Practica oto-rhino-laryngologica. Suppl.
Online ISSN : 2185-1557
Print ISSN : 0912-1870
ISSN-L : 0912-1870
Volume 1987, Issue Supplement16
Displaying 1-16 of 16 articles from this issue
  • Shigeru Inafuku, Isao Takimoto, Kishiko Sugiyama, Takahiro Morimoto
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 1-12
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Flutter-like oscillations (FLO) of the eyes represented a rare type of eye movement which occurs in diseases of the cerebellum and cerebellar pathways. Four cases of FLO accompanied with ocular dysmetria and head tremolousness are reported. Neuro-otological examinations revealed loss of optokinetic nystagmus in 3 of them, and normal caloric responses in 3, but no overt nystagmus. Disturbed brainstem response was detected in only one case. FLO should be diagnosed after further examination of the eye movement, for example, noting their continuous time, frequency, conjugating of eyes and whether an intersaccadic interval is present.
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  • Kazumi Yamada, Isao Takimoto, Shigeru Inafuku, Kishiko Sugiyama, Kanet ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 13-19
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Apaceram was used in 35 cases of chronic otitis media, for reconstruction of bony defect in the external ear canal, obliteration of the mastoid cavity and separation of attic from the mastoid cavity. During about 4 years follow-up period, Apaceram was removed in 5 cases because of skin necrosis or free muscle on it. In these 5cases,3 underwent reconstruction for old operated ear.
    To improve stability in the middle ear, this mat e rial should be covered or supported by pedicled muscle or connective tissue.
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  • Kazumi Yamada, Isao Takimoto, Shigeru Inafuku, Hirohiko Kawade, Takahi ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 20-25
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Five patients with conductive hearing loss due to head trauma sustained in traffic accidents were treated surgically. Dislocation or disappearance of the ossicle was the main cause of the conductive loss. Two patients with facial palsy showed gradual improvement without facial canal decompression. Good hearing improvement was noted in 4.
    Patient s with a large air-bone gap require middle ear surgery, since good hearing recovery can be obtained by reconstruction of the ossicular chain.
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  • Kishiko Sugiyama, Isao Takimoto, Shigeru Inafuku, Mizuyo Hori, Hideko ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 26-32
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Twenty cases of cerebello-pontine angle tumor were neuro-otologically examined. There were 9 cases of acoustic tumor,7 of meningioma,2 of trigeminal neurinoma and 1 each of epidermoid tumor and angiopericytoma. Most patients with acoustic tumor had hearing loss or tinnitus related to the VIIIth cranial nerve, and those without acoustic tumor had vertigo or dizziness related to the brain stem disorder. Among the audiological examination, acoustic reflex (AR) and auditory brain stem response (ABR) were useful for the diagnosis, but less valuable in the case of severe hearing loss. Among the vestibular examination, the caloric test was the most sensitive in the patients who complained of dizziness. Because of the development of acoustic tumor was slower than that of other tumors, the patient were unaware of hearing loss or tinnitus as an early symptom. Attention should be paid to retrocochlear or cochlear sensori-neural deaf to avoid overlooking the possible presence of acoustic tumor.
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  • Interlay and Pedicle Flap Technique
    Takahiro Morimoto, Mitsuyo Miyagawa, Kazumi Yamada, Shigeru Inafuku, H ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 33-38
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Among the various techniques for myringoplasty, we compared the interlay tech- nique (so-called sandwich technique) using temporal fascia with the pedicle flap tech- nique using skin of the external auditory canal in 21 ears.
    With the interlay technique,27% of the ears showed abnormal myringo-formation such as tympanic membrane retracted, or lateral healing or reperforation. In addition several patients showed no improvement in hearing level. Although the pedicle flap technique had a demerit that its indication was limited, the improvement of hearing level was observed.
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  • Hirohiko Kawade, Isao Takimoto, Shigeru Inafuku, Kishiko Sugiyama, Kay ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 39-45
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    We report four case of the perforation of the tympanic membrane with inner ear impediment caused by direct trauma of earpick, which were suspected perilymph fis- tula. Two patients showed improvement by conservation therapy. In the other two, perilymph fistula was observed and repaired. After the operation, hearing in one patient returned to normal except the high register but the other showed little im- provement. From the present findings, immediate operation should be considered for patients whose hearing dose not improve, or these in whom number of perilymph fistula dose not decrease.
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  • Kaneto Yoshikawa
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 46-55
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Degeneration of the rat intramodiolus cochlear nerve after kanamycin treatment was studied. Degeneration proceeded from the distal side toward the center. Degeneration of the cochlear nerve bundle was observed 40-50 days after that of the spiral ganglion. Disappearance of nerve fibers occurred first in the outer layers, but the central region of the nerve bundle was still intact 200 days after the injection. These findings suggested that the outer fibers of nerve bundle tended to be distributed in the lower turn. Degeneration of nerve fibers started first in the axon followed by loss of Schwann cells and disolution of the myelin sheath, which was digested by the macrophage. It is considered that partial regeneration occurs in some sections.
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  • Shigeru Tsujimoto, Isao Takimoto, Hiromichi Ishigami, Kazumi Yamada, M ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 56-62
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    A 34-year-old female with hearing loss and tinnitus of both cars and vertigo is reported. Both ears responded slightly to the administration of steroid hormone, ATP and vitamin B. When satisfactory improvement of hearing was achieved, steroid therapy was stopped. However, administration of ATP and vitamin B resulted in further improvement. Seven months after the onset of hearing loss, hearing could not be improved even by increasing the amount of steroid. Autoimmune diseases were strongly suspected, but could not be confirmed. Sensorineural hearing loss gradually developed. After 5 and a half years, the diagnosis of aortitis syndrome was established by the second aortography and digital subtraction angiography. This case suggests that sensorineural hearing loss associated with aortitis syndrome is the result of arteritis at or near the inner ear.
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  • Naoya Shiraki, Kishiko Sugiyama, Kazumi Yamada, Shigeru Inafuku, Isao ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 63-69
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Tube intubation was performed in 105 ears with refractory infantile exudative otitis media and the process was observed roentgenologically. Most patients with adenoid vegetation underwent adenoidectomy and there was no difference in the process of otitis media with respect to the size of the adenoid. The healing rate was higher in patients with no shadow in the paranasal sinus than in those with shadow. Mastoid cells were observed by Schuller plain x-ray and the healing rate was high in the patients whose development of cells was good or in whom no shadow was found upon tube intubation. The patients whose condition of mastoid cells had improved showed a higher healing rate than those whose condition was unchanged or had worsend. A correlation was observed between the healing rate and the condition of mastoid cells.
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  • Mitsuyo Miyagawa, Isao Takimoto, Hiromichi Ishigami, Shigeru Inafuku, ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 70-78
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    We report five cases of congenital ossicular chain malformation consisting of 3cases of stapes fixation and one each of incudostapedial disruption and mailer fixation. The case of stapes fenestration with TORP and the chain reconstruction of incudostapes with a stainless steel wire obtained satisfactory hearing after operation. But hearing gain of another two cases were not satisfied.
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  • Ichio Inuzuka, Yukihiko Hyoh, Takahiro Morimoto, Kayoko Kobayashi, Shi ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 79-86
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    A case of nasal neurinoma is reported. The patient was 63-year-old woman, who complained of nasal obstruction for 9 months. On rhinoscopic examination, the left nasal cavity was filled with a neoplasm. Biopsy from the surface of the mass showed histological feature of neurifibroma. Under local anesthesia, Denker's operation was performed. The tumor, located in leftnasal cavity and ethmoidal sinus was completely resected. After the operation, histological examination revealed a neurinoma (Antoni A type). The patients postoperative course was good with no signs of recurrence for 15 months.
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  • Kayoko Kobayashi, Kaneto Yoshikawa, Kazumi Yamada, Shigeru Inafuku, Hi ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 87-91
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Thirty-three hospitalized patients with severe epistaxis were statistical examined. Epistaxis was observed more frequently in males and occurred more frequently from December to April. Most patients exhibited bleeding at the posterior part of nasal cavity. Local treatment was effective in patients with very severe epistaxis.
    Under general anesthesia, the sites of bleeding in three cases cou l d be coagulated using a Stylet that was covered with a Nelaton's catheter except at its tip, and electrified by an electrotome. No further bleeding was observed.
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  • Meiho Nakayama, Kazumi Yamada, Hirohiko Kawade, Hideko Asai
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 92-96
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Two cases of roentgenologilly stony hard shadows in maxillary sinuses are reported. One patient was a 52-year-old female whc complained of pharyngolaryngeal foreign-body sensation and post nasal rhinorrhea for 1 year. The other was a 28-yearold male who complained of nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea for 3 years with allergic nasal symptoms and strongly positive HD skin test. Both patients had a fungus ball and isolated bony tissue.
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  • Kiyoko Ishikawa, Isao Takimoto, Kazumi Yamada, Naoya Shiraki
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 97-101
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    We treated a case of aspirin-induced asthma in a 44-year-old woman who complained of nasal obstruction. Her nasal disturbance first occurred in 1978, and she developed bronchial asthma in 1982. In 1985, she was diagnosed as having aspirininduced asthma. Both nasal polypectomy and ethmoid sinus operation were performed in June,1986. In this patient, a polyp showed remarkable edema and eosinophilic infiltration compared with nasal polyps in five patients without asthma.
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  • Mizuyo Hori, Isao Takimoto, Hiromichi Ishigami, Shigeru Inafuku, Kazum ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 102-108
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Cervical vertebrae lateral roentogenography was assessed in 30 patients with pharyngolaryngeal disconfort (PL-D),30 with vertigo (V) and 20 malignant tumors (T).
    The decrease in lordosis was observed in one patient of PL-D group, four o f V group, and one of T group, and constriction was detected in one patient each with PL-D and vertigo. Barsony ossification was found in null patients each in V and T groups. In view of such low frequencies, these parameters are unlikely to be of pathological significance.
    The i ncidence of bony eminence formation was similar among the three groups. As alterations in cervical vertebrae tended to cause unusual stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerves and to bring about tightness at the entrance of the esophagus upon swallowing in PL-D group, the onset of symptoms in these patients may be triggered by bony eminence formation. The mean distance between cervical vertevrae and respiratory tract were 11.6 mm in PL-D and V groups compared with 19.5 mm in T group.
    The measurement of the precedent distances appears to be useful for screening tumorous morbidity in the outpatients clinic.
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  • Kazuhiro Izawa, Isao Takimoto, Hiromichi Ishigami, Shigeru Inafuku, Ka ...
    1987 Volume 1987 Issue Supplement16 Pages 109-114
    Published: September 30, 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: November 27, 2012
    Laser surgery was performed in 8 cases of benign neoplasma and 17 malignant tumors. These tumors were located in oral cavity, epipharynx and larynx. Although laser surgery was advantageous because of little bleeding or sattle pain, some problems were observed. A case of tongue cancer (Grade T1) treated only by laser surgery showed recurrence even with an adequate safety margin from tumor. Another case of tongue cancer developed a large recurrent lesion after 5 months.
    Laser surgery performed epipharynx cancer resulted in no recurrences for a few years.
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