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  • −作業時間短縮効果の定量化−
    深澤 協三, 林 英史, 水野 潔, 貴志 浩年, 小嶋 裕記, 守田 洋一, 小暮 直親, 友利 格, 平田 夢菜, 笹谷 真通
    2022年 28 巻 68 号 54-59
    発行日: 2022/02/20
    公開日: 2022/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    Renovation work on train station platforms requires removing the protective covering of half-finished work and then putting it back again at the

    of each
    . However, the time allotted for renovation work in station buildings is limited. Reducing the time for removing and putting back coverings is therefore expected to help shorten the working time. We developed a light, high-strength covering plate consisting of resin-impregnated glass cloth, foam, and a thin steel plate. This paper discusses the results of construction experiments conducted on a model to study the work efficiency improvements by using the developed light covering plates.

  • Masanori Fujita, Tanoshi Kinoshita, Yukinori Yoshimura
    The Journal of Poultry Science
    2004年 41 巻 4 号 269-274
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2004/12/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    To examine the appearance of ingested nonylphenol in the blood, liver and egg yolk of maternal Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), 1 or 2mg of nonlyphenol in corn oil was orally administred once a day for 3 or 5 days. The droppings and eggs were collected during the 4th and/or 6th day of each experimental regime, then blood and liver were obtained by cervication at the
    of that
    . The HPLC-ECD method was used to determine the concentration of nonylphenol in each sample. Nonylphenol appeared in the blood, liver, egg yolk and droppings on the 4th and 6th day. In each case, its appearance significantly correlated with the dosage (p<0.01). The correlations in the blood, liver and egg yolk were similar, and no difference was observed between the 3-day and 5-day regime except for droppings. The results indicate that orally administered nonylphenol is absorbed in the alimentary canal, circulated in the blood, and accumulated in the egg yolk in Japanese quail.
  • '愛ベリー'の開花・結実に及ぼす施肥条件と定植時期の影響
    垣渕 和正, 吉田 裕一, 内田 徹, 藤目 幸擴
    1994年 6 巻 4 号 247-253
    発行日: 1994/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects planting time (A : At 2 weeks before starting of short-day treatment, B : At the starting of short-day treatment, C : At the
    of short-
    treatment), and starting time of nutrient supply (1 : At 2 weeks before starting of short-day treatment, 2 : At the starting of short-day treatment, 3 : At the
    of short-
    treatment) on flowering and yield in strawberry cv. 'Ai-berry', were investigated.
    In the plots which were planted 2 weeks before short-day (SD) treatment (treatment A), almost plants flowered on every starting time of nutrient supply, but early nutrient supply delayed flowering. In B3 and C3 plots. flowering were delayed, and the rate of flowering were about 80% by treatment B3 and C3. Flowering was inhibited in B2 treatment.
    The earlier nutrient supply to the plant that grown 2 weeks before flower induction (10 hour day-length), the yield was more increased.
    Vegetative buds were often aborted in A3 and B3 plots, because of the concentration of NO3- of the petiole was low during flower induction.
    Thus, planting before flower induction and supplying nutrients through-out the cultivation should be suitable for strawberry production in plant factory.
  • 小池 説夫, 佐竹 徹夫
    1987年 56 巻 4 号 666-672
    発行日: 1987/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    開花期のイネをファイトトロン自然光室で12℃, 2~8日間冷温処理し, 花粉内でんぶん糖化異常の顕微鏡観察と杓の生理的活性の測定を行った. 正常な花粉の発育過程では, でんぷん粒が花粉の中心から端に充満したのち, 発芽孔の反対側ででんぷんが一部消失(糖化)する(第1図). このでんぷん糖化は開頴直前の3~4時間の間に急速におこり, 正常な条件では開頴開始時において70%以上が糖化型花粉であった(第2, 3図). 冷温処理された花粉のでんぶん糖化は花粉壁内側の周辺全体からおこり, 正常な糖化とは明らかに異なる(第1図). この糖化異常は処理中にも一部おこるが, 処理終了後開頴開始までの間に急速に進んだ(第3図). 約当りのでんぶん含量は処理日数の増加に伴って減少し, 可溶性糖含量は一時的に増加した(第6図). これは処理中の花粉でんぶん糖化の顕微鏡観察の結果とよく符号した. ATP含量は冷温処理によって低下しなかった(第9図). これらの事実は, 冷温処理によっても呼吸と炭水化物代謝に関する機能は保持されていることを示し, 処理中に呼吸基質としてでんぷんが一部消費されること, また処理終了後の急速な糖化現象を支持している. しかし, 糖化が正常型と異なって何故異常となるかは, この結果からは説明できなかった. 処理日数の増加による稔実歩合の低下と糖化異常花粉歩合との正の相関関係が認められ(第3, 4図), 冷温処理による糖化異常が花粉の発芽能力の低下の原因と考えられた.
