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18件中 1-18の結果を表示しています
  • 奥谷 健太, 南部 彰伸, 逸見 知弘, 十河 宏行, 吉澤 恒星
    2015年 2015 巻 1P1-I05
    発行日: 2015/05/17
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    Athletes and artisans gets a tacit knowledge in longtime experiences. The tacit knowledge is impossible to tell other persons directly. However, if common features should reside in their experiences, we will assume those are one of common elements of tacit knowledge in experts and requirements to be experts. In this paper, we measured a bat swing motion by using 3D motion capture systems, and analyzed a muscle power of a lower limb. In the analysis, we estimated a muscle power of a lower limb of regular players and beginner players in high school baseball by using kinetic analysis systems, and extracted common features of expert players with comparing these data.
  • 中川 典子
    2011年 33 巻 127-135
    発行日: 2011/03/31
    公開日: 2020/05/19
    ジャーナル フリー

    The present study is Study 2 of the entire research whose focus was a cross-cultural study between Japanese and Korean office workers about a social behavior called “self-disclosure”. An extensive literature review revealed that in both Japan and Korea hierarchical interpersonal relationship and drinking situation were important socio-cultural characteristics which were seen, especially, in the business context. Study 1 investigated quantitatively the effects of four factors, namely, topic, status difference of the target person of self-disclosure in the participants’ workplace, drinking situation and country on the level of self-disclosure. The participants were 194 Japanese office workers in Japan and 102 Korean office workers in Korea. The result indicated that the above four factors had various influences on the level of self-disclosure of the Japanese and Korean participants.

    In general, a purpose of cross-cultural research is to examine scientifically how various socio-cultural factors affect people’ s behavior internally as well as externally. In order to achieve this goal, Study 2 explored the meanings of “self-disclosure” and “drinking situation” for the participants in Study 1. The obtained data were analyzed by KJ Method. Through the data analysis some common themes emerged from the Japanese and Korean participants concerning both research questions. For example, categories named, “function and purpose”, “cognition”, “emotion”, “attitude” and “actual condition and context” emerged, and many of the subcategories under each theme were commonly observed in the data of the people from these two countries. On the other hand, the responses which reflected socio-cultural characteristics of each country were also obtained, which revealed subtle, but significant differences between Japanese and Koreans.

  • *木下 勝吏, 趙 崇貴, 丁 明, 高松 淳, 小笠原 司
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    Analyzation of the rowing motion of a boat is necessary for improving athlete’s rowing technique. In this research, a system is developed to measure the rowing motion only by attached the sensors on the boat and the oars. A distance sensor and two IMU sensors are used to measure the motion of the seat, oar, and boat. From the measured data, the movement of the seat and oar can be calculated on the boat. In the evaluation experiment, we test the measurement system on a rowing machine. The accuracy is evaluated by comparing the measured data that obtained from the developed system and the optical motion capture system.

  • 逸見 知弘, 洪水 雅俊, 小岩井 一茂, 山本 透
    2022年 142 巻 3 号 282-290
    発行日: 2022/03/01
    公開日: 2022/03/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    In this study, a skill-based method which can score an operation of a construction machinery is proposed and verified that it has an effectiveness for quantitative evaluation of beginners' operation skill. Proposed method calculates a score of a construction machinery operation based on skilled data of an expert operator. Efficient training of beginners for skill transfer can be expected by using the quantitative evaluation results.

  • 十河 宏行, 逸見 知弘, 吉澤 恒星, 桟敷 剛, 横田 篤郎
    2023年 143 巻 3 号 236-241
    発行日: 2023/03/01
    公開日: 2023/03/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    The purpose of this study is to devise and evaluate a coaching method by using kinematic feature values before and after coaching for beginners as a new quantitative coaching method in batting motion. After the coaching using the proposed new method for two beginners as subjects, the feature values of batting motion of both beginners when doing the tee batting are significantly closer to those of the experts. It proves the proposed new quantitative coaching method have a certain effect on a progress of beginners batting. In the future work, in order to evaluate the statistical effectiveness of proposed coaching method, the numbers of beginners as subjects will be increased.

  • 十河 宏行, 逸見 知弘, 吉澤 恒星, 桟敷 剛, 岩井 勇磨, 多田 憲矢
    2021年 141 巻 3 号 258-263
    発行日: 2021/03/01
    公開日: 2021/03/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    The purpose of this study is to devise quantitative coaching method of batting motion. In order to quantify an abstractive coaching method, a relationship between a commonly used coaching method and kinematical feature values of batting motions of expert players is derived. In this paper, because the number of expert was 13 and could be considered a small sample, the 95 percentconfidence interval estimate with a t-distribution was performed to calculate the kinematical feature values of expert. The kinematical feature values of expert were applied to each Non-expert, and points of improvement in batting motion and coaching methods were proposed.

  • ――日本人大学生と中国人留学生の比較――
    安 婷婷, 永井 智
    2020年 91 巻 2 号 142-148
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/06/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/05/22
    ジャーナル フリー

    This research study investigated the similarities and differences in help-seeking intentions for depression and recognition of the effectiveness of help-seeking among Japanese university students and Chinese international students. Data were collected from 389 Japanese students and 284 Chinese international students. Based on a scenario on depression that was provided, each student was asked about their help-seeking intentions and their recognition of the effectiveness of several help-seeking resources. In descending order, both groups valued the effectiveness of a friend, counselor and family member more than other options. Both groups were more likely to choose friend, family member or handling matters themselves over seeking help from mental health professions. Japanese students had higher valuation of help-seeking resources when “handle matters themselves” was not included as an option than Chinese international students. However, Japanese students showed higher intention of handling matter themselves. This result implies that Chinese international students are more likely to seek help if services are provided for them even though they do not value the effectiveness of help-seeking resources as much as Japanese students.

  • 直感を共通言語化する
    佐仲 雅樹, 瓜田 純久, 中西 員茂, 中嶋 均
    2012年 35 巻 4 号 299-305
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2013/01/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    要 旨
     経験豊富な医師や看護師は, 一見軽症と映る患者に対して直感的に「重症感」を抱くことがある. このような直感的判断の重要性は広く認識されているが, いまだ経験則と言わざるを得ない. そこで我々は本稿において, 「重症感」の具体的意味を考察し, 1つの病態生理学的/症候学的モデルを提唱した. このモデルに基づいて言語化すれば, 重症感とは, 病態生理学的には「生体のホメオスタシスが破綻する前兆」であり, 症候学的には「急性に発症する全身性自律神経反応とacute sickness behavior」である. 重症感という直感を言語化し, 研修医や新人看護師に伝えることは, 「危険な患者」の見逃し防止につながると考えられる.
  • 長岡市役所職員向け「デザイン思考体験研修」の事後アンケートをもとにした混合分析法によるデザイン思考の評価
    板垣 順平, 大坪 牧人
    2021年 68 巻 2 号 2_19-2_28
    発行日: 2021/09/30
    公開日: 2021/11/03
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 石黒 武人
    2006年 3 巻 151-160
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2017/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿の目的は、日本文化における対人行動規範の説明モデルとして提示された「遠慮と察しのコミュニケーション(Ishii, 1984)」の「察しのコミュニケーション」が多文化的状況において有用であることを論証しようと試みることである。「遠慮と察しのコミュニケーション」に限らず、文化特定とみなされる要素は、特殊と普遍、文化特定と文化一般、文化と文明といった二元論的区分のなかで、いったん特殊というカテゴリーに判別されると、その範疇を超えて分析や考察をすることが難しくなり、新しい研究の方向性が閉ざされる。そこで、文化特定な要素である「察しのコミュニケーション」が多文化的状況においても有用性があると仮定し、多文化的なコンテクストにおいて文化特定要素が持つ可能性について考察を試みた。本稿では、「察しのコミュニケーション」は、メッセージの意味を読み取る推察力、そして他者に対して配慮、共感できる能力を養成する特質を持つことを示し、「察しのコミュニケーション」によって培われるそれらの能力が、多様性に関する知識と組み合わされた場合に、多文化的状況を多元的に把握する上で有用である、という結論に至った。察しの能力を基盤とした多元的な状況把握力は、日本人が今後直面する種々の多文化的状況において、人々が持つ多様性の発現を促し、互恵的な関係を構築する一助となる可能性があると考えられる。
  • 金 孝珍
    2022年 25 巻 1 号 198-213
    発行日: 2022/09/30
    公開日: 2022/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 十河 宏行, 逸見 知弘, 吉澤 恒星, 南部 彰伸, 平山 大貴
    2017年 137 巻 1 号 60-67
    発行日: 2017/01/01
    公開日: 2017/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this paper, for quantitatively comparing batting motions of Non-expert and of expert baseball players, motion analysis methods using several bio-instrumentation systems are discussed. In this analysis, at first, all member of baseball club are devided into expert players or Non-expert players by the manager of the high school baseball club members. Next, a batting speed, a center-of-gravity movements, a rotating angle of body trunk axis of players and a ground reaction force are measured by two force plates and ten high-speed cameras within motion capturing systems. By analyzing and processing statistically these data, a common feature of expert players is extracted.

  • 尾崎 喜光
    2005年 8 巻 1 号 106-119
    発行日: 2005/09/30
    公開日: 2017/04/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 全 鍾美
    2010年 13 巻 1 号 123-135
    発行日: 2010/08/31
    公開日: 2017/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は,日本と韓国の大学生16組の初対面会話にみられる自己開示に注目し,その内容的特徴を明らかにする.分析の結果,次の点がわかった. 1. 韓国語母語話者は日本語母語話者に比べ,初対面の相手に対して,より多くの自己開示を行う傾向がみられる. 2. 日韓ともに初対面の相手に対して,身の上関連・職業関連など,客観的内容の自己開示を,自分の感情・感想・評価などの主観的内容の自己開示より多く行うという共通点がみられる.しかし,韓国語母語話者は日本語母語話者に比べ,自分の感情・感想・評価などに関する自己開示を行う割合が高い. 3. 日本語母語話者の自己開示には韓国語母語話者のそれより,開示する内容と開示の際用いる言語表現が限られている.一方,韓国語母語話者は,具体的な内容の自己開示を行い,言語表現も豊富である. 4. 日韓の自己開示にみられる相違は初対面場面に対する意識・プライバシーに関する概念・自己開示の許容範囲など,両国の社会文化的規範の差によるものであることが明らかとなった.
  • 長井 理佐
    2014年 35 巻 341-352
    発行日: 2014/03/20
    公開日: 2017/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では,"身体性"を根底に据えたイメージ鑑賞の必要性を提起し,広義の対話型鑑賞に取り入れる際,どのような学習支援を行うべきかを考察した。"身体性"に焦点を当てる根拠としては,イメージをめぐる文献研究から共通する問題意識を抽出し,その観点が,同時に,構成主義的学びを支える上でも重要であることを論じた。具体的な学習支援に関しては,ハウゼンの感性的発達段階論stages of aesthetic developmentを"身体性"の観点から新たに検討した上で,発達段階のII(特にIIの後期)を対象とした学習支援として,(1)身体領野をメタ認知すること,(2)身体領野に定位した比較鑑賞を行うこと,(3)日常的な身体知と関連付けて作品鑑賞を行うこと,を提起した。
  • 北川 修平
    2023年 45 巻 1 号 15-30
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of embodied knowledge based on the theory of body in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology.

    As a result of considering the conceptual distinction between embodied knowledge and tacit knowledge, the author revealed that embodied knowledge included tacit knowledge. In embodied knowledge, there are tacit knowledge as unexternalizable and intransmittable knowledge, and unexternalizable and transmittable knowledge.

    In the theory of body in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology, the body is phenomenal body, there are the habitual body and the actual body in the phenomenal body. And, the objective body is defined as the second-order expression of the phenomenal body. As a result of considering embodied knowledge and tacit knowledge based on the theory, the author clarified that embodied knowledge was knowledge in the phenomenal body, tacit knowledge was knowledge in the habitual body, unexternalizable and transmittable knowledge was knowledge in the actual body, and externalizable and transmittable knowledge was knowledge in the objective body.

    Thus, it is needed to focus on phenomenal body as a subject to clarify embodied knowledge of ball games of team sports. And, this study showed the theoretical basis of embodied knowledge in the situation that embodied knowledge and tacit knowledge had been confused. The future topic is to clarify embodied knowledge of sports based on this study.

  • 古家 聡
    2010年 38 巻 173-192
    発行日: 2010/03/31
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to reinterpret Japanese communication style, which has been explained based on the theory of Japanese collectivism. In many previous academic discussions concerning the Japanese, the people and society in Japan have been described as collectivism On the other hand, very few of the recently published empirical studies support the theory of Japanese collectivism. How should this gap be explained? It is necessary to examine principles of behavior to answer this question. This study is based on the assumption that humans are guided by the behavioral principle of fulfilling their interests, needs, and desires, including the five basic needs presented by psychologist Abraham Maslow-a notion the author refers to as "the pursuit of self-interest." It is possible to assume the operation of this principle of behavior on the basis of social exchange theory in psychology and rational choice theory in sociology. Even if a communication style that appears to reflect collectivist behavior is found, that may not be because the Japanese is pursuing the group interest rather than individual interest as has been explained to date, following the theory of Japanese collectivism. Instead, in attempting to meet a goal, the Japanese may be making a decision different from that of, for example, the American because of cultural factors that have developed historically and socially. Since it cannot be considered individualistic, the Japanese communication style has been considered by Americans to be collectivistic. However, if we assume -consciously or unconsciously- the fundamental behavioral principle of the pursuit of self-interest, it may be more appropriate to adopt a paradigm such as "self-interested cooperation" which is essentially different from the notion of collectivism as it is commonly understood by American people.
  • 北本 晃治
    2007年 20 巻 81-118
    発行日: 2007/03/31
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although Communication Education has traditionally used either skill based approaches or cognition based ones, these approaches deal only with the conscious aspects of communication, and, therefore, seem to lack proper methodological considerations to manage the unconscious aspects of human interactions. Lacan developed his theories predicated on his clinical psychiatric practices, which serves to account for the unconscious dynamics of communication. In this paper, the author tries to synthesize Lacan's theories for the methodology of Communication Education and also present one particular example of classroom application oriented towards such synthesis. Discussions are made to indicate the importance and the need to include the unconscious aspects of human interactions in Communication Education for holistic pedagogical approaches.