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クエリ検索: "Golden Delicious"
276件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Miyuki Kunihisa, Shigeki Moriya, Kazuyuki Abe, Kazuma Okada, Takashi Haji, Takeshi Hayashi, Yoshihiro Kawahara, Ryutaro Itoh, Takeshi Itoh, Yuichi Katayose, Hiroyuki Kanamori, Toshimi Matsumoto, Satomi Mori, Harumi Sasaki, Takashi Matsumoto, Chikako Nishitani, Shingo Terakami, Toshiya Yamamoto
    Breeding Science
    2016年 66 巻 4 号 499-515
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/09/30
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/07/08
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

    ‘Fuji’ is one of the most popular and highly-produced apple cultivars worldwide, and has been frequently used in breeding programs. The development of genotypic markers for the preferable phenotypes of ‘Fuji’ is required. Here, we aimed to define the haplotypes of ‘Fuji’ and find associations between haplotypes and phenotypes of five traits (harvest day, fruit weight, acidity, degree of watercore, and flesh mealiness) by using 115 accessions related to ‘Fuji’. Through the re-sequencing of ‘Fuji’ genome, total of 2,820,759 variants, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions or deletions (indels) were detected between ‘Fuji’ and ‘

    ’ reference genome. We selected mapping-validated 1,014 SNPs, most of which were heterozygous in ‘Fuji’ and capable of distinguishing alleles inherited from the parents of ‘Fuji’ (i.e., ‘Ralls Janet’ and ‘Delicious’). We used these SNPs to define the haplotypes of ‘Fuji’ and trace their inheritance in relatives, which were shown to have an average of 27% of ‘Fuji’ genome. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) based on ‘Fuji’ haplotypes identified one quantitative trait loci (QTL) each for harvest time, acidity, degree of watercore, and mealiness. A haplotype from ‘Delicious’ chr14 was considered to dominantly cause watercore, and one from ‘Ralls Janet’ chr1 was related to low-mealiness.

  • 果実硬度と果実の吸光度及び果肉内吸光度分布との関係
    ブディアストラ イワヤン, 池田 善郎, 西津 貴久
    1998年 60 巻 4 号 63-71
    発行日: 1998/07/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    波長783nmの低出カレーザ光の透過率計測システムを試作した。リンゴとナシの果肉を柱状に整形した試料を用いて吸光度とその分布を測定し, 試料硬度との関係を調べた。その結果, 試料硬度と吸光度との間に相関がみられた (r>0.80)。一方, 吸光度の果肉内での変化率と試料硬度との間にはほとんど相関がみられなかった (r<0.53)。ただし, ラリタン種のリンゴではその相関は高かった (r=0.80)。吸光度及び硬度の差異は果実細胞の細胞壁中の微細構造, つまりミドルラメラの変化によるものと思われる。
  • 垣内 典夫, 森口 早苗, 市村 信友, 加藤 豊, 馬場 良明
    1987年 34 巻 2 号 115-122
    発行日: 1987/02/15
    公開日: 2010/01/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山本 博道, 岩元 睦夫, 萩沼 之孝
    1981年 50 巻 2 号 247-261
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2007/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    リンゴ•スイカの内部品質の非破壊測定法として, 打音から求められた固有振動数, 及びそれを試料の質量•密度で補正した指標と破壊試験 (一定速度での圧縮試験及び官能試験) により求められた果肉硬度との関係を検討した. 打音から求められた指標, みかけのヤング率, 破壊ひずみ, 及び, 官能試験での果肉硬度の評点の間には, 高い相関関係が認められた. リンゴの外観から専門家により, 3区分された熟度クラス間には, 果肉硬度の有意差は認められず, 外観からの内部品質評価の限界が明らかにされた. リンゴについては, これまでに提案された指標よりも, 密度についての補正を, より大きくした指標を用いる方が, 内部品質との相関係数が大きくなることが認められた. 本法は, 非破壊品質測定法として有用であり, 振動励起法に比較して, 単純であることが実用上の利点である.
  • NIR反射率計測システムによるリンゴとマンゴーの糖度及びリンゴ酸濃度の予測
    ブディアストラ イワヤン, 池田 善郎, 西津 貴久
    1998年 60 巻 3 号 117-127
    発行日: 1998/05/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    果実のオンライン品質検査用の近赤外光反射率計測システムを試作した。リンゴ (ゴールデンデリシャス) については果肉を柱状に整形し, マンゴーについては切り出さずにそのまま用いて, 糖度とリンゴ酸の予測を試みた。2種類の多変量解析によって, 波長1400-2000nmのlog (1/R) と液体クロマトグラフ法で測定した糖度及びリンゴ酸濃度との間の回帰式を決定した。ステップワイズ法で得た較正式を用いて, 果実糖度とリンゴ酸濃度予測の可能性について検討した。その結果, 予測値との相関係数は0.9以上, 予測値の標準誤差は0.44%以下であった。
  • 吉田 義雄, 土屋 七郎, 定盛 昌助
    1963年 32 巻 2 号 96-102
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2007/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    1959~61年の3か年にわたつて, リンゴ20品種および31 F1実生を交配親として, 167組み合わせの交配を行なつたところ, 結実不良の組み合わせが認められた。また交配組み合わせにより3枚子葉を有する実生の発現が異なるのがみられた。
    とYellow Newtown のF1であるG. Y-53, G. Y-44 の戻し交配では偏父性不親和を示し, さらに相互不結実であつた。
    2. M. W-107×M. W-30, J. W-50×J. W-32, J. G-84×J. G-51, R. D-329×R. D-125の如く両親の同じF1実生同志の交配において不結実を示す組み合わせがあつた。
    3. Red Gold (G. D)×J. G-51, 恵 (R. J)×J. G-51の如く, 片親の同じF1実生同志の交配においても, 不結実を示す組み合わせが認められた。
    4. 両親の異なるF1実生あるいは品種の交配では, いずれも結実が良好で交配不親和性は認められなかつたが, R. J-259×Red Gold (G. D) は2年連続結実不良であつた。
    5. Early Red Bird は♀の場合いずれの組み合わせでも結実が悪く, 〓の場合はいずれも結実が良好であり, 交配不親和とはおもむきが異なつた。
    6. 実生幼植物時代に3枚の子葉をもつ個体の発生割合は, 組み合わせによつて異なり, とくに王鈴が♀の場合に高かつた。
  • 垣内 典夫, 森口 早苗, 福田 博之, 市村 信友, 加藤 豊, 馬場 良明
    1986年 55 巻 3 号 280-289
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2007/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    リンゴの香気にかかわる品種の育成や利用加工上の指針を確立するため, 主要リンゴ5品種の生鮮果実の香気成分の検索と品種特性について, 丸ごと果実のヘッドスペース法と破砕果実 (生鮮果汁) の高真空蒸留法により香気成分を回収して検討した.
    1. ヘッドスペース法による香気の回収結果から, 70~80の成分がガスクロパターンとして検出され, そのうち39成分をガスクロマトグラフ及びガスクロマトグラフ•質量分析計により同定した.
    2. 同定された39成分の内訳は, エステル類27, アルコール類6, アルデヒド類2, 炭化水素類2, フェノール類1及び酸類成分であった.
    3. ヘッドスペース法による全香気成分のうち, エステル類は全品種とも80%以上を占めた. また, 全香気成分含有量は‘はつあき’(1.889ppm)>‘紅玉’(1.531)>‘ゴールデン•デリシャス’(0.196).‘陸奥’(0.187)>‘ふじ’(0.055)の順であった.
    4. 高真空蒸留法に基づく香気成分組成もヘッドスペース法によるそれとほとんど同様であった. しかし, 高真空蒸留法による香気成分組成はアルコール類が最も多く, ‘はつあき’の53.3%から‘ふじ’の75.5%に及んだ.
    5. 高真空蒸留法による全香気成分の回収量は, ‘紅玉’(9.415ppm)>‘はつあき’(8.936)>‘ゴールデン•デリシャス’(5.964)>‘陸奥’(3.711)>‘ふじ’(2.273)の順であった.
    6. 以上の結果から, ‘紅玉’やその血縁の‘はつあき’種の香気成分は, 香気の回収方法を問わず, 他の3品種より著しく多く, 香り立ちの良い原因であることが判明した.
  • 山崎 利彦, 新妻 胤次, 田口 辰雄
    1971年 40 巻 3 号 268-271
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2007/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. この研究はリンゴの果汁中の有機酸とKの関係を明らかにするために行なつたものである。
    2. ゴールデン•デリシャス, 国光の果汁中の有機酸の約88%はリンゴ酸であり, 他にごく微量の酢酸, ギ酸, クエン酸などがみられた。リンゴの果汁中のカチオンの約92%はKであり, Mg, Caはそれぞれ5.8,2.2%であつた。
    3. ゴールデン•デリシャスの果汁の滴定曲線はリンゴ酸のそれとよく一致した。
    4. Kと遊離酸の間に密接な関係が認められない果汁でも, 結合酸とpHの間には高い相関々係が認められ, リンゴ酸を滴定して得られた結果とよく一致した。
    5. 190個所のゴールデン•デリシャス園から集めた果汁の遊離酸とK濃度との間には0.51の相関係数が認められたが, 相関係数を低くした要因はおもにpHの変異であつた。
  • Messe Berlin FRUIT LOGISTICA 2007でのアンケート調査から
    中村 哲也, 丸山 敦史
    2008年 15 巻 3 号 11-24
    発行日: 2008/12/31
    公開日: 2010/12/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Focusing on the potential for export expansion of domestic yellow apples, this paper analyzes consumer preference patterns for apples in the EU. Data from a taste test survey at Messe Berlin FRUIT LOGISTICA 2007 are used and the main results are summarized as follows:
    First, 80 percent of the respondents answered that they usually eat apples with the skin on and preferred apples with low sugar content. In addition, examining consumer preferences for apples by attributes the following statistically significant results were obtained: 1. males and post-graduates prefer eating apples with the skin on; 2. respondents under 39 years old liked apples with low sugar content; and 3. post-graduates preferred red colored apples.
    Next, we considered evaluations for different varieties of Japanese yellow apples. Our findings suggest that the EU consumer has a tendency to make much of “the amount of nectar” and regards SHINANO GOLD and OHRIN highly. However, these two varieties also have some shortcomings. The size of SHINANO GOLD may not be appropriate for sales in the EU. For OHRIN it is necessary to improve texture, considering seasons and preservation technologies.
    Applying a logit model to survey data we analyzed correlation factors for willingness to buy domestic yellow apples. The results show that women and post-graduates express a strong willingness to buy yellow apples. Moreover, about 70-80 percent of all respondents do not want to pay a price premium for high quality varieties.
    Finally, on the question of whether the price gap between OHRIN and other new varieties is reasonable, many respondents gave a negative answer. Even the varieties which performed well in taste tests are not likely to be consistent with price evaluations. We conclude that a thorough price survey will be required if one would like to export domestic yellow apples to the EU.
