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398件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • *梶谷 文雄, 藤崎 圭一郎, 須永 剛司
    2020年 67 巻 Z-06
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/08/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー



    ; 花と人の関わりでは、始まりは渡す人に向けて感謝や愛情、謝罪などの気持ちを表すことである。そこでは、包装紙やメッセージカードなど、豊かな"ものごと寿命"のかたちがされていると感じた。一方、花と人の関わりの終わりはさみしい。枯れた花を花瓶から出してゴミ箱に捨てる。「終わり方」のかたちはまったくデザインされていないのだ。枯れた花を捨てることを躊躇し、とても悲しい気持ちになる。そんな体験から私は、花との終わり方のかたちをデザインしたいと考えた。

  • 折田 義正
    2004年 46 巻 5 号 396-403
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2010/05/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中垣 喜彦
    2007年 127 巻 2 号 69
    発行日: 2007/02/01
    公開日: 2007/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 木村 義民
    1984年 39 巻 1 号 19-23
    発行日: 1984/01/25
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *三留 謙一
    2018年 2018.18 巻 1
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/10/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    Life is only once. So the happy life is the first priority to every-one. It is natural as a human being. Then what is the basis of the happy life? The first is to have the right values. The second is to build up his profession as the mission, finally to the
    with the highest level of the world. This is the true engineer’s life. As an example, the author introduces his occupation theory based on his life, the story of the research and development of the Conical gear of his
    . This paper is author’s final message to the young generation.
  • 内山 安男
    2013年 59 巻 3 号 215-220
    発行日: 2013/06/30
    公開日: 2014/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    1972年に群馬大学医学部を卒業し, 臨床研修を経て, 基礎医学, 特に解剖学の世界に飛び込んで研究を始めた. 1977年にAlexander von Humboldt奨学生となり西ドイツのハノーバー医科大学の解剖学教室に留学した. ハノーバー医科大学で, サーカディアンリズムからみた肝細胞について, 様々な切り口から検討した. その結果, 細胞の多様な機能発現について学んだ. 帰国後, 様々な大学で研究を続けながら1991年に岩手医科大学の教授, 1995年に大阪大学医学部の教授となり私の研究テーマであるリソソーム/オートファジーとタンパク質分解, またオートファジー/リソソーム性細胞死について研究を進めた. リソソームカテプシンDを欠損するマウスの解析から, その表現型が神経性セロイドリポフスチン蓄積症のモデルマウスになりうることを明らかにした. また, オートファジー性神経細胞死の存在をほ乳類で初めて明らかにすることができた. これらの研究は, 私とともに歩んでくれた同僚と共同研究を進めてくれた方々のご支援の結果と考えている.
  • 江澤 郁子
    2004年 9 巻 11 号 60-61
    発行日: 2004/11/01
    公開日: 2009/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Tomohide KUBO, Hidemaro TAKEYAMA, Shun MATSUMOTO, Takeshi EBARA, Kensaburo MURATA, Norihide TACHI, Toru ITANI
    Industrial Health
    2007年 45 巻 4 号 552-563
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/09/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The study examined how nap length, nap timing and sleep quality affect early morning performance (6:00 to 8:00). Twelve students participated in a simulated nightshift schedule (22:00 to 8:00) where the length and timing of nocturnal naps were manipulated (0:00-1:00, 0:00-2:00, 4:00-5:00 and 4:00-6:00). A performance test battery was administered consisting of a psychomotor vigilance test, a logical reasoning test, and a visual analogue scale for subjective fatigue and sleepiness. The results showed that a 120-min nap sustained early morning performance better than a 60-min nap. Taking a nap earlier or later did not affect the neurobehavioral performance tests, although participants slept more efficiently during naps later in the night shift. A negative effect of a nocturnal nap during the night shift on subsequent daytime and nocturnal sleep was not observed in the sleep architecture. It still remains unclear whether slow wave sleep plays an important role in sustaining early morning performance. In terms of work safety and sleep health, the results suggest that a longer and later nap is beneficial during night shifts.
