Online ISSN : 2758-2817
Print ISSN : 0286-1348
38 巻, 1 号
協同組合研究 第38巻 第1号(通巻102号) 2018年6月
特集1 日本協同組合学会 第37回大会 新たな社会観の構想と非営利・協同のネットワークの課題を考える
特集2-1 新協同組合理論研究会(2017.7.2)
特集2-2 新協同組合理論研究会(2018.3.29)
  • -晋州組合共同事業法人を事例として-
    黃 盛壹, 坂下 明彦
    2018 年 38 巻 1 号 p. 48-61
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2023/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since the 1990s, Korean agricultural cooperatives has been changing more market-oriented, concerning several difficulties such as over-supply of agricultural products, an opening up to foreign markets, a development of large-volume retailers, and the weakening of negotiating power over the formation of production prices. From 2002, national agricultural cooperative federation (NACF) organized the agricultural joint marketing team of the primary (AJMTP), and initiated the agricultural joint marketing business due to individual agricultural cooperatives are not enough to respond to such difficulties. Also, NACF promoted agricultural joint marketing team of the primary to overcome structural limitation of marketing firms in common of the primary cooperatives (MFCPC). In present, 59 units of agricultural joint marketing team of the primary and 47 units of marketing firms in common of the primary cooperatives are efficiently managed by NACF. In case of the Jinju, MFCPC, formally AJMTP, supporting sales of regional agricultural cooperatives positively affected to each stage of production, collection, preparation, and sales. Consequently, the re-organizing of agricultural cooperation showed apparent increase of participant and business scale.