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クエリ検索: "不動産担保証券"
15件中 1-15の結果を表示しています
  • 吉野 忠男, 手塚 晃貴
    2021年 72 巻 5 号 37-65
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/02/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 前野 義晴
    2012年 2012 巻 FIN-008 号 03-
    発行日: 2012/01/28
    公開日: 2023/01/12
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    This study presents a probability theory and a computer simulation model to analyze the risk of multiple bank failures which are caused by an asset price uctuation. The asset-side herding in the investment of banks is a potential cause of the instability of a bank system.

  • 辻村 雅子
    2009年 17 巻 1-2 号 88-104
    発行日: 2009/06/30
    公開日: 2015/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 井手 達夫, 高野 泰朋, 橋本 正洋
    2017年 12 巻 2 号 34-46
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩間 剛一
    2009年 74 巻 2 号 128-134
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2011/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    The year 2008 was the historical and memorable year from the view of crude oil prices. Skyrocketing oil prices resulted from the following reasons. The first reason is the rapid economic growth in BRICs such as China and India. The second reason is rebirth of nationalism in major oil producing countries. The third reason is financial capitalism of crude oil future market. Now, the major players in NYMEX (New York Mercantile Exchange) are financial institutions, hedge funds and commodity index funds. The movement of crude oil prices depends on sentimental factors such as crude oil stock level and nuclear weapon development in Iran. On July 11 2008, crude oil prices reached recorded 147.27 dollars per barrel. And then, crude oil prices fell rapidly to 30 dollars per barrel after the bankrupt of the famous investment bank. I think neither 150 dollars per barrel nor 30 dollars per barrel are adequate prices which reflected the fundamental of world demand and supply of crude oil. The excessive fluctuation of crude oil prices gives the great damage to all consumers and companies. The future of world economy depends upon the success of green new deal policy of the United States.
  • 柴田 徳太郎
    2012年 49 巻 1 号 4-13
    発行日: 2012/04/20
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1)Two Hypotheses: Revived Bretton Woods system and Global Imbalance Advocators of Revived Bretton Woods system (BW II) claim that current dollar system is sustainable while other scholars criticize this argument and claim that it is unsustainable because of the Global Imbalance. How should we interpret this dispute? (2)Asian Economy in the Dollar System Most of the capital import to the US in the 2000s came from East Asia, especially from China. These facts support the argument of BW II. However, East Asian Economy, especially the Chines Economy did not depend upon the financial intermediation of American money market. These facts did not support the Arguments of BW II. (3)American Financial Intermediation and European Banks The countries which depended upon the US money market were not East Asian countries but European Countries which had advanced money market. European Banks borrowed a huge amount of money in the dollar wholesale money market. (4)Dollar Liquidity Crisis Once the subprime financial crisis occurred, the European banks began to face the dollar liquidity shortage because of the increase in counterparty risk in the dollar wholesale money market. They could not roll over in the dollar money market just after the breakdown of Lehman Brothers. (5)Dollar Liquidity Crisis and Emerging Economy in Latin America As European banks had to curtail financial assets in the emerging markets due to the dollar liquidity shortage, the dollar liquidity crisis spread to the emerging economy. East Asian and Latin American countries could cope with these effects due to the development of domestic financial markets although emerging Europe could not deal with these difficulties. (6)Global Lender of Last Resort Federal Reserve took the initiative to organize the global lender of last resort through the opening of dollar swap agreements with other central banks. ECB also organized the euro swap agreements with other European central banks. Chiang Mai Initiative was developed in the East Asian countries. The People's Bank of China began to organize the RMB swap agreements with other Asian and Latin American central banks. In addition assets of IMF were increased and Flexible Credit Line was created in the International Monetary Fund to save the emerging economy. (7)Review of Two Hypotheses Advocators of Global Imbalance forecasted the dollar decline due to the decrease in the capital imports to the US. This forecast turned out to be not true. Dollar exchange rate against European currencies surged during dollar liquidity crisis. We can neither support the arguments of BWIIbecause current dollar system is not stable. (8)Conclusion We can conclude that the current dollar system will be continuing in near future because the dollar money markets are thick and liquid to intermediate international financial transactions in the world. However this does not mean that the current dollar system is stable and firm. The global organizing of lender of last resort might inspire the dollar borrowing and lending in the world markets. The increase in the lender of last resort facilities might encourage the moral hazard problem. The multipolarity of key currency will develop in the far distant future due to the rise of emerging economy such as China, Brazil, India, and other countries.
  • 中崎 寛之, 川場 真理子, 横本 大輔, 宇津呂 武仁, 福原 知宏
    2010年 25 巻 5 号 613-622
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    The overall goal of this paper is to cross-lingually analyze multilingual blogs collected with a topic keyword. The framework of collecting multilingual blogs with a topic keyword is designed as the blog feed retrieval procedure. In this paper, we take an approach of collecting blog feeds rather than blog posts, mainly because we regard the former as a larger information unit in the blogosphere and prefer it as the information source for cross-lingual blog analysis. In the blog feed retrieval procedure, we also regard Wikipedia as a large scale ontological knowledge base for conceptually indexing the blogosphere. The underlying motivation of employing Wikipedia is in linking a knowledge base of well known facts and relatively neutral opinions with rather raw, user generated media like blogs, which include less well known facts and much more radical opinions. In our framework, first, in order to collect candidates of blog feeds for a given query, we use existing Web search engine APIs, which return a ranked list of blog posts, given a topic keyword. Next, we re-rank the list of blog feeds according to the number of hits of the topic keyword as well as closely related terms extracted from the Wikipedia entry in each blog feed. We compare the proposed blog feed retrieval method to existing Web search engine APIs and achieve significant improvement. We then apply the proposed blog distillation framework to the task of cross-lingually analyzing multilingual blogs collected with a topic keyword. Here, we cross-lingually and cross-culturally compare less well known facts and opinions that are closely related to a given topic. Results of cross-lingual blog analysis support the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
  • ―QEを中心とした非伝統的金融政策の考察―
    中尾 将人
    2016年 2016 巻 36 号 169-195
    発行日: 2016/05/30
    公開日: 2018/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper considers the significance of unconventional monetary policies, in particular, Quantitative Easing implemented by European Central Bank during the post-euro crisis. There are problems in Euro area such as disinflation, low economic growth and interest rate spread between core and periphery country. The ECB deal with these problems by lower interest rate, portfolio rebalance and signal effect caused by QE.

    There are some discussions about QE by the ECB. We can consider two types of typical discussions. The first type is the discussion on QE in general, and the second type is that on QE peculiar to Euro area. The discussions about the former include the problem of monetary finance and impediment to a structural reform. However, it is confirmed from the result of implements by Federal Reserve Bank and Bank of Japan that QE has a stimulative effect on the economy. The discussions about the later include the problem of fiscal burden transfer from core countries to periphery countries that have a vulnerable fiscal base. However, buying government bond by QE lead to interest payment from each country to the ECB, and lead to interest income to these. Thus, there is not the burden of core countries. In addition, QE is able to help periphery countries that suffer not only national government debt burden but also the above problems in Euro area. Some of these discussions have common characteristics, that is, they under-evaluate the roles of the central bank. In fact, however, in Euro area, the role of monetary policy by ECB is very important. By contrast, the use of expansionary fiscal policy in Euro area is limited. Thus, the importance of monetary policy as macroeconomic policy by supranational central bank such as ECB is increasing. In this paper, we investigate the problems and the solutions in Euro area, by considering the positive effect of QE as unconventional monetary policy.

  • 21世紀社会主義を切り開くネット新世界
    涌井 秀行
    2021年 58 巻 2 号 003-
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/10/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ラパヴィツァス コスタス, 横内 正雄
    2010年 47 巻 1 号 42-55
    発行日: 2010/04/20
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The crisis of 2007-9 resulted from a financial bubble marked by weak production, expanding bank assets, and growing household indebtedness. For these reasons the crisis casts light on the financialisation of capitalist economies. The literature on financialisation generally links weak production with booming finance; according to some, causation runs from weak production to booming finance, while for others it runs in the opposite direction. This article argues that there is no direct causation between booming finance and weak production. Rather, financialisation represents systemic transformation of capitalist production and finance, which ultimately accounts for the crisis of 2007-9, and has three main features. First, less reliance of large corporations on banks; second, banks shifting their activities toward mediating in open markets and transacting with individuals; third, increasing implication of individuals in the operations of finance.
  • 足立 眞理子
    2016年 53 巻 3 号 7-
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2018/10/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 道上 真有
    2018年 55 巻 2 号 2_29-2_49
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/09/28
    ジャーナル フリー


  • — 危機回避型システムの構築に向けて —
    山下 英次
    2013年 64 巻 33-81
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/12/16
    ジャーナル フリー
      Since the inception of floating exchange rates among the major countries at the beginning of 1970s, the frequency of occurrence in economic crisis has increased tremendously. That is why the world economy has been conducted by the debtor’s logic not by the creditor’s one, in addition to fundamental unstableness of the world economy by the large swings of the exchange rates. Under the fixed exchange rate regime, the strong balance of payments discipline is imposed on the deficit countries (debtors) . In this sense fixed exchange rate regime is the system conducted by the creditor’s logic. On the other hand, floating exchange rates is the system conducted by the debtor’s logic. This system could never work well.
     If we look at the European sovereign debt crisis in Greece and Portugal, the root cause is each country’s balance of payments problem although it appears fiscal problem on the surface. They continued huge current account deficits of around 10 % of their GDP for more than 10 years, because their balance of payments discipline was completely disappeared since the introduction the euro. This is more than outrageous. This could make possible for them to keep huge fiscal deficit which is a part of current account of balance of payments. Moreover, the two countries disguised their fiscal balance statistics for many years. After all, balance of payments on current account is one of the most important macro-economic indicators under any currency system including even floating exchange rates. This should be clearly recognized in all countries in the world.
     Credit rating agencies like Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s repeatedly made mistakes in every major crisis, such as Asian Currency Crisis in 1997, Enron Corp. collapse in 2001, Worldcom collapse in 2002, and US Sub-prime Housing Loan Crisis in 2007. This is due to the system based on issuer-pays model or debtor-pays model which brings conflict of interest. Thus the current world economic system is basically constructed by the debtor’s logic. That is the fundamental reason why we would encounter economic and financial crises very frequently. And, we should pay attention to the fact that the United States and the United Kingdom obviously had much more banking crises than other major countries for the past 200 years. Economies conducted by freemarketeers’ mantra are prone to face economic crises.
     The solution to the world economy is that countries should follow the Germano-Japanese economic model rather than the Anglo-Saxon model. In other words, we should re-construct the world economic system conducted by the creditor’s logic. Japan has been the largest net external creditor for 22 years since 1991, and Germany is the third largest net external creditor only after China.
  • Nai-Fu Chen, 小林 孝雄, 佐井 りさ
    2006年 20 巻 3-36
    発行日: 2006/09/30
    公開日: 2018/12/07
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス



    かつてIrving Fisherが主張した「100%マネー」の銀行システムは,新しいフィナンシャル・テクノロジーの登場によってその実現可能性を飛躍的に高めた.この新体系は,預金保険の利用に起因する銀行行動のモラル・ハザードに苛まれ続け,しばしば危機に晒されてきた従来の部分リザーブ型銀行システムより明らかに優れている.

  • 鈴木 航介, 合田 隆
    2020年 30 巻 4 号 320-374
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    概要. 本稿は高次元数値積分法の一つである準モンテカルロ法のサーベイ論文である.一様分布論に基づく古典的理論や準モンテカルロ点集合の構成法から始め,近年発展を遂げてきた再生核ヒルベルト空間に対する最悪誤差の評価やそれに基づく格子やデジタルネットと呼ばれるクラスの準モンテカルロ点集合の構成および乱択化について概観し,数値実験を通してその実用性を示す.
