Print ISSN : 0029-0394
Effects of Storage Temperature on Retention of Volatile Isothiocyanates in Salted Cruciferous Vegetables
宇田 靖久保田 進弥前田 安彦
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 35 巻 7 号 p. 513-517


Changes in amounts of volatile isothiocyanates were studied in the salted products of Yamagataseisai, Takana, Nozawana and Hiroshimana during their storage at 2°C and -22°C. Volatile isothiocyanates collected by lyophilization were analyzed by gas chromatography, and their relative amounts were compared periodically during the storage. In the case of storage at 2°C, major part of volatile isothiocyanates decreased rapidly in their relative amounts within 35 days, though their decrease rates were slower in Yamagataseisaizuke than Nozawana-zuke and Hiroshimana-zuke. On the other hand, much higher content of voaltile isothiocyanates could be found in the salted vegetables stored at-22°C than in those stored at2°C. In the frozen storage, volatile isothiocyanates were well retained for at least 3 months, though 3-methylthiopropyl, 4-methylthiobutyl, and 5-methylthiopentyl isothiocyanates seemed to be unstable even at-22°C.

© Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
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