  • Shirley S.M. Fong, Shamay S.M. Ng, Yoyo T.Y. Cheng, Joni Zhang, Louisa M.Y. Chung, Gary C.C. Chow, Yvonne T.C. Chak, Ivy K.Y. Chan, Duncan J. Macfarlane
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2016年 28 巻 5 号 1651-1656
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    [Purpose] The effectiveness of a smartphone pedometer application was compared with that of a traditional pedometer for improving the physical activity and weight status of community-dwelling older adults. [Subjects and Methods] This study had a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Ninety-seven older adults (mean age ± SD, 60.1 ± 5.5 years) joined the smartphone pedometer group and underwent a 2-week walking intervention based on a smartphone pedometer application. Fifty-four older adults (mean age ± SD, 65.3 ± 8.7 years) joined the traditional pedometer group and underwent a 2-week walking intervention based on a traditional pedometer. The participants’ physical activity was evaluated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form, and their weight status was quantified by calculating the body mass index. The daily pedometer count was also documented. [Results] No significant time, group, or time-by-group interaction effects were found for any of the outcome variables. However, trends of improvement in physical activity and body mass index were seen only in the smartphone pedometer group. [Conclusion] A smartphone pedometer application might be more favorable than a traditional pedometer in improving physical activity and body mass index in community-dwelling older adults. However, further experimental studies are necessary to confirm the results.
  • Mohamed Saat, Roland Gamini Sirisinghe, Rabindarjeet Singh, Yutaka Tochihara
    Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science
    2005年 24 巻 5 号 541-549
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/10/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study investigates the effects of a short-term aerobic training program in a hot environment on thermoregulation, blood parameters, sweat secretion and composition in tropic-dwellers who have been exposed to passive heat. Sixteen healthy Malaysian-Malay male volunteers underwent heat acclimation (HA) by exercising on a bicycle ergometer at 60% of VO2max for 60 min each day in a hot environment (Ta: 31.1±0.1°C, rh: 70.0±4.4%) for 14 days. All parameters mentioned above were recorded on Day 1 and at the
    of HA (
    16). On these two days, subjects rested for 10 min, then cycled at 60% of VO2max for 60 min and rested again for 20 min (recovery) in an improvised heat chamber. Rectal temperature (Tre), mean skin temperature (Tsk) heart rate (HR), ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal sensation (TS), local sweat rate and percent dehydration were recorded during the test. Sweat concentration was analysed for sodium [Na+]sweat and potassium. Blood samples were analysed for biochemical changes, electrolytes and hematologic indices. Urine samples were collected before and after each test and analysed for electrolytes.
    After the period of acclimation the percent dehydration during exercise significantly increased from 1.77±0.09% (Day 1) to 2.14±0.07% (Day 16). Resting levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit and red blood cells decreased significantly while [Na+]sweat increased significantly. For Tre and Tsk there were no differences at rest. Tre, HR, RPE, TS, plasma lactate concentration, hemoglobin and hematocrit at the 40th min of exercise were significantly lower after the period of acclimation but mean corpuscular hemoglobin and serum osmolality were significantly higher while no difference was seen in [Na+]sweat and Tsk. It can be concluded that tropic-dwelling subjects, although exposed to prolonged passive heat exposure, were not fully heat acclimatized. To achieve further HA, they should gradually expose themselves to exercise-heat stress in a hot environment.
  • 長尾 桂子
    2017年 65 巻 6 号 6_64-6_67
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/12/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    Minute paper is one of reflection techniques carried out at the
    of a
    lesson. We implement it with quiz in mathematics class to promote fixing the knowledge and ability to solve mathematical problems. In every lesson, students take a quiz referring minute paper they wrote in previous lesson. We throw up the method is helpful for student to reflect what they learned in last lesson. Also we categorize contents of minute paper, and study its impact to student achievement. Analysis of the contents and student performance in examination is useful to give appropriate support to students.
  • Tetsu Hiraki
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1986年 64A 巻 365-385
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2015/02/18
    ジャーナル フリー
      The intercomparisons of global 3-day forecast with the JMA model and the BMRC model are studied. Precise comparisons of verifications, diagnoses in the models and impact studies reveal that the main differences between the models are concerning with the strength of the diabatic heating and the Hadley circulation in the tropics. It is found in this study that the combination of the physical processes is important as well as each physical process to maintain the Hadley circulation and subtropical jets for the models.
  • Kazue Takayanagi, Yukiko Hagihara
    2005年 11 巻 2 号 242-246
    発行日: 2006/03/29
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    How to choose pictures in the rooms of seriously ill patients? The individual order-made pleasing pictures can be cost effective? -A pilot study was made.
    Methods : Thirty-five terminally ill inpatients individually chose a pleasing picture to look at for 15 minutes. Before and after observation of the chosen picture, Profile of Mood States questionnaires (POMS), pulse, blood pressure, chromogranin A in the saliva, natural killer (NK) cell activity, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were provided.
    Results : The overall characters of pictures were bright-colored, gentle-lined, representational, which were often landscapes, with a positive content. The scores of POMS indicated ; the observation decreased tension-anxiety, depression, anger, fatigue and confusion, increased vigor, decreased salivary chromogranin A concentrations. Natural killer cell activity was associated with picture types.
    Conclusion : Viewing self-selected pleasing pictures improved patients' psychological state, and may have reduced sympathetic nervous system tone, but did not statistically enhance immunity. Pictures in the rooms of seriously ill patients should be chosen to enhance their physiological and psychological well-being but not give memories which may modulate activity of adrenocorticotropic hormone axis. Individual order-made pleasing pictures have high potential to be cost effective. Further research should be required to investigate.
  • 岡沢 養三
    1969年 38 巻 4 号 622-626
    発行日: 1969/12/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    組織培養においてジャガイモのカルス形成は体内サイトカイニンと添加オーキシンによつて生ずる. オーキシン, サイトカイニンは新たなRNA合成を通じて細胞の生育をきたす. 本研究はRNAの構成塩基であるウラシルの類似物質で, RNA合成の阻害剤である2-チオウラシル (2-TU), および6-アザウラシル (6-AU) を10-4Mで培養基に添加すると, ジャガイモのカルス形成は完全に阻害された. この阻害はウラシルによつて回復されるが, オロチン酸, チミンではほとんど回復されなかつた. このことはカルス形成に新たなRNA合成が関与していることを示す. また27日間の培養で2-TUの効果は初期より12日ご処理まであらわれた. このうち最初の3日間の処理ではカルスの生重増加に対して刺激的効果がみられた. 培養組織のaging処理期間にRNase処理してもカイネチンが存在すればカルス生育の低下はみられなかつた. このことは培養組織中にすでに存在しているRNAがカルス形成に役立つのではなく, オーキシン, およびサイトカイニンによつて新たなRNA合成がおこり, これがカルス形成に働くものと考えられる.
