Journal of Kanagawa Sport and Health Science
Online ISSN : 2436-7249
54 巻, 1 号
  • ―タックラーのリロード向上に取り組んだチームに焦点を当てて―
    千葉 剛, 矢野 広明, 嶋崎 達也, 鷲谷 浩輔, 小栁 竜太, 廣瀬 恒平
    2021 年 54 巻 1 号 p. 1-8
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー


    In rugby, due to the frequent rule revision considering continuity of play, in-playing time and the number of breakdowns have been increased. This leads to many tackles in a game. Players on the ground are forbidden to play, therefore getting up immediately after tackling has become more important. However, most of previous papers about tackling were to consider the safety, and papers about reloading were very limited. Thus, this paper focused on tackler’s postures after they tackled the ball carrier and knocked him to the ground. After classifying four types of tacklers’ postures, the object was to analyze and compare four postures about succession of reloading.



    8 rugby games were set as examples, and 1,468 tackles were subjected to the notational analysis of game performance. 4 postures were categorized and recorded. “Mounting”, “Facing down”, “Sideways”and “Facing up”. Succession of reloading was defined as players standing up and being able to join the next defensive phase. Failure of reloading was defined as players still lying on the ground, or being in front of the offside line even if they were standing up.



    As a result,“Mounting” had the highest ratio of succession of reloading compared to other postures significantly. (p<0.05). The result showed that the number and ratio of succession/failure for reloading followed by 4 different postures respectively. “Mounting” had 202 successions (65.0%) /109 failures (35.0%), “Facing down” had 174 successions (49.7%) /76 failures (50.3%), “Sideways” had 195 successions (36.9%) /347 failures (64.0%), and “Facing up” had 93 successions (35.1%) /172 failures (64.9%).



    The present paper suggested how to increase successful rates of reloading. This revealed that taking the mount when the tacklers tackled the ball carrier and knocked him to the ground was most effective. However, this paper wasn’t analyzed the influences of reloading on game appearance. Moreover, the target subject of paper was very limited, therefore further studies are needed in future.