  • Hidemaro TAKEYAMA, Tomohide KUBO, Toru ITANI
    Industrial Health
    2005年 43 巻 1 号 24-29
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/03/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nighttime napping is an effective measure to prevent adverse effects due to night shift work. A characteristic of nighttime nap is that it can result in considerably deeper sleep. Several studies have shown that taking nighttime naps suppressed increasing sleepiness, decreasing alertness during the period following awaking from a nap, and prevented disturbance of circadian rhythm (“anchor sleep”). The length of daytime sleep after night shift, when combined with a nighttime nap, is shorter than that without nap. This finding might be interpreted as a beneficial effect rather than a negative feature because workers can then spend time engaged in other activities rather than sleeping. Nevertheless, the introduction of nighttime sleep break in the workplace has not been widely accepted. To promote nighttime napping strategy in the workplace, consensus building while acting on conflicting interest is essential. Recently, participatory method for improvement of working condition has expanded worldwide. A characteristic of the activity is using action checklist and group work, and heightening motivation to improvement working condition between worker and manager. Through the activities, nighttime napping strategy would be spread more in the workplaces and play a role as one of the effective tools for improving working conditions, work performance and safety in the future.
  • Kunio TSURUMI, Toru ITANI, Norihide TACHI, Toshimasa TAKANISHI, Hatsuko SUZUMURA, Hidemaro TAKEYAMA
    Journal of Occupational Health
    2002年 44 巻 6 号 408-413
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2003/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims to evaluate the availability of surface-electrode electromyogram (EMG) and acceleration to predict energy expenditure during sedentary work with upper limb movement. The following variables were measured in 12 female subjects: oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate, EMG from the medial and anterior part of the deltoid muscle, and acceleration of wrist movement. The subjects were requested to perform four different sedentary tasks. In tasks 1, 2 and 3, subjects touched two points on a table (height 70 cm) alternatively. The distance between the two points was 50 cm in tasks 1 and 3, and 100 cm in task 2. The frequency of the movement was 100 touches per minute in tasks 1 and 2, and 152 touches in task 3. In task 4, the points were located vertically on a wall, so they had to move their upper limb vertically in this task. The height of the points was 10 cm below and 40 cm above the acromion height of the subject, and task frequency was 100 touches per minute. The correlation coefficient was 0.285, 0.581 and 0.676, between VO2 and heart rates, VO2 and acceleration, and VO2 and EMG from the deltoid, respectively. The coefficient of determination was 0.648, when employing multiple regression analysis, with acceleration and EMG as independent variables. These results suggest that energy expenditure during sedentary work with upper limb movement can be well estimated by using the data from acceleration of wrist movement and the EMG of the deltoid.
  • 指宿 信
    2007年 6 巻 1 号 23-24
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2018/01/08
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 藤本 喜八
    1990年 11 巻 39-45
    発行日: 1990/11/01
    公開日: 2017/09/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小舘 香椎子
    2007年 76 巻 8 号 919-924
    発行日: 2007/08/10
    公開日: 2019/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 鈴木 昌, 船曵 知弘, 伊藤 壮一, 宮武 諭, 城下 晃子, 堀 進悟, 相川 直樹
    2009年 20 巻 4 号 181-190
    発行日: 2009/04/15
    公開日: 2009/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    balanceの重視と専門性の重視の 2 成分が抽出された。救急医を志望する可能性のある研修医の特徴は,進路選択の際にgood
  • 伊地智 昭亘, 宇月原 貴光
    2017年 51 巻 1-10
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/01/31
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    We describe the
    of Father of Japanese Chemistry “Udagawa Yoan”. Udagawa Yoan was influenced by his adoptive father Genshin’s philosophy and by doctor and botanist Ito Keisuke’s publication Nijyushi Kokai (Explanation of Twenty-four classes). In 1834, he published three volumes of “Shokugaku Keigen (Principles of Botany)”. They show history of the translation of basic botanical terminology and for natural philosophy and experimental plant physiology. His “Shokubutsu Shasei Zufu” demonstrates a talent as botanical artist. Moreover, on his interest in pharmacy and botany, he found some relations to chemistry. Continuously, he published his first chemistry textbook “Seimi Kaiso” based on a Dutch translation of William Henry’s chemical book. “Seimi” comes from pronunciation of “Chemie” in Dutch and “Kaiso” means “Opening of Chemistry”. He had to develop new terminology to describe chemical substances and processes, expanding the Japanese vocabulary of chemistry. His first interest in chemistry was its application to the practical arts with glassmaking. “Seimi Kaiso” for volume 3 describes the beginner’s manual on the chemistry of “biidoro”.
  • 人生でやりたいことがあるのは、当たり前なのか
    *宗 健
    経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集
    2023年 202211 巻 3C-1
    発行日: 2023/01/31
    公開日: 2023/01/31
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


    1960年 3 巻 3 号 172-177
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2021/08/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今井 和子, 手島 多美子, 塚本 初恵, 籠橋 由紀, 林 子津枝, 板倉 和美, 佐藤 真理, 伊藤 和子, 山本 寿美子, 坂下 悦子
    1983年 16 巻 3 号 157-161
    発行日: 1983/06/30
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    家庭生活の中心的役割を果している主婦が, 長期透析治療を続けるにあたり, 透析者および家族にどのような生活状況の変化が起きているかアンケート調査し, 主婦透析者の社会復帰についての援助活動を検討した.
    アンケートは透析歴1年以上の主婦透析者26名と, 家族の意識を把握するためその配偶者に施行した.
    透析治療を続ける上で透析者の心の支えとなるものは, 家族の励まし, 子供の成長を糧とすることにあった. 家族の透析知識は透析者から聞く程度であり, 正しい透析治療が家族に波及していない状態にある. そのために家族は透析者を病人としてとらえ, 一人前の主婦業遂行を望む者が少なかった. 透析者の生活状況の変化は, 趣味, 交際時間の減少に加えて家事労働時間にも減少がみられた. 透析者が家族へ依存することにより, 家族の日常生活, 社会活動の時間的制約をもたらす結果となっている.
    主婦透析者の社会復帰は, 家庭内で透析治療以前と同様の役割を果たすことが第1歩と考える. 主婦透析者の自立を考える時, 本人の病人意識からの脱脚と同時に透析者に最も影響を与える家族の意識変化が望まれる. 今後は透析者本人と家族を含む視野に基づいた看護活動が必要である事を確認した.
  • Norihide TACHI, Toru ITANI, Hidemaro TAKEYAMA, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Koji SUZUKI, Ariel B. CASTRO
    Industrial Health
    2006年 44 巻 1 号 87-92
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The POSITIVE (Participation-oriented safety improvement by trade union initiative) programme was introduced into the Philippines in 1995. The monitoring of activities was carried out in 2004 among core trainers who had been trained before. The results of the questionnaire survey showed that the core trainers evaluated their activities satisfactory in general, and particularly the training activities were considered excellent. Also, the union workers who had been trained by the POSITIVE programme implemented improvements at the rate of around 5 examples a year on average. It was of note that the installation ratio (the number of installations/that of plans) was higher in small- and medium-sized enterprises than in larger companies, although the numbers of plans and installations of improvements were greater in large enterprises. Together with the previous findings, the present results suggest that the POSITIVE-style participatory training program is effective and efficient for workers to take actions for the OSH in not only larger enterprises but also small enterprises.
  • Toru ITANI, Norihide TACHI, Hidemaro TAKEYAMA, Takeshi EBARA, Toshimasa TAKANISHI, Kensaburo MURATA, Tatsuki INOUE, Hatsuko SUZUMURA, Sudthida KURUNGKRAIONG, Tanavadee KHUVASANONT, Jose Maria BATINO
    Industrial Health
    2006年 44 巻 1 号 17-21
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    An intervention based on the methodology developed by the International Labour Office, the Work Improvement in Small Enterprises (WISE) was carried out to improve work condition of small-scale enterprises and the informal sector in the Philippines, Thailand and Japan. Through the evaluation of the efficacy of the approaches based on participatory methodology, it is concluded that the method is an efficient measure to improve work condition in small workplaces. It is also pointed out that the activities of supporting experts such as introduction of the methodology and evaluation of the activity are necessary. The important roles of the experts are 1) to encourage managers and workers to sustain the activities for work improvement, 2) to analyse the effectiveness and problems of the implemented improvements, 3) to give appropriate suggestions for the further improvement, and 4) to get materials for demonstrating the effectiveness of WISE activities on improving work conditions and productivity to other managers and workers who have not participated in the activity.