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3,595件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 花塚 光男, 堀井 大治郎, 溝上 進
    1986年 88 巻 6 号 433-441
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2007/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    新規抗高血圧薬terazosinの作用機序解明の一環として,血管平滑筋収縮薬に対する拮抗の有無,並びにαアドレナリン受容体遮断作用(α遮断作用)について検討した.1) terazosin 10-4Mはラット胸部大動脈条片におけるCa2+,Ba2+,serotoninおよびangiotensin II収縮に対して影響を及ぼさなかった.2) terazosinはラット胸部大動脈条片におけるnorepinephrine(NE)およびphenylephrine(PE)の用量収縮反応曲線を右に平行移動させた.この作用のpA2値はNE拮抗で9.28,PE拮抗で8.74であり,それぞれprazosinの0.11,0.09倍,phentolamineの8,6倍およびyohimbineの176,60倍であった.更に,pithedラットにおいて,terazosinの静脈内投与はPEの用量昇圧曲線を右に平行移動させた.その“pA2”値は5.22であり,prazosinの0.05倍,phentolamineの5倍およびyohimbineの62.5倍であった.一方,pithedラットの心臓交感神経節前線維電気刺激下のclonidineによる心拍数低下に対して,terazosinは0.3mg/kg以下の静脈内投与では有意な作用がなく,1mg/kgで弱い拮抗作用を示した.prazosinは0.3mg/kg以上で,phentolamineおよびyohimbineは0.1mg/kgで有意な拮抗作用を示した.従って,terazosinのシナプス前α2遮断作用はprazosin,phentolamineおよびyohimbineのいずれよりも弱いことが示唆された,3) 無麻酔無拘束下ラットにおけるPEの昇圧反応に対し,terazosinは0.3および1mg/kgの経口投与により遮断作用を示し,その持続はそれぞれ8時間および12時間であった.4) 以上の結果より,terazosinの抗高血圧作用は交感神経系のシナプス後α遮断によることが示唆された.
  • 菅井 利寿
    1990年 96 巻 3 号 117-127
    発行日: 1990年
    公開日: 2007/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    新しいα,β-遮断薬,(±)-4-〔2-hydroxy-3-(3-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-2-propylamino)propoxy〕-1(2H)-isoquinolinone(N-1518)のα,β-遮断作用,抗高血圧作用およびその他の関連作用をlabetalolと比較検討した.また,N-1518の4種の光学異性体の摘出臓器でのα,β-遮断作用も検討した.N-1518はin vitro,in vivoにおいて強いα,β-遮断活性を示し,その活性はIabetalolと同程度であった.N-1518のin vitroにおけるβ11比は8.3,in vivoにおけるβ11比は13.6であった.N-1518のβ受容体に対する作用にはβ1選択性はみられなかったが,α1受容体には約20倍の選択性が認められた.N-1518の4種の光学異性体のなかではSR-isomerがもっとも強いβ遮断作用を示し,RR-isomerがもっとも強いα遮断作用を示した.麻酔犬において,N-1518はphenylephrineによる昇圧反応に対してもnoradrenalineによる昇圧反応に対しても競合的に拮抗したが,labetalolはnoradrenalineによる昇圧反応に対しては拮抗しなかった.N-1518は内因性交感神経刺激作用を示さず局所麻酔作用も示さなかった.自然発症高血圧ラット(SHR)および腎性高血圧犬においてN-1518は顕著な降圧効果を示した.腎性高血圧犬におけるN-1518の降圧効果はlabetalolより弱かったが,labetalolでみられた顕著な心拍数の上昇はN-1518ではみられなかった.麻酔犬の大腿動脈分枝への動注によって,N-1518では著明な血流量の増加が認められた.その強さはlabetalolの約3倍であった.以上よりN-1518はα,β-遮断作用を有する薬物であり,その作用はlabetalolと類似しているが,血管拡張作用が強いことなど興味ある性質を有する薬物であると結論される.
