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380件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 食品群別パターンによる指導
    斎藤 昇, 西本 裕美子, 杉藤 智子
    1984年 42 巻 2 号 107-116
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    週3回 (5時間/回), ホローファイバーを用い透析を行っている慢性透析患者38名 (男23名, 女15名) に対して, 食事のとり方についての映画 (16ミリ, 45分) ならびに映画の説明用テキストを使用して栄養指導を行った。
    彼らの透析後の体重は平均して標準体重の89.2%であった。彼らは1,935kcalのエネルギーを摂取し, 暫定的に定めた食物摂取基準量に比べると, 小麦粉, じゃがいも, 果物, 野菜, 豆類, 乳類は少なく, 肉, 魚介類, 卵は多く摂取していた。ヘマトクリット25%以上の者では, 同じく米, 野菜, 肉, 魚介類が多く, 果物, 乳類, じゃがいも,味噌が少なかった。ヘマトクリット20%以下の者では, 米, 卵, 肉, 砂糖が多く, 小麦粉, 豆類, 野菜, 乳類, 味噌が少なかった。テキスト中の食品をラベル方式で示し, 栄養指導を行ったところ, ヘマトクリット20%以下の者は, 9例中5例の値が上昇し, 17.9%から20.2%になったが, 残り4例は変化がなかった。
    肝機能障害者は高エネルギー, 高たん白質の食事を摂取していた。高中性脂肪血症の例では, 2ヵ月の栄養指導の後, 6例中5例が血清中性脂肪の低下をみた。食事エネルギーと砂糖の制限は血清中性脂肪の低下に有効であった。
    食物の全体量に加えて, 摂取食物の栄養的なバランスが透析患者の栄養管理のキーポイントであることが示唆された。
  • 林 主税
    1967年 22 巻 5 号 306-314
    発行日: 1967/05/05
    公開日: 2008/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 秋田 美代
    2018年 28 巻 6 号 7-10
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/04/07
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 山登り式学習法の実践とその効果
    齋藤 昇
    2007年 22 巻 2 号 1-6
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2018/04/07
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    生徒の創造的思考を活性化する「山登り式学習法」を提案し,学習効果を明らかにする。中学1,2,3年生を対象とした数学の授業実践では,次のことが明らかになった。 (1) 認知的学力を15~20%高めることができる。 (2) 数学への関心・意欲・自信等の情意を10~15%高めることができる。
  • 齋藤 昇
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2004年 10 巻 95-106
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, I describe the degree of creativity development of students by using "the quadrilateral" that is a basic figure as the teaching materials in arithmetic education. The experiment involved 742 students from elementary school grade 3, 4, 5, 6, junior high school grade 2, senior high school grade 1 and second and third year university students. I set four evaluation viewpoints to measure creativity ability test. These are divergency, fluency, flexibility and originality. I examined the degrees of creativity ability development, the correlation coefficient and the causality relation among the scores of each evaluation viewpoint by using the creativity ability test. The results are as follows: - The difference of the creativity ability development is seen between elementary school students grade 4 and grade 5, and senior high school students grade 1 and second and third year university students. - As for scores of divergency, fluency, flexibility and originality of the creativity ability test, the score of elementary school students grade 5 and 6 is the higher compared with the score of junior high school students grade 2, senior high school students grade 1 and second and third year university students. - The development about flexibility and originality is hardly seen even if the grade rises. - The students who get higher flexibility score achieve higher fluency score and originality score. - The students who get higher originality score achieve higher fluency score and flexibility score.
  • 斎藤 昇, 横田 政晶, 満尾 由美子, 久保田 徳昭
    2000年 54 巻 3 号 250-252
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    フローセル内で成長中の塩化ナトリウム種結晶に機械的刺激を与えたところ, 結晶表面の摩耗された部分に多数の配列微結晶が現れた. 配列微結晶が発達する際に微結晶間に母液が取り残されて液胞が生成した.
  • 藤田 彰子, 齋藤 昇
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2005年 11 巻 177-192
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper we describe the development of the creativity power and the creativity attitude in mathematics learning for junior high school student's grade 1 to grade 3. For the creativity power measurement, we used a creativity test of "The Number and Formula" and "The Figure and Congruence" used the test score. For creativity attitude measurement, we used a Creativity Attitude Scale (CAS) that was developed by Saito N. We examined the development of the creativity test score and the creativity attitude scale score, and the causal relation between the creativity test score and the creativity attitude scale score for "The Number and Formula" and "The Figure and Congruence". The results are as follows: - The students who get higher score of the fluency get higher score of the diffusion for junior high school student's grade 1 to grade 3. - The students who get higher score of the flexibility get higher score of the originality for junior high school student's grade 1 to grade 3. - The creativity attitude scale score hardly develops for junior high school student's grade 1 to grade 3.
  • 秋田 美代
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2003年 9 巻 193-202
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, I describe the degree of creativity development of students by using "the linear function", which is the teaching materials in mathematics education in junior high school grade 2. The experiment was participants by 170 students from junior high school grade 2, senior high school grade 1 and second year university students. I set five evaluation viewpoint to measure a creativity ability test. These are divergency, logicalness, fluency, flexibility and originality. I examined the degrees of creativity ability development, the correlation coefficient and the causality relation among the scores of each evaluation viewpoint by using the creativity ability test. The results are as follows: - As for total score of the creativity ability test, the score of high school students is lower compared with the score of junior high school students and university students. - As for divergency score in the creativity ability test, the score of high school students is lower compared with the score of junior high school students and university students. - The difference of the development about logicalness and fluency is seen between students of high school and university. - The development about flexibility and originality is hardly seen even if the grade rises. - In all grades, the structure of the correlation coefficient and the causality relation among the scores of five evaluation viewpoints was similar. - The students who get higher originality score achieve higher logicalness score, higher fluency score and flexibility score. The students who get higher flexibility score achieve higher divergency score, higher logicalness score and higher fluency score.
  • 齋藤 昇, 秋田 美代
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2003年 9 巻 181-191
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we describe the degree of creativity development of students by using "the sum of the interior angle of the quadrilateral" that is a basic figure as the teaching materials in mathematics education in junior high school grade 2. The experiment was participated by 316 students from junior high school grade 2, senior high school grade 1, second year university students and first year master course students. We set four (4) evaluation viewpoints: divergency, fluency, flexibility and originality to measure a creativity ability test. By using the creativity ability test, we examined the degrees of creativity ability development, the correlation coefficient and the causality relation among the scores of each evaluation viewpoints. The results are as follows: - The higher grade students achieved lower divergency score in the creativity ability test as compared with lower grade students. For instance university students (higher grade students) were compared to senior high school students (lower grade students). On the other hand, senior high school students (higher grade students) were compared to junior high school students (lower grade students). - There were causality relation among the fluency score, flexibility score and originality score in the creativity ability test to all students. For example, the students that got higher originality score achieve higher fluency score and flexibility score. - The higher grade students achieved higher fluency score, flexibility score and originality score in the creativity ability test as compared with lower grade students. However, all students got low originality score in creativity ability test.
  • 齋藤 昇
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2006年 12 巻 105-117
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, I describe the relation between the creativity and the understanding of the learning contents in "The Space Figure". The experiment involved 145 participants from junior high school students grade 1. For the measurement of the creativity, I made a creativity test of "The Space Figure" and used the test score. For the measurement of the understanding of the learning contents, I made a scholastic achievement test of "The Space Figure" which has three categories. Three categories of the scholastic achievement test are composed by the problems about the understanding of a basic computation skill, the understanding of the procedure when the students solve problems and the understanding of the structural relation of the learning contents. I examined the correlation coefficient and the causal relationship between the creativity test score and the scholastic achievement test score. The results are as follows: - The students who get higher scholastic achievement test score get higher creativity test score. The contrary of this proposition is not realized. - The students who get higher score of the basic computation skill get higher scores of the divergence, the fluency and the flexibility of the creativity. - The students who get higher score of the understanding of the procedure when the students solve problems get higher scores of the divergence, the fluency and the flexibility of the creativity. - The students who get higher the score of the understanding of the structural relation of the learning contents get higher scores of the divergence, the fluency and the flexibility of the creativity. - The understanding of the structural relation of the learning contents in three categories has the biggest influence to the fluency and the flexibility of the creativity.
  • 徳田 久弥, 湊谷 寛治
    The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics
    1969年 22 巻 5 号 349-351
    発行日: 1969/10/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cloxacillin-Ampicillin (Viccillin S ‘Meiji’) は, Cloxacillin (Methylchlorophenylisoxazolml penicillin: MCI-PC) とAmpicillin (Alninobenzyl penicillin: AB-PC) の等量合剤で, AB-PCの広域スペクトル抗菌性とMCI-PCの特にブドウ球菌に対する高い抗菌力のふたつを特長とする抗生物質製剤ということができる。
  • 秋田 美代, 齋藤 昇
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2011年 17 巻 2 号 55-63
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we clarify the inhibitory factor of flexible idea in present mathematics instruction. And we propose the problems of making a student's flexible idea. We analyzed the inhibitory factor using an achievement test and a creativity test about the area of the figure. As a result, we found that the learners have functional fixedness in the mathematics problem solving. We call it "Temporary plateau of thinking in problem solving". We made two kinds of problems of breaking out of the "Temporary plateau of thinking in problem solving", problem which put restrictions on the solution and problem which required that many methods should be considered. We compared the usual problem with the problems of breaking out of the "Temporary plateau of thinking in problem solving". The results are as follows. - When compared with the usual problem, the problems of breaking out of the "Temporary plateau of thinking in problem solving" made many flexible ideas. - When compared with the usual problem, the problem which put restrictions on the solution was still difficult for students. - If the teacher gives appropriate teaching, the students can break out the "Temporary plateau of thinking in problem solving".
