Journal of JACZS
Online ISSN : 2758-3686
Volume 9, Issue 1
Displaying 1-11 of 11 articles from this issue
  • Kunihiro OGIHARA, Shuzo TANAKA, Yoshitaka FUKUI, Nadjadji Anwar
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 1-7
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    Fish and salt ponds near Surabaya City,East Java,Indonesia,are supplied with water from tidal river named Lamong River. The water surface and salinity in fish ponds which are connected to the tidal river,are changing by the motion of tide and operation of gate.Its response is detennined by nonlinear equations of flow through the orifice or the flow over the weir. Fish ponds are connected by orifice or gate.The theoretical analysis and numerical analysis in such case have been done already.

    In this paper, the response of water table is detennined from the fonner theoretical and numerical analysis,the response of salinity in fish pond can be determined from additinal equations which are diffusion equations of salinity , pushed flow aquation, and equation of losse s due to evaporation and leakage.

    A simplified model for this analysis is made since the shape of fish pond is long strip type and the flow in fish pond is considered to be a plunged type namely pushed flow. Field obsevation is made at Lamong River in Surabaya by the team from Toyo University and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Thecnology(ITS).

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  • Shuzou TANAKA, Kunihiro OGIHARA, Yoshitaka FUKUI, Toshifumi YAMAZAKI, ...
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 9-15
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    This research has been done as one of the joint research between Toyo University, JAPAN and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Tecnology, INDONESIA.The hydraulics and remote sensing team from both universities focussed on the change of shoreline near the mouth of Surabaya River.Surabaya River flows through the southern part of Surabaya City, East Java,lndonesia.The original river named Brantus, which diverges to Polong River and Surabaya River near Mojokerto. Surabaya is a big city which prospered as harbor city.

    The object of this research is to analyze sedimentation about Surabaya River,which is the change of shoreline very quickly and make a problem for many locations beside this ri ver. To solve this problem would be trying with application ofremote sensing method.

    In this paper,author describes coastal currents and tidal movement in Java sea,Surabaya strait, Madura strait, and image processing analysis with remote sensing multispectral data . The LANDSAT image shows clearly a flow pattern in Surabaya and Madura strait. Surabaya River delta is produced as well as Solo and Polong delta.This is the first report for sediments of Surabaya river mouth using satellite remote sensing data.

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  • Asami SHIKIDA, Mamoru KOARAI
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 17-25
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    The ratio of artificial to natural coast is considered to be an important index for the study of coastal zone management from an environmental point of view. The amount of natural coast can be used as an index showing the destruction of natural environment in the coastal zone as well. In Japan, however, the ratio of artificial to natural coastline has been examined only in three national coastal environment investigation projects conducted beginning in 1978 by the Environmental Agency of Japan. The authors used the national coastal statistics published every year by the Ministry of Construction to analyze the degree of modification of the Japanese natural coast statistically. The results show that artificial modification of the Japanese coast has progressed since the period of high economic development in Japan in the 1960's. The ratio of artificial to natural coastline continued to decrease from 78% in 1960 to 55% in 1993. The history of the artificial modification of the coastline falls roughly into two phases . The first phase began in 1960 and is characterized by the rapid decrease in natural coastline. The second phase began in 1980 and shows a substantial loss of natural coastline in an area designated by the Coastal Protection Law as needing protection.

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  • Shinichi WANO, Yoshio HANZAWA, Yoshimi NAGAO, Takeo KONDOU, Keiichiro ...
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 27-39
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    Polluting sediment had been deposited in every canal of Tokyo-Port, which resulted in an offensive odour. The Tokyo metropolitan government legislated the environmental pollution control ordinance that set a precedent in Japan. The project based on this ordinance and the first standard was carried out in 1972 to improve the bad smelling problems, especially in the summer months.

    Afterward, the relativity of the mud and overlying water quality was analyzed scientifically, so that the present standard was established in April 1987. These standard s are mainly concerned with chemical properties;therefore, a new standard is neccesary for the recovery of the marine ecosystem of the port.

    A new method (CSD) combined the diversity of bottom organisms with the chemical property, and so applied it in many points. Most predictions based on this method corresponded with the results of the measurements. In consequence, the authors judged this method to be proper for and practical on this sea. According to this CSD method, the goals for the execution stages will be set up by the authorities.

    This method We should be expanded to the object areas from the canal to the intertidal zone, the shoals and also to the high points to speed up the carrying out of the project. Therefore,the water front will enable the inhabitants to create a Tokyo-Port of enclosed water.

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  • Keiichiro TERANAKA, Hayato AOYAMA, Takeo SHIMAZAKI
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 41-55
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    In the dawning of modem Meiji Era, foreign engineers were hired by Japanese Government in the effort to learn new technologies. Among them were Dutch port engineers who were employed to introduce the European port technology to Japan.

    This paper examines the port technology applied at the time on the planning and construction of the Nobiru Port, Mikuni port, Mishumi-Nishi port and the Tone Canal which were all completed between 1881 and 1889 under the leadership of foreign engineers mentioned above. The study include illustration from literatures written at that time, recent wave observation data and field works.

    The characteristics of Dutch port technology experience are as follows:

    1) Port construction mainly being in the inner bay and no experience in the open sea

    2) The construction of harbor city at the coastal area of inner bay being one of the purpose in the planning.

    3) The core of construction methods are the stone covering jetty or dike based on fascine mattress and the masonry pier.