  • 仲川 義人, 金 万宝, 今井 昭一
    1982年 79 巻 5 号 431-439
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2007/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    α-アドレナリン作動薬であるguanfacineのpre-およびpostsynaptic α-adrenoceptorに対する作用を両側副腎を摘出したpithed ratを用い検討した.postsynaptic receptorに対する作用:guanfacineは1μg/kg i.v.より明らかな昇圧作用を示し,3mg/kgで最大反応を示した.さらに高用量では昇圧反応の減少が認められた.この昇圧反応はα2遮断薬であるyohimbineやα1およびα2遮断薬であるphentolamineの前投与によって競合的に拮抗されたが,α1遮断薬であるprazosinの前投与ではα2作動薬であるclonidineによる昇圧と同様,拮抗は非競合的であった.またguanfacineの昇圧は最大反応がα1作動薬であるPhenylephrineに比し小さく,用量反応曲線はその傾斜がゆるやかであった.また昇圧にはphenylephrineやclonidineに比し,高用量を必要とした.presynaptic receptorに対する作用:pithed ratのC7~Th1の脊髄神経を電気刺激したときの心拍数増加作用をguanfacineは1μg/kgより有意に抑制し,1mg/kgで最大抑制を示した.一方clonidineは0.3μg/kgより抑制作用を示したが,いずれの薬物でもその最大抑制は約60%に留まった.この抑制作用はprazosinではあまり抑制されなかったが,yohimbineやphentolamincで著明に抑制された,これらの結果からguanfacineはclonidine同様α2作動薬であり,しかもpresynapticにもpostsynapticにもほぼ同じ濃度で作用する薬物であることがわかった.しかしpresynapticの作用(伝達物質の遊離抑制作用)の方がpostsynapticα2受容体に対する作用よりも持続的であることから,末梢作用(presynapticの作用)も降圧作用に一役を担っている可能性が示唆された.
  • ―椎骨脳底動脈系血管構築についての考察―
    近藤 明恵, 石川 純一郎, 小西 常起, 山崎 俊樹
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1981年 21 巻 3 号 287-293
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2006/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pathogenesis of hemifacial spasms is still obscure. To elucidate the etiology, 61 patients with this clinical syndrome were closely examined. Surgical findings of all patients and vertebral arteriograms of 51 patients disclosed characteristic changes of the vertebro-basilar artery system and its branches. The vertebral artery was invariably larger in diameter ipsilaterally to the affected side of the face, made a sharp or hair-pin like angulation at the origin of the third segment of the vertebral artery and gave off branches almost rectangularly from the top of this angulated part toward the internal auditory meatus. On the other hand, the S-shaped basilar artery with the abovementioned asymmetrical changes in diameter of the vertebral arteries gave off the anterior inferior cerebellar artery toward the internal auditory canal of the affected side with an absent or hypoplastic posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Operative procedures demonstrated that the facial nerve was invariably compressed by an ectated or radundant artery which showed right turn and local “arteriosclerotic” changes at its cross-compressing site. The peculiar vasculature changes of the vertebro-basilar artery and the compressing artery may be congenitally present, and subsequently, an exaggerated intraluminal blood stream or pressure of the larger sized vertebral artery is likely to apply a stronger hemodynamic force to the wall of the angulated part of the vertebral artery, resulting in ectasia or redundancy of the peripheral branches originating from this point and also wall thickening of the right-angled part of the compressing artery which just happens to lie close enough to the exit zone of the facial nerve from the brain-stem. These vasculature findings appear to provide an important key to solve the problem of why a certain artery can cross-compress the facial nerve and why the vast majority of hemifacial spasms develop on one side of the face.
  • 脳虚血性疾患における手術適応決定および術後評価への応用
    吉岡 進, 松角 康彦, 児玉 万典, 平田 好文, 不破 功, 高田 明, 高橋 睦正, 仏坂 博正
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1987年 27 巻 11 号 1053-1060
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2006/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Digital subtraction angiography with intravenous injection of contrast medium was used to assess 10 patients with ischemic disease. The time-density curve (TDC) was evaluated for its usefulness in analyzing brain blood circulation (dynamics). Such other parameters as peak time (PT), mean transit time (MTT), and mode of transit time (MOTT) were also assessed. Particular attention was paid to high convexity, watershed, and perforator areas of the middle cerebral artery, which are regions of interest in the bilateral hemispheres. The dynamics of blood circulation demonstrated by this method were compared with those demonstrated by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).
    In patients with carotid artery stenosis, the TDC at the convexity area on the affected side showed both a gentle upward slope and a slow downward slope, and all parameters (PT, MTT, MOTT) were prolonged. After endarterectomy, the delay in all parameters decreased and the laterality of the TDC diminished. In patients with middle cerebral artery occlusion, the TDC at the convexity area on the affected side showed delay of attenuation, and all parameters were prolonged. After superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis, the peak on the operated side was higher than that on the unaffected side and prolongation of MTT and MOTT on the affected side was decreased. In cases of moyamoya disease, none of the parameters could be calculated because the TDC showed no downward slope. In all of the evaluable cases, TDC data were superior to SPECT determinations in detecting laterality of the circulation. These results indicate that this method accurately demonstrates laterality of circulation time and volume as well as the degree of collateral circulation. The TDC and other parameters appear useful in determining whether or not surgery is indicated and in estimating the postoperative circulation in patients with ischemic disease.
  • *落合 直輝, 延廣 良香, 小倉 由美, 藤田 悦則, 岩村 憲樹, 村田 幸治, 亀井 勉, 上野 義雪, 辻 敏夫, 金子 成彦
    2009年 45spl 巻 3G2-4
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2011/05/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 動脈硬化性病変の発生と局在に関して
    馬淵 正二, 阿部 弘, 狩野 猛
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1988年 28 巻 4 号 321-326
    発行日: 1988年
    公開日: 2006/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relationship between blood flow and the localized development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis were studied at the bifurcation and curving portion of a human cerebral artery. Blood flow patterns were studied by direct observation and by photographing of tracer particles flowing through the isolated arterial segment, which had been obtained at the time of death and had been prepared in such a way that it was transparent. A standing recirculation zone consisting of a pair of secondary flow spirals, located on both sides of the common median plane of the bifurcation, was formed on the lateral side of the daughter vessels over wide ranges of inflow Reynolds numbers (Re0) and flow rate ratios (Q1: Q0; Q0 and Q1 indicating the quantity of flow in M1 and M2 segment of the middle cerebral artery, respectively). The formation and size of the recirculation zone were largely dependent on Q1: Q0 and Re0. In addition, formation of eddies was observed on the inner side of the curving portion as well as at the bifurcation of the middle cerebral artery.
    The results suggest that, under physiological conditions, there is a standing recirculation zone in the bifurcation and bending portion of the middle cerebral artery, which affects local mass transfer and interactions between blood cells and the vessel wall. This may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis in this and anatomically similar regions.
  • 成田 寛, 池沢 一郎, 佐藤 匡徳, 中島 宏通, 清本 昭夫
    1981年 77 巻 1 号 51-59
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2007/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    diltiazem(Dil)の心機能に対する作用を,麻酔開胸犬ならびにイヌ心肺標本を用いて検討した.麻酔開胸犬に Dil(0.03~0.3mg/kg)を静脈内投与すると左心室内圧最大変化率(max dp/dt)は増加し,左心室内圧拡張終期圧(LVEDP)は上昇し,心拍出量および冠血流量は増加した.一方,血圧は低下し,心拍数(HR)は減少した,この max dp/dt の増加は両側星状神経節切除ならびに両側頸部迷走神経切断によって減弱したが,完全には抑制されなかったので,イヌ心肺標本を用いてさらに検討を加えた.イヌ心肺標本で動脈圧(AP)と静脈圧(VP)を一定にした条件下で,spontaneously beating と atrial pacing(心房ペーシングにより HR を一定とした)いずれの場合も Dil(1mg)は max dp/dt を減少させ,LVEDP を上昇させた.また,心機能曲線(一回仕事量 対 LVEDP)を右に移動させた.一方,AP と HR を一定にした条件下で VP を増加させると max dp/dt は増加するが,この増加は Dil 存在下でも同様に認められた.以上の結果から,Dil は心筋直接には negative inotropic action を示すが,麻酔開胸犬で認められた max dp/dt 増加作用は,降圧反射による交感神経活動の亢進と静脈還流量の増加による二次的な作用によることが示唆された.
  • 頭蓋内容積圧関係に関する実験的考察
    北見 公一, 西村 弘美, 安井 信之
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1986年 26 巻 8 号 615-620
    発行日: 1986/08/15
    公開日: 2006/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous report a new model was proposed for the understanding of the intracranial mutual pressure interactions after a bolus volume loading. In this report the intracranial volume-pressure relationship (VPR) is examined in 15 dogs. They were separated into two groups: the steady-state infusion group (9 dogs) and the epidural balloon inflation group (6 dogs). The former contained 3 dogs in which 50 mg/kg of kaolin emulsion had been injected into the basal cistern a week before the experiment. They were regarded as a model of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) malabsorption. In comparison with the actual volume-pressure (VP) curves, theoretical curves were displayed which were extracted mathematically by using the pressure-response (p-r) curve of each dog.
    The plateau level of the theoretical VP curve was always lower than the actual steady-state infusion curve. It was thought that more spatial compensation of the vascular bed occur in the actual plateau of the steady-state infusion than in the theoretical plateau, which was based on a single bolus injection. The r value calculated by the actual steady-state infusion was therefore very high because it demonstrated an exaggerated absorption rate under the pressure buffering effect of the venous system. So the CSF absorption resistance obtained by analyzing the p-r curve of a bolus injection should be closer to the true value than that obtained by steady-state infusion.
    The shape of VP curves derived from steady-state infusions and balloon compressions were not monoexponential. The latter developed a plateau level under the maximal pressure buffering by the vascular bed. Consequently analytical methods in which the hypothesis that the VPR was exponential was used were proved to be untrustworthy.
  • 圧応答曲線の生成起源に関する実験的考察
    北見 公一, 西村 弘美, 安井 信之
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1986年 26 巻 8 号 608-614
    発行日: 1986/08/15
    公開日: 2006/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this report is to clarify the origin of the pressure-response (p-r) curve after a bolus normal saline injection into the subarachnoid space. Eighteen adult mongrel dogs weighing 9-13 kg were intubated and ventilated artificially. A bolus normal saline injection (0.8 ml-sec) was performed and the changes in intracranial pressure, superior sagittal sinus pressure, and systemic arterial pressure were monitored and recorded continuously for 30 minutes. The following results were elicited: 1) The shape of the p-r curve was determined by three resistances: resistance to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) absorption (r), blood inflow resistance into the sinus (Ri), and blood outflow resistance from the sinus to the extracranial venous system (Ro). A new intracranial volume-pressure model was proposed for detailed analysis of the volume-pressure relationship. 2) Changes in the CSF pressure after a bolus injection were characterized by two components. The steep decay of the p-r curve was thought to occur because of the CSF absorption, and the gentle decay should be the result of sinus outflow resistance which might be equivalent to the CSF absorption resistance, since the CSF absorption resistance should be rapidly changeable and pressure dependent. Patterns of the p-r curve were divided into three groups, namely “normal, ” “borderline, ” and “delayed” patterns. The last one could result either from high r state or from high Ro conditions. The borderline group contained dogs in which the intracranial cavity was tight.
    The CSF absorption resistance could be obtained by careful analysis of the p-r curve, but it might be modified by the spatial compensation of the venous system. It is thought to be important for the reasonable analysis of the p-r curve that the shape consideration, the baseline-peak pressure gradient (pressure increment), and the recovery time to the baseline pressure should all be included in a single analytical theory.
  • Proscillaridin還元体のモルモット心臓に対する作用について―モルモットの摘出心室筋における陽性変力作用と心電図所見―
    榊原 仁作, 森 淳, 永井 慎一, 堀田 芳弘, 竹谷 和視
    1987年 90 巻 2 号 115-123
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2007/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    6員環ラクトンを有する強心ステロイド,proscillaridin(PS)を接触還元して得られる5種類の還元体(bufa-4,20-dienolide(PH21),bufa-4,20(22)-dienolide(PH22),20R-bufa-4-enolide(PH4-R),20S-bufa4-enolide(PH4-S),chola-4-enoate(PH4-E))の心臓に対する薬理作用をモルモットを用いて実験した.各還元体の心筋に対する陽性変力作用(PIE)は摘出右心室乳頭筋駆動標本(lHz)を用いて行った.各還元体は母化合物PSよりもPIEの発現が速く,特徴ある形の濃度-PIE曲線を示した.最大収縮値の50%の収縮を起こさせる濃度(pD2値)はPS7.4に対しPH22 6.2,PH21 5.8,PH4-R5.3,PH4-E 5.0,PH4-S 4.9であった.ラクトン環を還元したこれらの化合物ではPIEの発現時間は速くなった.各還元体の濃度-PIE曲線において効力は減少したが,PIEの最大効果の増大が認められた.PH21とPH4-Rは単一物質であるにもかかわらず広い濃度範囲でPIEを示した・このことを丸ごとの動物の心電図を測定することにより確かめた.即ち,モルモットの心電図においてPH21 11.9mg/kgあるいは,PH22 5.lmg/kgといずれもpD2値の4.4倍に相当する量を頸静脈内に投与した時,PH21(n=5)は3時間不整脈を起こさず,PH22(n=5)は,30分以内にすべて不整脈を生じ・た,これらの結果から,PH21は母化合物PSよりも速いPIEの発現と広い濃度依存性のPIE域を持つ安全な化合物と思われる.一方,PH22は濃度-PIE曲線において急峻な立ち上がりを示し,不整脈が早い時点より出現した.
  • 脳微小血管解剖からの検討
    湧田 幸雄
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1986年 26 巻 6 号 444-450
    発行日: 1986/06/15
    公開日: 2006/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new technique for anastomosis of the superficial temporal-middle cerebral arteries (STA-MCA) is described. It uses a single newly designed angled clip to close the recipient artery during anastomosis.
    Fifty two recipient arteries in 10 cerebral hemispheres of cadavers were selected from the perisylvian area by microanatomical survey. Each was at least 10 mm in length and more than 0.8 mm in diameter. Each artery was examined for 1) the external diameter, 2) the number and the diameter of its branches, 3) the number of branches to be cut in anastomosis by using the ordinary two clips or the new single clip, and 4) the territory of the collateral circulation from the central artery as examined by India ink injection study. The average diameter was 1.15±0.1 mm. The arteries had on average five cortical penetrating arteries; 45.3% of the branches were up to 0.2 mm in diameter while those of over 0.4 mm were less than 5.5%. The temporo-occipital artery was largest in diameter, but it had a large number of big branches (13%). By the ordinary method, all branches would have had to be cauterized and cut off. But 77% of the 52 arteries did not need to have any branches cut off during anastomosis when the new method was employed. Collateral circulation from the central artery to the anterior cerebral artery via the cortical lepto-meningeal anastomosis was shown by India ink injection study. Disconnection of the branches by using bipolar coagulation during anastomosis may cause some damage not only to the arterial wall and the brain, but also to such a lepto-meningeal anastomosis. The new single temporary clip method has certain advantages in bypass surgery. The first advantage is preservation of the cortical penetrating arteries and the collateral network, the second is the shortening of the operation time, and the third is the capability of performing anastomosis on the functional area or severe ischemic brain.
    Seven clinical cases were operated on using this technique. Only 3 of 24 branches in 7 cortical arteries needed to be cut. The recipient artery was the central artery in 3 cases, the precentral artery in 2 cases and the prefrontal artery in 2 cases. All the cases had uneventful operations and postoperative courses. So it can be said that this is a very simple and useful method in bypass surgery.
  • 秋田 晶平, 佐藤 公道, 高木 博司
    1985年 86 巻 4 号 257-260
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2007/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    pirprofenの鎮痛作用についてラットならびにウサギでのbradykinin(BK)誘発後肢屈曲反射法を用いてindomethacin,ibuprofenの作用と比較検討した.pirprofenは10 mg/kg~200 mg/kgの経口投与時ラットでのBK誘発後肢屈曲反射を抑制しその作用は30 mg/kg以上でほぼ平衡に達し200 mg/kgでは56%の抑制率を示した.同様の傾向はibuprofen 30mg/kg~300 mg/kgの経口投与時にも認められた.一方,indomethacinは1 mg/kg~10 mg/kgで用量依存性の後肢屈曲反射抑制作用を示し10 mg/kgの経口投与時83%の抑制率であった.ラットでのBK誘発後肢屈曲反射に対するpirprofen,indomethacin,ibuprofenのED50値はそれぞれ68 mg/kg,3.3 mg/kg,94 mg/kgであった.一方,ウサギでのBK誘発後肢屈曲反射に対してpirprofenは10 mg/kgの経口投与で約半数に抑制作用を認めindomethacin 10 mg/kg,ibuprofen 10 mg/kgでもほぼ同等の作用であった.以上,BK誘発後肢屈曲反射に対しラットとウサギでは3種の薬物について種差が認められた.
