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クエリ検索: "1/2 summer"
16件中 1-16の結果を表示しています
  • Ken Hirao, Akihisa Nitta, Kasumi Ono, Hironori Akiyama, Kaishi Imatani, Naoki Yuasa, Soichi Shimazaki, Yuta Fukaya, Tsubasa Morita, Shinichiro Tanaka, Chiharu Miyayama, Yuko Ono, Yuji Oto, Hisashi Itabashi, Yuki Kouzu, Kyoko Motoki, Nobuyuki Murakami, Tomoyo Matsubara
    Dokkyo Medical Journal
    論文ID: 2023-014
    発行日: 2024年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/05/21
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス 早期公開

    A 9-year-old boy was admitted to hospital for bronchial asthma due to respiratory distress with SpO2 86% under room air and failure of earlier treatment. Diffuse interstitial shadows in the bilateral lung fields were found on chest CT. He was diagnosed with an asthmatic attack, treated with intravenous steroids, and discharged after 2 weeks. One week after discharge, his respiratory status worsened again. In an interview, it was found that he had previously had coughing and dyspnea in the summer, and that he lived in a 50-year-old wooden house. Additionally, restriction of outings due to the COVID-19 pandemic may have increased the duration of antigen exposure at home. On admission, the patient was also found to be positive for anti-Trichosporon asahii antibody. Based on all of this information, he was diagnosed with summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This case indicates the need for a detailed interview including the living environment, chest CT, and measurement of anti-Trichosporon asahii antibodies for a patient with chronic cough that does not respond to treatment, based on a suspicion of summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

  • 田村 文男, 千 種弼, 田辺 賢二, 森本 賢, 板井 章浩
    2003年 72 巻 5 号 372-377
    発行日: 2003/09/15
    公開日: 2008/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    ニホンナシ'秋栄'果実の成熟,糖蓄積及びみつ症発生抑制に及ぼす夏季せん定及びジベレリン(GA)処理の影響を調査した.いずれの処理区においてもみつ症発生は果実の成熟にともたって増加したが,2000年度及び2001年度とも夏季せん定処理によりみつ症の程度と発生率は低下した.一方,GA処理によりみつ症発生は促進されたが,成熟過程においては夏季せん定によりGAの影響は低下した.しかし完熟期にはその効果は認められなくなった.GA処理によって成熟は促進され,また果実中に高濃度のジベレリン様物質(GAs) が検出されたが,夏季せん定区と対照区の間に内生GAs含量の差は認められなかった.'秋栄'果実中の主な糖は未熟期にはフルクトースとソルビトールであったが,成熟期にはスクロースが最も多くなった.夏季せん定は果実発育と果肉硬度と地色など成熟に関連する指標には影響を及ぼさなかったが,スクロース蓄積の進行を遅延させた.これらの結果から,夏季せん定による'秋栄'のみつ症発生低下の一因は,スクロース蓄積の遅延によるのではないかと考えられた.
  • ワインガード スーザン, 吉村 玲子
    1997年 6 巻 58-71
    発行日: 1997/08/31
    公開日: 2023/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Opportunities for specialized education for art librarians and visual resource (VR) professionals are more prevalent in the United States today than in past years. In 1995 the Art Libraries Society/North America (ARLIS/NA) published staffing standards for art librarians that address educational qualifications for art librarians and VR professionals in the United States and Canada. In addition, the Joint Task Force on Professional Issues recently published "Criteria for the Hiring and Retention of Visual Resources Professionals," which addresses and recommends educational preparation for careers in this field.
    Beyond having a formal, advanced education in librarianship, being knowledgeable about the principles and practices of the field, and having training in the visual arts, art librarians and VR professionals are expected to be proficient in administration, strategic planning, electronic technologies, preservation, conservation, and other pertinent aspects of collection management. In an age of rapid technological advancements and therefore rapid technological obsolescence, even recent academic degrees quickly become outdated or inadequate. Further, many art librarians practicing today attended library school before automation of collections and electronic access were standard elements in the curriculum. Maintaining an up-to-date awareness of emerging technologies, management techniques, preservation of materials, and other topics is of utmost importance and is achieved through a growing number of continuing education opportunities in the U.S. professional societies such as ARLIS/NA and the Visual Resources Association (VRA), which cater to the needs of art information professionals, have taken a significant leadership role in providing continuing education to their members. These professional societies, as well as professional literature, specialized workshops, and electronic bulletin boards play an important role in providing continuing education opportunities for American art information professionals. This article provides an overview of the current status of continuing education for art information professionals in the U.S. and describes a number of specific opportunities currently available.
  • *垣鍔 直
    2021年 45 巻
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/12/03
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    人間-生活環境系分野の研究範囲は非常に広い.著者は主に高圧環境,温熱生理学,衣服工学,照明環境,屋外気候,睡眠環境の分野に関与した.全ての研究範囲は2つのキーワードを共有している.季節差と心理・生理反応である.本稿では,屋外気候分野,睡眠環境分野を除く4 つの分野の研究成果について概説した.
  • 平田 昌弘, 海老原 志穂, 別所 裕介
    2021年 31 巻 1 号 15-27
    発行日: 2021/06/30
    公開日: 2021/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー


  • ITO Rui, SATOMURA Takehiko, TAKEMI Tetsuya
    Geographical review of Japan series B
    2014年 87 巻 1 号 65-73
    発行日: 2014/08/29
    公開日: 2014/10/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to reveal the relationships between physical-geographical conditions and temperature rises in cities, the dependence of the rate of surface air temperature rise on urban surface cover was compared for different physical-geographical conditions for cities in Japan. The monthly mean temperatures observed in 74 sites selected to fulfill specific criteria from 1964 to 2011 and land use data categorized into 11 types, at 100 m spatial resolution, including buildings and roads, were used. The rate of the monthly mean of the daily mean temperature rise for the coastal sites has a positive correlation with the distance from the coastline. The rate of temperature rise was found to be positively correlated with an urban cover index for the coastal observation sites within 7 km from the coastline, and for the sites including the coastal sites more than 7 km away from the coastline and the inland sites. The change in the rate of temperature rise with respect to the urban cover index is higher for the inland sites than for the coastal sites within 7 km of the coast. The largest difference in the rates is shown in winter. The rate of temperature rise at sites more than 7 km away from the coast is similar to those at inland sites. The study has implications for predicting future changes in cities and the greater vulnerability of inland cities to enhanced warming.
  • Brooks R., 五味 隆志
    1994年 97 巻 906 号 412-415
    発行日: 1994/05/05
    公開日: 2017/06/21
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
    2002年 92 巻 261-275
    発行日: 2002/08/10
    公開日: 2018/09/19
    ジャーナル フリー

      The effect of season on the size of phyco- and photobiont cells in the thalli of 12 lichen species from Knyszyńska Forest were investigated. Measurement of these cells showed three size groups: young cells, fully grown vegetative cells and autosporangia. The season with the highest percentage of young cells was considered to be the most favourable time for phyco- and photobiont cells propagation. The highest percentage of young cells of phyco- and photobiont was found in the thalli of lichens collected in: winter in Ramalina fraxinea; winter and spring in Parmelia sulcata and Peltigera canina; spring in Cladonia furcata; spring and autumn in Cetraria islandica and Hypogymnia physodes; summer in Platismatia glauca and Pseudevernia furfuracea; autumn in Cladina arbuscula, Peltigera rufuscens and Xanthoria parietina; and autumn and winter in Evernia prunastri.

  • 関本 博
    2004年 46 巻 8 号 561-565
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2019/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー

     核分裂エネルギーは100万年のエネルギーといえる。定まった燃料管理方法で一定のエネルギーを生産しつづけたとすると, システム中の放射性物質のそれぞれの量は一定となる。このような状態を未来核平衡状態と呼んでいる。未来核平衡状態は核平衡方程式を解くことにより求められる。本研究は核平衡方程式の性質を明らかにし, それに随伴する核種インポータンス (要求される評価値に対して1個の原子核の示す重要度) について検討するとともに, 連続燃料交換を仮定した簡単な場合について, 未来核平衡状態の種々の基本的な一般特性を明らかにした。

  • 埴野 一郎
    1944年 64 巻 668 号 95-98
    発行日: 1944/03/10
    公開日: 2008/11/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小泉 鏡子, 倉石 祐, 二村 和視, 平塚 聖一
    2023年 34 巻 2 号 75-81
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー

     Chemical components such as proximate and fatty acid compositions, ATP and its related compounds and free amino acids, of the splendid alfonsino Beryx splendens caught off the east coast of Izu, Japan, were investigated.

    (1) Splendid alfonsino samples caught in the summer had a significantly higher lipid content and significantly lower moisture content compared to those caught in the winter. The larger fish tended to have a higher lipid content and lower moisture content, although the differences were not of significant. There were no seasonal or size-based differences in the crude protein or ash content.

    (2) The major fatty acids in the total lipids were C16:0, C18:0, C16:1, C18:1n-9, C18:1n-7, C20:1n-9, C20:5n-3 (EPA), and C22:6n-3 (DHA). The composition ratio of the long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids, such as C20:1n-9 and C22:1n-11, was high at 2-6%.

    (3) Among ATP and its related compounds, the amounts of ATP, ADP, and AMP were consistently not greater than 0.1-0.3 μmol/g during storage at 5℃. As the storage duration increased, the IMP content decreased, while the HxR and Hx contents increased. The K-value increased during storage, reaching 12.8% and 56.8% after three days and nine days, respectively.

    (4) Although there were differences in the free amino acid content depending on the part of the body, high levels of anserine and taurine were found in all parts. Therefore, the efficient intake of health functional ingredients, such as anserine and taurine, is considered to be possible by cooking the entire splendid alfonsino fish.

  • Seung-Soo Chun, Byong-Cheon Yang
    2004年 58 巻 58 号 65-83
    発行日: 2004/02/28
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sedimentation in the open-coast tidal flats of southwestern Korea is controlled by the combination of wave and tide with seasonal variation. Environmental oscillation takes place between tide-dominated muddy deposition in summer and wave-dominated sandy deposition in winter. Winter storm is a major factor in sedimentation and preservation in the intertidal zone, producing extensive wave-generated parallel lamination and short-wavelength HCS/SCS. Winter storm waves dominate sedimentation over the long term in this setting, resulting in predominant preservation of amalgamated storm beds which are very similar to those associated with shoreface. It causes much confusion in differentiation between deposits in true shoreface and open-coast tidal flat, suggesting that some ancient shoreface deposits should be reinterpreted in terms of the concept of open-coast tidal-flat sedimentation.
    The retrograding, coarsening-upward, late Holocene succession in this open coast has resulted from low sedimentation rates under low to moderate rates of sea-level rise. It shows a reverse pattern as compared with the models developed in embayed tidal flats with high sedimentation rate such as Jade- and Fundy-bay tidal flats which show a prograding, fining-upward succession. This result suggests that most southwestern open coasts in Korean Peninsula would have much higher potential to experience coastal erosion and inundation with the future sea-level rise than the coasts developed under high sediment supply.
    2010年 44 巻 2 号 113-123
    発行日: 2010/04/20
    公開日: 2013/03/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The boron concentration and isotopic composition (δ11B) of precipitation collected from December 2002 to March 2006 at three sites on the Japan Sea coast were measured. Those sites have been considerably affected by the long-range transport of air pollutants from the Asian continent during winter and spring when the airflows from the Asian continent are predominant. The boron concentration in the precipitation increased primarily during winter whereas the δ11B decreased during winter or spring. It is assumed that this decrease in δ11B is not associated with a Rayleigh distillation process, because the previous δD values of the precipitation collected at a site on the Japan Sea coast did not decrease in the same manner. A weak correlation (r2 = 0.13-0.24, P < 0.01) was observed between δ11B and the nonsea-salt sulfate (nss-SO42-)/B ratio at each site, suggesting that boron in the precipitation originate primarily from two sources. The first source, which is characterized by high δ11B and nss-SO42-/B = 0, is seawater. At the northern site, the enrichment factor for boron in the precipitation relative to seawater approached unity during winter. This implies that much of the boron in the precipitation is derived from unfractionated sea salts rather than gaseous boron evaporated from seawater. The second source is characterized by low δ11B and high nss-SO42-/B ratio. Most of the nss-SO42- in the precipitation originates from anthropogenic combustion activities in the Asian continent based on the previous model calculations. Coal accounts for a major portion of the total primary energy supply in China. Moreover, coal enriches boron and represents generally negative δ11B values. Hence, we propose that the emission of boron from coal burning is the most likely second source. Thus, boron isotopes may be useful as tracers of coal-burning plumes from the Asian continent.
  • 鳥山 成一, 島田 博之, 荒州 久雄, 高田 忠幸, 坂森 重治
    1991年 1991 巻 5 号 454-464
    発行日: 1991/05/10
    公開日: 2011/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 建築家集団G.A.T.C.P.A.C.(現代建築の発展を目指すカタルーニャの建築家技術者集団)研究(3)
    人見 将敏
    2020年 85 巻 775 号 2037-2043
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper explores architectures by G.A.T.C.P.A.C. who contributed the modernization of city and architectures in Catalonia, Spain in order to analyse especially residential functioned architectures and discover how the architectural design concept by G.A.T.C.P.A.C. was integrated the design essence of traditional local Spanish houses into their architectural design.

     Firstly by examining “A.C.”, journals published by G.A.T.C.P.A.C., it was confirmed that there are 43 architectural design projects proposed by G.A.T.C.P.A.C. and among them the residential functioned projects were counted as 23, which is the largest numbers among all the projects. From the site location point of view, all the projects locate in Catalonia area and the Balearic Islands near Catalonia. Furthermore it was also identified that more than half of the projects are located in Barcelona.

     Secondly 2 residential projects are carefully chosen in terms of space analysis, especially looking into semi outdoor space and openings, which are often found in architectures by G.A.T.C.P.A.C. Also the different site aspects are taken into consideration;

     One is “Apartment House on Muntaner Street” that was constructed at New City area in Barcelona and the other is “Casa Bloc” that was constructed at the surrounding area of New City on the contrary. “Apartment House on Muntaner Street” was one of the earlier projects by G.A.T.C.P.A.C. and “Casa Bloc” is a large apartment house project for workers that G.A.T.C.P.A.C. had especially given the importance through their projects as one of the social problems.

     By analysing those 2 projects as well as referring to traditional local Spanish houses, often appeared on A.C., 2 design features below are clarified as a result;

     1, Rational architectural feature for the allocation of openings and room composition, which are fundamentally equipped in traditional local houses at the Mediterranean Sea area, based on the climate condition. This feature would be naturally equipped since lighting and shading need to be considered simultaneously under the strong Mediterranean sunshine in Spain.

     2, Lyrical architectural feature for the sequential planning, such as surrounding area - semi outdoor space (court yard, front garden and terrace) – living space, which naturally matches with local people’s life style. This is because it was essential for Catalan people, who lived in the limited inner space, to have shared public space in order to take mental comfort (“pleasure” and “rest”).

  • 冷戦の終焉と六〇年代性
    半澤 朝彦
    2001年 2001 巻 126 号 81-101,L12
    発行日: 2001/02/23
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper reveals the ‘hidden’ United Nations' role in bringing about the ultimate demise of the Britain's formal Empire. The UN from the late 1950s onwards, with a significant increase in African membership, became a stronghold of international critics of colonialism. Contrary to the conventional image that the UN did not play much role in Britain's decolonization, newly-released archival evidence clearly shows that the dramatic downfall of international legitimacy of colonialism and the ever imminent possibility of UN intervention into UK's most sensitive colonial possessions such as Kenya and Central African Federation were constantly a real source of concern for Britain's top policy makers during the early 1960s. Though UK's sensitivity was not admitted openly, the UN anti-colonialism should be considered as one of the most decisive factors that precipitated Britain's sweeping decolonisation after 1960.
    The article starts with the review of postwar UK-UN relations with particular reference to the British attitude towards the rising anti-colonialism at the UN. Britain's basic policy to keep the UN hands off her colonies did not have to change until the end of the 1950s largely because Article 2 (7) of the UN charter, the domestic jurisdiction clause, effectively barred interference into the affairs of her dependent territories. The static picture changed dramatically in 1960, when the South African racial problem shook the traditional, strict interpretation of the domestic jurisdiction clause and the famous UN Resolution 1514 on colonialism was adopted by an overwhelming majority. The British then recognized the need to seriously cope with the unwelcome development at the UN and tried to secure as much cooperation as possible from her major allies such as the US. However, the prospect of UN intervention into UK's most sensitive colonies was so imminent that the only viable course left to Britain was to inevitably ‘jettison’ her remaining colonies, small or large, as quickly as possible. The episode illustrates how strong Britain's desire was to remain in the mainstream of international politics. The possibility of a break-up of the Commonwealth was a major reason why the British did not want to antagonize the anti-colonial camp at the UN. Fortunately for the British, the pressure for an ever faster decolonization receded when most of the sizable British colonies had attained independence by 1963 (Kenya). Nevertheless, the British continued to be fearful lest the issues such as Aden should be given undue attention in the UN and were no longer able to pursue a policy of an ‘orderly decolonisation’, which had characterised Britain's imperial policy up to the previous decade.