  • 秋田 美代, 齋藤 昇
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2004年 10 巻 107-122
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we describe the relationship among the creativity power, the creativity attitude and the scholastic achievement in mathematics learning. The experiment involved 70 participants from junior high school students grade 2. For the creativity power, we made a creativity test of "the linear function" and used the test score. For the scholastic achievement, we made the test of "the linear function" which has three categories. Three categories of the scholastic achievement test are composed by the problem about the understanding of a basic computation skill, the understanding of the procedure when the students solve problems and the understanding of the structural relation of the learning contents. We call scholastic achievement test "the three dimension test". For the creativity attitude measurement, we used a Creativity Attitude Scale (CAS) that was developed by Saito, N. We examined the correlation coefficient and the causal relationship among the creativity test score, the scholastic achievement test score and the creativity attitude scale score. The results are as follows: - The students who get higher the creativity attitude scale score get higher the creativity test score. - The students who get higher the creativity test score get higher in the three dimension test. - The students who get higher score in the three dimension test get higher the creativity attitude scale score. Especially, the understanding of a basic computation skill has a very big influence on the creativity attitude. - The understanding of the structural relation of the learning contents is a basis of the understanding of a basic computation skill and the understanding of the procedure when the students solve problems. - The understanding of the structural relation of the learning contents in three categories has the biggest influence to the creativity.
  • 内田 直也, 福西 修三, 斎藤 昇一
    1973年 42 巻 9 号 903-904
    発行日: 1973/09/10
    公開日: 2009/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩淵 武介, 斉藤 昇, 臼井 千雄
    1973年 22 巻 3 号 346-350
    発行日: 1973年
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 秋田 美代
    2002年 43 巻 3-4 号 69-80
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2020/05/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 秋田 美代, 齋藤 昇
    2013年 54 巻 3-4 号 107-115
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2020/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    生徒の数学学習においては,解決方法の固着が創造性発揮を阻害している状態である 「問題解決における思考の一時的滞留」がみられる。本研究では,関係の表象と数学の理 解との関係から,生徒の柔軟な思考を促進するための認知について考察する。中学校2年で学ぶ作図を題材として,調査を行った結果,次のことが明らかになった。
  • 秋田 美代, 齋藤 昇
    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
    2000年 6 巻 49-57
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2019/01/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The support system for activating structural thinking by utilizing computers is proposed in this paper. This system makes it possible to judge the level of students' structural comprehension of their lessons. Computers provide feedback to students, depending on the students' levels of comprehension. This feedback is broken down into 13 categories. In general, the fewer the number of attempts, the less precise the information provided for students becomes. By increasing the number of attempts, students can receive more detailed feedback. The students were instructed to use this system in their mathematics classes. The students' performance and the effectiveness of the system were studied. Fifty students in the third year of the junior high school participated in the study. The results of the study show that the mean values of the transfer coefficient increased exponentially in proportion to the number of inputs. This is because the feedback provided by the computers to the students was appropriate. This shows that the developed system was effective. Furthermore, with cluster analysis, two different patterns were seen in the increases in the mean values of the transfer coefficients in proportion to the number of inputs. One of the patterns represents the exponential increase while the other illustrates the logarithmic increase.
  • 小原 豊
    2006年 30 巻 1B1-F5
    発行日: 2006/08/10
    公開日: 2018/05/16
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • (3) ウサギの急性経皮毒性
    西村 浩, 斎藤 昇二, 岸田 文雄, 松尾 昌年
    1994年 36 巻 6 号 428-434
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2009/03/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    Acute dermal toxicity (LD50-value) of organic chemicals to rabbits was analyzed by using solubility parameter (δc), a thermodynamic parameter, of the chemicals. As it was observed in the previous studies with rats and mice, parabolic correlations were also established between logarithm of LD50-value (mmol/kg body weight, rabbits) and δc of all the collected chemicals (n=56, R=0.498), alcohols (n=19, R=0.857), ketones (n=7, R=0.711), aldehydes (n=7, R=0.633) and aromatics (n=20, R=0.613). Introduction of molar volume (Vc) to the above equations did not improve the correlations. In the study, we assumed that chemicals absorbed dermally by the mammals similarly disturb the homeostasis, as in acute oral toxicities of organic chemicals to rats and mice. We successfully confirmed the theoretical equation regardless of species and routes of administration by establishing statistically significant correlations with all the collected chemicals, alcohols and aromatics. By analysis, we could determine the solubility parameter of 2.24×104 (J/m3)1/2 for the biological membrane (absorption site) of rabbits. As the dermal δc-values which dip the LD50-values for rabbits are approximately the same as in acute oral toxicities with rats and mice, common deleterious effects and mechanism may be working at the common target sites. The regression curves of LD50-values of rabbits, however, are slightly higher than those of rats and mice, which may reflect the difference in amounts of the chemicals absorbed by the body. For comparison, log P was used to describe LD50 of all the collected chemicals, and significant correlations were observed in parabolic and bilinear equation (n=56, R=0.522, 0.584), but no relationships were established for aromatics.