  • 森川 宏二, 垣内 正人, 山内 利栄, 橋本 繁輝, 宮下 直志, 市橋 美紀, 沢田 陽子, 加藤 日出男, 伊藤 安夫
    1988年 92 巻 5 号 311-324
    発行日: 1988年
    公開日: 2007/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    HY-770 の排尿反射並びに尿道内圧に及ぼす作用を,ラット,イヌおよびネコを用いて検討し,その作用を頻尿治療薬である flavoxate・HCl (flavoxate),terodiline・HCl(terodiline)および oxybutynin・HCl(oxybutynin)と比較した.1)HY-770 は静脈内投与(2,4mg/kg)および十二指腸内投与(12.5,25mg/kg)によって,ラットの律動的膀胱収縮を用量-依存的に消失させ,その消失作用の活性は静脈内投与ではflavoxate,terodiline および oxybutynin とほぼ同等であったが,十二指腸内投与ではflavoxate よりも明らかに強く,terodiline と同等かそれ以上であった.2)HY-770の静脈内投与(3,4あるいは8mg/kg)は,ラット,イヌおよびネコの膀胱内圧曲線の排尿までの時間(実質膀胱容量)を用量-依存的に排尿圧に影響を及ぼすことなく増加させ,HY-770の十二指腸内投与(25mg/kg)もネコの実質膀胱容量を増加させた.3)HY-770の静脈内投与(4,8mg/kg)は,ラットの下腹神経切断あるいは慢性膀胱カテーテル挿入による頻尿モデルの実質膀胱容量を用量-依存的に増加させた.4)HY-770の十二指腸内投与(25mg/kg)は,イヌの尿道内圧をわずかに低下させた.以上の結果より,HY-770は神経因性膀胱や不安定膀胱などによる頻尿症状の改善に有効性が示唆された.
  • 自験18症例と文献報告191例の検討
    桑原 敏, 石川 進, 安東 誠一, 松本 茂男, 関本 裕, 上村 喜彦, 山根 冠児, 高橋 勝
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1984年 24 巻 8 号 580-590
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2006/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Of 344 patients with intracranial aneurysms treated at the Shimane Medical University and Matsue Red Cross Hospital, eighteen (5.2%) had aneurysms of the distal anterior cerebral artery (DACA). Five were male and thirteen were female. Their ages ranged from 39 to 67 years. Seventeen patients had had at least one episode of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) caused by rupture of the aneurysm of DACA. Motor disturbance found in 8 cases was a rather specific clinical feature on admission. There were 4 cases with hemiparesis predominant in the lower limb, 3 with monoparesis of a leg, and 1 with tetraparesis. Six of the aneurysms were located at the bifurcation of the pericallosal artery (PCA) and callosomarginal artery, 6 at the bifurcation of PCA and anterior internal frontal artery, 3 at the distal end of azygos anterior cerebral artery (ACA), and 3 on the peripheral PCA. Eleven aneurysms were on the left side, 4 on the right, and 3 on the midline. Six patients were shown to have multiple aneurysms. Azygos ACA was noted in 3 cases and bihemispheric ACA in 2. In 7 cases, PCA made a sharp bend at the genu of the corpus callosum where the aneurysm was located. Computerized tomography (CT) scans were done in 6 cases. Blood was found in the basal cisterns and bilateral Sylvian fissures in symmetrical distribution, and extended into the anterior interhemispheric fissure and pericallosal cistern in all six. Two cases had a large intracerebral hematoma in the corpus callosum. Direct surgical attack on the aneurysm was made in 17 cases. Long-term follow-up results revealed that 10 cases had no neurological deficits, 2 had minimal deficits, 2 were moderately disabled, and 3 died.
    From an analysis of these 18 cases and 191 cases reported in the literature, the following results were obtained: 1) The incidence of DACA aneurysm was approximately 5%. There was no difference in sex distribution, and most cases were found in the fifth to sixth decade. 2) Seventy-one percent were located at the pericallosal bifurcation, 15% in the infracallosal portion of PCA, and 6% on the supracallosal portion. Multiple aneurysms were found in 29%. 3) Leg monoparesis and predominantly crural hemiparesis may be rather specific clinical features. 4) Anomalies and anatomical variations of DACA were found, such as azygos ACA, bihemispheric ACA, supreme anterior communicating artery, and acute angulation of PCA at the genu of corpus callosum.
  • 田中 和夫, 金子 武稔, 山津 清実
    1981年 77 巻 5 号 511-520
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2007/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    新規抗痙縮剤 4'-ethyl-2-methyl-3-piperidinopropiophenone hydrochloride(EMPP)の実験的固縮および脊髄に対する影響を検討した.EMPP はラットの Sherrington 型除脳固縮を 1.25mg/kg i.v. で約50%抑制し,投与量を増量するとともに抑制作用は顕著となり,その効力は tolperisone の約2倍であった.また,ラットの虚血性除脳固縮を EMPP は2.5~10mg/kg i.v. で抑制した.麻酔ネコにおいて,EMPP は 2.5mg/kg i.v. 以上で膝蓋腱反射にはほとんど影響を与えず,屈曲反射を用量に依存して抑制した.また,EMPP は10mg/kg i.v. で屈曲反射を約80%抑制し,その作用は約2時間持続した,脊髄ネコにおいても,EMPP 2.5~10mg/kg i.v. は屈曲反射を抑制したが,その抑制効力は麻酔ネコの場合に比し減弱した.EMPP の経口投与では,100~200mg/kg で選択的に屈曲反射を抑制し,この効力は tolperisone や chlormezanone に比し用量的に約2倍強力であった.一方,脊髄ネコにおける脊髄反射電位に対しては,EMP Pは 2.5~10mg/kg i.v. の用量で単シナプス反射,多シナプス反射ならびに後根反射電位をそれぞれ同程度に抑制した.また,この投与用量の範囲で EMPP は脊髄ネコの運動ニューロン自発性発射を抑制したが,筋紡錘からの GIa 発射に対してはほとんど影響を与えなかった.以上のように,EMPP は強力な脊髄反射活動抑制作用を有し,その主作用部位は脊髄であるが,上位中枢も考慮する必要がある.
  • ―I. 手術前後の脳シンチグラフィー―
    唐澤 淳, 菊池 晴彦, 栗山 良紘, 澤田 徹, 西村 恒彦, 小塚 隆弘, 畔 政和, 松本 皓, 有光 哲雄, 西田 西田
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1981年 21 巻 9 号 923-930
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2006/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cerebral hemodynamics were studied in 38 children with “Moyamoya” disease. About 10mCi of Tc-99m was injected into the anterior cubital vein as a bolus, and serial brain scintigrams in one second intervals were obtained with a gamma scintilation camera (Ohio-nuclear Σ410s) and processed on an on-line radioisotope processing system including microcomputers (DEC PDP 11/34, 11/60).
    The characteristic images of serial brain scintigraphy were obtained in preoperative cases: early accumulation of radioisotope activities in the base of the skull, corresponding to the basal “Moyamoya” vessels, and the poor filling in the territories of the anterior (ACA) and middle cerebral arteries (MCA), indicating disturbance of the cerebral circulation. After bypass surgery, early accumulation of RI activities in the base of the skull diminished and evidence of improved cerebral circulation in the territories of the middle cerebral artery was obtained, but poor filling in the territories of the anterior cerebral artery persisted, measurements of local mode of transit time (MOTT) were made by our modified method which was originally reported by Oldendorf. Regions of interest were bilaterally settled both in the areas of basal “Moyamoya” vessels and in the territories of MCA in the anterior view image. The mean values of MOTT in the MCA territories were significantly longer than in the basal “Moyamoya” (10.8±2.7 sec, 7.7±2.1 sec, N=17, respectively). After surgery, shortening of MOTT in the MCA territory was observed (5.8± 1.3 sec, N=17).
    Positive static brain scintigrams were observed in only two cases. One patient was the case of cerebral infarction 14 days after the onset, the other patient showed a transient positive area in the region of the frontal lobe without neurological deficit, which was thought to be hyperpermeability of unknown origin. Findings of static brain scintigraphy of “Moyamoya” disease only indicated the results of damage of the blood-brain barrier.
    From this evidence, it was concluded that dynamic studies using Tc-99m and a scinti-camera were useful not only in the diagnosis of “Moyamoya” disease, but also in the study of the pathophysiology of brain circulation.
