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700件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • ボアス
    1926年 3 巻 12 号 677-681
    発行日: 1926/06/20
    公開日: 2019/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 細川 汀, 中迫 勝, 新井 邦子
    1969年 24 巻 3 号 396-412
    発行日: 1969/08/30
    公開日: 2009/08/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Physiological response levels of five taxi drivers who had been driving for 10 days were investigated. In addition questionnaires concerning health and fatigue were distributed among 1062 drivers. The results are as follows:
    1. Physiological overloads were almost always caused by extended working hours, reduced recess, speeding, accepting long distance destination passengers, as well as heavy daytime traffic and an effort to earn as much as possible under the existing percentage system within the present 16 hour workday law.
    2. It is interesting to note that the tests of subjective symptoms such as C.F.F; sensory motor functions and cardiac functions revealed valuable data. The subjective test results were markedly different at midnight compared to other times during the day.
    3. There was a close relation observed between the taxi-driver's fatigue, diseases and subjective symptoms as well as the working conditions, long distant runs, work hours and the constrained posture resulting from continuous driving.
    Conclusively speaking, in order to prevent accidents due to fatigue on the part of automobile drivers we propose to improve working conditions, that is to reconsider the present system of the percentage basis with the long working hours involved therein.
  • 永井 順正
    2004年 52 巻 600 号 2-5
    発行日: 2004/01/05
    公開日: 2019/04/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大原 誠, 玉置 久
    2012年 132 巻 10 号 1645-1655
    発行日: 2012/10/01
    公開日: 2012/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents a way to acquire effective rule-sets for realizing the suitable distribution of cruising taxicabs based on a decentralized autonomous manner. As a result of the revision of Road Transportation Law, a taxi business have been saturated by new entries, and rookie drivers particularly have a lot of difficulty in finding passengers, because of the lack of the knowledge or experiences. Here, it is desired and effective for less-experienced drivers to design a support system which suggests potential destinations for finding passengers. As for the problem of distributing cruising taxicabs, there are many uncertainties caused by incomplete observations, e.g. locations of passengers as well as other taxicabs. Due to these uncertainties, it is impossible to distribute taxicabs optimally, e.g., by a certain centralized control. This paper proposes a decentralized and autonomous framework for distributing cruising taxicabs by adopting priority-based rules, which calculate the priorities of areas, which are to be adjusted according to the situations of each taxicab. Through some computational simulations, the effectiveness and the potential of the proposed method are confirmed.
  • 高槻市樫田地区を対象として
    高岡 久季, 星野 敏
    2006年 25 巻 Special_Issue 号 371-376
    発行日: 2006/12/30
    公開日: 2007/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study examined the convenience of public transportation system, the burden of pick-up at Kashida area in Takatsuki-city. We showed that it was hard to satisfy traffic demand of the people. Moreover we proposed innovating community taxi as a solution, and supposed the instance of service-system, made a trial calculation of its profit and cost performance. Finally, it is proved that community taxi has high possibility of problem solving.
  • 上条 陽, パラディ ジアンカルロス, 髙見 淳史
    2022年 42 巻
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/11/10
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    本研究は、都心業務地区を対象地域に、車両台数の足らない状況において、Alonso-Mora らによる配車アルゴリズムによる乗車定員 4 名の相乗りタクシーの配車・運送をシミュレーションした。その際、トリップ・車両の割り当てにあたって最小化する所要時間に関する目的関数について、乗客の増加所要時間に対する車両の拘束時間の重み付けWvを変数に 5 つのシナリオを設けて比較評価をおこなった。拒否リクエスト数について、乗車率や将来の逼迫度に合わせてWvを変動させて相乗りを促進することによって限られた台数でより多くのリクエストを受け入れられるという結果を示した。平均車内遅延時間が短いシナリオは、1 台あたり平均走行距離が長くなる逆相関の傾向が見られ、車内遅延時間と総走行台キロはトレードオフの関係にあることが示唆された。

  • よしだ ひろこ
    2017年 35 巻 1 号 37-
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    セルフの微細なエネルギーを活性化させるためには純粋な光のイメージが必要で、それにより「非物質的な魂の波動エネルギー」と結びつくことが出来るのである。そのスピリチュアルな魂のエネルギーは今まで「一方通行」と思われていた「あの世」の扉から、微細にして大いなる光を「この世」に届けてくれているのを私は感じる。 「あの世」からのメッセージを催眠中の4人の言葉から検証する。
  • 秋田市交通圏のタクシーを例として
    鈴木 雄, 日野 智
    2016年 51 巻 3 号 673-679
    発行日: 2016/10/25
    公開日: 2016/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 運転者と事業所の対応について
    一杉 正仁, 山内 忍, 長谷川 桃子, 高相 真鈴, 深山 源太, 小関 剛
    2016年 15 巻 2 号 50-57
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2018/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • —高齢化と人口減少が進む地域に寄り添う「新たな足」として—
    村上 智則
    2017年 33 巻 4 号 246-251
    発行日: 2017/10/01
    公開日: 2018/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 中村 公則
    1973年 16 巻 2 号 119-127,188
    発行日: 1973年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Omar Khayyam is not a sufi. This is my conclusion.
    In the “Rubaiyat”, Omar Khayyam compares our life to travels. Sufic poets do it in the same way. Or Omar says, “Enjoy the moment”. The word “moment” —‹hal› in Persian— is also used by sufis. And Jan Rypka, in his famous work “A History of Iranian Literature”, said that Omar followed the same path as Avicenna, which bore a strong resemblance to the Isma'ili doctrine and sufism. These things explain why he had long been regarded as a sufi by many people. Nevertheless, he was not a sufi.
    Firstly, we can hardly apply the allegory of the mystical Iyric to the poem of Omar Khayyam. Inhis rubaiyat the word ‹sharab; wine›, for instance, cannot be understood that it means the ecstatic experience due to the revelation of the True Beloved.
    Secondly, Omar's ‹nisti› or ‹adam› which mean nothingness do not accord with the concept of so-called ‹fana;› annihilations or ‹Das Nichts› in the West.
    Thirdly, his notion of ‹falk; the sky› is closely akin to the one of us Japanese. It differs from ‹xoda; Gods› in Islam.
    Lastly, the greatest differrence between the Omar's thought and the sufism is Love for God. A sufi loves God fiercely as if he were a youth who was caught in a net of love. We can't feel such a passion in the rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
    Thus I think he is not a sufi. However, we can also say that he is not a simple atheist. There is no proof that he completely denied the unique Reality. He merely does not use the word of God like Plotinos.
    P. S.; I wrote this monograph using Heron-Allen's “The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam” as a reliable text.
  • ――市民事業組織の構想――
    藤井 敦史
    1999年 32 巻 4 号 24-32
    発行日: 1999年
    公開日: 2022/07/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ─川鍋一朗によるサービス差別化と組織メンバーの主体性喚起─
    遠藤 寛士
    2019年 16 巻 47-69
    発行日: 2019/07/20
    公開日: 2021/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    Nihon Kotsu Co., Ltd was one of the largest companies in the taxi industry in Japan. In the 1990s, its performance was lower and the company faced a serious crisis with huge debts. However, after the organizational change carried out by Ichiro Kawanabe (chairman, third generation of founders) in 2000, the performance of Nihon Kotsu recovered and increased. How and why Nihon Kotsu was successful with its V-shaped turnaround?

    The aim of this paper is to analyze entrepreneurial behavior of Ichiro Kawanabe and the organizational change process led by him. In this analysis, the author incorporates the knowledge of the organizational identity theory to the organizational change process theory.

    In summary of this case study, first, Kawanabe developed a high-quality taxi service selected by customers. Second, he increased the motivation of taxi drivers and changed their career views. Motivated taxi drivers themselves increased the quality of taxi service and tried to develop new services. Through these, Nihon Kotsu made it possible to differentiate their services on the taxi market, which were regarded difficult to differentiate.

