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41件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Daegon Wool, Hansung Kim, Gyerae Tack
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 畑地散水カンガイにおける管配水に関する研究 (IV)
    村上 康蔵
    1970年 1970 巻 34 号 49-58
    発行日: 1970/11/25
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, the author performed experiments on the hydraulic characteristics of PVC perforated-pipe for the purpose of obtaining basic data for rationalizing the pipe distribution system for sprinkler irrigation, and investigated the applicability of the hydraulic equations of perforated pipe derived in a previous paper (III) for sloping perforated-pipe, etc.
    The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    (1) The actual coefficients of friction for the 40mm rigid PVC pipe agreed with the values of the Blasius equation but those for the same kind of perforated-pipe were given by f= 5.842 Re-0.582 (in Hf= f (l/D) (V2/2g) (1/3)), and were about 18-33% smaller than the Blasius' values in the range of Reynolds number (Re) for practical purpose.
    (2) In the following relations among the beginning pressure head Hm, the average pressure head Ha, the distal pressure head H0 and the pressure loss of head Hf on a horizontal perforated-pipe,
    Hm=HaHf, H0=HaHf α, β: constants,
    the experimental results for a pipe 16m in length were respectively α=0.711, β=0.289 and situation of Ha= 38.7%, and analytical results of the past data for the pipe of 50m, 0.740, 0.260 and 38.0%. Therefore the utility of the calculated values obtained in the third paper has been confirmed. The measured distribution curves of water pressure indicated good agreement with the equation Hx= Hf (1-x/l) 3. Hx: pressure head higher than H0 along the pipe.
    (3) For a perforated pipe which slopes downward the expression for hydraulic-grade line becomes
    where k=He/Hf, He: elevation difference.
    By using the above equation, the values of α, βand the locations of Ha and Hmin (= minimum pressure head) were computed (Table 6). The pressure distribution along the pipe is most uniform when k is 0.91. Applicability of the corrections made for sloping perforated-pipe proposed in the third paper was verified.
    (4) Values of the factor F for estimating the friction loss between the first and last outlets in a pipe with multiple outlets are given by
    where N: number of outlets (equally spaced),
    m: velocity exponent in friction loss formula,
    and are given in Table 1 for m=1.85, 1.9 and 2.0.
    (5) Relations between the mean discharge per small hole qa (cc/ sec), mean spread Wa (cm) and beginning pressure Pm (g/cm2) in the tested 40mm PVC perforated-pipe are given by
    -84.43 qa-100.54, Pm= 4.60 Wa-101.28. Change of the efflux direction of water in relation with the pipe axis was not recognized upstream or downstream in the pipe or by pressure.
    (6) The measured diameters of the 312 holes having nominal diameter 0.8mm were 0.59-1.29mm, and 0.815mm on a average. The coefficients of discharge c for the 22 holes measured were 0.407-0.776, and 0.609 on a average. Values of c were computed by q=0.659cd2/P (l/min, mm, kg/cm2). The numerical constant of 0.659 or 0.66 is more accurate than the generally adopted 0.65.
  • 久野 裕次, 八木 有百実, 内川 嘉樹
    電気学会論文誌. A
    1989年 109 巻 5 号 181-188
    発行日: 1989/05/20
    公開日: 2008/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 眞次 康弘, 伊藤 圭子, 延原 浩, 中尾 三和子, 大下 彰彦, 板本 敏行
    2018年 52 巻 3 号 74
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    【対象と方法】対象は2014年7月から2017年12月までに経験したPD:72例。年齢:71歳、男:53/女:19例、疾患:膵管癌26例、胆道癌25例、嚢胞性腫瘍11例、その他10例。術式:PPPD:37例、SSPPD:28例、classical PD:7例、手術時間:483min、出血量:463ml.麻酔・疼痛管理;麻酔は静脈麻酔(プロポフォール、レミフェンタニル)+胸部硬膜外麻酔を原則。術後は持続胸部硬膜外麻酔(術後48時間)+IVPCA(術後72時間)+アセトアミノフェン定時投与(1000mgx4/day)(術後72時間)で行い、POD4以降はトラマドール/アセトアミノフェン合剤内服で管理した。術後嘔気嘔吐(PONV)予防目的で全症例に麻酔導入時デキサメサゾン:6.6mg(IV)、手術終了時メトクロプラミド10-20mg(IV)を行い、モサプリドクエン酸を術後1週間経腸もしくは内服投与した。疼痛スケールはPrince Henry Hospital Score(PHH)を使用し、1点以下(深呼吸で疼痛なし)を目標とした。鎮痛効果とPONVは看護回診時(3回/日)に聞き取り記録した。
    .7、POD3-night:85.2、POD4-am:81.7、POD4-pm:81.4、POD4-night:90.2でPOD1以降POD4まで66.7-90.2%の症例がPHH:1点以下を維持した。PONVは10例(13.7%)に認められ、うち5例は術後胃内容停滞を合併した。術後排ガスはPOD2(1-3)、排便はPOD3(2-3)、離床完了はPOD2(2-3)、固形食開始はPOD3(3-4)、術後在院日数は18日(14-32)であった。血液データ(POD1,3,5)はCRP8.1/20.4/10.9mg/dL、P-AMY199/27/14 IU/L、腹水ドレンAMYは2386/502/113 IU/Lであった。
    【結語】PD術後の疼痛管理に持続胸部硬膜外麻酔、IVPCAおよびアセトアミノフェン定時投与を組み合わせた多角的疼痛管理(Multimodal analgesia)を行い良好な鎮痛効果を得ることができた。確実な鎮痛がERASプログラム運用に貢献した。
  • 小瀬木 滋, 住谷 泰人
    2003年 3 巻
    発行日: 2003/06/05
    公開日: 2023/03/29
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 大河 誠司, 斎藤 彬夫, 姜 採東
    1994年 11 巻 2 号 167-175
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2011/10/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Simulation on phase change from ice to water was presented using molecular dynamics method. 576molecules were placed in a cell at ice forming arrangement. The volume of the cell was fixed so that the density of ice was kept at 923 kg/m3. Periodic boundary condition was used. According to the phase diagram of water, melting point of ice at the density of 923 kg/m3 is about 400 K. In order to perform melting process from surface, only the molecules near the boundary were scaled at each time step to keep its average temperature at 420 K, and the average temperature of other molecules were set to 350 K as initial condition. By observing time variation of the change in molecular arrangement, it was found that the hydrogen bond network near the boundary surface started to break its configuration and the melting surface moved towards the center until no more ice forming configuration was observed. This phenomenon was also discussed in a form of temperature and energy variation. The total energy increased and reached to a steady state at the time around 6.5 ps. This increment was due to the energy supplied from the boundary at a constant temperature. The temperature in the cell kept almost constant at 380 K during the period between 0.6 and 5.5 ps. This period coincides with melting process observed in molecular arrangement. Hence, it can be said that 380 K corresponds to the melting point. The total energy stored in the cell consisted of sensible and latent heat. Specific heat of water and ice were calculated, and they were found to be 5.6 kJ/kg·K and 3.7 kJ/kg·K, respectively. Hence, latent heat was found to be 316kJ/kg. These values agreed quite well to the physical properties of water.
  • 一般演題
    正木 幹雄, 藤本 四郎, 中原 数也, 往西 優, 中村 博, 武野 良仁
    1974年 12 巻 Supplement 号 54-55
    発行日: 1974/02/10
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 上田 博, Dusan S. Zrnic'
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1988年 66 巻 6 号 869-881
    発行日: 1988年
    公開日: 2007/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Sun-Shil Shin, Duk-Hyun An
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2015年 27 巻 3 号 697-699
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    [Purpose] This study compared the energy expenditure during the Y-balance test (YBT) between elderly women with good binocular visual acuity (BVA) and those with poor BVA. [Subjects] Twenty-one elderly women who could walk independently were recruited from a community dwelling. Eleven participants had a BVA equal to or less than 0.4 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR), and the other 10 participants had a BVA equal to or better than 0.3 logMAR. [Methods] The participants had an accelerometer attached over the L3 spinous process for measurement of energy expenditure and performed the YBT in the anterior, posteromedial, and posterolateral directions. [Results] The normalized reach distance in the good BVA group during the YBT in three directions and composite reach distance were significantly longer compared with the values in the poor BVA group. The energy expenditure in the good BVA group during the YBT in the three directions was significantly reduced compared with the values in the poor BVA group. [Conclusion] We suggest that visual acuity in the elderly influences dynamic balance and energy expenditure. Elderly subjects with poor BVA showed poor dynamic balance control and an inefficient biomechanical cost strategy compared to subjects with good BVA.
  • Rômulo D. NOVAES, Reggiani V. GONÇALVES, Maria do Carmo G. PELUZIO, Antônio J. NATALI, Izabel R. S. C. MALDONADO
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry
    2012年 76 巻 5 号 1025-1027
    発行日: 2012/05/23
    公開日: 2012/05/23
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2012/05/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic acid (3,4-DA) is a natural compound with high antioxidant potential found in various foods. This study found that animals administered with 3,4-DA had higher exercise tolerance, reduced blood lactate, and markers of hepatic oxidation. Blood glucose and antioxidant enzymes were not affected by this treatment. 3,4-DA may have applicability in reducing the fatigue associated with exercise.
  • Jong-Ha Hwang, Chan-Myeong Kim, Jong-Kyung Lee, Jae-Kwang Lee, Ji-Won Park
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2021年 33 巻 10 号 728-732
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/10/13
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors of ankle instability by using Cumberland ankle instability tool (CAIT), which have been frequently used as ankle instability tools. The participants were divided into the normal ankle group and the instability ankle group. Maximum strength, proprioception, dynamic balance and maximum rage of joint motion were compared in order to find out factors of instability in the questionnaires. [Participants and Methods] A total of 44 participants were classified into the control (CON) group and the chronic ankle instability (CAI) group according to questionnaire types. Muscle strength, proprioception, dynamic balance and maximum joint angle were measured. The independent t-test was used. [Results] In the case of maximum ankle strength, it showed significance in CON group and CAI group ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. In proprioception, it showed significance in CON group and CAI group. In dynamic balance, it showed significance in anterior (ANT) direction of the CON group and CAI group. Maximum joint angle produced significance in dorsiflexion of CON group and CAI group. [Conclusion] Information on maximum strength, proprioception, dynamic balance of anterior direction, and maximum joint angle of dorsiflexion is available through questionnaire CAIT.

  • 佐藤 義朗, 岩田 欧介, 加藤 徹, 早川 文雄, 久保田 哲夫, 丸山 幸一, 長谷川 正幸, 大城 誠, 鬼頭 修, 奥村 彰久, 早川 昌弘
    2013年 31 巻
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2024/03/01
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


     動脈支配境界領域(watershed領域)に病変をもつHIEであるparasagittal cerebral injury(PSI)の臨床像に関しての報告は少ない。われわれは,PSI児では,出生時の状態,蘇生の反応は比較的良好であるにもかかわらず,遅発性,進行性の症状を呈する,という他のHIEとは違う特徴的な臨床像を示すことを報告してきた1〜3)。本シンポジウムにおいて,その特徴的なPSIの臨床像を示すとともに,病態に関しても考察した。

  • Gyana Ratna
    2002年 16 巻 29-42
    発行日: 2002/12/20
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三宅 萌
    2023年 28 巻 282-293
    発行日: 2023/09/01
    公開日: 2023/10/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • Yuki FUNAMI, Atsushi TAKANO
    2023年 66 巻 3 号 61-69
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/05/04
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    A three-dimensional-printed solid fuel grain with a star-fractal swirl port was developed to improve the fuel regression rate of hybrid rockets. The printing material used for the grains was an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin. Nitrous oxide was employed as the oxidizer. Combustion experiments on the hybrid rocket engine with the developed grain showed that the star-fractal swirl port appeared to improve the thrust and specific impulse compared to the classical circular and star-fractal ports when tested using the same oxidizer mass flow rate that is a controllable parameter of hybrid rocket engines. After the experiments, the burned grains were cut and the grain web thicknesses were measured to evaluate the local regression rate. It was found that the fuel surface regressed more rapidly near the concave parts of the star fractal rather than the convex parts. Next, the measured local regression rates were axially averaged. The axially-averaged local regression rates of the star-fractal swirl port were much higher than those of the star-fractal and circular ports. Finally, a numerical approach using the level set method for evaluating time- and space-averaged regression rate was developed. This approach was validated by comparing the space-averaged regression rates with the axially-averaged local rates.

  • 電気学会誌
    2012年 132 巻 1 号 45-47
    発行日: 2012/01/01
    公開日: 2012/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菊池 孝高, 木綿 隆弘, 河野 孝昭
    2013年 2013 巻 J056052
    発行日: 2013/09/08
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    This paper describes the performance of a small undershot water wheel for power generation in a snow drainageway. The drainageway is utilized to remove snow surrounding houses and on roads in winter. The small hydroelectric power generation is expected the power source for a heater for the snow melting. The eifects of the height and number of blades on the performance of the water wheel were investigated by the field test at Shiramine, Hakusan-city, which is one of a heavy snowfall area in Japan. The water wheel had a diameter of D = 600 mm and a width of W = 410 mm. The water velocity was approximately 2.5 m/s. The power coefficient for a water wheel decreases with an increase in the height of blade. The power coefficient for a water wheel increases with an increase in the submerged height of blade h_c. The maximum power output of the water wheel is 84W at h_c/D = 0.20. The power coefficient for a water wheel with 8 blades and 100mm height has a maximum at C_<pmax> = 0.24. For a water wheel with 12 blades, the high power coefficient has a wide range to tip speed ratio.
  • 堺 俊克, 瀬尾 北斗, 高木 友望, 久保田 節, 大竹 浩, 古田 守
    2016年 40.12 巻 IST2016-19
    発行日: 2016/03/04
    公開日: 2017/09/22
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • チュラカ パリヤヌット, 丸尾 達, 高垣 美智子, 篠原 温
    2004年 48 巻 2 号 79-87
    発行日: 2004/06/01
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    各種有機質資材を培地の容水量から 1) 高容水量培地 (>45%v/v) ; やし殻 (CC) , もみ殻くん炭 (RHC) , バガスチャコール (BGC) とピートモスおよび2) 低容水量培地 (<45%v/v) ; もみ殻 (RH) と落花生英くん炭 (PHC) の二つのグループに分け, 容水量の高い培地と低い培地を組み合わせ, CC: RH, CC: PHC, RHC: RH, RHC: PHC, BGC: RH, BGC: PHC, PM: RHおよびPM: PHC, をそれぞれ1: 1の比 (v/v) で均一に混合し, トウガラシおよびキュウリ育苗用培地としての可能性を明らかにするため, 市販の育苗用培養土 (COM) (セル培土: スミリン農産工業株式会社) と比較した.CC: RHおよびCC: PHCで育苗したトウガラシ苗では茎径, 草丈, 葉面積, 地上部および全体の乾物重がその他の有機質資材を混合した培地で育苗した苗と比較して大きくなった.さらに, CCを含む培地でトウガラシ苗では播種後42日目の生育調査ではいずれの測定項目もPMを含む培地およびCOMの値よりも等しいか大きくなった.PHCを含む培地で育苗したキュウリ苗においては, 茎径, 草丈, 葉面積, 地上部および全体の乾物重の値がRHを含む培地で育苗した苗の値よりも大きくなった.キュウリ苗では播種後30日目の生育調査ではCCを含む培地での各値とPMを含む培地での値がほぼ等しくなった.最終的にいずれの苗においても今回の供試培地では外見上の違いは見られなかった.熱帯地域でのコストや利用性を考慮するとCCを含む培地がピートモスの代替培地としてトウガラシおよびキュウリの育苗に効果的であると結論した.
  • 原口 尚彰
    2013年 41 巻 83-87
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2020/09/04
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス