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クエリ検索: "山田宗睦"
115件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 村上 一郎
    1962年 11 巻 4 号 506-510
    発行日: 1962/04/01
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―天才についての言及に焦点を当てて
    後藤 嘉宏
    2009年 40 巻 75-97
    発行日: 2010/03/20
    公開日: 2019/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 仁徳天皇難波高津宮の発見
    木村 俊晃
    1982年 2 巻 83-97
    発行日: 1982/06/15
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 片岡 徳雄, 住岡 英毅
    1970年 25 巻 45-57,en256
    発行日: 1970/10/10
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    It should be noted that mass communication has remarkably developedwith different media, and that a large quantity of information acquiredthrough mass media has led us to the change of our daily life. In thissituation, research in the field of mass communication has been conductedmainly on what effects and influences communication activities have uponthe children.
    In this article, however, the writers discuss, in terms of school in theflow of mass communication, the problem of re-consideration of the schooleducation, above all, the communication system at school. We can regardthe text books, records, slides, etc. used at school as mass media, includingother typical mass media such as broadcast, newspaper and magazine.Therefore, we can regard school as a system of processing informationacquired through these media.
    There are two types of communication in accordance with the characteristicsof media.
    One is a “conveying” communication, the other is a “mutual amplifying” one. In a “conveying” communication, the teacher may act as anopinion leader in so-called two-step flow of communication. In a “mutualamplifying” communication, we can say that the teacher has more characteristicsas a tutor to the pupils or the students. In these communicationsystems at school, antra-personal communication, personal communication, and mass communication interact dynamically.
    In other words, this is a dialogic process between “his own individual” world and “commonly owned” world. Therefore, in learning and instructionprocess, we may find two flows, that is, the flow from “homogeneous” to “individual” and the flow from “individual” to “homogeneous.” Theformer corresponds to a “conveying” communication, and the latter toa “mutual amplifying” one.
    It has been proposed that by modifying some parts of the recordedmaterials, we can make good use of the audio-visual teaching aids, especiallytelevision films. This proposal surely hits the mark in the caseof a “conveying” communication, but a “mutual amplifying” communicationwill not always allow us to do this kind of modification. In thisrespect, we need to consider seriously this problem since it seems reasonableto suppose that the aspect of school as a “mutual amplifying” communicationsystem will be emphasized and be significant in school educationin future. Otherwise, the existence of school itself might be endangered.
  • 哲学
    1966年 1966 巻 16 号 171-183
    発行日: 1966/03/31
    公開日: 2009/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [記載なし]
    1968年 17 巻 9 号 63-
    発行日: 1968/09/01
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 哲学
    1970年 1970 巻 20 号 199-213
    発行日: 1970年
    公開日: 2009/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 国栖の醴酒を中心に
    上田 誠之助
    1997年 92 巻 10 号 725-727
    発行日: 1997/10/15
    公開日: 2011/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    前報では, 米粉を固めて造るしとぎが口嘴酒にされ御神酒として供される風習について解説されたが, 今回は筆者の古代から現代に亘る幅広い調査結果に基づき, しとぎや牙米 (発芽米) から造られる醴酒 (一夜酒) を通じた古代の酒の変遷が明らかにされている。
  • 味蓼 導哉
    1964年 27 巻 3-4 号 46-49,45
    発行日: 1964/03/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although a landscape architect is primarily concerned with the planning of physical environment, he can not possibly escape from dealing with his clients. He needs, therefore, some techniques which have much to do with the planning of social environment.
    Ronald Lippitt and others have proposed a theory which identifies seven phases in the process of planned change of social environment, emphasizing the relationship between change agents and client systems. These phases seem to be useful not only for the purposes of systematic analysis but also for the practical purposes of professional change agents who want to choose appropriate social techniques in each different step of planning.
    It is believed that this general theory of planned change is worth examining as to its applicability to the planning of landscape architecture.
  • 事務局
    1965年 14 巻 198-205
    発行日: 1965/03/01
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Y・A
    1968年 1968 巻 50 号 16-17
    発行日: 1968/03/20
    公開日: 2017/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 篠原 修
    1985年 5 巻 323-330
    発行日: 1985/06/25
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the paper, the difference and sameness of the road images between Japanese and French, German, English are investigated. Many sorts of words of road were picked up from these four languages first, and then the original meaning of the words were inquired from the etimological viewpoint. The road images were discussed and compared by means of these original meanings finally. As a result, the basic road images of Japanese were classified into following six categories. (1) as a orientation indicator (2) as a space for passing (3) as a element to divide and enclose houses (4) as a element of connecting (5) as a thing having long streching form (6) as a way of go and back, former two are pure Japanese images and the latter four are Chinese-Japanese ones. On the other hand, the basic images of French, German and English were classified into nine categories. (1) as a breaked way (2) as a way to reach (3) as a way of paved or unpaved (4) as a space for rambling (5) as a trodden way (6) as a way on wall (7) as a way beside water (8) as a horse riding way (9) as a city boundary element.
  • 水村 容子, 小川 信子
    1997年 62 巻 498 号 103-110
    発行日: 1997/08/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to grasp behavioral characteristics of people with thaiidomide-induced upper limb disabilities in Japan and Sweden. Subjects had congenital disabilities caused of thalidomide tablets during their mother's pregnancies. We had interviews with 27 cases in Japan and 9 cases in Sweden. Their devices to compensate for disabilities were as following: 1) Managing daily behaviors with their feet instead of their hands. 2) Introducing housing adaptations to make physical environments to be adapted to their disabilities. 3) Using daily utensils that was fitting their need. They were roughly divided into l)+2)type and l)+3) type.
  • 高岸 徹
    2007年 56 巻 8 号 598-602
    発行日: 2007/08/01
    公開日: 2011/10/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐藤 毅
    1987年 38 巻 2 号 214-229,299
    発行日: 1987/09/30
    公開日: 2009/11/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Japanese mass communication studies were started to be influenced by the American mass communication studies after the second world war. I. Shimizu published “Social Psychology” (1951). The book was very influential to the early studies of mass communication. He argued the tremendous impact of mass communication on the modern society. That work was the Japanese theory of the mass society. Most japanese researchers of mass communication studies tried to seek the breakthrough of “Shimizu theory”. They warns against the tendency of overemphasizing mass media's effects and saw the active cognitive aspects of audience and personal communication networks as the source of the power of people's resistance against the power of a huge mass communication. These studies have produced the Japanese native perspective of mass communication process. That was a perspective which grasped the mass communication process including total social communication process as the multi-layered structure of conflicts and contradictions.
    From '60 to' 70, Japanese mass communication studies of “audience research” were stagnated partly because at this time American empirical studies were dominated by the “limited effects” model. But the studies of media industry, production and making process of media content and freedom of journalists had accumulated many fruitful works.
    From the end of '70 to the present time Japanese mass communication studies, especially “effects studies” have gradually revived the media sociology, influenced by American empirical approach which have proposed the “powerful effects” models; “agenda-setting function” model, “dependency” model and “spiral of silence” model and soon. And the critical approaches in Britain have also influenced Japaness mass communication studies. Now Japanese mass communication studies aim to create a new phase of studies at the modern information society.
  • 藤田 美輝
    1986年 6 巻 85-91
    発行日: 1986/06/25
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    わが国における道路交通史の研究は文献に重点が置かれ、この面では多くの成果が得られている。しかし多くの文献は、国史と称される資料である。国史は概して統治する側の立場記録されており、一般の交通状況を把握するには、やや難点があると云わざるを得ない。この点、絵巻はより具体的な記録として貴重なものである。また、実感としてとらえることができ、道路と交通の技術的な史資料として極めて示唆に富む内容を含んでいる。この絵巻をもとに平安末期から主として鎌倉時代における道路と交通の実態を探り、特に一般的な生活の中における道路の状況、橋の様子、牛車 (荷物運搬用) の利用に着目し、従来の研究では、あまり触れられていない面に関して、考察を試みたものである。また交通の基本的機能と当時の交通実態との関連を対比し、歴史的な変遷の過程について若干の推論を行った。
  • 索餅の起源と用いられ方, および索餅から索麺への変遷過程 (第1報)
    市毛 弘子
    1986年 37 巻 6 号 453-463
    発行日: 1986/06/20
    公開日: 2010/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was found by my investigation that the word “Muginawa” meaned “Sakubei” at first, and it changed into “Soumen” in the Edo era. So, I tried to research for its origin, as well as the way of use, and the process of change from Sakubei to Soumen.
    In China, Sakubei was eaten before 220 A.D. In Japan, some data can be found indicating that it was eaten at the Todaiji Temple in the early days of the Nara era. From these facts, it is supposed that Sakubei was imported from China along with Buddhism, and sold at East and West markets of Heijokyo.
    In the Heian. era “Sakubei” was very important food in the Imperial Court. It was given to the priests and high society people from the Emperor at the Imperial events.
    “Sakubei” was served at the first step of dinner table. After ear shell's soup was served to the Emperor it was taken off the table. It came into wide use at the end of the Heian era. High society people had a custom of eating Sakubei on the 7th July according to an old Chinese tradition.
    From the ancient times on to the 13th century it had been called “Muginawa, ” but in the Middle Age it was very often called “Sakubei.” The custom of eating Sakubei on the 7th July was continued from the end of Heian era to the Middle Ages.
    On the other hand Soumen became known as food of tea ceremony in the 14th century. It was called “Tenjin, ” which gradually spread wide among priests of temples as their between-meals. It soon became generalized, but Sakubei was not eaten by many people except high society people. It is clear, however, that Soumen and Sakubei were different at all from each other at that time.
  • 水口 洋
    1982年 32 巻 1 号 49-50
    発行日: 1982/01/01
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 福島 嵩仁
    2021年 2021 巻 4 号 1-25
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    「万川集海」は、従来考えられてきた「伊賀本」と「甲賀本」の分類の他に「巻子本」系統が存 在していた。その系統は比較的原本に近い初期の写本であり、これが「伊賀本」へ派生し、後に 「甲賀本」へと派生していった。「万川集海」に収録された各巻はすべてが同じ年に成立したもので はなく、一部成立年が違う巻も存在した。著者は「藤林左武次保武」であると考えられてきたが、 正確には「冨治林傳五郎保道」であり、藤堂藩伊賀者の役職との関連で、特定の枠組の中で伊賀地 域を中心に流布し、やがてそれが甲賀地域などの他国へと流れ、江戸幕府へと伝わっていったとい う流布経路を辿った。 「万川集海」はこれまで「甲賀本」を中心に内容解釈が進んできたが、今後は「伊賀本」、中でも 「沖森本」を善本とし、必要に応じて他写本を参照すべきである。
  • 和田 洋一
    1985年 34 巻 87-99,261
    発行日: 1985/03/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    The word "journalism" has never been translated into Japanese kanji. Today, therefore, we use "janarizumu, " written in Japanese katakana. Concerning the origin of the word, "sonohi sonohi shugi, " which means the principle of day, to day may be correct. Taking newspapers into consideration as the most important medium, followed by magazines and publications, Sogo Janarizumu Koza (Comprehensive Journalism Series) containing 12 vols was published in 1930-31. It includes some critics who definite journalism as activities of the newspapers and magazine community. On the the other hand, some recognize broadcasting journalism while others do not, because we use various expressions in Japanese, for example, "he makes his liviug by journalism." Consequently, these days, no one any longer tries to translate journalism into Japanese characters. This is no problem. But a number of scholars think, that real journalism should emphasize their critiques, comments and editorial articles. Many also think that principles of impartial reporting belongs to mass communication, but not journalism. This paper stresses that such ideas are historically unsupported.