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クエリ検索: "12世紀"
3,540件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 加納 和雄
    2009年 57 巻 2 号 986-980
    発行日: 2009/03/20
    公開日: 2017/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松村 淳子
    2006年 55 巻 1 号 342-336,1216
    発行日: 2006/12/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, the author looks at the Mahabodhivamsa, whose Roman script edition was published at the end of the 19th century by the PTS. However, so far no modern language translation has been published, nor has any significant research been done. This author examines the generally accepted dates and authorship of the work, and shows that there is no hard evidence for them. Furthermore, a list of material on the text in the Sinhalese language little known outside Sri Lanka is given. The author takes as an example the Sumedhakatha told at the beginning of the text, and compares it with the same story in other Pali texts, thereby demonstrating the originality and importance of the Mahabodhivamsa in the history of Pali literature.
  • 松下 唯夫
    1987年 38A 巻 012102
    発行日: 1987/08/15
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 青山 由美子
    2010年 239 巻 61-
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2022/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡部 進
    2010年 46 巻 4 号 316-
    発行日: 2010/04/01
    公開日: 2018/08/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 兼岩 正夫
    1964年 12 巻 87-98
    発行日: 1964/03/31
    公開日: 2017/05/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The twelfth century was an epoch of abundant vitality It is remarkable for its classical revival as well as for its histonographical activity John of Salisbury, who had been a student at the cathedral school of Chartres, was a typical humanist, imbued with classical culture But in spite of the fact that he might have been an excellent historian, he disdained to become one Orderic Vital, a monk of St Evroul, who wrote a voluminous "Ecclesiastical History", was scarcely influenced by classical culture
  • ―12~20世紀におけるドイツ・バイロイト図絵から―
    *川西 孝男
    人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
    2009年 2009 巻 109
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/12/16
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 川本 正知
    1988年 31 巻 1 号 1-18
    発行日: 1988/09/30
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many early Sufi literatures contain a section about adab (sing. adab). The word adab means ‘rules of conduct’, and adab consequently sometimes means ‘proper conduct’. Having the ethical nature, I think, adab is a very important concept for understanding the process in which Sufism had adapted itself to the Islamic Society.
    This article treats Kitab Adab al-Muridin of Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi (1097-1166). This title can be translated into English as “Ethical and Practical rules for disciples”.
    I tried to analyze the items in the book from the historical and sociological points of view.
    His concept of Sufism can be illustrated above.
    My conclusion is that this conformist structure of Sufism reflects the social position of its order in the civil society of Baghdad in 12th century.
  • 井上 正夫
    2005年 70 巻 5 号 541-561
    発行日: 2005/01/25
    公開日: 2017/08/09
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Towards the end of the twelfth century, Chinese copper coins began to circulate in Japan. However, it is well documented that the rulers of the country at the time tried to exclude these coins. Up till now, researchers have ascribed this reaction to the entry of Chinese coins as ideological, due to the fact that they were a foreign currency, an obstacle to domestic trade and therefore the cause of price fluctuations. However, analysis of the contemporary legal situation regarding prices and interestrates, and the debates about them, reveals that the main reason lay elsewhere. It was a response to the fact that the circulation of Chinese copper coins resulted in a devaluation of rice, which the rulers used as currency. In fact, the rulers did not think of the Song dynasty coins as the only cause of the problem, since they criticized all copper coins including Japanese ones. It is therefore clear that the argument was not ideological but economic. Moreover, comparison with the Liao dynasty of north China and the Koryo dynasty of Korea shows that gold dust for export was an important factor that allowed the circulation of copper coins in Japan.
