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クエリ検索: "半澤嘉博"
11件中 1-11の結果を表示しています
  • 大学との連携を通して
    丹治 敬之, 三宅 康勝, 角原 佳介, 松永 鈴加
    2016年 25 巻 1 号 77-91
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2021/03/23
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 岡田 慎一, 石井 久美, 阿瀬 雄治, 新井 峻, 宇佐神 正海
    1993年 36 巻 1 号 42-47
    発行日: 1993/02/27
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    279例の軽・中等度感音難聴者について, 臨床上適合した補聴器の最大出力音圧レベルを調査し, 装用耳の不快レベルと比較した。
    大部分の例において, 最大出力音圧レベルは不快レベル以下に設定されていた。 ただし, 両レベルの差は各例により一定でなく, 最大出力音圧レベルが不快レベルを大きく下回る例が少なくなかった。
    不快レベルを指標として最大出力音圧レベルの設定を考える方法は, 補聴器適合の臨床では効率性が疑問であると考えられた。
  • 本母 世跳, 大久保 賢一
    2018年 55 巻 5 号 259-270
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 謙
    2014年 65 巻 8 号 405-414
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2015/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー
      I used a questionnaire to find out the nature and problems of the support system for young children with disabilities in centers for early childhood education.
      The questionnaire was distributed to 762 centers for early childhood education throughout Japan in October and November 2011, and 255 were collected (33.4%).
      ① There is a difference in the support system between the kindergartens and nursery schools.
      ② It is likely that the geographical distance between kindergartens and nurseries may be the cause of the difference in the support system.
      ③ Only a few kindergartens and nurseries introduced the new support system after they changed to centers for early childhood education, and some centers for early childhood education are still using the conventional support system.
      ④ Those who have been appointed as special needs coordinators include nursery teachers.
      ⑤ There are some centers for early childhood education which adopt good points from kindergartens and nurseries. And they feel that these will help them to provide more support for young children with disabilities.
  • 中谷 奈津子
    2020年 20 巻 27-39
    発行日: 2020/11/25
    公開日: 2023/01/24
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 佐藤 倫子, 今野 洋子, 佐々木 綾, 築地 優子, 照井 沙彩, 中西 美貴, 山崎 隆恵
    2017年 12 巻 1 号 45-49
    発行日: 2017/03/20
    公開日: 2021/07/07
    ジャーナル フリー




  • 紺野 佳苗, 千賀 愛, 安井 友康
    2021年 15 巻 75-83
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ─バーンアウト尺度を用いた質問紙調査より─
    木曽 陽子
    2016年 54 巻 1 号 67-78
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/10/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    本研究の目的は, 未診断の発達障害の傾向がある子どもの保育において, 保育士の心理的負担につながる要因を明らかにすることである。84 か所の保育所 (園) に調査票を郵送し, 342 名分のデータを分析に用いた。まず、子どもの行動特徴, 保護者支援の困難さ, 園内外の連携のそれぞれを測る尺度を作成した。これらの尺度とバーンアウト尺度を用いて重回帰分析を行った結果, 未診断の発達障害の傾向がある子どもの保護者に対する「問題伝達の困難性」が「情緒的消耗感」「脱人格化」と正の関係を示した。一方, 子どもの行動特徴とバーンアウト尺度の関係は見られなかった。つまり, 未診断の発達障害の傾向がある子どもの対応は保育士の心理的負担にはならず, むしろ保護者へ子どもの課題を伝えることが心理的負担になると考えられる。

  • ―東京都小金井市「福祉会館幼児グループ」における アクター間関係を中心に―
    田中 謙
    2020年 15 巻 15-29
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー

     The purpose of this study is to reveal the foundation and characteristics of the Welfare Hall Young Children Group in Koganei city, Tokyo. In particular, focused on relations with actors during the 1960's~1970's.

     As a result, Koganei City conducted a survey of the situation and support needs of the city's children with intellectual disabilities in order to determine their standard needs; however, this effort did not result in affecting policy on the establishment of a place of childcare. Several guardians formed a parents' association with the collaboration of the Koganei City social welfare council, showing that the needs of the parents of children with disabilities were an “expressed need.” Consequently, the Koganei Asanaro Association, a young children's issues group was established to address these concerns This concerns of this group were finally taken up by the welfare hall young children group and became a municipal concern. In other words, this establishment of a young children group became the basis for new local childcare for children with disabilities in the 1960's in Koganei City.

     As a characteristic, Koganei Cityit realized a new service that is unique to other cities in order to provide comprehensive support for medical care, education, and welfare through the cooperation and collaboration between Koganei City social welfare council and the parents' association in Koganei City. This collaborative effort acts as a safety net that contributes to the security of an “educational right” for children with disabilities prior to entering school.

  • 村瀬 浩二, 田中 克実, 梅澤 秋久
    2022年 67 巻 1017-1029
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/12/02
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2022/11/03
    ジャーナル フリー
     This study reports on the practice of adaptation games in the basketball unit of a high school for special needs. This aim was to promote learning of reasonable accommodation by personalizing the adaptation game. Adaptation was introduced in the 2nd and 4th periods. In the 2nd period, teacher-led adaptation was applied, and in the 4th period, adaptation requests and negotiations suitable for each individual were made. As a result, according to analysis of the learning card, descriptions that were conscious of the individual's peers were recognized in the 4th period. Also, in the class evaluation, challenge and cooperation increased in the 4th period. This suggests that in the 4th period, the students were working on challenging tasks with their peers.
     On the other hand, the interview showed that the students had considerable resistance to the introduction of adaptation in the 2nd period. However, by the 4th period, the students were convinced of each other and enjoyed the negotiation process. It can be considered that the need for adaptation was understood by improving individual skills and solving team problems.
     In addition, the results clarified the way students perceive reasonable accommodation. Although law and knowledge regarding reasonable accommodation are taught at the support school, the students did not clearly understand the actual procedure for requesting accommodation. Therefore, for curriculum management through life at school and at home, this practice was able to relate the content of independence activities to the health and physical education department and promote understanding of reasonable accommodation while using adaptation games in this unit. This was a significant achievement.
  • ―カリキュラム・マネジメントの視点から―
    高野 成彦
    2018年 2018 巻 28 号 731-751
    発行日: 2018/01/01
    公開日: 2019/07/26
    ジャーナル フリー

     平成31年全面実施の中学校における「特別の教科 道徳」の研究の現状を「カリキュラム・マネジメント」の視点から整理・分析し,課題と展望を明らかにした.道徳は「特別の教科」化により,「学校の教育活動全体を通じて行う道徳教育の要」であり,「カリキュラム・マネジメント」,とりわけ,各教科等の学びとどうつなげるのかが問われている.「考える道徳」「議論する道徳」のコンステレーション(布置)を描き出してみると,「社会に開かれた教育課程」の視点に立った取組は今後の課題ではあるものの,教科横断的な取組や「現代的な課題」の取組は成果を上げつつあり,「カリキュラム・マネジメント」における「レバリッジ・ポイント」の可能性が展望できた.
