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クエリ検索: "Pinkish"
1,624件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Atsuyuki INOUE, Minoru UTADA
    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
    2017年 112 巻 4 号 147-158
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/09/02
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2017/07/07
    ジャーナル フリー

    Occurrence and mineralogical properties of

    colored epidotes that were found in core samples from a geothermal exploration well NB–1, Noboribetsu, Hokkaido, Japan are described together with estimating the formation conditions. The minerals occurred mainly as vein– and druse–fillings in volcaniclastic rocks of the Miocene Osarugawa Formation. They coexisted with brownish chlorites, K–feldspar, illite, and quartz, and associated with minor hematite, titanite, and/or apatite. The minerals were produced by local K–alteration that overprinted early–formed regional propylitization associated with ordinary greenish epidotes and chlorites. The cell parameters of
    epidote were: a = 8.884(6), b = 5.614(1), c = 10.149(7) Å, β = 115.5(8)°, and V = 456.9(4) Å3. The Ca2Mn3+3Si3O12(OH) contents of the
    epidotes were generally less than 2.4 mol%, while the Ca2Fe3+3Si3O12(OH) contents attained 28 mol%. It is considered that the low Mn contents and relatively low Fe contents resulted in giving the characteristic
    to pale yellow colors for epidote. Associated brownish chlorites were characterized by low total Fe and relatively high Fe3+ contents. Their formation temperatures were estimated to be 230–300 °C, using semi–empirical chlorite geothermometers. These data indicate that
    epidotes coexisted with brownish chlorites formed under oxidative conditions and probably low Fe contents in hydrothermal fluids.

  • 信夫 隆治, 島田 善夫
    1962年 75 巻 887 号 170-175
    発行日: 1962年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    1960年7月, 岩手県小繋駅の土壌から分離された放線菌 No.722は, その形態, 生理および培養研究に基づいて, 新種と同定され, Streptomyces griseoverticillatus と命名された. 種名は空中菌糸の色およびその輪生分枝形成を意味する.
  • Euichi Hirose, Jun Nishikawa
    Plankton and Benthos Research
    2018年 13 巻 3 号 129-135
    発行日: 2018/08/27
    公開日: 2018/08/29
    ジャーナル フリー

    Pegea confoederata is a salp with a

    -brown body. The color was retained in the mantle tissue, while the tunic was transparent. We examined the fine structures of the mantle tissue to clarify the cytological basis of the body coloration. Apical cytoplasmic bulges of the epidermal cells were associated with dense tunic fibers, suggesting an involvement in the secretion of the tunic. Light microscopy analysis of the mantle revealed pigment cells that are dendroid-shaped hemocytes filled with brown granules. Five types of hemocytes were recognized in the hemocoel, based on their ultrastructure, and the pigment cells in the present species were hemocytes classified as ‘storage cell’. Additionally, some hemocytes were seen to have migrated into the tunic through the epidermis, and were supposed to be presumptive tunic cells.

