Online ISSN : 2423-8856
Print ISSN : 1883-0862
ISSN-L : 1883-0862
  • 左 雯敏
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 1-15
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー


  • ―― 高齢者夫婦の家族の物語に現れる非一貫性に着目して ――
    寺前 建佑
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 16-32
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

      The purpose of this paper is to clarify the significance of undertone life stories focusing on the inconsistencies in narratives about family of an elderly husband and wife. In the welfare state, law and money mediates lives of elderly people. We recognize a subject of elderly people in the discourses of active aging, well-being and ageless life. While, we also know that elderly people percept and feel emotions and memories in a different way from the welfare state system does. This paper focuses on undertone life stories of elderly people in order to pay attention to feelings (emotions and memories) of elderly people living in the welfare state. We focus on the concept of inconsistency (silence, unclearness, contradiction, incomprehensiveness and nondeterminativeness) in narrative approach and analyze undertone life stories of elderly people. While narrative approach defined undertone narratives as a break of consistency of self-story, this paper focuses on inconsistency as a viewpoint of analyzing undertone life stories.   We clarified two points. First, inconsistency suggests plurality of feelings. The inconsistency in the life stories of an elderly wife indicates that her loneliness expresses not only a sense of loss but also affections of grandmother for her grandchild. The inconsistency in the life story of an elderly husband indicates that his pain expresses not only a serious feeling but also appreciation for the irreplaceable father’s memory. Second, this paper reveals the problem of a relationship between inconsistency and feelings. We can see that inconsistency indicates plurality of feelings from a viewpoint of undertone life stories. Towards a study of elderly people’s realities of lives in the welfare state, we have to pay attention to the undertone life stories and to the plurality of feelings.

  • ―性的マイノリティーの事例による「新家庭主義」の再考―
    劉 京
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 33-51
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

      This study focused on the distinctiveness of Chinese society, which characterized by a blend of traditional and contemporary elements. As China's societal modernization forges ahead, the Confucian patriarchal norms that underpin traditional familism are undergoing a process of reinterpretation and reconstruction. This evolution gives rise to a 'Neo-familism', anchored in the principles of intergenerational solidarity. This study specifically examines the responses of sexual minorities to the pressures of traditional familism within the context of China's 'Compressed Modernity'. Through meticulous case analysis, the study reevaluates the framework of 'Neo-familism', shedding light on the familial perceptions and intergenerational relationships prevalent among sexual minorities. Building on these insights, the research juxtaposes the similarities and differences between Neo-familism, and the Individualization Theory as applied in Chinese family studies. It concludes by outlining the prospective challenges and directions for future research in this field.

  • 吉 琛佳
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 52-66
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

     Since the second half of the twentieth century, East Asian societies such as Japan, Korea and China have successively embarked on modernization projects based on developmentalist ideals. In the process of social change aiming at the realization of modern society, the unique temporal perception within East Asian societies has formed and transformed, and has had a dominant influence on its members to the present day. However, few studies by far have theoretically discussed the perception of modern time in East Asia. This paper will focus on the formation and evolution of conceptions regarding modernity in East Asian official discourses and social science researches, and analyze their implications to the perception of time by East Asian people. Subsequently, the study will examine the Confucian capitalism theory and the compressed modernity theory respectively, both the validity and problems, in capturing the sense of time among modern Asia societies. Based on these, I will propose the concepts of ‘general compression’ and ‘specific compression’ in an attempt to characterize the dual characteristics of the sense of time in modern East Asia.

  • ――量子論・南方熊楠・中沢新一・N.ルーマンから――
    首藤 明和
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 67-85
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

      This paper focuses on quantum theory and Minakata Kumagusu's lemma intelligence (making decisions based on intuition). Through a comparison of lemma and logos (objects are laid out in front of one's eyes and then understood and explained in language), this paper reconsiders the methodology of sociology, including epistemology and ontology. Furthermore, we grasp social movements without localizing them to arbitrary values, and we reconsider space-time theory through the contrast between logos and lemma.

  • —大学で中国語を履修した中国帰国者3世の事例から—
    盤 大琳
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 86-104
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

      In Japan, the career choices of children with foreign roots have been predominantly associated with educational achievement, such as progression through high school and university. However, there needs to be more clarity regarding career formation after completing the educational stages. Moreover, most studies focus on experiences that significantly impact their career choices. Yet, there is a lack of research concerning the career choice process from the educational phase to career formation. Therefore, this paper traces the career choice process of an individual with Chinese roots, analyzing it through the Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM). The individual's career path is divided into four phases, and it is identified that career choice is influenced by 'social background,' 'residential and school environment,' 'peer groups,' 'family education,' and 'personal factors. '

  • 胡 嘉原
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 105-122
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

      Since China's reform and opening up in 1978, an increasing number of Chinese people have explored overseas chances, such as studying in Japan. As a result, Japan's Chinese student population has become increasingly varied. Factors such as growing worldwide competition for human resources, a broader choice of work options, better study abroad conditions, and the rise of the Chinese economy and Internet have all altered the social milieu.   This study looks at the job-seeking inclinations, social network utilization, and impacts of the third cohort of Chinese international students in Japan born after the 1980s. They have encountered a more complex social environment than overseas students prior to 1980, come from wealthy households, and have better career opportunities after studying abroad at a younger age as a result of increased academic rivalry in China. They also came to Japan in search of self-fulfillment and contentment, therefore they had great hopes of advancing their careers by working in huge organizations. According to the report, when it comes to looking for career prospects, people choose new social networks over ethnic networks. Chinese SNS software was used to create new ethnic networks centered on job searching and training. Overseas students used these networks to communicate with Chinese people all around Japan, gaining crucial job-hunting information and aid. When looking for work, they use both strong and weak connections. When it comes to getting a job in their home country or in a small company, Chinese students in Japan can benefit from having good contacts. Weak connections, on the other hand, can help people achieve their higher job searching goals by providing different and varied information.

  • ――「第7回世界価値観調査」のデータを用いて――
    翁 康健
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 123-142
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

     马来西亚由于原住民政策和伊斯兰国教等因素,导致非马来人/非穆斯林经常处于不利的位置。因此在不同民族与宗教之间时常存在不平等与差别的问题。并且由于“穆斯林等同于马来人”这种认知,难以区分导致非马来人/非穆斯林经常处于不利的位置是因为民族还是宗教的影响。基于上述背景,本文的研究目的为,通过使用马来西亚第七次世界价值观调查(WVS Wave 7 Malaysia)的数据进行探索性的分析,即在探讨导致马来人/穆斯林与非马来人/非穆斯林之间的不平等因素的基础上,考察如果华人入信伊斯兰教的话,是否能够改变不利的社会地位。分析结果为,非马来人/非穆斯林在学历和社会阶层等方面并没有比马来人处于不利的位置。而是由于主观的选择与马来西亚社会存在距离感。因此,即使华人入信伊斯兰教也未必能够改善不利的社会地位。

  • 东学、西学、国学、玄学与科学交汇的底流
    廖 赤阳
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 143-153
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

     本文は、20世紀以来、中国における日本の霊子術の受容と変容に関する考察である。新文化運動とほぼ同時期に、中国では、西洋の思潮をいち早く受け入れた上海を中心に、西洋と日本のさまざまな「オルタナティブサイエンス」も堂々と輸入された。そして、これは思潮に止まらず、知識層から一般市民まで広範に参加される社会運動として広がった。このような思潮と社会運動では、日本から帰国した華僑が中心的な役割を果たしてきた。彼らが主催する団体により、日本の催眠術や田中守平の太霊道とその霊子術などが中国に導入された。主催者は自らの科学性と哲学性を標ぼうし、心霊万能と精神決定論を主張し、物質のみ重視の従来の科学を批判する。同時に、中国の伝統文化の中からその根拠を求め、さらに、国民性の改造をはかり救国救民の道を探っている。受容の過程において、太霊道の思想は中国では拒絶されたが、一方でその技術体系である霊子術は広く普及し、現代中国の気功の一流派となった。中国に伝わる霊子術は功法の面で基本的に田中守平の体系を踏襲しているが、治療体系では中医鍼灸と密接な関係が持たされた。この事例を通して、近代の西洋科学が強いディスコース・パワーを持っていた時代でも、中国の思想界および関連する心身技術の分野で示される状況は、近代と伝統、科学と迷信、西洋と東洋のような明確な二元対立の構造ではないことが見て取れる。激変する時代の中で、東学(Knowledge in Japan)、西学(Western learning)、国学(Traditional Chinese knowledge)、玄学(Metaphysics,Spirituality)、科学の間には複雑な関係が形成される。

  • 王 維
    2024 年 2024 巻 13 号 p. 154-172
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー

