Several colorimetric determinations of sialic acid content in human sera were investigatedin 50 cases, and following results were obtained.
1) Bial reaction
This test was found to be most sensitive and reproducible, therefore it may berecommended for general use.
Although protein and other carbohydrate give slight colour formation with Bial'sreagent, the interference by serum protein can be eliminated by heating with thichloraceticacid, and the increase of optical density due to blood sugar is only negliable.Normal value of sialic acid by this method ranges from 60 to 81mg/dl (mean 71±1.2mg/dl).
2) Diphenylamin reaction (DPA)
By this method, the result may be parallel to that of Bial, though in general produceasomewhat higher value. Moreover this method is not so reproducible as Bial method.Sulfuric-acetic acid reaction is a blank reaction of DPA. Though this is not specificcolour reaction for sialic acid, it has better reproducibility and is simpler than DPA.Mean values of sialic acid in normal by DPA and sulfuric acetic acid method are87±1.9 and 69±1.5mg/dl, respectively.
3) Ehrlich direct reaction (ER)
In this method, considerable coloration is producible by the presence of serum protein. Moreover, its reproducibility is poor and it requires larger volume of sera than anyother methods above. The mean normal value of sialic acid by this method is 59±1.8mg/dl.