Online ISSN : 2434-429X
Print ISSN : 2432-6100
ISSN-L : 2432-6100
9 巻
  • スペシャルオリンピックスの原点,特徴,社会的意義と課題についての今後の 調査研究並びにパラリンピック,デフリンピックなどとの比較研究の促進のために
    小倉 和夫
    2018 年 9 巻 p. 1-26
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/08/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is difficult to find a comprehensive textbook in Japanese on the Special Olympics which can be used as a starting point for further academic studies on various aspects of the Special Olympics, although there exist some books based on the personal experiences of participants or journalistic interviews with participants, and some articles on particular problems related to the Special Olympics such as the effects of sports activities on the health of children with intellectual disabilities.

    In view of this, and for the purpose of comparing the Special Olympics with the Paralympics, The Nippon Foundation Paralympic Support Center’s Paralympic Research Group has carried out research on various aspects of the Special Olympics which can be used as a basis both to increase public knowledge on the Special Olympics and to lay the ground in Japan for encouraging further academic studies on this subject. The research is composed of the following eight parts:

    (1) Origin of the Special Olympics
    (2) How the Special Olympics Movement Started in Japan
    (3) Social Significance of the Special Olympics
    (4) Criteria for Participation, Sports and Features of Events
    (5) Organization and Finance
    (6) Effects and Impacts
    (7) Wider Social Impacts
    (8) Current Problems and Tasks for the Future

  • シャンツ オットー・J.
    2018 年 9 巻 p. 27-41
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー


    競技スポーツの構造的な目的は,最優秀者を選抜して栄誉を讃えるために運動能力に従い分類し,順位をつけることにある。一方,包摂のコンセプトは,これとは反対に,呼び集め,多様性を高く評価し,能力(障がい)を尊重するものである。競技スポーツの主たるイデオロギーはAbleism である。Ableism とは,「共感,思いやり,優しさなど他の能力よりも,例えば生産性や競争力などの特定の能力を評価し奨励する特定の社会集団や社会構造の心理に言及するときに,障がいを持つ活動家たちが用いる観念である」(Wolbring 2008, 253)。競技スポーツは,競技場における一種の社会ダーウィニズム-最速の者,最強の者,最も有能な者,最も熟練した者の生存を促進するものである。


    本稿では,オリンピックとパラリンピックのこうした分離と,競技スポーツにおける競争と包摂の明白な非両立性の問題について,哲学,倫理学,障がい学,スポーツ科学,歴史の観点および概念を用いて論じる。著者の考えを説明するため,人工装具を着けてオリンピックに出場した初の短距離選手であるオスカー・ピストリウス,8.40 mの走り幅跳び記録を持つ片足切断者のマルクス・レーム,あるいはオリンピック水泳に切断者として初めて出場したナタリー・デュトワなどの特殊なケースを検討する。健常者のトップレベル競技において競い合いたいと考える障がい者アスリートは,数多くの障壁や抵抗に直面する。障がいを技術的な装置で補う場合には,技術的ドーピングや不公平の非難に直面する。補助器具なしには,彼らは一般に競争もできない。

    最優秀者選抜の論理を特徴とするトップレベルの競技スポーツは,平等な機会と生来のままの(人工物を用いない)パフォーマンスという(神話的な)スポーツの価値観を依然として守ろうと,代償的な技術装置や補助器具を禁じている。そうしたハイレベルの競技スポーツにおいてアスリートの包摂を望むのであれば,既存のスポーツを適合させ,新しいスポーツを生み出さなければならない。こうして改変されたスポーツや新しいスポーツは,健常者・障がい者を問わず誰もがアクセスでき,参加と勝利の機会均等が可能な限りすべての人に提供すべきものである(Schantz & Gilbert 2012)。アクセスが確保されているスポーツの具体的例をいくつか挙げて議論する。

    21世紀においては,私たちの時代の倫理基準に合うよう人間の多様性にスポーツを適合させるべきであって,西洋の健常な男性アスリートのために19世紀に考案されたスポーツに人間を適合させるべきではない(Schantz 2016)。
  • ディバイン アレクサンドラ, キャロル アリシア, ナイヴァル サイナミリ, セル センミリア
    2018 年 9 巻 p. 43-62
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー




  • 佐藤 裕視
    2018 年 9 巻 p. 63-76
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/08/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Uncertainty” has been a feature of international affairs in recent years. There is a wave of international terrorism and migration, and the pendulum swing towards protectionism is rife. Under these circumstances, the world will be looking more closely to the direction that Japan will take as it prepares for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

    This is also true of the Paralympic Games, which are inherently closely related to international affairs, such as wars and civil wars that engendered large numbers of people who became socially vulnerable. The Paralympic movement has its origins in the rehabilitation of war veterans wounded in the Second World War, and its close links with international affairs remain unchanged even in the 21st century. In fact, a Syrian refugee who fled the Syrian civil war participated in the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games.

    In a sharp contrast to the Olympics, there is little research on the relation between the Paralympics and international affairs. On the contrary, the emphasis on the link between the Olympics and international affairs has been laid, particularly in Japan, on high-flown rhetoric, such as in the form of the “festival of peace” and “forum for international cooperation,” while the inherent link between the Paralympics and international politics has been diluted.

    Against this backdrop, this research aims to elucidate the relation between the Paralympics and international politics, setting the question, “What is the relation between international affairs and the Paralympics and how has that relation evolved?” To address this question, two approaches that pertain to international politics as major themes were used, namely, (1) International Development Studies and (2) International Politics. From the perspective of international development studies, the introduction of the concept of “sports-in-development” brought to light the negative aspect of linking sports and international development. From the perspective of international politics, it was clarified, from the constructivist standpoint that includes in its scope non-state actors like international NGOs, that improvement in the status of people with disability was brought about by the interlinkage of domestic andinternational policies.

    These approaches to the link between disability sports and sports on one hand and international politics on the other may be sounding an alarm that what we see in Japan is the opposite of what it should be. In other words, development undertaken blithely without regard for the strong historical link between war and disability sports will bring to the surface the intrinsic gap between sports and disability. As the origins of the Paralympics symbolize, disability sports have strong links with international affairs in the form of wars and civil wars. It is widely known that the Paralympics have their origins in the rehabilitation of patients with spinal injuries at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in the U. K., which was established with the purpose of treating and rehabilitating war veterans injured in the Second World War. In Japan too, the origins of disability sports always had links with war.

    The above discussion from the perspectives of International Development Studies and International Politics clearly showed that the Paralympics are inherently deeply interconnected with international affairs in the form of war and peace. The move to rapidly link international development and disability sports and bring about interlinkage between domestic-level and international-level policies is positive and has value. On the other hand, the decreasing tolerance towards non-universality that lurks behind the notion of respect for the uniqueness of people with disability and pursuit for the spread of such universal principles as nationalism and sports is negative and must not be overlooked.