  • Kyohei Kanamaru, Kaoru Kohyama, Kunihiko Konisho, Katsuaki Izumi
    The Horticulture Journal
    2021年 90 巻 3 号 270-279
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/07/27
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2021/04/02
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    We used instruments to analyze the texture of compressed samples obtained from the equatorial portion of apples cut in radial and tangential directions. The flesh firmness evaluation of apples using a penetrometer (Magness-Taylor type) showed a year-to-year correlation, and this was highly correlated with mechanical values, including maximum force (N) evaluated using two instruments in both the radial and tangential directions. On the other hand, no significant relationship between the mechanical values obtained from the instruments and the sensory test results of flesh texture was observed. We adopted a crispness index (CI) value to characterize the mechanical response during the penetration test. The CI value was not correlated with most of the mechanical parameters in the Rheoner analysis. Additionally, we used a TA.XTplus texture analyzer to obtain mechanical and acoustic responses during the penetration test. The maximum and average acoustic pressures (dB) were not correlated with the mechanical parameters. There was a significant correlation between the acoustic profiles and the CI values obtained from the instruments. These results revealed that the CI and acoustic profiles were physical responses that differed from mechanical ones when measuring the flesh texture of apple fruit. In this study, the CI and acoustic pressure were associated with the sensory test results of flesh texture, suggesting that these parameters were effective for objectively evaluating the flesh texture of apples. The cultivars and selections evaluated as having high crunchiness by sensory test showed relatively high CI values and acoustic pressure. In addition, the CI value showed a significant year-to-year correlation (r = 0.68**), implying that it was one of the genetic characteristics responsible for the flesh texture of apples.

  • Jong Whan Lee, Jinglu Tan, Sri Waluyo
    Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food
    2016年 9 巻 1 号 36-42
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2023/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The hysteresis test was performed to measure the hysteresis properties of Fuji, Golden and Red Delicious apples. Loading speed of the texture analyzer was 2.5 mm/min and loading deformation set 1.0 mm. Hysteresis parameters were compared with the viscoelastic parameters presented by the oscillatory test. Correlation coefficients between viscoelastic parameters and hysteresis parameters was significantly high for
    apple, but low for Fuji and Red Delicious apples. For
    apple, correlation coefficients were −0.85, −0.81 and −0.80 for hysteresis loss and 0.84, 0.85 and 0.86 for degree of elasticity, with phase lag, loss modulus and dissipated energy, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis results for three apple varieties that phase angle, loss modulus, complex modulus and dissipated energy had the adjusted R-square values of 0.532–0.687 for calibration model with statistical significances at p < 0.001 and the validation correlation coefficients of 0.704–0.780, when independent variables measured by the oscillatory test were energy loss, hysteresis loss or hysteresis modulus. It should be noted that the hysteresis and the oscillatory tests take quite different approaches to characterize hysteresis phenomenon of apples.
  • Shingo Terakami, Shigeki Moriya, Yoshihiko Adachi, Miyuki Kunihisa, Chikako Nishitani, Toshihiro Saito, Kazuyuki Abe, Toshiya Yamamoto
    Breeding Science
    2016年 66 巻 2 号 271-280
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/04/08
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
    Black spot disease, which is caused by the Japanese pear pathotype of the filamentous fungus Alternaria alternata (Fries) Keissler, is one of the most harmful diseases in Japanese pear cultivation. We mapped a gene for susceptibility to black spot disease in the Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivar ‘Kinchaku’ (Aki gene) at the top of linkage group 11, similar to the positions of the susceptibility genes Ani in ‘Osa Nijisseiki’ and Ana in ‘Nansui’. Using synteny-based marker enrichment, we developed novel apple SSR markers in the target region. We constructed a fine map of linkage group 11 of ‘Kinchaku’ and localized the Aki locus within a 1.5-cM genome region between SSR markers Mdo.chr11.28 and Mdo.chr11.34. Marker Mdo.chr11.30 co-segregated with Aki in all 621 F1 plantlets of a ‘Housui’ × ‘Kinchaku’ cross. The physical size of the Aki region, which includes three markers (Mdo.chr11.28, Mdo.chr11.30, and Mdo.chr11.34), was estimated to be 250 Kb in the ‘
    ’ apple genome and 107 Kb in the ‘Dangshansuli’ Chinese pear genome. Our results will help to identify the candidate gene for susceptibility to black spot disease in Japanese pear.
  • 松原 陽一, 苅込 卓也, 生田 稔, 掘 廣孝, 石川枝 津子, 原田 隆
    1996年 65 巻 2 号 297-302
    発行日: 1996年
    公開日: 2008/05/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松本 省吾, 小森 貞男, 北原 健太郎, 今津 里美, 副島 淳一
    1999年 68 巻 2 号 236-241
    発行日: 1999/03/15
    公開日: 2008/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    リンゴ(Malus x domestica Borkh.) 13品種と'恵'後代10個体のS遺伝子型を, S複対立遺伝子群に特異的なPCR-RFLP解析法により同定した.また, 本解析法により, 'ガラ', 'ふじ'のS遺伝子型を再確認した.'金星'および'きざし'のS遺伝子型は両親から予想されるいずれの遺伝子型とも一致しなかった.'金星', 'きざし'の作出には, それぞれ, S9, S3遺伝子をもつ花粉親が用いられた可能性が示唆された.'あかぎ', 'つがる', '陽光'は花粉親が不明であるが, それぞれ, S7, S7, S9遺伝子をもつ花粉親が作出に用いられたと考えられた.自家和合品種'恵'のS遺伝子型はS2S9と同定され, 両S遺伝子上に変異は見られなかった.'恵'とS遺伝子型の異なる'千秋'(S3S9)の正逆交雑により種子形成が見られたことから, '恵'の雌ずい, 雄ずいともに正常であることが判明した.一方, '恵'と同じS遺伝子型である'レッドゴールド'または'金星'との正逆交雑では全く種子形成が見られなかったことから, これらは, S遺伝子型に基づく不和合性を示したと考えられた.これらの結果から, '恵'の自家和合性はS対立遺伝子群の変異によって獲得されたものではないことが示唆された.
  • Takeshi SASSA, Yukio ONUMA
    Agricultural and Biological Chemistry
    1983年 47 巻 5 号 1155-1157
    発行日: 1983年
    公開日: 2006/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Yi-Chich Chiu, Chun-Hung Chen
    Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food
    2017年 10 巻 3 号 223-232
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2023/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This research aims to develop an on-line apple bruise detection system, using chlorophyll fluorescence images for nondestructive apple bruise detection and analysis. The on-line apple bruise detection system is consisted of a fluorescent image acquisition unit, a fruit carrying revolving tray unit, a conveying unit, and a control unit. The LabVIEW graphical programming language was used to build the control program, and Vision Assistant was used for image processing and analysis. The wavelength of the fluorescence excitation source used was 460 nm. A color camera captured the fluorescence released from
    apple, and the wavelength was 680 ± 10 nm. The fruit was revolved by the fruit carrying revolving tray, 60° each time, revolved six times, so as to shoot the complete apple surface. The image processing procedures of bruise recognition include image preprocessing, medium filtering, regional binarization, background removal, noise filtering and hole filling for recognition, and analysis of bruise blocks. This study applied 67.9 ± 4.84N, 82.1 ± 4.57N and 102 ± 8.44N impact forces to apples respectively to make bruises. The test results showed that the proposed on-line apple bruise detection system could recognize the apple bruise 100% after 45 min from the impact on apples. The prototype system could inspect 92 apples for bruise automatically hourly on an average. This study has successfully built an on-line apple bruise detection system, and the inspection of the system may be accelerated in the future for commercial uses.
  • 紅玉及びデリシヤス系統に対する摘果効果
    笠原 潤二郎, 小黒 英一
    1956年 25 巻 1 号 54-58
    発行日: 1956/06/30
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The further experiments of NAA sprayings on apple varieties (Jonathan, Delicious, Starking, Richard, and
    ) were carried out at the Economic Farm of Iwate University in 1953, to find out the best stage of spraying and the optimum concentration of NAA for fruit thinning and to know the effects on the leaves.
    The results obtained were as follows.
    (1) The optimum concentrations of NAA were:
    10 ppm…… for Jonathan, Delicious, Starking and Richard
    20ppm…… for
    (further experiments needed)
    The best stage for spraying was about one or
    two weeks after full bloom as in the previous report.
    (2) The effects on the leaves were different among the varieties. “Epinasty”, a special phenomena of hormonal effect, appeared as soon as NAA was sprayed, but disappeared after one week. It was probable that NAA was absorbed through the leaves, then caused the fruit drop, because the spray on the leaves exclusive was as effective as the one on both fruits and leaves.
    (3) It was found that the chemical thinning of Jonathen, Delicious, Starking and Richard was promising, but hand thininng after the spraying was necessary.
  • G. Atungulu, Y. Nishiyama, S. Koide
    2002年 64 巻 Supplement 号 611-612
    発行日: 2002/09/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    An effort was made to access the effect of high electric field treatment on the shelf life of Fuji, Rome beauty,
    and Starking delicious apple varieties by application of a high electric field (HEF). Ionization by negative corona discharge was facilitated using ionized needles as the cathode and an aluminum plate (Φ180mm) as the grounded anode. Seven days continuous treatment with the HEF (1.25kV/cm) at 23°C air temperature and 75% relative humidity, henceforth referred to as room conditions, resulted in 53.79% suppression of CO2 evolution in the treated apples compared to control samples. Short treatment periods (1 to 2 hours) at 1.25kV/cm and 2.5kV/cm were found effective in reducing respiration in the apples. The total color difference ΔE*(L*a*b*) and soluble sugar concentration changes were lower in treated samples compared to control samples. Apple mechanical properties evaluated, from the stress and strain relationship, showed that the treated apple tissues were stiffer than the untreated ones.
  • Songling Bai, Aide Wang, Megumi Igarashi, Tomoyuki Kon, Tomoko Fukasawa-Akada, Tianzhong Li, Takeo Harada, Yoshimichi Hatsuyama
    Breeding Science
    2012年 62 巻 1 号 46-52
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    Expression of MdACS3a, one of the ripening-related ACC synthase genes, plays a pivotal role in initiating the burst of ethylene production by MdACS1 in apple fruit. Although previous studies have demonstrated the presence of MdACS3a-null alleles through deficiency of transcription activity or loss of enzyme activity due to amino acid substitution, which may affect the storage properties of certain fruit cultivars, an overall picture of these null alleles in cultivars is still lacking. The present study investigated the distribution of null allelic genes in 103 cultivars and 172 breeding selections by using a simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker linked to them. The results indicated that both allelic genes were widely distributed throughout the examined cultivars and selections, some occurring as the null genotype, either homozygously or heterozygously, with each null allele. The implications of MdACS3a distribution results and the influence of its null allelotypes in fruit characters are discussed.
  • Megumi Igarashi, Yoshimichi Hatsuyama, Takeo Harada, Tomoko Fukasawa-Akada
    Breeding Science
    2016年 66 巻 1 号 18-33
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
    Apple is a fruit crop of significant economic importance, and breeders world wide continue to develop novel cultivars with improved characteristics. The lengthy juvenile period and the large field space required to grow apple populations have imposed major limitations on breeding. Various molecular biological techniques have been employed to make apple breeding easier. Transgenic technology has facilitated the development of apples with resistance to fungal or bacterial diseases, improved fruit quality, or root stocks with better rooting or dwarfing ability. DNA markers for disease resistance (scab, powdery mildew, fire-blight, Alternaria blotch) and fruit skin color have also been developed, and marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been employed in breeding programs. In the last decade, genomic sequences and chromosome maps of various cultivars have become available, allowing the development of large SNP arrays, enabling efficient QTL mapping and genomic selection (GS). In recent years, new technologies for genetic improvement, such as trans-grafting, virus vectors, and genome-editing, have emerged. Using these techniques, no foreign genes are present in the final product, and some of them show considerable promise for application to apple breeding.