  • Mirjam Radstaak, Sabine A. E. Geurts, Debby G. J. Beckers, Jos F. Brosschot, Michiel A. J. Kompier
    Journal of Occupational Health
    2014年 56 巻 6 号 469-477
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2015/01/19
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2014/10/28
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
    Objectives: This longitudinal study examined the associations between work stressors, perseverative cognition and subjective and objective sleep quality. We hypothesized work stressors to be associated with (i) poor nocturnal sleep quality and (ii) higher levels of perseverative cognition during a free evening. We further hypothesized (iii) perseverative cognition to be associated with poor nocturnal sleep quality and (iv) the association between work stressors and sleep quality to be mediated by perseverative cognition. Methods: The participants were 24 pilots working for the Dutch Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS). They completed six questionnaires: at the end of three consecutive day shifts and each morning following the shifts. The questionnaires addressed work stressors (workload, distressing shifts and work-related conflicts), subjective sleep quality and perseverative cognition. Participants wore actigraphs to assess sleep onset latency, total sleep time and number of awakenings. Results: Correlation analysis revealed that (i) distressing shifts were related to delayed sleep onset (r=0.50, p=0.026) and that workload was related to impaired sleep quality (e.g., subjective sleep quality: r=−0.42, p=0.044). Moreover, (ii) distressing shifts were positively related to perseverative cognition (r=0.62, p=0.002), (iii) perseverative cognition delayed sleep onset (r=0.74, p<0.001) and (iv) mediated the association between distressing shifts and sleep onset latency. Conclusions: Perseverative cognition may be an explanatory mechanism in the association between work stressors and poor sleep.(J Occup Health 2014; 56: 469–477)
  • Leyla TEKIN, Mehmet Seçkin ADAY, Emin YILMAZ
    Food Science and Technology Research
    2009年 15 巻 5 号 519-524
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to compare the thermal performances to evaluate suitability for frying, hazelnut oil (HNO), olive pomace oil (OPO), grapeseed oil (GSO) and sunflower oil (SSO) were heated for 5 h / 5 consecutive days at 175 ± 5 °C, and sampled at the
    of each
    . Free acidity, peroxide value, conjugated dienes, total polar materials, viscosity, and CIE color values were measured. Highest values of free acidity, conjugated dienes, total polar materials and viscosity were observed in grapeseed oil sample. GSO has reached to a very viscous state during the earlier hours of the operation; hence it is not suitable for frying. Better thermal performances have found with HNO and OPO when compared to the control oil, SSO. Therefore, both oils can alternatively be used as new frying oils effectively.
  • 安藤(路) 進, 今井 繁, 石原 浪砂, 飯島 徹男, 西村 進, 笹原 健二, 前川 昭彦, 加藤 温中, 前島 一仁, 鈴木 忠男
    Journal of Toxicologic Pathology
    1995年 8 巻 4 号 365-376
    発行日: 1995/11/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Lesions induced in the respiratory organs of male F344 rats by methanol engine exhaust were investigated histopathologically and electron-microscopically. In experiment 1, animals were exposed to the exhaust by the inhalation route for 8 hours/day for 7 days, and then sacrificed immediately or after recovery periods of 1, 4, and 12 weeks. The concentrations of the main components in the exhaust were carbon monoxide 98ppm, formaldehyde 6ppm, nitrogen monoxide 41ppm, nitrogen dioxide 12ppm, and methanol 16ppm. Histopathologically, lesions were found in the nasal cavity and the lungs of exposed animals at the end of the 7-day exposure. The lesions in the nasal cavity were erosion and/or hyperplasias/squamous cell metaplasias of the respiratory epithelium lining the naso- and/or maxillo-turbinate and neutrophil-infiltration into the submucosa. In the lungs, decrease or loss of cilia in the bronchial and/or bronchiolar epithelium, and reduction of apical blebs of Clara cells on the terminal/respiratory bronchioli were observed. These lesions became less prominent time-dependently after the cessation of exposure, and both nasal cavity and lung lesions were histologically no longer detectable in all animals after 4 week and I week recovery periods, respectively.
    In experiment 2, rats inhaled high, medium or low concentration exhaust for 8 hours/day, 6days/week for 4, 8, or 12 wk, and were sacrificed at the end of each exposure period. The main components in the high-concentration exhaust were carbon monoxide 89.8ppm, formaldehyde 2.3ppm, nitrogen monoxide 21.8ppm, nitrogen dioxide 1.1ppm, and methanol 8.1ppm. Dilutions of about I in 5 and I in 25 (NOx ratio) were used for the medium- and low-concentration groups. Exposure-related histopathological changes were only found in the high-concentration group, and included hyperplasias/squamous cell metaplasias of the respiratory epithelium in the nasal cavity. The lesions were detected from the 4-week time point, with their incidences and extents increasing time-dependently. In the medium- and low-concentration groups, no histological changes caused by the exhaust-exposure were seen in any organs, including the nasal cavity and lungs at any timepoint.
    From these results, it is concluded that methanol engine exhaust-induced lesions in the nasal cavity and lungs of rats are reversible, and that the no effect concentration of included formaldehyde is 0.55ppm when rats are exposed through inhalation for up to 12 weeks.
  • Michie Baba, Mitsuru Ohkura, Kayoko Koga, Kyoko Nishiuchi, Lourdes R. Herrera C., Ryoichi Matsuse, Toshitaka Inoue
    Journal of Occupational Health
    2015年 57 巻 3 号 237-244
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/07/14
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2015/03/06
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
    Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify whether there are differences in the circadian rhythms of shift-working nurses by assessing depression, fatigue and salivary cortisol levels. Methods: Forty nurses working in a two-shift system at “Hospital A”, Fukuoka City, Japan, used a self-rated depression scale (SDS) to assess their depression levels. Fatigue levels were measured with the visual analogue scale for fatigue (VAS-F); saliva was collected before and during shifts for three days. Results were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Thirty-six valid records were obtained, and subjects were classified according to SDS scores into a normal group (NG), moderate group (MG) and severe group (SG). There were no significant differences in the day shift salivary cortisol values of the three groups. However, the night shift salivary cortisol value for the SG was 0.132 µg/dl at 16:00, before starting the shift, and decreased to 0.036 µg/dl at 20:00. It increased slightly up to 0.057 µg/dl by 24:00 and formed a peak between 5:00 and 7:00, with the levels being 0.322 µg/dl and 0.305 µg/dl respectively. Meanwhile, the NG cortisol value was 0.154 µg/dl before the shift, decreased to 0.034 µg/dl by 20:00, slightly increased up to 0.093 µg/dl by 5:00 and presented its peak value, 0.253 µg/dl, at 7:00 next morning. Conclusions: SG nurses presented significantly increased salivary cortisol levels early in the morning during night shifts, showing a phase deviation in the circadian rhythm. Because subjective fatigue levels did not differ with time, SG nurses should understand and deal with physical changes in the early morning. This approach may reduce medical accidents and malpractice in the early morning.(J Occup Health 2015; 57: 237–244)
  • 小川 泰一, 福岡 浩之, 大川 安信
    1996年 46 巻 2 号 179-184
    発行日: 1996年
    公開日: 2010/07/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    細胞培養が困難な品種「コシヒカリ」「農林1号」を用いて,培地組成の改変がカルスの増殖に与える影響を調べた.コシヒカリ,農林1号を含む3品種の完熟胚から誘郵したカルスを隅々の組成の液体培地に移しカルス増殖率について比較した.還元型窒素源を含む培地ではコシヒカリや農林1号のカルス増殖率は,3%のショ糖を含む培地よりもO.375%のショ糖を含む培地において高くなる傾向を示した0)に対し,他の3品種のカルスの増殖は培地中0)ショ糖濃度に対してその逆の反応を示した.その結果,5品種のカルス増殖率においてみられた品種間差は0.1→75%のショ糖濃度下では狭まった(Fig.ユ.2).還元型窒素源も,また,カルス増殖率の品種間差異に影響を及ぼしており,さらに品種間差を解消するためには,硫酸アンモニウム((NH4)2SO4)をアラニンに置換し,硝酸カリウム(KN03)とともに添加することが必要であった.すなわち,01375%のショ糖を含む条件下において,窒素源として20mM KN03のみ,20mM KN03と2.5mM(NH4)2SO4及び20mMKNO3と5mMグルタミンを含む培地中では,コシヒカリや農林1号のカルスの増殖率は他の3品種に劣っていたが,窒素源として20mM KN03と5mMアラニンを含む培地では他の3品種と同等の増殖を示した(Fig.2).次に,O.375%のショ糖を含む条件でのカルスの増殖に伴う培地中のpHの変動を調べ,日本晴とコシヒカリのカルスで比較した
    Dental Materials Journal
    2015年 34 巻 2 号 148-153
    発行日: 2015/03/27
    公開日: 2015/04/01
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2015/01/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present in vitro study sought to determine the effects of myrrh-containing solutions on common suture materials used in periodontal surgery. Three commonly used suture materials (silk, polyglactin 910, polytetrafluoroethylene) were immersed in four thermostatically controlled experimental media to simulate daily oral rinsing activity, namely —artificial saliva, normal saline solution with 0.2% Commiphora myrrh, full-concentration (100%) Commiphora myrrh oil, and a myrrh-containing commercial mouthwash. Tensile strength was measured at the
    of each
    using an Instron tensile testing machine. Silk sutures were susceptible to tensile strength loss when exposed to 0.2% myrrh solution once daily for 5 days. Myrrh-containing commercial mouthwash had no effect on tensile strength, but all three suture materials lost tensile strength when exposed to 100% myrrh oil. For patients that routinely use myrrh mouthwashes postoperatively, findings of this study suggested that silk sutures might not be the optimal material choice.
