SuperKEKB is an electron-positron collider located at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba. The electron cloud effects (ECE) have been a serious problem in recent high-intensity positron and proton rings, and the positron ring of the SuperKEKB (the Low Energy Ring, LER) is no exception. Various countermeasures against ECE, such as beam pipes with antechambers and TiN coating on the inner wall of the pipes, were adopted in LER from the beginning. The ECE, however, were observed during Phase-1 commissioning at a lower beam current than expected. Additional countermeasure, that is, magnetic fields in the beam direction, was applied at drift spaces in the ring after the Phase-1. Experiments in Phase-2 and Phase-3 commissioning showed that the threshold of the current linear density for exciting the ECE increased by a factor of at least 2.6 compared to that during Phase-1. Mitigating effects of several key countermeasures were also experimentally re-evaluated using the real ring.