2024 年 94 巻 6 号 p. 462-472
This study investigated the integrated teamwork model in organizations based on the survey data of 21 organizations, 812 teams, and 5,728 participants. First, consistent with the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model, the team-level mediating effects of “team leadership → team process → team performance” were confirmed. Next, we examined the further detailed relationships among the team-level variables. Our analysis demonstrated that relationship-oriented leadership was positively associated with daily communication, while task-oriented leadership was positively related to cooperation and goal sharing. In addition, goal sharing had a strong and positive association with team performance. Finally, we examined the interaction effect of task-oriented leadership and relation-oriented leadership. The analysis indicated a synergistic impact on which team process and performance were particularly enhanced when both were high, as assumed by the two-factor theory of leadership behavior represented by PM theory.