  • 大畑 建治, 白馬 明, 白旗 信行, 西村 周郎
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1982年 22 巻 12 号 1029-1034
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2006/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 4-year-old right handed boy was admitted with the left hemiparesis of sudden onset. Angiographic studies demonstrated kinking of the bilateral internal carotid arteries and right vertebral artery in the neck portion. On rotating the neck to the right, the kinked segment of the right carotid artery was rendered more stenotic. Computerized tomography and electroencephalography were normal. Reconstructive surgery of the right internal carotid artery including an end to side anastomosis between the internal carotid artery and the common carotid artery was performed to prevent cerebral atrophy or stroke. Eleven months postoperatively, the left hemiparesis had disappeared and he remained free of symptoms. Various methods of surgical correction for carotid coiling, tortuosity, kinking or stenosis have been reported for adults. In four children, Suzuki et al. did not amputate the internal carotid artery, but fixed its coiled portion to the external carotid artery. In the present case, mannitol was used to overcome the risk during the reconstructive operation of the internal carotid artery at its bifurcation.
    Reconstructive surgery may be possible even in children and is safe and effective in selective cases.
  • 木本 定利, 春名 正雄, 中尾 智子, 上田 元彦
    1981年 78 巻 3 号 163-171
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2007/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    イヌの左冠動脈内に1個のガラス製ビーズ(直径1.5mm)を注入して心筋梗塞性不整脈を発生せしめ,これが不整脈モデルとして利用出来るか否かをquinidine(Qd),lidocaine(Lid),aprindine(Apr),dl-propranolol(dl-Prop)を用いて検討した.pentobarbital-Na麻酔下にイヌの血圧と心電図を記録しながら左頸動脈より冠動脈カニューレを左冠動脈内に挿入し,カニューレを介してビーズを注入し,冠動脈閉塞を行なった.冠血管閉塞による心筋梗塞性不整脈は閉塞24時間後が最も顕著で,心拍数180拍/分の約90%を占め,この状態は約30時間持続した.48時間および72時間後の心拍数はそれぞれ140拍/分,110拍/分であったが,その際の心室性不整脈は心拍数の80%,45%まで減少した.注入したビーズは左冠動脈前下行枝および左回施枝にそれぞれ12/14例,2/14例局在した.ビーズで梗塞された心筋では24時間後に壊死橡,10日後には線維化が認められた.無麻酔,無拘束のイヌより無線方式で四肢第II誘導心電図を polygraph 上に記録し,梗塞24時間後の不整脈モデルに対してQd,Lid,Apr,dl-Prop を静脈内に累積投与し,それぞれの抗不整脈作用を検討した.四薬物は共に用量依存的な抗不整脈作用を示し,Apr と dl-Prop の作用は QD,Lid に比べて約3倍強力であった.Lid,dl-Prop,Apr の作用持続は比較的短く(20~30分),Qd のそれはやや持続的(約60分)であった.ビーズ法による心筋梗塞は梗塞部位がやや一定し難い点はあるが,外科的侵襲の少ない簡単な手術で,安定した心室性不整脈が得られ,抗不整脈剤の作用が無麻酔,無拘束下のイヌで明瞭に判定出来るので.今後不整脈剤の検討に充分活用されるものと考えられる.
  • 島 健, 岡田 芳和, 桑原 敏, 魚住 徹
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    1979年 19 巻 6 号 555-557
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2006/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ulcerative changes and stenotic lesions in the cervical portion of the carotid artery are being noted as lesions responsible for the development of TIA and RIND. As a result thromboendarterectomy of the carotid artery is recently being actively performed to prevent stroke. The authors' device for this operation is presented.
    The device consists of T-shaped internal shunt tubes, two angled bulldog clamps and a retractor. The T-shaped internal shunt tubes are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material. PVC is the most appropriate material for the tube, because it is flexible and does not kink. We made tubes with three different outer diameter sizes and in the same lengths of 30 cm. A side arm mainly to check the patency of the blood flow was also designed in the middle of the tube. Bulbs with smooth surface were provided at both ends so that the intima would not be injured and to prevent the tube from slipping out of the vessel. From the differences in diameter of the common and internal carotid arteries, the tube on the proximal side was provided with a bulb 1-2 mm larger than its distal side and was colored so as to make it easy to distinguish. To permit easy insertion and removal of the tube and its fixation to the vessel, small bulldog-like clamps with jaws angled at a 30° were used. The ringed jaws were provided in three sizes so as to fit the three different outer diameter tubes. To date endarterectomies have been performed with satisfactory results and without complications.