Online ISSN : 2424-1210
Print ISSN : 1345-7357
ISSN-L : 2424-1210
15 巻
  • —釧路市を事例に—
    中囿 桐代
    2014 年 15 巻 p. 1-20
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2017/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    Non-regular employment has been increasing in our country due to the influence by relaxation of regulations since 1990s and the labor conditions have also been deteriorating as a whole. Working hours of parents in need of childcare are also extended and irregular. For that reason, those people have neither the time for family nor for childcare. As the result, parents are forced to be in dilemma between work and domestic affairs or childcare time, and must suffer a tense situation consistently. Some mothers complain it as “Depression” caused by the circumstances. Other family members constantly could not become dependable caregivers, but somehow a corporative relationship can not be observed among regional parents themselves. Childcare may not be executed in terms of daily/weekly/monthly basis; therefore, parents unfortunately must face much strain. In such situation, nursery would be seen as a central entity to sustain parent’s work and life or become a “Lifeline” for them. Childcare worker flexibly responds to their requests in accordance with parent’s work schedule,or fever of a rapid child. Furthermore, childcare worker supports a mental health issue for parents as well. However, it is still insufficient from the viewpoint of parents. If mother works shorter hours due to seeking more time for childcare, her income would be less in most cases. For that reason, it might not be an ideal choice as all mothers can choose.
