tert-Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) is a synthetic antioxidant, which is prohibited using as a food additive in Japan. Acetonitrile was one of the solvents used for the extraction of TBHQ from foods and for the HPLC analysis in the official method. In this study, the application of methanol as an alternative solvent was evaluated due to the shortage of acetonitrile through worldwide depression. Results showed that the revised method was well achieved according to the official method with some improvement. The mobile phase of HPLC was changed in 5% acetic acid-methanol (55:45). In addition, the linearity of calibration curve was obtained the peak areas versus the concentrations at the range of 0.1-5μg/mL. The recoveries of TBHQ spiked at the level of 20μg/g were 80.3-99.0%, and that of 2μg/g were 81.8-109.8% for olive oil, peanut butter, chewing gums, and potato chips.