  • 安田 斉
    1971年 84 巻 994 号 256-260
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2006/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    桃色系の栽培バラには,淡桃色の花をつける品種 (Tiffany, Confidence, Queen Elizabeth, Pink Lustreなど) と, 濃桃色の花をつける品種 (Eden Rbse, Pink Peace, Wendy Cussons など-いわ ゆるローズピンク種)とがある. 本報では, 両品種 の花色の間にみられるアントシアンの量的効果を検 討し, 合わせて既報3) の赤色系バラの花色との関連 性を考察した.
    用いた花弁の主色素は, ペーパークロマト法によ りシァニンと同定された.シァニン含量は,淡桃色 品種では1.5~10μg/cm2,濃桃色品種では20~80 μg/cm2で, 既報の赤色系バラ花弁の場合 (100~900μ9/cm2) と合わせると,シアニン含量の増大 によって花色は
    淡桃色→濃桃色→赤色 の順で変化する.
    しかし, 花弁抽出液の透過曲線および桃色系花弁 の反射曲線から計算した色度座標x,yと, 色素量と の関係を検討すると, 次の可能性が示唆され, 色素 含量の大小だけでは説明できない点がある:
    1) 赤色系品種と淡桃色品種の花色の関係はアン トシアンの量的効果で説明できる.
    2) 赤色系品種および淡桃色品種と, 濃桃色品種 との花色の関係は, 色素の量的効果だけでは説明で きず, 濃桃色品種では何らかの原因による青色効果 も加わっている.
  • 信夫 隆治, 川戸 峰子
    1959年 72 巻 853-854 号 283-288
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    1957年10月, 和歌山県瀞の土から分離された放線菌の一菌株No. 602を形態学的ならびに生理学的に従来記載された種と慎重に比較検討を行なった結果, 新種と断定したので, この菌株が空中菌糸に円形の胞子塊 (Spore mass) を形成することを種名にとり入れて Streptomyces massasporeus と命名した。
  • Hideo NAGAI, Kouji HONDA, Nozomu HASHIMOTO, Keisuke SATO, Nobukazu MIKI, Yukio YAMANAKA
    Journal of Light & Visual Environment
    2002年 26 巻 2 号 2_14-2_18
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2003/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, the T8-4ft. fluorescent lamp systems with high frequency (HF) electronic ballasts have been promoted as a strategic energy-saving product even into the outdoor lighting fields. In such a situation, the troublesome
    -colored cataphoresis phenomenon of these lamps is observed especially in the outdoor fields of winter seasons. The cataphoresis phenomenon of FLs is currently considered to occur only in the DC operation and hardly in the AC operation. Nevertheless, conventional HF electronic ballasts keep inherently the superimposed DC voltage component VDC, attributed mostly to the duty unbalance in the HF inverter circuit. This paper shows that the cataphoresis phenomenon of T8-4ft. fluorescent lamp systems with HF electronic ballasts is analyzed in relation to definitive parameters of the coldest tube wall temperature Tc and the superimposed DC voltage component VDC. This has clarified the critical cataphoresis phenomenon outbreak conditions, given by the equation VDC=0.56 Tc-4.3. In addition, through the experiments on the lamp burming hours to the cataphoresis phenomenon outbreak, the ballast design requirement of VDC less than 2V is proposed as an actual suppression measure against the cataphoresis phenomenon.
  • Renu Yadav, Anubha Gulati
    Journal of Oral Science
    2009年 51 巻 1 号 151-154
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/03/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case of peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) in the mandibular gingiva of a 30-year-old man is described. The lesion was asymptomatic, firm,
    red and pedunculated histologically showing cellular, fibrous connective tissue stroma with calcified osseous and cementum-like calcifications. Lesions histologically similar to peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) have been given various names in the existing literature. Therefore, the controversial varied nomenclature and possible etiopathogenesis of peripheral ossifying fibroma are discussed. (J Oral Sci 51, 151-154, 2009)
  • 阿部 大吾, 齋藤 武, 川口 章, 富岡 啓介, 神山 紀子, 高橋 飛鳥, 石川 直幸, 吉岡 藤治, 野方 洋一
    2021年 47 巻 3 号 139-144
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/10/07
    ジャーナル フリー

     近年,日本各地で大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)収穫物の中にピンク色~赤色の粒(赤色粒)が散見され,外観品質の低下が問題となっている。本研究では,大麦赤色粒から色素を抽出し,陽イオン交換樹脂による分画およびUPLC-QTOF-MSE分析により原因色素をプロフェロロサミンAと同定した。さらに,大麦赤色粒から分離した細菌がポテトデキストロース寒天培地(PDA)に産生したピンク色素を分析したところ,同様にプロフェロロサミンAと同定された。これらの結果および以前の報告から,日本で散見されるピンク色~赤色の大麦粒はピンクシード病に感染していることを示唆している。我々は,硫酸鉄および抗真菌剤を添加した48 ウェル PDA プレートを用いたピンクシード病の簡易判別法を新たに開発した。本法は感染が明らかな粒だけではなく,曖昧な症状を示す粒においても判別が可能であった。搗精麦や米粒麦などの加工品,様々な大麦品種も判別可能であったことから,大麦の栽培・加工・流通段階においてピンクシード病由来の品質低下原因の解明に利用可能である。

  • 佐藤 俊次, 渡邉 荘子, 田中 勝
    2020年 37 巻 5 号 655-661
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/02/06
    ジャーナル フリー
     扁平苔癬様角化症(LPLK)は,脂漏性角化症や日光黒子の一部または全部が経時的に自然消退する過程の病態である.  今回われわれは顔面の病変が完全に自然消退した2例のLPLKを報告し,そのダーモスコピー所見とLPLKの自然消退の3段階分類のダーモスコピー構造とを比較検討した.初診時に症例1では炎症症状を示す淡紅色領域(
    area)と環状顆粒状構造(annular granular structures)が,症例2では環状顆粒状構造が観察され,両病変ともにLPLKの自然消退のダーモスコピー分類の初期に相当した.その後,症例2では時間経過とともにダーモスコピー所見が変化し後期の所見である青灰色色素小点(blue-gray fine dots)の構造が観察された.症例1は2年6か月,症例2は4年4か月後に病変は完全に消失した.2症例ともに,同じ初期のステージの病変であるが,ダーモスコピー所見は異なっていた.LPLKの自然消退の初期は,炎症症状を示す淡紅色無構造領域からはじまり,やがて,環状顆粒状構造が観察される.LPLKのダーモスコピー所見は,経時的に変化するため,時期によっては,悪性腫瘍との鑑別が困難となり生検が必要となる.LPLKの自然消退のステージ分類の初期に相当する典型的な環状顆粒状構造や後期に相当する微細な青灰色色素小点などが病変全体に観察される病変では,悪性腫瘍を除外できれば,生検せずに定期的経過観察により,自然消退を確認できると思われた.
  • 椿 啓介
    1958年 71 巻 838 号 131-137
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Devanaboyina Nagalakshmi, Savaram V. Rama Rao, Arun K. Panda, Vadali R. B. Sastry
    The Journal of Poultry Science
    2007年 44 巻 2 号 119-134
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    The residue of cottonseed oil extraction industry popularly known as cottonseed meal (CSM) is a fairly good source of protein (222.0 to 560.2gkg-1) and metabolizable energy (7.4 to 11.99MJkg-1). The use of CSM in poultry diet is limited due to the presence of gossypol, cyclopropenoid fatty acids (CPFA), high fibre and poor protein quality. The most critical amino acid in CSM is lysine. During the oil extraction from cotton- seeds, a portion of free gossypol (FG) binds with the epsilon amino group of lysine, thereby reducing the availability of lysine to the chicken. The concentration of nutrients, FG, CPFA in CSM depends on the variety of cultivars, methods of oil extraction, proportion of kernel to husk, lint and seed coat. The concentration of FG in various varieties of CSM ranges from 200 and 5300mgkg-1. In glandless variety, the FG concentration is less (>130mgkg-1). Gossypol inhibits the activity of pepsin and trypsin in gastro-intestinal tract, thereby reducing the digestibility of protein. The reported toxic effects of gossypol are growth depression, lameness, decreased egg size and hatchability. Gossypol and CPFA also deteriorates the internal egg quality by causing yolk mottling and
    discoloration of albumen, respectively. The tolerance levels of FG in birds vary widely depending on the age and strain of birds, protein content and quality, duration of feeding, presence of minerals especially the iron content in the diet. The tolerance of FG in chicks varies widely (90 to 1000mgkg-1 diets), however performance of layer chicks could be affected even at a lower FG intake of 2.02mg day-1 bird-1. Though, growth was not affected in broilers at FG concentration in diet below 150mgkg-1, feed efficiency was reduced at lower levels i.e. 60-100mgkg-1. The depression in egg production in layers fed diets containing more than 100mgkg-1 was mainly due to lowered feed intake. The egg weight and egg quality was not affected at FG levels upto 200mgkg-1 diet. Iron treatment (4 : 1; Fe : FG) proved to be effective in alleviating the negative effects on egg quality, but could not alleviate the depression in laying performance. Lysine supplementation to CSM containing diets is also effective in counteracting the ill effects of FG in chicken, especially chicks and broilers. Other processing methods like solid substrate fermentation, production of glandless cotton seed and use of organic solvents were though effective in improving the nutritive value of CSM and reducing the FG content in CSM, these methods are of little practical relevance and uneconomical. Production of glandless variety of cottonseed through genetic modification (Bacillus thuringiensis cotton) is one of the recent trends of reducing the FG content. Some other methods like pelleting, extrusion, cooking and Ca (OH)2 treatment of CSM could be tried for improving the feeding value of CSM in poultry.
    Paleontological Research
    2003年 7 巻 4 号 329-342
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2005/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    A well-preserved fossil seep community has been found in a carbonate lens in the Santonian to Campanian Omagari Formation, Upper Yezo Group in the Nakagawa region, Hokkaido, north Japan. The carbonate lens (roughly ellipsoidal in plan view with a diameter of 10 m × 6 m, and a thickness of about 5 m) is composed mainly of various types of high-Mg calcite containing several to 10 mol% magnesium and little iron or manganese. The carbonate lens is divided into an upper tube worm-dominated boundstone and a lower carbonate breccia facies. In the boundstone facies, concentric cements occur in the vestimentiferan tubes, indicating that the worm tubes were conduits for seepage. Layered to veinlike precipitates of high-Mg calcite occur in the boundstone facies. The carbonate breccia facies contains clast-supported carbonate breccia with sideritic, silty and tuffaceous matrices. Chemosynthetic bivalves occur in the upper zone of the carbonate breccia. The most common of these is the lucinid Miltha sp. Others include the lucinid Thyasira sp., and vesicomyid Calyptogena. Many small molluscs occur in the matrices of the carbonate breccia. The most common of these are trochid archaeogastropods; the others are two acmaeid limpets, mesogastropods and nuculacean bivalves. Small terebratulid brachiopods are also common. The carbonate lens, with its chemosynthetic bivalves and vestimentiferan worm tubes, may have been formed by bacterial sulfate reduction and anaerobic methane oxidation, as it shows extreme 13C-depletion (δ13C = −41 to −45‰). The Omagari community resembles the modern cold-seep communities along the landward slope of the subduction-zone complex off the Pacific coast of Japan.
