Magnetism of “two-dimensional (2D)-graphene” offers the opportunities for the applications of spintronics. The 2D-graphene material is intrinsically nonmagnetic because the outer-electrons are hexatonic rings and perfectly paired that form s- and p-bonds. To make 2D-graphene as magnetic materials needs to break the symmetric bonds to release the unpaired electrons and generate net spins. The periodic spins in the graphene plane are close enough to interact with each other and form magnetic clusters. Magnetic moments in 2D-graphene can also be induced effectively through functionalization, doping, defects, etc. in their native structure. In this present review work, it is described how the pristine mono-, bi-, and few-layer graphene (atomically flat carbon) behaves as magnetic materials along with graphene functionalized with H, N, and Si atoms that makes them ferromagnetic and have different magnetic applications. We expect that this review work will provide a new insight into the further development and practical magnetic applications of graphene, H-graphene (graphone), graphene-N, and Si-graphene (siliphene), and will encourage the upcoming young researchers to work in this field of research work. It would also be helpful to capture qualitatively the experiences and perspectives of research partners.