    Lack of experience in the open sea port technology led to a number of failures which is also discussed here.

    Before long, the Japanese port engineers had become more independent and more Japanese oriented technology had been established.

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  • Akio KUROYANAGI, Masatsugu FUKUYA, Yoshinobu WAKAYAMA
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 57-67
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    The objective of this study is to understand the influences of the sea area environments from fishing port upgradings and their latent relationships.

    The results of this study are summarized as follows:

    1.The fishing ports of the whole country are classified into 33 types by the site and form of the fishing port and the form of the breakwater.

    2.The sea areas of 60% fishing ports of the whole country are polluted.

    3.A lot of living things in the fishing ports are seaweeds and reef shellfishes.In many cases,they lives in the outside of the breakwater.

    4.The influences of fishing port upgrading to the sea area environments are almost good results,or both good and bad.

    5.Sometimes, the good results fi'om fishing port upgradings causes the bad influences indirectly.

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  • Yumiko SAWADA, Buichiro MURATA
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 69-85
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    Environmental conditions of coastal sea areas around the world have been seriously degraded. A plan which is to establishded a integrated land-sea environmental system is needed for maintaining and ensuring even creating the desirable environment.

    This sutudy is targeted on the south region of Sumoto City where is on the mouth of Osaka Bay and has still remained wealthy natural land-sea environment, and investigates the integrated land-sea environmental system to achieve sustainable development of this particular area which has own unique culture by close relationship coastal sea and forest.

    While considering all aspects of coastal sea and marine organisms,the purpose of the integrated land-sea environmental plan is emphasized on, reconstructing a symbiotic relationship nature and human being ; establishing a criteria that people can be proud of this area and ensure their quality of life.

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  • Munetoshi KAWAGUCHI
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 87-98
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    The objective of this study is to investigate the historical changes of waterfront since the Meiji era in Shimizu City and Yaizu City which are port cities, and to supply the informations available for the future waterfront development and preservation. The analysis of study was made from the viewpoints of water affinity, coastal access and land use by using maps issued by Geographical Survey Institute and photographs.

    As a result, it is clarified that there were physical and economical changes of waterfront during 40 years since 1930's in Shimizu City and during 20 years since 1950'sin Yaizu City. These phenomena of waterfront seem to be similar in local port cities industrialized after the Second World War in Japan. Most port cities have lost the good relationship between citizens and water space under the rapid economical growth. Therefore, it is expected that we should secure the coastal access and create the amenity space of waterfront at future port planning.

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  • Akira ASATSUI, Hideyuki KITA, Shinzo NISHIBAYASHI, Kuniaki SASAKI
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 99-107
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    When regarding the beach as one of recreational spaces, it is necessary to feed back the evaluation of users into the planning of the beach. But the conventional studies on style of use and atmosphere of the beach do not make it clear how they are related with the evaluation of users. Therefore, this paper aimed at making the method for planning such environment that takes into consideration of the evaluation of users by controlling the natural factors of the beach. We have analyzed the covariance structural model by questioning users in case of sea bathing. As the results, we found that (1) the evaluation based on terms of action is estimated by the natural factors, 2) on this structural model, the environment in use are made of the evaluation of atmosphere and the terms of action. So, we have reached to the conclusion that we can control the users evaluation of environment in use by controlling natural factors.

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  • Michiya OKA
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 109-120
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    The sea is regarded as one of the important elements forming a scenary. Its physical appearance has greatly influenced on people and been translated into mental sceneries that are often observed in songs singing the praise of the sea. Focusing on regional school songs and examining the relevant phrases and the environmental characteristics of the sea, this study is to clarify the position of the sea with regards to the formation of a seascape.

    The approach taken here is to select the elementary and junior highschools whose songs have phrases of the sea in Fukuoka City and Kitakyushu City. Then, as comparing the phrases with the ones enchanting other environmental factors , the characteristics of the expressions and the location of a school are individually analyzed in connection with the environmental features of the sea and the condition of a coastal development.

    The ways of expressions of the sea vary depending upon several factors as follows: the distance from a coastline, the geographical characteristics of a school, the condition of a coastal development, and the relationship with other environmental elements, such as rivers and mountains.

    Finally, the influence of the urban structure and the natural environment on a seascape are recognized and also the difference of the views on a seascape between Fukuoka City and Kitakyushu City are clarified.

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  • Tsuyoshi KOBAYASHI, Takeo KONDO, Eiichi MATSUURA
    1997 Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 121-130
    Published: 1997
    Released on J-STAGE: April 17, 2023

    The aged of the population is an issue that is common to all industrialized nations. In recent years, the Japanese population has aged rapidly and by the year 2020, it is reported that Japan will become an ultra-aged society in which one fourth of the population will be aged 65 or above. As a response to this trend of an aging society, various measures in city planning and in the life environment are being progressed but to date, measures for access and the creation of facilities convenient for the disabled persons have not been adopted relevant the waterfront.

    In this study, questionnaire surveys were conducted to elicit information concerning the interface of the aged and the disabled persons with waterfronts , current status of achievement of barrier-free coastal recreational facilities by local authorities and on measures towards the creation of such barrier-free facilities and field surveys of beaches and mariners which constitute coastal recreational facilities were conducted.

    As a result, comprehensive understanding of the interface between waterfronts and the aged and the disabled as well as the status and future of barrier-free facilities was attained.

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