1981 年 34 巻 2 号 p. 145-151
The activity and localization of hydrolysis enzyme of maltitol and the effect of maltose on maltitol hydrolysis were studied using the rat intestinal mucosa. The utilization of maltitol was, further, observed in the fasted and in the fed rats. The results obtained were as follows:
1. The hydrolysis activity to maltitol was highest in the jejunum and was about one-twentieth of that to maltose.
2. The maltitol hydrolysis by jejunal enzyme was strongly inhibited in the presence of maltose.
3. It was suggested that maltitol was slowly hydrolyzed by maltase.
4. When the animal was simultaneously given with maltitol and diet, the utilization of maltitol was significantly reduced as compared with that of the dose of maltitol alone.
5. A portion of maltitol administered was absorbed without hydrolysis from intestine, and the native form, maltitol, was excreted in the urine.