  • M. Miyoshi
    1927年 41 巻 483 号 123
    発行日: 1927年
    公開日: 2007/06/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Journal of Biochemistry
    1961年 50 巻 5 号 424-427
    発行日: 1961/11/25
    公開日: 2008/11/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was shown that 0.5% dimethylalloxan in ethanol was useful as a detecting reagent for paper chromatography of amino acids and peptides. On heating the paper chromatogram which was sprayed with the dimethylalloxan reagent, amino acids appeared as stable
    red spots. Sensitivity of the reagent was almost the same or slightly less than that of the ninhydrin reagent for most amino acids occurring in proteins. Stability of the colored material formed on a paper chromatogram was far better, than that with ninhydrin. However, the
    red color was quite unstable in aqueous solution and no suitable conditions for the quantitative estimation of amino acids in solution could be found.
    The present work has been aided in part by Tanabe Essential Amino Acids Research Foundation for which the authors are grateful.
  • 信夫 隆治, 萱村 善彦
    1964年 77 巻 911 号 176-180
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2006/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    大阪府, 岸和田市の庭園の土壌から分離した放線菌No.738は輪生体を形成し, 形態学的, 生理学的および培養所見的研究から, 従来発表された放線菌と異なることを認めたので新種と断定し, 岸和田市の地名にちなんで Streptomyces kishiwadensis と命名した.
    The Journal of Antibiotics
    1980年 33 巻 1 号 18-23
    発行日: 1980年
    公開日: 2006/04/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new species of Streptomyces which produces a new cell wall-inhibitory antibiotic, FR-9000981) containing phosphonic acid in its molecule, is named and described. The species name proposed, Streptomyces rubello, nurinus, refers to the aerial mass color. Streptomyces rubellonturinus subsp. indigoferus also produces FR-900098 and the related compound FR-332892). FR-900098 related compounds, FR-32863) and FR-315642) are produced by Streptomvices lavendulae.
    The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
    1955年 1 巻 3 号 201-235
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2006/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The mycological characters of 172 anti-trichomonal Actinomycetes, which had been selected from 1244 typical Actinomycetes, were studied, and their belonging 9 groups, 12 specics, and 3 new species is described. Among them the S. lavendulae, S. reticuli, S. diastatochromogenes, and S. griseus groups had large numbers of strains as shown in Table 1. However, some of the cultures of the S. diastatochromogenes group and the S. ruber group quickly lost their activity after repeated transfers on synthetic medium (Table 4).
    2. Morphologically these Actinomycetes may be divided into four sections, and, as shown in the text, further classified by using the color of the aerial mycelium, soluble pigment production, and the color of vegetative growth as keys.
    3. Strains H-5080, H-4871, and H-4650 were considered to be new species and were named S. purpeofuscus n. sp., S. naganishii n. sp., and S. griseoruber n. sp., respectively.
    4. The antibiotic spectrum, the dilution potency, and the haemolytic power of these Actinomycetes were examined.
    5. Carbon utilization of typical anti-trichomonal Actinomycetes was studied (Table 3).
    1987年 23 巻 25-53
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2009/02/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Joseph F. Ammirati, Andrew D. Parker, P. Brandon Matheny
    2007年 48 巻 5 号 282-289
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2023/03/31
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    A new clitocyboid genus of Agaricales, Cleistocybe, is described to accommodate the isolated evolutionary position of the new species Cleistocybe vernalis inferred by a previously published multigene phylogenetic study. Cleistocybe is distinguished from other clitocyboid lineages by a combination of morphological characters, including lamellae that become gray in age, an interwoven hymenophoral trama with divergent elements when young, strongly interwoven pileipellis with pigmented and encrusted hyphae, white spore deposit, a distinct or ephemeral fibrillose to submembranous partial veil, and smooth, inamyloid basidiospores that are inequilateral in profile view. Cleistocybe encompasses two species, C. vernalis and Clitocybe gomphidioides, based on morphological comparisons with C. vernalis. Clitocybe subvelosa is confirmed as conspecific with C. gomphidioides based on morphological and ITS sequence comparisons of type collections. Cleistocybe is known only from western North America in coniferous forests and appears most closely related to the ectomycorrhizal genus Catathelasma and the saprotrophic genera Callistosporium, Macrocybe, and Pleurocollybia based on nLSU-rDNA phylogenetic analysis. Together these lineages constitute the Catathelasma clade.

    1978年 53 巻 5 号 375-379
    発行日: 1978年
    公開日: 2007/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー