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154件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Mao TANAKA, Shoichiro IMATAKE, Hayato TAKESHITA, Shoichi WAKITANI, Masahiro YASUDA
    Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
    2022年 84 巻 12 号 1610-1616
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/11/18
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2022/10/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Swinhoe’s tree lizard (Diploderma swinhonis: D. swinhonis) is an arboreal agamid that is native to Taiwan. In Taiwan, the lizard is considered to be a generalist that feeds primarily on ants and a diversity of small insect prey by employing an opportunistic sit-and-wait foraging strategy. In Japan, D. swinhonis is considered as an invasive alien species that was discovered in Hyuga city, Miyazaki Prefecture, in 2016. Despite concerns about the impact of D. swinhonis on native fauna, little information about the diet of this alien species has been published to date. This study, therefore, investigated the feeding ecology of D. swinhonis in Hyuga city to evaluate their potential impact on the ecosystem. Specifically, prey preference was investigated by examining the stomach contents of males, females, and juveniles captured from April to December 2020 and in March 2021. The results showed that the lizards in Hyuga preyed upon a wide variety of invertebrates as in Taiwan, while ants accounted for the largest proportion of the prey items consumed regardless of sex, age or changes in season. These findings indicated that D. swinhonis might cause a decrease in the abundance of the native insect fauna of Hyuga city or competition with native lizards for foods in Hyuga city. Since its impact is not currently apparent, it’s necessary to monitor its effect in the future.

  • Muhammad Amar SAJALI, Keisuke MURAKAMI, Kaho TSUNENARI
    2021年 77 巻 2 号 I_331-I_336
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     Miyazaki Sun Marina has been suffering from a sedimentation problem at the entrance of its navigation channel. One of the reasons of this problem is assumed a sediment transport from the north side of the marina. In this study, two sets of data are used to investigate the sedimentation problem. One is a set of long-term depth data that has been measured inside the Miyazaki Port annually from 2008 to 2018. The other is also a set of short-term depth data that has been measured along the marina navigation channel every day from 2018 to 2020. Characteristics of depth change obtained from those data are investigated based on a linear regression analysis. This study suggests an area that causes the sedimentation problem in the marina navigation channel.

  • Yasunori Koya, Takahiro Matsubara, Toru Nakagawa
    Fisheries science
    1994年 60 巻 5 号 537-540
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2008/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, we investigated the ovulation cycles, time course of a decline of fertilization rate due to over-ripening, and effect of semen quality on the fertilization rate, in order to establish an efficient technique of artificial fertilization in barfin flounder Verasper moseri. The ovulation cycle of this species is 3 to 4 days at 6°C. The fertilization rate of the eggs pressed out just after ovulation attained about 90%, gradually decreasing with time after ovulation, and fell to 45% on average 2 days after ovulation. The difference of the spermatocrit values had little influence on the fertilization rate. These results indicate that the fertilization rate depends primarily on the time after ovulation. It is important for successful fertilization to estimate the ovulation date by checking ovulation during the early spawning season, and to use fresh eggs soon after ovulation.
  • Yoichi SHIMAZAKI
    JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering
    2006年 49 巻 1 号 84-91
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/08/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this study was to evaluate energy saving in cases of introducing both a cogeneration system and an energy network in Kokubo Industrial Park. The industrial park has implemented zero emission activities since 1992. The energy data of 22 factories were classified into steam, hot water, heating, cooling and electric power on the basis of interviews. The author developed an energy network model based on linear programming, so as to minimize the total system cost. The industrial park was divided into a 10,000 square meter mesh in order to take steam transport into consideration. Three cases were investigated. The ratio of energy saving to demand reached 22% compared with the reference system. It was found that the energy network system could correspond to the energy demand seasonally. This is useful for the stable supply of energy, prevention of air pollution, and improvement of urban design.
  • Yoshimitsu Tokunaga, Shinji Imai, Ryuzo Torii, Toshihiro Maeda
    1999年 32 巻 4 号 359-368
    発行日: 1999年
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    Primate spermatogenesis is characterized by yet unidentified mechanisms to regulate its rate-limiting process, spermatogonial proliferation. In the previous study using a seasonal breeder, Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata), we demonstrated that the spermatogonial proliferation is suppressed through cytoplasmic liberation of PGP 9.5 when the spermatogenetic activity declines in the nonbreeding season. By comparing the morphology of the seminiferous tubules between the breeding and nonbreeding seasons, the present study demonstrates that in the nonbreeding season a basal lamina of seminiferous epithelium, with which spermatogonia directly keep contact, enlarges its extent at levels of lamina densa and lamina fibroreticularis, and is frequently invaginated. The invagination is composed of only the three laminae, not of cell components. The invaginations expand contact area between the spermatogonia and the basal lamina, which would interrupt spermatogonial proliferation. An ultrastructural distribution of laminin suggests that the invagination during the nonbreeding season is due to rearrangement of laminin molecules inside the basal lamina. The present results indicate that the alteration of the basal lamina of the seminiferous epithelium would mediate effects of the hormonal regulators and enable the fully restorable, transient suppression of spermatogenesis in primate.
  • Tianxiang Zhang, Weixuan Li, Lei Qi, Mengyuan Fan, Jiachen Shen, Yihua Wang, Wenxia Wang, Xiaolong Hu, Ruibo Cai, Ran Zhou, Yuting Wei, Juntong Zhou, Shuang Yang, Defu Hu, Shuqiang Liu
    Endocrine Journal
    2016年 63 巻 7 号 633-641
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/07/30
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Adult male muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) secret musk from their scent glands to attract females for seasonal mating. The goal of the present study was to investigate whether the changes in energy metabolism related to musk secretion during the breeding and non-breeding seasons are mediated by adiponectin. We found that the secretion of musk during the breeding season was markedly greater than that during the non-breeding season. The serum adiponectin concentration measured using an ELISA kit was higher during the breeding season than during the non-breeding season. Glandular cells, interstitial cells, epithelial cells and glandular cavities were detected in scent glands using histological methods. Immunohistochemical methods were used to show that AMP-activated protein kinase-gamma-1 (AMPKG1), and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) were more strongly expressed in glandular cells during the breeding season than the non-breeding season, whereas the immunoreactivity for acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1) was stronger during the non-breeding season. Consistent with these qualitative results, RNA-Seq analysis indicated that the expression of AdipoR1 mRNA was not significantly different during the two seasons. However, AMPKG1 and GLUT1 mRNA levels were higher in scent glands during the breeding season than during the non-breeding season, whereas ACC1 mRNA levels notably decreased during the breeding season. These results suggest that greater musk secretion requires additional energy, which may be provided by an adiponectin-mediated increase in β-oxidation and glucose absorption.
  • 杉本 毅
    1969年 19 巻 1 号 1-8
    発行日: 1969/02/01
    公開日: 2017/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    溝川におけるセスジユスリカの卵塊および幼虫の密度推定法を検討した.1.各令期において幼虫の空間分布は共通のkをもつ負の二項分布によく適合するが, 卵塊の分布は負の二項分布に適合しない場合もあるようである.以下の各項では, ここで求めたkの値を利用して密度推定上のいくつかの問題を検討した.2.雌成虫はこけにおおわれた部分を避けながら溝川の側壁に卵塊■を産みつける傾向がある.よって卵塊の密度をより効率よく推定するためには, こけにおおわれた部分を標本抽出の場から除くべきである.3.ふ化幼虫は水流の乱れによって川底にランダムに近い分布を強いられているが, 成長するにつれて偏りを生じるようである.よって幼虫の密度を推定するに当って川底を中央部と二つの周辺部の三層に層別するのが望ましい.4.4令幼虫の密度範囲を推定するために"切れた"ちく次抽出法の適用を試みた.5.個体群密度と標本単位の最適な大きさとの関係を考察した.
  • 井上 喜久子, 長谷川 いずみ, 石井 恵子, 樋口 満
    2000年 74 巻 9 号 469-472
    発行日: 2000/09/25
    公開日: 2017/12/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    Intakes and plasma concentrations of antioxidant vitamins in 12 male speed skaters of high school in the off-and in-seasons together with 12 untrained age-matched students were evaluated by comparing with the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for young individuals (15〜17 yr old). Mean intakes of vitamin C (C) by speed skaters (115 mg/day in off-season, 144 mg/day in inseason) and untrained (105 mg/day) were higher than that of RDA level (90 mg/day). Speed skaters had significantly lower C levels in off-season (860 μg/dl) than that of untrained (1110 μg/dl). However, they had higher levels of plasma C (1220 μg/dl) in in-season than in off-season. Although mean intakes of vitamin E (E) by speed skaters in off-season (7 mg/day) and untrained (9 mg/day) were lower than that of RDA (10 mg/day), these subjects had normal levels of plasma E (10.1 μg/ml in speed skaters, 9.4 μg/ml in untraiend; α-tocopherol). In in-season, E intake by speed skaters (12 mg/day) increased above RDA level, whereas plasma E concentration (10.1 μg/ml) maintained at the level in off-season. Mean intakes of vitamin A (A) by both speed skaters and untrained were higher than that of RDA level. All subjects had adequate levels of plasma retinol concentration (0.52〜0.55 μg/ml), whereas speed skaters had remarkably lower levels of plasma β-carotene (0.15 ± 0.07 μg/ml in off-season, 0.10 ± 0.04 μg/ml in in-season) than untrained students (0.52 ± 0.19 μg/ml). These results suggest the possibility that vigorously trained young athletes should take higher levels of antioxidant vitamins C, E and A than respective RDAs for maintaining adequate blood levels of the vitamins.
  • Shohei Kato, Hidetoshi Endo, Risako Nagata, Takuto Sakuma
    2015年 53 巻 Supplement 号 S296-S300
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/06/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study proposes a verbally-based cognitive task for elderlies and measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF) activation during the task. During the task, an elderly firstly talks four topics about season, travel, gourmet, and daily life, and then he/she does three cognitive tasks of reminiscence, category recall, and working memory. With the use of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), we collected 42 channels of fNIRS signals from the frontal, right and left temporal areas from 42 elderly participants (14 males and 28 females between the ages of 64 to 93) at National Hospital for Geriatric Medicine, NCGG. The elderly participants were classified into three clinical groups: 11 patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 19 participants with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 12 cognitively normal persons (CN). Moreover, MCI group is divided into two subtypes of Nonamnestic-MCI (N-MCI) composed of ten participants and Amnestic-MCI (A-MCI) composed of nine participants. We will present a comparative analysis of CBF activation between CN, N-MCI, A-MCI, and AD, by statistical tests of between-group significant differences using fNIRS signals of oxy-Hb during the cognitive task.
  • ソクサバト ボンサック, *中山 幹康
    2011年 24 巻 9
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/12/01
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Atsushi IGARASHI
    1969年 16 巻 4 号 327-341
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2022/11/23
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    When the Ama, professional female breath hold divers of Japan, begin their work just at the opening of the harvest season or when they recommence their work after a certain period of interruption due to bad weather or illness, they complain the difficulty of breathing and lowering of diving efficiency. However, after several days from the beginning of diving, they say that they can dive much easier. This phenomenon suggests the building up of an adaptation to the breath-hold diving. In order to explain the mechanism of this phenomenon, the following experiments were carried out: 1) The ventilatory responses to CO2 of eight active Ama were measured, (a) just after the closing of the harvest
    , (
    ) three months later, and (c) six months after the closing period, i.e. just before the opening period. As a result, it was found that the repeated breath hold diving would lower the sensitivity of the respiratory center to CO2. 2) To ascertain this phenomenon experimentally, three male subjects without the experience of diving were loaded by bicycle ergometer exercises and a series of repeated breath-holding for one hour per day, 7 days continuously. Before, during, and after this experiment period, sensitivity of the respiratory center to CO2 was measured at each period, and it was found that this sensitivity decreased significantly with lapse of time. Therefore, this phenomenon is an adaptation favorable for the Ama, and to avoid the low diving efficiency at the beginning of the diving season, it would be practical to repeat breath -hold exercise for several days before they recommence their diving work.