    In theory, this paper suggests the following mechanism. At the implementation stage of the organizational change process, employees are motivted to change their identity by recognizing themselves through feedback from customers and colleagues. Furthermore, empowerment and assignment of responsibility to employees will encourage employees’ business improvement behavior to go beyond the assumption of top management. The V-shaped turnaround of the performance of Nihon Kotsu was brought about by this mechanism which was activated by organizational change led by Kawanabe.

  • 澁澤 元治
    1909年 29 巻 252 号 483-487
    発行日: 1909年
    公開日: 2008/11/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 葛谷 明子
    1980年 32 巻 6 号 481-492
    発行日: 1980/12/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Studies analysing metropolitan areas utilize many forms of analysis and indices. In this study, network analysis based on graph theory is adopted to investigate traffic patterns in the Chukyo metropolitan area.
    In the first stage of the study, I utilized a measure of degree of connectivity based on graph theory in order to analyse the development of transportation network in the area from 1952 to 1978. The second stage was an investigation of regional transportation network structure in 1978, using an accessibility measure, also based on graph theory.
    Results of this study show a highly-developed transportation network. The railway system, which was developed prior to 1952, remained relatively unchanged during the study period, however, there was remarkable development of the bus system between 1952 and 1978.
    The complicated structure of the Chukyo regional system, centering on Nagoya city is ilustrated in figure 8. Figure 9 shows the connections among municipalities within this system.
    In order to provide more precise analysis, comparative studies of other regional system are required.
  • *岡田 繁, 工藤 邦男, 宍戸 統悦, 森 孝雄
    日本セラミックス協会 年会・秋季シンポジウム 講演予稿集
    2010年 2010S 巻 2P173
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/04/05
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    ボライドのうち、ホウ素正20面体を骨格とするホウ素過剰ホウ化物の単結晶育成と物理化学的な性質などに興味をもって研究を行っている。特に、MgAlB14タイプのMg位置をLiやNaなどの軽金属に置き換えた化合物単結晶の育成を高温Alフラックス法で行っている。また、最近では、それぞれの金属を固溶させたMgAlB14タイプ化合物の合成と性質についても報告している。しかし、軽金属を含むMgAlB14タイプの単結晶合成には、出発原料として金属LiやMgを用いているが、それらの金属を用いて結晶育成を行う場合には、容器として用いるアルミナとの反応性が高いために、目的の化合物を合成する場合に困難なさを生じる場合が多い。以上の理由から、本報告では、MgAlB14タイプ化合物を合成する場合に、出発原料として金属Mgに変えて各種の金属塩を用いてMg, LiあるいはNaを含有した
  • 葛西 賢太
    1998年 3 巻 Suppl 号 29-35
    発行日: 1998/03/01
    公開日: 2017/07/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐野 可寸志, 王 凱, 鳩山 紀一郎, 高橋 貴生, 渡利 友紀
    2020年 6 巻 2 号 A_280-A_285
    発行日: 2020/02/01
    公開日: 2020/02/06
    ジャーナル フリー

    廃止バス路線の代替交通手段としてだけでなく,高齢化の進展に伴うドア・ツー・ドア輸送のニーズの高まりも相まって,近年タクシーの役割は増大している.一方,長時間低賃金の職種であるタクシードライバーの確保は難しく,地方都市の周辺地域ではタクシー営業所等の撤退が進みつつある.タクシー事業者を確保するためには,タクシードライバーの生産性の向上が急務である. 本研究ではまず,新潟県長岡市のタクシー事業者のGPS データを用いてタクシーの運行実態を可視化し,運行効率化に資するデータを取得する.次に,前日までにすべての予約がなされているという理想的な状況を時間制約付き集配計画問題(PDPTW)として定式化し,必要車両数と最適な巡回ルートを,ヒューリスティックな解法である挿入法を用いて導出し,運行効率化の可能性を検討した.

  • 混和法の検討および重合方法の相違が義歯床の各部位における残留モノマー量におよぼす影響について
    塙 順生
    1978年 22 巻 2 号 328-342
    発行日: 1978年
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Much, so far, has been reported on the amount of residual monomer in heat curing acrylic resin denture bases, which has supposedly undesirable influence on oral mucosa or on the physical properties of a denture base after curing. These reports, however, mostly have dealt with standardized models and few reported on the basis of casts clinically applicable. Further, in these reports, the methods of conducting examinations usually very in each student: ie. the methods of mixing and curing of monomer and polymer. Most of such models have simplified features, which, unfortunately, makes it impossible to make investigation of the difference in the heat emitted from resin, and also of the influence of different heat thus emitted, on the amount of residual monomer.
    The present author examined the mixing methods of monomer and polymer by the use of generally employed eduntlos practice casts, which had been completed-from the arrangement of artificial teeth to flasking. This process was for the purpose of obtaining the same condition of the casts which had undergone identical process from mixing to filling of dough-stage resin. The amount of residual monomer and heat inside an acrylic resin denture base was measured on each cast by different curing methods and the following results were obtained:
    1. The distribution of polymer size was examined among three kinds of resin-Acron, L-resin, and Hircoe-and a fact was obtained that the area of their distribution was less than 130μ. Acron had its most distributed area in from 60μ to less than 70μ, L-resin in from 20μ to less than 50μ, and Hircoe in from 50μ to less than 60μ.
    2. After surveying monomer and polymer mixing methods of the three cases above mentioned, a tendency was observed that, in order to mix polymer more efficiently, mixing time should be 60 seconds rather than 30 seconds, and that in case of employing vibrators the amount of mixed polymer increased in proportion to the degree of vibration.
    3. Most efficient mixing ratio of polymer and monomer (P/L ratio) varied from 2:1 to 2.5:1 in Acron and L-resin, and from 2.5: 1 to 3:1 in Hircoe.
    4. Time duration necessary for reaching dough-like stage was about 20 minutes for Acron, about 15 minutes for L-resin, and about 8 minutes for Hircoe. Time duration after reaching dough-like stage was longest in L-resin, and next came Acron, Hircoe being shortest.
    5. The author examined the changes in temperature of resin in curing process. With the flask submerged in the water 70°C or 60°C, the temperature of upper and lower dentume bases of the three kinds of resin tended to rise, first at the labial side of anterior area, next the buccal side of posterior area, and then at the lingual side of posterior area showed rise in temperature.
    6. In the curing process of the upper and lower denture bases of the three kinds of resin, the elapsed time for the temperature inside the flask to reach curing temperature 70°C or 60°C-tended to be shortest in the labial side of anterior area, next the buccal side of posterior are, and then the lingual side of posterior area reached the temperature necessary for curing.
    7. He next measured the residual monomer in the denture bases which had been completed according to two curing methods, one method being to submerge flask in the water 70°C in temperature for 90 minutes and then into boiling water for 30 minutes (70°C Curing Method hence), and the other to submerge flask in the water 60°C in temperature for 9 hours and then into boiling water for 30 minutes (60°C Curing Method hence). By 70°C Curing Method the amount of residual monomer showed in Acron to be between 0.44 and 0.46%, in L-resin between 0.35 and 0.36%, in Hircoe 0.73 and 0.86%; by 60°C Curing Method, the amount was in Acron between 0.26 and 0.30%, in L-resin between 0.23 and 0.27%, in Hircoe between 0.52 and 0.60%.
  • 中村 愛, 島崎 敢, 石田 敏郎
    2012年 28 巻 1 号 1-7
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2020/04/18
    ジャーナル フリー

    Appropriate rest is important for reducing accidents involving taxi drivers working long hours. We investigated the relation between the rest of taxi drivers on duty and accidents by analyzing the one-month records of digital tachographs of 21 accident repeaters and 23 safe drivers. They worked for about 20 hours per a shift. We defined inactivity exceeding five minutes as rest. The dependent variables were the total rest time, the number of rest periods, the maxim continual driving time, and the concordant rate of rest. The concordant rate of rest indicates whether the time and length of rest were regular or not and is the average of the similarity ratio of rest. We compared four variables between accident repeaters and safe drivers. The result revealed that the concordant rate of rest of safe drivers was significantly higher than that of accident repeaters. There was no significant difference in the total rest time, the number of rest periods, or the maxim continual driving time. We found that the regular rest was important.