  • 伊東 俊太郎
    1965年 13 巻 127-141
    発行日: 1965/03/27
    公開日: 2017/05/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The positive assimilation and recovery by the Latin West of Greek science and civilization took place in the 12th century through extensive translations from Arabic and Greek While the transmission of Greek science through Arabic to the Latin Europe has been considerably clarified by such experts as Suter, Leclerc, Wustenfeld and Steinschneider, many things still remain dark concerning the scientific transmission immediately through Greek, to the Latin West in spite of excellent pioneer studies by Haskins and Heiberg In 1963, I edited the first text of the Latin version of Euclid's Data from the following two extant manuscripts 1 MS Oxford, Bodl Auct F 5 28, 13 c 99 r-113 r 2 MS Paris, Bibl Nat lat 16648, 13-14 c 60 r-91 r By investigating these manuscripts of the Latin Data and others, I have found some interesting new facts about the transmission of scientific works via Greek to the Latin West First of all, the fact that this Latin translation of the Data was made from the Greek is obvious from the following evidences 1 the existence of the direct transliteration of the Greek words, like catigmeni, anigmeni, parathesi, cathetus, orthogonius etc 2 the exact correspondence in particles and conjunctions used in the Greek text and the Latin translation 3 the exactly same order of words is found in both the Greek original and the Latin version The problem of the preparation of this medieval Latin translation from Greek of the Data is divided into three sub-problems 1) Where did this translation take place ? 2) When did the translation come into existence ? 3) Who translated it into Latin ? My conclusions to problems 1) and 2) are as follows 1) This Latin translation was made in Sicily as a part of the vast translation of Greek scientific works which took place there in "the medieval renaissance" 2) This translation came into existence in the middle of the 12th century and not later than 1160 As regards problem 3), which is very crucial to my study, I have reached the following conclusions 3) (i)It is certain that our translator of the Data also made Latin versions from the Greek of Euclid's Optics, Catoptrics and Proclus' Elementatio physica (or De motu) (ii) It is probable that this prolific author is the same person as the anonymous translator of Ptolemy's Almagest who was studied by Haskins and Heiberg These conclusions concerning the identification of the translator have been drawn primarily through a comparative investigation of the texts For the first conclusion, I compared our text of the Latin Data with the Latin version of Euclid's Optics and Catoptrics in the Oxford manuscript (MS Oxford, Bodl Auct F 5 28, 57 r-64 r De visu liber and 64 r-69 r De speculis liber) and with the full text of Proclus' Elementatio physica published recently by H Boese As the result of this investigation, I found that they accord so well in all translating techniques as to ensure the identification of the translator of these four works As far as the second conclusion is concerned, I based it on a remarkable passage in the preface by the Latin translator of Ptolemy's Almagest, which seems to suggest that the translator of the Almagest is the same as that of the other four works above-mentioned This view is also supported by the studies of Haskins and Boese, which confirmed the identity of the translator of the Almagest with that of Proclus' Elementatio physica through their careful comparisons of translating techniques between the two translations These conclusions seem to be very important for the scientific transmission in the early Middle Ages, because, if the same person translated these various works, he would occupy a prominent position in editing the translation of mathematical works from the Greek not unlike that of Gerard of Cremona in the sphere of translation from the Arabic
  • 加藤 耕一
    2005年 70 巻 594 号 215-221
    発行日: 2005/08/30
    公開日: 2017/02/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Before the first use of en delit shafts at the chevet of Saint-Denis in 1140-1144, there were two types of construction system of colonnettes responding to rib vaults in Ile-de-France. The first type is seen at the churches of Saint-Etienne at Beauvais and Saint-Germer-de-Fly, and the second type is at Saint-Pierre de Montmartre and at Sens. By making the schema of the construction system, this paper reveals the difference of the two types of system, and concludes that the system seen around Beauvais led the buildings in Ile-de-France into the gothic style.
  • ――有神論的知覚定義という観点から――
    志田 泰盛
    2015年 63 巻 3 号 1216-1222
    発行日: 2015/03/25
    公開日: 2017/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Saptapadarthi (SapP)などの著者として知られるSivadityaの年代については,Bhattacharya [1958]が提示した
    中葉説が広く受け入れられている.その下限となるBhatta Vadindraの年代についてはIsaacson [1995]により具体的な年代根拠が与えられており,一方で上限基準についてはUdayana(11世紀頃)とされていた.本稿はまずSivadityaの著作や年代に関する先行研究を整理した上で,SapPに簡潔に提示される有神論的知覚定義に焦点を当てる.特にUdayanaの後継者と目され,かつUdayanaとの間に一定の時間的距離が推定されるVaradaraja(ニャーヤ学派)との思想的影響の方向を検討することで,Sivadityaの上限年代を検討する.しかし簡潔な知覚定義の比較だけからは,両者いずれかの先行性あるいは相互不参照という3つの可能性はいずれも消去できず,「SapPの非常に簡潔な内容からSivadityaの年代を論じるのは不可能」というGhate [1909][1914]の指摘を覆すには至らない.ただし知覚定義の箇所におけるこのSapPの簡潔性を根拠としてVaradarajaがSivadityaに先行するシナリオが最も蓋然的と考えられ,その場合Sivadityaの年代は
  • *岩垣 守彦
    2015年 JSAI2015 巻 3G3-OS-05a-1
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2018/07/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー



  • 関口 武彦
    1985年 27 巻 4 号 1-17
    発行日: 1985/07/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Peter the Venerable, 9th abbot of Cluny, facing the chronic crisis of domestic economy caused by excessive dependence on the use of money, came to adopt a system of mesatica per decanias, i.e. a rota system by which eighteen manorial centers, called decania, assumed the task of provisioning the monastery during a certain length of time. It aimed at rational running of estates and intensification of direct exploitation. In 1155-1156, the abbot wishing to reorganize the system of mesatica made commissioners draw up a complete Inventory concerning profits of each manor with the aid of Henri de Blois, bishop of Winchester. There remain only twelve Inventories handed down to us. We can make use of them to elucidate the structure of the manorial system of Cluny in the midst of the twelfth century. Surveying the catalogs of income from twelve manors, we can deduce the following conclusions. There are three kinds of resources. The profits obtained from peasant-holdings are mainly composed of money income, and are relatively small and fixed. We can find everywhere the conversion of labour services and renders in kind into fixed dues. Second, the profits from parish churches and from banalite constitute one of the steadiest sources of income. The former consists of "tithe and task" (decima et tascha) and of altar-revenues deriving from the sacerdotal ministry, i.e. oblationes que ad altare pertinent. The latter is composed of revenues of mills and bread-ovens. It is worthy of our attention that a domestic staff (familia decaniae) numbering about twenty or thirty individuals were fed on the produce of the mills and bread-ovens throughout the year. Third, the most substantial returns came from the manorial demesne. It produced twice as much wheat and rye, and five times as muchj wine as peasant holdings. The demesne was a veritable center of manorial system. The monks of Cluny, therefore, endeavored to keep their demesne in good condition, reconstructing and even enlarging them by clearing new ground or planting vines. In Cluniac decania, labour services offered by peasants were reducing. But each decania appears to have been sufficiently provided with manpower derived from its domestic staff called familia, who were responsible for cultivating demesne. The monastery of Cluny was far from being "rentier du sol".
