There are concerns about children’s physical and mental health due to their busy schedules. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of “default living activities (DLA)” and “leisure activities (LA)” on “unidentified complaint (UC)” and “self-image (SI).” The participants were 993 students from 3rd to 6th grades from 12 elementary schools in Japan (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama and Shizuoka prefectures). All surveys were conducted from February to March 2018. The anonymous questionnaire included questions on “DLA” (meal/toilet/bath time, study time including homework, school preparation time, cram school including lessons, bedtime), “LA” (outdoor playtime, indoor playtime, time spent chatting with family, blanked time), “UC” (malaise, low-grade fever, headache, chest pain, nausea, abdominal pain), and “SI” (I have a happy life every day, I am happy with myself, I think I have my good point, I am eager to try things even if I do not know whether it works, I have bright hopes for my future, I think I am happy when I am 40 years old, I think it is fulfilling when I am with my family). The potential correlation shows from both DLA and LA to both UC and SI from the questionnaire responses was analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results showed that both DLA and LA were inversely corelated to UC and positively to SI. Additionally, LA shows stronger correlation with UC and SI than DLA. Therefore, we concluded that it was necessary to enhance LA to reduce UC and improve SI in elementary school students.