  • Kazunari Takahashi, Yuichi Harakon, Yu Fukasawa
    2024年 65 巻 2 号 86-91
    発行日: 2024/03/31
    公開日: 2024/03/31
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    We investigated factors affecting the community composition of lignicolous myxomycetes in dead wood with white and brown rot through summer and autumn surveys in a subalpine forest in Central Japan. In both seasons, wood had decayed to a softer state under brown rot than under white rot. The pH of wood with white rot was nearly neutral, while wood with brown rot was weakly acidic. Wood pH was lower in summer than in autumn. Forty-two myxomycetes taxa in 19 genera were identified in 302 fruiting-body colonies; white rot yielded 31 taxa and brown rot 24 taxa. Species diversity was higher on wood with white rot than on wood with brown rot. The effect of wood hardness on species composition depended on season. Several species exhibited a preference for one of the rot types. The substrate conditions associated with brown rot limit myxomycetes species diversity.

  • 坂井 陽一, 幸田 正典
    1995年 41 巻 4 号 429-435
    発行日: 1995/02/21
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    キンチャクダイ科のアカハラヤッコの摂餌生態について, 沖縄県瀬底島のサンゴ礁で調査した.アカハラヤッコは底質をつついて摂餌し, その胃内容の75%以上は有機堆積物と藻類が占めていた.繁殖期には, 雌雄ともに日中の約6割の時間を摂餌に費やしていたが, 雌は雄よりも頻繁に摂餌していた.本種は, 体長の近い様々な他魚種に対し随伴を頻繁に行った.随伴中は単独時に比べ, 高頻度で摂餌し, より小型の個体ほど頻繁に随伴を行った.いくつかの点から, 小型魚である本種は高い捕食圧を受けていると考えられた.アカハラヤッコは他魚種に随伴することにより捕食圧を下げ, 同時にそのことにより効果的に摂餌ができると推察された.
  • 植物の生活型に関する二三の問題点 II
    沼田 真, 浅野 貞夫
    1956年 69 巻 820-821 号 509-513
    発行日: 1956年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Among several important problems concerning the field survey and statistics of biological types of plants, some cases difficult to judge a life-form to which a plant belongs are discussed in this report. Heretofore the identification of life-forms seems to have been done without much consideration as compared with that of species. To avoid such misjudgements, it will be most important that many individuals are compared and especially the underground parts of plants are examined.
    2. In this report, ambiguous types of life-forms particularly concerning hemicryptophytes, chamaephytes, and geophytes as shown in Fig. A-G are discussed.
    A) This is one of evergreen lianas, not climbing, and a creeping chamaephyte. The highest perennating buds are lateral buds (b in the left figure) on the creeping stem from which some adventitious roots grow (Fig. A).
    B) An evergreen herb as a rosette-like hemicryptophyte. No terminal perennating bud is formed (Fig. B).
    C) The highest perennating buds (b') wither in a short time. This seems to be a protohemicryptophyte as a rule (Fig. C).
    D) A geophyte with an obliquely ascending rhizome. When a tuberous enlargement is near to the soil surface, it is apt to be misjudged as a hemicryptophyte (Fig. D).
    E) A rhizome geophyte which is apt to be misjudged as a hemicryptophyte for their large scaly buds often appearing on the soil surface (Fig. E).
    F) A tussock-like rhizome hemicryptophyte which is apt to be misjudged as a geophyte or chamaephyte (Fig. F).
    G) A geophytic perennial herb. As the perennating bud on the basal portion of an aerial stem grows already in November to a rosette-like plant, it is apt to be mis judged as a hemicryptophyte or chamaephyte (Fig. G).
  • Shunichi KAMBARA
    Proceedings of the Japan Academy
    1963年 39 巻 8 号 600-604
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2006/09/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ovariotomized and ovariotomized-hypophysectomized adult female newts, Triturus pyrrhogaster, were given intraperitoneal injections of progesterone. The development of the oviducts was not at all stimulated by progesterone in these animals, the oviducal epithelial cells remained atrophic as in non-injected controls. However, histochemical studies revealed that in a majority of the progesteronetreated animals, the oviducts exhibited a definitely stronger reaction of alkaline phosphatase in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells than in non-injected operated newts. It seems highly probable that progesterone directly activates alkaline phosphatase in the epithelial cells of the oviducts. The findings were discussed in relation to the effects of progesterone on the ovulation in amphibians.
  • Hideyuki FUKE, Daisuke AKITA, Issei IIJIMA, Naoki IZUTSU, Yoichi KATO, Jiro KAWADA, Yukihiko MATSUZAKA, Eiichi MIZUTA, Michiyoshi NAMIKI, Naoki NONAKA, Shigeo OHTA, Yoshitaka SAITO, Takatoshi SATO, Motoharu SEO, Atsushi TAKADA, Keisuke TAMURA, Michihiko TORIUMI, Kazuhiko YAMADA, Tetsuya YOSHIDA
    2010年 8 巻 ists27 号 Tm_25-Tm_28
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2011/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Japanese balloon base was moved from the Sanriku Balloon Center (SBC) to the Taiki Aerospace Research Field (TARF). The SBC was closed in September 2007, and the new base at the TARF became operational in May 2008. In 2008, the first series of balloon flights at the TARF was carried out. By the success of these flights, we verified that the whole system of the new balloon base is well established. From FY 2009, regular balloon operations with science payloads started at the TARF. In May/June 2009, flight operations of three science experiments were carried out successfully. Five more science flights are planned at the TARF in August/September 2009.
  • 端野 道夫, 前 久司
    1990年 34 巻 13-18
    発行日: 1990/02/20
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes a probability model of heavy storm patterns with multi-local peak intensities. The definition of a storm cluster and a storm part leads that their occurrences follow Poisson and logarithmic series probability distributions, respectively. Using combined Freund's bivariate probability distribution functions gives the joint probability distribution of depth, duration and local peak for a storm part. The joint probability distribution function of total duration, local depths and local peak intensities for a single storm cluster with multi-storm parts is derived from those of storm parts.
  • 伊東 政明, MACDONALD Alastair A., LEUS Kristin, BALIK I Wayan, ARIMBAWA I Wayan Gede Bandem
    2019年 24 巻 2 号 73-84
    発行日: 2019/07/11
    公開日: 2019/09/15
    ジャーナル フリー


    Fisheries science
    2003年 69 巻 3 号 657-659
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Masashi KODAMA, Rose Ann DIAMANTE, Nerissa D. SALAYO, Raisa Joy G. CASTEL, Joemel G. SUMBING
    Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ
    2021年 55 巻 2 号 191-200
    発行日: 2021/04/01
    公開日: 2021/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    The growth performance and condition factor (CF) of milkfish (Chanos chanos) in relation to body size and temperature were investigated in a shallow marine pen culture system in coastal waters of the Philippines. Three common models were tested to determine the best-fit model for the growth of milkfish, and the logistic model was found to be best for both weight-based and length-based growth. Daily specific growth rate in weight (DSGRw) and length (DSGRL) were positively correlated with water temperature, while both DSGRw and DSGRL were correlated negatively with the size of the fish, which supported the fit of the growth model. CF of milkfish exhibited a positive correlation with the feed conversion ratio and significant seasonal variations. The ratio was lower in the fast growth season (dry season) than in the slow growth season (rainy season). By integrating these controversial findings, we were able to posit that low temperature and inefficient feeding makes ‘fat’ fish and vice versa. This may be explained by changes in proximate body composition (e.g., protein and water content) and the change in metabolic rate brought about by different water temperatures.
