していた.一方,脱臼・亜脱臼総回数や亜脱臼回数については有意差がなく,脱臼することがHSの発生に重要であることがわかった.