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クエリ検索: "THE BADGE"
956件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 児玉 泰, 松野 康二, 岩尾 総一郎, 馬場 快彦
    1983年 25 巻 2 号 84-90
    発行日: 1983/03/20
    公開日: 2008/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The method making use of a New Du Pont PRO-TEKTM G-AA Organic Vapor Air Monitoring
    , was applied to evaluate the concentration of organic vapor in a working atmosphere. Other methods such as the direct air sampling method and the method of adsorption on charcoal tube were compared with the above mentioned method. In the comparative study of these methods in working places, similar results were obtained by the new
    method and the charcoal tube method, though different results were obtained between the direct air sampling method and the mentioned two methods. The differences may have resulted from the period needed for the sampling, that is, an intermittent sampling was generally used for the direct sampling method. In a study of personal exposure monitoring by the
    method and the tube method, the results obtained by the
    method were lower than those obtained by the latter method suggesting the effects of the response of the
    on organic vapor in working places. The relationships between the instantaneous changes of the concentration of organic vapor in the atmosphere and the response time of the
    will be discussed elsewhere.
  • 児玉 泰, 松野 康二, 田中 勇武, 秋山 高
    1983年 25 巻 3 号 181-185
    発行日: 1983/05/20
    公開日: 2008/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    New passive personal monitors for organic vapors in work places: the New Du Pont PRO-TEKTM G-AA Organic Vapor Air Monitoring
    (A) and the 3M Brand Organic vapor Monitor (B), were tested under certain experimental conditions. Organic solvents adsorbed on activated carbon strip through the diffusion paths of badges were determined by means of gas chromatography and the results were compared with theoretical values. The experimental results well agreed with the theoretical values and the diffusion of organic vapors through the diffusion paths of these passive personal monitors could be estimated theoretically by the Fick's second law of diffusion. If the "relative response time" is defined as the value of Dt/L2 at C/C0= 0.632, the relative response time of these samplers is 1.3. The response time of the two badges for organic vapors for toluene, ethylbenzene and ethyl acetate were caluculated from the above mentioned Dt/L2= 1.3, that is, 2.1, 2.2 and 1.9 seconds for A
    and 13.4, 14.0 and 12.3 seconds for B
    to each solvent respectively. From the results of this experiment, it was found that the responce time of A
    was remarkably faster than that of B
    , and even A
    needed 7-10 seconds exposure to reflect the environmental concentration.
  • Kei Amano, Shigeki Tsuzuku, Katsuaki Suzuki, Naoshi Hiraoka
    The Journal of Information and Systems in Education
    2017年 16 巻 1 号 12-17
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/12/13
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper describes the design of a digital

    that provides support for learners who participate in blended instructional-design (ID) workshops. The workshops are hosted by Kumamoto University as lifelong learning activities, and their purpose is to introduce a practical method that enhances participants' education and supports them in applying ID in their jobs. We designed the digital
    as a tool that continues to support participants after the workshop has finished. The digital
    constitutes not just a program certification, but also an index of the learning outcomes of the blended workshop, such as online report assignments, and an asynchronous discussion record of forum posts made during the workshop. We confirmed through actual use that the acquired digital
    accumulated learning outcomes that would be useful in the participants' jobs and reflected their skill mastery.

  • 野崎 淳夫, 吉澤 晋, 小峯 裕己
    1990年 416 巻 9-16
    発行日: 1990/10/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The indoor NO_2 concentration in Japanese dwellings were measured with various parameters using
    -type passive monitors. The comparison of the method by
    -type passive samplers developed by Dr. Yanagisawa and the conventional chemi-luminescence method was made in the measurement of indoor NO_2 concentration. The measured values with
    -type samplers agree with the ones from the chemi-luminescence monitors. Indoor NO_2 concentration is mainly influensed not by the outdoor concentration but the usage of combustion appliances, especially the type and the usage time of appliances. The life pattern in the room also influenced the indoor NO_2 levels.
  • Shin Matsui, Satoe Kasahara, Takahiro Kato, Hiroe Izumi, Gen Morimoto, Keisuke Ueda, Osamu K. Mikami
    2017年 16 巻 1 号 87-91
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    We investigated whether the
    size of the Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus is correlated with morphological traits and hematocrit during the breeding season in order to elucidate the function of
    size as a potential signal of body size and physiological condition. We found a positive correlation in males between
    size and hematocrit, but not in females. As individuals with larger hematocrit values can transport more oxygen to their tissues or organs, male
    size may be linked with oxygen transport ability. We suggest that male
    size may be a signal of physiological status.
  • 森脇 一成, 小幡 純, 江澤 庸博, 続橋 治, 新福 泰弘, 牧村 正治, 白石 文夫
    2001年 50 巻 7 号 308-312
    発行日: 2001/07/15
    公開日: 2011/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Some toy badges that we obtained emitted fluorescence strongly, when there were irradiated by an ultra violet lamp in a darkroom. They were left on X ray negative films for several hours and one of them blackened films. Owing to these facts, we doubted if it is a radioactive material. In order to search if it is a radioactive material or not, a portion of the
    paint was examined by a liquid scintillation analyzer and an ammeter which is connected to a photo diode. Consequently, the
    paint was not identified a radioactive material. Then, to find the reason why some badges emitted under an ultra violet lamp and one
    paint blackened X ray negative films, neutron activation analysis was applied to the
    paint sample. As a result, we finally found that the
    paint was made of phosphorescent phosphor because it contains aluminum
  • 植松 洋子, 平田 恵子, 飯田 憲司, 斉藤 和夫
    2000年 41 巻 1 号 23-29_1
    発行日: 2000/02/25
    公開日: 2009/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    缶詰食品及びレトルト食品 (共に水産加工食品) 中に缶詰の内面コーティングや包装材から溶出したビスフェノールAジグリシジルエーテル (
    ), そのダイマー及びトリマー, ビスフェノールFジグリシジルエーテル (BFDGE), 3つの環よりなるノボラックグリシジルエーテル (3-ring NOGE),
    関連化合物を, 順相のHPLCにより分析した.
    は缶詰食品26試料中12試料から, 最高0.9mg/kg検出された. ダイマー及びトリマーを合わせた最高値は15mg/kgに達した. BFDGE及び 3-ring NOGE も4試料から合計で最高6.9mg/kg検出された. また,
    ・2HCl付加物が2試料から検出された. 更にレトルト食品2試料中1試料から
    が1.1mg/kg, そのダイマーが1.2mg/kg検出されたが, これらはプラスチックフィルムやアルミニウム箔を貼り合わせるのに使用した接着剤から溶出したものと考えられる.
  • Yasuyuki MORI, Junji UEYAMA, Takeshi ENDO
    2022年 43 巻 3 号 90-99
    発行日: 2022/05/10
    公開日: 2023/01/04
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    The addition effect of phthalimide derivatives (PIDs) on curing reactions of epoxy resins by imidazoles was investigated. The curing behavior and storage stability of the epoxy compositions containing imidazoles and PIDs were evaluated. As a result, the curing initiation temperature in the presence of PIDs were higher than that in the absence of PIDs. Moreover, the storage stability increased by the utilization of PIDs. The UV-Vis absorption spectrum of a mixture of PIDs and imidazoles suggested that the charge transfer interaction, which led to decreasing the nucleophilicity of imidazoles, resulted in the thermal latency. The present study provides the charge transfer interaction between PIDs and imidazoles in epoxy resins, which can be used for the construction of thermal latent systems for curing reactions of epoxy resins.

  • *宮崎 育子, 西山 千春, 菊岡 亮, 名越 武, Kyle E. QUIN, 禅正 和真, 浅沼 幹人
    2022年 49.1 巻 P-140
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

     エポキシ樹脂Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (

    (1.5 mg/kg/日)をマウスの妊娠全期から授乳期にわたり固形食餌に混ぜて投与した母体からの新生仔マウスの大脳皮質では,radial gliaおよびneuronal progenitor cellの減少や大脳皮質層構造の形成といった早期の神経分化がみられ,若年期に不安様行動が惹起されることを報告してきた.また,初代培養大脳皮質神経細胞への
    (1-100 pM)の2日間曝露により著明な神経突起伸長をきたすことを報告してきた.今回,
    曝露による産仔脳発達異常におけるBisphenol A関連伝達系エストロゲン受容体β (ERβ)の関与について検討した.妊娠全期から授乳期にわたり
    に曝露した母体からの新生仔マウス (1日齢)では,大脳皮質におけるERβ陽性シグナルの増加が見られた.胎生15日齢SDラットからの初代培養大脳皮質神経細胞への

  • 植松 洋子, 広門 雅子, 平田 恵子, 伊藤 弘一, 鈴木 助治
    1998年 39 巻 2 号 135-141_1
    発行日: 1998/04/05
    公開日: 2009/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    ビスフェノールAジグリシジルエーテル (
    ) は缶詰の内面コーティングに用いられるエポキシ樹脂中にモノマーとして残留し, また塩化ビニル樹脂コーティングの安定剤としても用いられる. 魚缶詰の油相中の
    含有量を, CNカラムとシリカゲルのカラムをカラムスイッチングにより接続した手動のHPLCシステムを実験室内で作成し, これを用いて分析した. CNカラムから溶出した
    のピーク画分を蛍光検出器で分析した後, 2mLのループに保持し, これをシリカゲルのカラムを用いて再度蛍光検出器で同定した. 定量はカラム1での分析値を用いて行った. 試料の油相中の
    の検出限界は0.02mg/kgであり, 16試料中11試料から検出された.
  • 植松 洋子, 荻本 真美, 樺島 順一郎, 鈴木 公美, 金子 令子, 船山 惠市, 羽石 奈穂子, 安野 哲子, 荻野 周三
    2005年 46 巻 4 号 133-138
    発行日: 2005/08/25
    公開日: 2009/01/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Robin LOVELL-
    1994年 10 巻 2
    発行日: 1994/08/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長山 和弘, 高原 潤, 村井 浩也, 大沼 吉信
    2007年 28 巻 Supplement 号 237-238
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2012/08/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 植松 洋子, 平田 恵子, 鈴木 公美, 飯田 憲司, 金子 令子, 鎌田 国広, 宮村 茜
    2003年 44 巻 1 号 32-38
    発行日: 2003/02/25
    公開日: 2009/01/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    食品用金属缶内面コーティングからモデル食品(缶詰水および缶詰油)中への溶出について,HPLC(蛍光検出およびELSD)による主要な溶出物の分析,蒸発残留物および過マンガン酸カリウム消費量測定を行い,食品衛生法に規定された条件およびその他の食品疑似溶媒による溶出と比較した.缶詰油中への溶出は食品衛生法規定の溶出条件(n-ヘプタン,25℃, 60分間)よりかなり多く,また缶詰水中への溶出も食品疑似溶媒として水を用いた溶出(水,95℃, 30分間)より多いことが分かった.
  • 松本 幸三, 遠藤 剛
    2008年 29 巻 Supplement 号 65-68
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2012/08/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松本 幸三, 遠藤 剛
    2008年 29 巻 Supplement 号 61-64
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2012/08/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 森 一樹, 野本 祐春, 河野 雄次
    2018年 30 巻 6 号 251-256
    発行日: 2018/05/20
    公開日: 2020/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    We introduced a computational method to investigate the shear detachment strength at a carbon fiber/epoxy resin interface. The molecular dynamics method was adapted to perform the computation. In the computational simulations, the graphene molecular structure was assumed to be a simple carbon fiber model. In this work, we calculated the surface energy between the carbon fiber and the epoxy resin, and thus, we estimated the correlation between that energy and the shear detachment strength of the carbon fiber/epoxy resin interface. The calculated surface energy was confirmed to be related to the experimental shear strength. The surface energy increased with the increase in the resin density in the vicinity of graphene. In addition, the resin molecular structure was different between the bulk resin and the graphene surface regions. In the vicinity of graphene, the molecular structure of resin was deformed to the flattened state by interaction with graphene. The reason for this was considered to be the fact that the CH/π interaction influenced the deformation. The CH/π interaction is a weak interaction (0.1 kcal/mol). However, the summation of that weak interaction forces becomes a strong interaction energy at the surface between graphene and resin. Because of the interaction effect, the carbon composite becomes a material with high strength. Moreover, the interaction energies calculated for the epoxy bulk phase were in good agreement with the experimental data in our previous work.