  • 趙 世弘
    2022年 70 巻 3 号 1053-1056
    発行日: 2022/03/25
    公開日: 2022/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー




  • 渡辺 節夫
    1981年 23 巻 4 号 41-59
    発行日: 1981/07/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper consists in elucidating the transformation in the local structure of the northern Burgundy (Bourgogne) from the socio-economic point of view. On the French political history one sets generally the first stage of the feudalism between 1000 and 1160, after the famous study concerning the region of Maconnais by G. Duby (1953). But we cannot deny that a series of other regional researches have the tendency to insist on the continuance of baronial power in the first half of this stage and on it's remarkable development, i. e. on the gradual formation of the "principaute territoriale" in it's second half, particularly in the northern part of France. We divided for convenience' sake the domination of landlords into personal aspect and material one. For the first aspect, the lords are obliged under the augmentation of fluidity to take necessary measures for preventing their tenants from getting rid of their domain (manor) with their property. The lords often made a contract each other on the title to immigrants into their domains. For the second aspect, we can find out the general advance of the property of tenants in their voluntary disposition of their tenures and in their right considerably solid to forest's usage. Corresponding to the tendency the lords take measures to dominate peasants depending more and more on their tenures. This is what we name the "realisation" of lordship. The appearance of terms meaning the genuine rent, i. e. "terragium", "terciae", proves the validity and the efficiency of this conception. The complex dominion could be more clearly indicated in the juridical right of lords, particularly the right of "advocatio" exercised by lay lords. The penetration of the reform of Gregory caused more advanced union between lay lords and churches, which provided with more favourable conditions for the barons to accumulate their powers and to make their territory more organic unity. In this respect the control over the fluidity provided them not only with revenue from toll and market tax, but with means to regulate immigrants who played the most important role for the cultivation promoted with energy by lords of middle and low classes. We must insist on the importance of the fluidity in this period, which transformed the character of the lordship and accelerated directly or indirectly the formation of the "territorial" baronies and principalities.
  • 篠野 志郎
    1996年 61 巻 482 号 221-227
    発行日: 1996/04/30
    公開日: 2017/01/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    According to the description of the Alexiad, the seventh chapter of the fifteenth volume, written by Anna Comnena, the so-called "new city"(νεα πολιs) was constructed within Constantinople under the supervision of the emperor Alexios. This paper clarifies the characteristic of the "city" and the idea of the project. As the result, the "city" in circular shape seems to have been constructed in the land near the sea wall facing the Marmara, where the Monastery of Mangana must have been involved. The circular city, being defensive to the outside as a "kastron" and furthermore being probably surrounded with the land for cultivation, of all things, functioned as philanthropic facilities for the people who had to a certain extent some social disadvantage. The "city" within the city emerged as a self-sufficient community. Inspite of the official purpose for the enterprize, if examined carefully on the content of the description, the project is presumed to have aimed a segregation and an estrangement of those people in its idea, for the security to the ordinary city-space spreading outside
  • *野坂 知正, 大向 直樹, 田中 洋行, 田中 政典
    地盤工学研究発表会 発表講演集
    2003年 JGS38 巻 179
    発行日: 2003/03/05
    公開日: 2005/06/15
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • アップル ジェームズ B
    2013年 61 巻 3 号 1151-1157
    発行日: 2013/03/25
    公開日: 2017/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 池上 忠弘
    1989年 65 巻 2 号 327-
    発行日: 1989/01/31
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー