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7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • ―モロッコの事例を中心に―
    高﨑 春華
    2011年 2011 巻 31 号 241-264
    発行日: 2011/07/20
    公開日: 2013/07/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relationship between the EU and the Mediterranean enters a new stage after the 1995 Barcelona Declaration. This phase has been preceded by an active implementation of EU’s policy towards the Mediterranean since the 1960s. The main objective of the ongoing policy is to ensure high economic growth in the Mediterranean area based on the promotion of EU’s FDI into the region which is fully integrated in the production network of Europe. This type of policy has also been the underpinnings of Central and Eastern Europe’s economic development. Having agreed with the similar development policy, Mediterranean countries, especially Morocco, have started an FDI-oriented economic growth strategy.
    The general objective of this study is to illustrate the process of EU’s FDI in the Mediterranean, especially Morocco, taking the EU policy as a starting point. In particular, after a description of the characteristics of Moroccan development strategy, an attention is paid to the market level behavior. Specifically, we investigate the present condition of the Moroccan automotive industry and examine the case of Renault based on a fieldwork.
    In recent years, the automobile and aeronautic sectors have become one of the most important sectors with respect to the Moroccan Industrial Emergence National Pact and have consequently received large inflows of FDI mainly from Southern Europe’s multinational firms (France and Spain). The economic reforms taking place in Morocco, namely the Tanger MED port facilities, the various free zones and the governmental investment incentives packages, can explain the recent increase of FDI in the country. Besides, contrarily the other Mediterranean countries, Morocco has adopted the “advanced status” in 2008 which aimed at legally making the country closer to EU through the EU acquis.
    Our fieldwork has been conducted in SOMACA and Renault-Nissan (Tanger-Project). SOMACA has been, until 2002, an export-oriented firm focusing in the Southern European market and has started the exports of low-cost vehicles (Dacia-Logan) in 2007. Despite the recent financial crisis, Renault is one of the most important firms, especially because our fieldwork has shown that the “Renault-Tanger Mediterranean” Project with a production capacity of 400000 vehicles, a low-cost production base, is the greatest project ever in the Moroccan automotive sector. An examination of the Moroccan automobile industry can consequently help to have an idea on part of the formation of a production network that is taking place in the region.
  • 滝 泰臣, 大内 久夫, 飯干 富広, 吉塚 尚純, Mohamad AIT EL AAL, Abdellah Ouali
    2021年 77 巻 2 号 I_535-I_540
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 「大衆のための都市計画」の修正と定着の過程:1948年~1991年
    松原 康介
    2002年 37 巻 469-474
    発行日: 2002/10/25
    公開日: 2017/11/07
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    本稿では、モロッコの旧都フェスを事例として、保護領末期のフランス植民都市計画の新旧市街の分離主義の転換と、その修正と定着の過程を明らかにする。1948年、フランス人都市計画家ミシェル・エコシャールは、「大衆のための都市計画」を掲げてこの転換を開始して、モロッコ人のための宅地、及び産業地区を設定した。これは都市計画の「急激な改革」であって、以後の都市計画はその修正と定着が課題となった。S.D.A.U. 1980では、土地利用計画の目的が新規宅地の計画から、既存市街地のコントロールへと発展した点が重要である。続くS.D.A.U. 1991は成長管理的政策によって市街化の抑制を試みながら、観光都市化政策や緑地の整備によって、分離主義に替わる都市像を目指している。
  • 中東:1970年代の政治変動
    勝俣 誠
    1983年 1983 巻 73 号 86-103,L12
    発行日: 1983/05/25
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The contemporary societies of the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) are fundamentally ruled by three main relations: large scale relations with the industrialized countries, particularly with France, the former colonial power; sociocultural relations between the Maghreb states and informal Islamic institutions that structure the space of everyday life; and politico-economic relations with the Sub-Saharan African states.
    The present article focuses upon the first set of relations as a way of posing and examining the followng questions:
    (1) Why and how, even today, Maghreb's economic dependence upon industrialized economies is maintained through the emigration of Maghreb's labor force;
    (2) How Maghreb's external trade relations based on raw materials determine the nature of the economic and social development of the Maghreb;
    (3) How relations with the industrialized world can be placed in a Mediterranean geo-political context.
    If most studies agree on the existence of dependent relations between Maghreb society and the industrialized world, the determination of the precise components of dependence varies from one study to another. An analysis of the cultural and agricultural aspects of the movement of labor allows us to understand the motivation and role of each emigrant in perpetuating the movement. On the other hand, the anatomy of a natural resource oriented economy shows us the limited possibility of autonomous development based on the international valorization of local resources. Further, the external prospects for Maghreb society are more uncertain than ever because of the sustained world recession. That is the reason why an alternative scenario of a Mediterranean bloc is being discussed professionally as one of the regional solutions to world-wide uncertainty.
    This scenario corresponds with the mutually expanding interests of the EC and the Arab World. An example of the closer ties is a network of agreements which the EC has established with almost all of the Mediterranean countries, including those with the Maghreb, concluded in 1976. These treaties are restricted to economic relations. Another example is the Euro-Arab Dialogue (DEA). This idea appeared in the aftermath of the Arab oil embargo in 1973. In a series of negotiations between the EC and the Arab countries, politics in the Middle East has come to the surface as a policy issue, though policies are yet to be formulated. It is obvious that the geo-political location of the Mediterranean Sea is strategically important for both the Maghreb and France. Since the late 1970s, France in particular has advocated a regional plan of cooperation based on the strategic location of the Mediterranean region. In comparison with former plans, this plan mentions that France, as the sole nuclear power in the region, is expected to make a contribution to security in the area; second, the Mediterranean countries —Southern Europe, the Maghreb and the Middle East— are located on the periphery in the structure of world capitalism. How this scenario develops still remains to be seen.
  • (D) 矢崎総業―モロッコの日系自動車部品ハイブリッド工場
    苑 志佳
    2012年 11 巻 10 号 681-694
    発行日: 2012/10/25
    公開日: 2017/03/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • モロッコ・モーリタニア・ギニアにおける開発とジェンダー事情から学ぶ
    小縣 早知子
    2001年 2001 巻 4 号 17-34
    発行日: 2001/09/20
    公開日: 2010/03/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Le Japon, qui occupe aujourd'hui le premier rang en matière d'aide publique au développement, est qualifie de leader parmi les pays donateurs. Ses activités de coopération internationale constituent un de ses plus importants instruments diplomatiques et lui permettent de remplir un role positif dans la communaute internationale. Tout en maintenant cette position de leader dans le futur, le fait de s'attaquer de concert avec les pays en voie de développement aux problèmes auxquels ils font face contribuera également à la promotion de ses propres interets nationaux. Le probleme du genre et du développement est abordee ici dans un tel contexte, du point de vue de la creation d'un partenariat encore meilleur avec ces pays, et des problèmes communs qu'elle souleve pour tous les etres humains appartenant a une meme epoque.
    Dans le present article, nous mettons en evidence la situation actuelle sur le probleme du genre en Afrique islamique, en presentant en exemples le Maroc et la Mauritanie, pays islamiques de l'Afrique francophone, ainsi que la Guinee, pays laique mais ou l'on compte 90 de musulman. Le present article se compose comme suit. Il commence par un survol des prpblemes du genre aux trois pays en presentant des exemples concrets, principalement a la lueur de resultats d'etude de terrain. En suite it effectue un examen des elements communs. Enfin, sur la base de cet examen, une proposition de renforcement (empowerment) au niveau local est presentee pour la resolution de ces problèmes. Il s'agit principalement de sensibiliser et d'eduquer les filles et les femmes, et de creer des opportunites pour qu'elles puissent deployer leur savoir-faire sur la scene sociale, sans toutefois negliger l'importance que revet pour cela la comprehension et la coopération des garcons et des hommes.
    Finalement, une fois termine ce travail de mise en lumiere de la situation actuelle en matière de genre et développement, nous esperons pouvoir attirer l'attention sur nos propres problèmes. Puisque le Japon apporte son aide aux pays en voie de développement a toutes les etapes du processus (propositions de mesures, realisation, puis suivi des projets), de meilleures perspectives de développement et de partenariat ne seront possibles que si le partenaire que nous sommes se libere lui-meme de ses propres problèmes de genre. Il s'agit de ne pas concevoir le probleme du genre comme le probleme de pays lointains et ne nous concernant pas, de ne pas considerer l'aide au développement comme un moyen de promotion des interets du Japon, et de retourner notre regard sur nous-memes. Autrement dit, d'aborder ces problèmes dans ce qu'ils ont de commun a toute l'humanité.
  • 堀内 正樹
    1989年 4 巻 1 号 1-43
    発行日: 1989/03/31
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    This article contains the description and interpretation of a saintly festival held in central Morocco. Saintly festivals, called "Moussem-s". are common to all areas in western Maghreb countries and about one thousand of Moussems are being held each year in Morocco. They have a great variety of characteristics according to their own localities and are embedded in each specific socio-symbolic context. It seems almost impossible to draw common features from all these Moussems, both in sociological and symbolic forms. The only abstract which we can obtain is, in my view, that the Moussem is a rare occasion of great gathering of rural people, and can be esteemed as "embodiment of society". Though this proposition, spoken out in a rather self-evident way, seems to be a matter of course, it still holds significant importance in the context of interpreting festivals and rituals. Religious festivals and rituals are often posited as extraordinary events which are separated from everyday life and constitute special domain that is opposed to mundane, profane and structured social world. But the Moussem of Sidi Sharqi demands a careful interpretation regarding this bifurcational opposition scheme. Its connotation in symbolic scene requests us to understand this tribal gathering as an extension and crystallization of daily social life. This feature finds its validity also in social context. The Moussem and weekly markets make the current personal networks observable in clearly embodied form and even produce the network itself. It is by no means cut from daily activities. The general theme that festivals have the features of "Communitus" is not applicable to this Moussem. This proposition underlies the whole description and interpretation of this article. After examining the meaning of the term "Moussem" and its distribution in Morocco (Chapter I), I shall report the outline of past three Moussems of Sidi Sharqi, which were held during 1985-1987 when I carried out my fieldwork there in Boujad. holy town of Sidi Sharqi (Chapter II). And in Chapter III, I describe the above-mentioned proposition from two view-points. First of which is the socio-economic aspect of participants to this Moussem. namely two major tribes Beni Zemmur and Smaala. Here, fluidity and amorphism in their segmentary structure comes to the main point. I shall mention that the gathering at the Moussem is a reflection of this daily fluidity in their tribal social conditions. And I shall also point out that the Moussem is a rare opportunity for tribesmen to act as a member of "tribe", because the tribal system has been undermined by national policy and its succeeding socio-economic change in general Moroccan scene. Moussem is not independent of social reality. The second aspect of the proposition shall be discussed in symbolic sphere. Time and space of the Moussem is examined by symbolic context and will be concluded that the gathering is continuation of everyday life, not separated from the mundane domain as has often been formulated in Turner or Leachian manner. Sacred symbol, Sidi Sharqi, stands by the Moussem and accordingly by the society. In other words, binary opposition comes into existence between Sidi Sharqi and the society produced by the Moussem. The gathering itself belongs to the mundane, not to the sacred. Finally. I shall discuss the relation between Sidi Sharqi and his Moussem (or Boujad society) from the view-point of "Stranger as the holiness" theme. Sidi Sharqi can be better understood when we see him as a stranger. He has many attributes which are peculiar to strangers possessing symbolic power. Conclusion is as follows; (1) Tribesmen are the main participants in the Moussem. (2) Tribal social structure is dominated by fluidity and amorphisra, which will decide the form of the Moussem. Importance is laid on detailed parts, not on the whole.

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