  • Yoshitaka Tsubono, Ichiro Tsuji, Kazuki Fujita, Naoki Nakaya, Atsushi Hozawa, Takayoshi Ohkubo, Aya Kuwahara, Yoko Watanabe, Keiko Ogawa, Yoshikazu Nishino, Shigeru Hisamichi
    Journal of Epidemiology
    2002年 12 巻 4 号 305-309
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    PURPOSE:To assess the reproducibility and validity of a single-item, self-administered questionnaire on walking used in two population-based prospective cohort studies in northern Japan, using pedometer counts as the reference standard. METHODS:Fifty-one men and 55 women participating in the main cohort studies(mean age:61.7 years)responded to a question on the average duration of walking per day five times at 3-month intervals.The subjects also provided 3 consecutive days of pedometer counts four times along with the first four questionnaire surveys. RESULTS:For the first and the fifth questionnaires administered one year apart, 55% of the subjects chose concordant categories among three options(=<30 min / between 30 and 60 min / >= 60 min), and 13% chose the highest category in one questionnaire and the lowest in the other questionnaire. The sexand age-adjusted mean daily numbers of walking steps counted by the pedometer were 5, 857, 7, 047, and 7, 621 for the three categories of walking duration in the fifth questionnaire, and it showed significant linear associations with all of the five questionnaire measurements. CONCLUSON:The single-item questionnaire on walking is reasonably reproducible and valid, and useful in studying the health effects of walking among the Japanese population.J Epidemiol 2002;12:305-309.
  • 柳沢 十四男, 小宮 義孝
    Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology
    1961年 14 巻 2 号 69-76
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    From the theoretical standpoint studies on physiology of the vactor snail harbouring juveniles of trematodes may yield some clues to the development of its chemical and ecological control. Our present knowledge about the respiratory metabolism of Oncomelania nosophora, the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum, is too scant to outline its respiratory pattern while the large amount of work was reported on these of Australorbis glabratus that served as an intermediate host of S. mansoni (von Brand et al., 1948; Mehlman et al., 1951; Weinbach, 1933; Newton et al., 1955; Weinbach et al., 1956) .
    To lay a foundation towards such an approach, some respiratory aspects, oxygen consumption in air and water, effect of starvation on oxygen uptake and effect of tricarboxylic acids upon the endogenous respiration of O. nosophora were studied.
  • 川西 孝秀, 島 浩二, 林 寛子, 道園 美弦, 久松 完
    2012年 11 巻 2 号 241-249
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/07/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菅野 勉, 森田 聡一郎, 黒川 俊二, 佐藤 節郎, 間野 吉郎
    2010年 56 巻 3 号 211-214
    発行日: 2010/10/15
    公開日: 2017/07/07
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Water endurance at the seedling stage (14-26 days after seeding) was compared among 23 commercial cultivars of silage corn (Zea mays L.), in a pot experiment, by 2 watering treatments: waterlogging treatment with distilled water for 12 days, and non-stressed control treatment. At the
    of 12-
    treatments, the dry weight of whole plant parts was measured to calculate the water endurance index (WEI) by the dry weight ratio (Waterlogging treatment/Control treatment) for each cultivar. The WEI values of KD750, Kumiai-dent 122, SH9904, KD365, 34B39, Cecilia and ZX7605 were higher than those of the other 16 cultivars. In the waterlogging treatment, the cultivars with high WEI value decreased their dry weight of root slightly, but did not their dry weight of top. Generally, the lower the dry weight of whole parts was, the higher the WEI was, although ZX7605, Cecilia and 34B39 with high dry weight had relatively high WEI. The earliness was not related to their WEI values of the cultivars.