Online ISSN : 2758-2817
Print ISSN : 0286-1348
30 巻, 1 号
協同組合研究第30巻 第1号(通巻85号) 2011年2月
特集 「レイドロー報告30年間」と現代協同組合運動 ―レイドロー報告のアプローチ    日本協同組合学会 第30回大会シンポジウム
日本協同組合学会 第30回大会個別報告要旨
論 文
  • ―竹館産業組合を中心に―
    大橋 治
    2010 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 122-133
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2023/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Sangyo−kumiai is the Japan Agricultural Cooperative Prototype. This paper analyzed the business data of Takedate−sangyo−kumiai and made it clear that it started the integrated business from a commercial business and expanded it into a credit business, that its integrated business had the function that maintained the consistency of the business and a creative function,and that the integrated business can promote the development of regional agriculture.
  • 向井 清史
    2010 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 134-146
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2023/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Referring to the theory of organization, this paper seeks to examine the strategy adopted by Japanese Co−operatives against the changing market condition. Solicitation low price is quite understandable, but is not successful in that the amount of purchase per member has become stagnant. Implications to be lessened are the following:1. Co−operatives must consider not only lowering supply cost through reconstruction of operation but also strengthening cohesion by members to co−operatives which is the main advantage as enterprise against Plc. 2.There exists loyalty to co−operatives among members, which can be expected to make up the reliable base of co−operation.
  • 萩原 英樹
    2010 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 147-160
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2023/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Farmers in Thailand can establish farmers groups as previous stage organizations for agricultural cooperatives and those groups can receive agricultural technical services by the Thai government. Farmers groups are the smallest organizations which provide financial services in rural Thailand. This paper analyzes their financial activities in order to find their some business advantages among rural financial institutions. The result is that they tend to easily admit loans to member farmers and they do not have so good financial performances. Consequently,farmers groups are expected to focus their business mainly on agricultural technical services. If some of these groups hope to develop financial services,it is necessary for them to prepare basic financial statements yearly like agricultural cooperatives and to improve their business activities along the common rules of financial institutions.