Latin America Ronshu
Online ISSN : 2436-5572
Print ISSN : 0286-004X
ISSN-L : 0286-004X
Volume 38
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
  • [in Japanese], [in Japanese]
    2004 Volume 38 Pages 1-18
    Published: 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 17, 2022

    Currency substitution, the holding by residents of foreign currency as a means of payments, is common feature of high inflation economies such as Latin America countries. Some theoretical preceding studies show that an increase in currency substitution would increase exchange rate volatility. In this paper, we investigate whether an increase in currency substitution have an effect on exchange rate volatility in Mexico. In analysis, we use conditional variance estimated by GARCH model as exchange rate volatility. As a result, we can obtain that an increase in currency substitution have a significant positive effect on exchange rate volatility. Furthermore, we show that an increase in currency substitution has Granger causality on exchange rate volatility, while the reverse is not true. It is known that exchange rate volatility has negative effects on international trade flows and international investment because high exchange rate instability means high exchange rate risk. These results mean that when the authorities in Mexico wish to manage the monetary policies successfully or select an optimal exchange rate regime, they should pay attention to the existence of currency substitution.

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  • [in Japanese]
    2004 Volume 38 Pages 19-34
    Published: 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 17, 2022

    O Brasil possui dois tipos de controle de inconstitucionalidade, ou seja, o controle difuso, em que os tribunais comuns apreciam a constitucionalidade das leis no meio do processo comum, e o concentrado, em que somente o Supremo Tribunal Federal(STF) julga abstratamente a inconstitucionalidade das normas. Esta coexistência dos dois sistemas chama-se o sistema misto, que mostra a peculiaridade do controle brasileiro no direito comparado.

    Do ponto de vista substancial, observam-se as seguintes funções, primordiais e secundárias, no controle de inconstitucionalidade brasileiro.

    Nas funções primordiais incluem-se a função de manter o sistema político fundamental, como a manutenção do federalismo e a sustentação do sistema constitucional próprio do governo - seja militar, seja democrático -, e a função de apoiar a política que cada governo adote. Insere-se aqui também a função de proteger os direitos fundamentais, quase exclusivamente em relação ao interesse económico lato sensu.

    Como funções secundárias, o controle judicial obtém a função política de embargar, especialmente pela minoria parlamentar. E também, há a função de oferecer a oportunidade de negociação política no processo de apreciação de inconstitucionalidade no Poder Judiciário.

    Embora frequentemente enfatizada pelos juristas brasileiros, a função política do STF não é tão significativa.

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  • 1988-1998
    Kaoko Sakikawa
    2004 Volume 38 Pages 35-53
    Published: 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 17, 2022

    Este trabajo analiza la productividad total de los factores (TFP, por sus siglas en inglés) de México en 1988 y 1998. La TFP se calcula a nivel nacional, así como para las 32 entidades federativas y las 7 regiones económicas de México. El cálculo de la TFP se realizó mediante un enfoque “dual”, el cual se basa en los precios de los insumos. Los resultados muestran que entre 1988 y 1998 hubo una reducción generalizada en la TFP dual en las entidades federativas del país. Esta situación se explica fundamentalmente por el comportamiento del precio real de alquiler del capital y del salario real. Por un lado, el precio real de alquiler del capital cayó significativamente en todas las entidades federativas de 1988 a 1998, debido principalmente a la caída de la tasa de interés real. La tasa de interés fue más volátil en los años ochenta que en los años noventa y alcanzó su cumbre en 1988, por lo que ésta variable tuvo un comportamiento a la baja en el periodo 1988-1998. Por otra parte, el comportamiento del salario real entre las regiones fue más heterogéneo, aunque en general prevaleció una tasa negativa. En particular, fue notable la reducción en el salario real en las zonas Centro y Sur, las cuales son las regiones históricamente más pobres. Las posibles explicaciones de la baja tasa del crecimiento del salario real y su desigual comportamiento regional están asociadas con un aumento sostenido en los rendimientos a las habilidades (“skill premia”) después de la apertura económica y al aumento del sector informal en estos años.

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  • [in Japanese]
    2004 Volume 38 Pages 55-70
    Published: 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 17, 2022

    This paper attempts to examine the genealogy of liberalism leading up to the Mexican Revolution by analyzing the legacy of the political ideas of Benito Juárez (1806-1872).

    One of the notable features in the historical studies of liberalism after Mexican Revolution was the tendency to ignore the years 1867 to 1910, particularly the era of Porfirio Díaz. Historians generally treated the revolutionary movement as a return to liberalism of the Restored Republic (1867-1876), based upon the political ideas of Juárez. They stressed the discontinuities between the era of Díaz and the Mexican Revolution.

    The paper will demonstrate that such emphasis on the discontinuities between the era of Díaz and the Mexican Revolution made it difficult to comprehend that one of Juárez political ideas in the era of the Restored Republic was to strength the executive powers, and exaggerated the liberal and democratic aspects of the revolution. In the process, the paper will argue that for both the revolutionary liberals and the scientific liberals, Juárez became a symbol for them to manipulate.

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