  • *宮崎 育子, 菊岡 亮, 磯岡 奈未, 禅正 和真, 新居 麗, 園部 奏生, 船越 英丸, 中山 恵利香, 進 浩太郎, 山本 大地, Kyle E QUIN, 浅沼 幹人
    2019年 46.1 巻 P-114
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/10
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    我々はこれまでに,缶詰,飲料缶の内面コーティング剤として用いられるエポキシ樹脂Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (

    (0.15, 1.5 mg/kg/日)をマウスの妊娠全期から授乳期にわたり固形食餌に混ぜて投与し,生後5-8週にかけてオープンフィールドテスト,高架式十字迷路による行動実験を行った.生後5-8週齢の体重測定では,雄性マウスでは
    (0.15 mg/kg/日)投与した雌性マウスでは有意な体重増加が認められた.オープンフィールドテストで5分間の移動距離は群間で差がなかったが,フィールドを中央,コーナー,壁面に区画し,各区画滞在時間を計測したところ,
    (1.5 mg/kg/日)投与した雄性マウスでは5週齢の早期にコーナーへの滞在時間が有意に延長した.一方,高架式十字迷路では

  • 丸山 隆司, 西沢 かな枝, 野田 豊, 武田 栄子, 福久 健二郎, 古屋 儀郎, 橋詰 雅
    Journal of Radiation Research
    1981年 22 巻 2 号 182-203
    発行日: 1981/07/15
    公開日: 2006/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has proposed the concept of effective dose equivalent for the purpose of radiation protection programs in occupational exposures. Dose equivalent of radiation workers has been popularly evaluated from the readings of film badges worn mostly on the chest region of the workers. At the present time, the effective dose equivalents must be estimated from the film-
    readings. In order to simplify the determinations of the effective dose equivalents, ratios of organ or tissue doses to unit film-
    reading were calculated with the aid of the Snyder''s mathematical phantom constructed so as to simulate the Japanese body. The dose calculations were carried out on the organs or tissues related to stochastic effects of radiations. The energy and angular dependencies of organ or tissue doses were calculated using depth-dose curves experimentally determined with a phantom measurement. The effective dose equivalents were determined with the weighting factor recommended by the ICRP.
    The effective dose with respect to fatal malignant diseases was calculated using a modified weighting factor estimated from the excess mortalities of cancers caused by the atomic bomb radiations in Nagasaki. The effective dose is somewhat different from the effective dose equivalent and is used for the determination of malignancy significant dose which will be defined as one of the population doses in Part 2 of a series of paper.
    The organ or tissue doses were calculated for gamma-rays from 60Co and 137Cs sources and X-rays of 30, 80 and 140 keV. These doses are tabulated as a function of gamma and X-ray energies for various incident angles of radiations on workers. On the basis of these data, the effective dose equivalents and the effective doses were determined for the estimation of population doses in Part 2.
  • Jun-Won YUN, Eui-Seok SHIN, Si-Young CHO, Shin-Hyoung KIM, Chae-Wook KIM, Tae-Ryong LEE, Bae-Hwan KIM
    Experimental Animals
    2008年 57 巻 5 号 461-469
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/10/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Adiponectin, which is expressed exclusively in adipose tissue, has been shown to increase fatty acid oxidation via activation of AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) and phosphorylation of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC). ACC phosphorylation and carnitine palmitoyl-transferase-1 (CPT1) activity have been shown to be rate controlling factors in fatty acid oxidation. In high fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mice, we analyzed the time-course of changes in the expression of adiponectin and lipid oxidative enzymes induced by treatment with bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (
    ) or caffeine for 8 weeks, and investigated whether the changes of adiponectin and lipid oxidative enzymes expression correlated with reduced adiposity or steatosis after 8 weeks of treatment. After 8 weeks of treatment,
    and caffeine had reduced body weight and epididymal adipose tissue weight in mice fed HFD, and markedly reduced the number of fatty droplets in the liver. Interestingly, the expression of adiponectin and lipid oxidative enzymes significantly increased after 2 weeks of treatment. These results indicate that the expression of adiponectin and lipid oxidative enzymes in the early stages of
    or caffeine treatment correlated well with the long-term anti-obesity effects.