Journal of Kanagawa Sport and Health Science
Online ISSN : 2436-7249
55 巻, 1 号
  • 鹿内 菜穂
    2022 年 55 巻 1 号 p. 1-12
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー

    [Purpose] Yoga asanas (steady pose) begin with a Sun Salutation consisting of a sequence of 12 positions that move the spine and promote flexibility in the limbs. The sequence is a series of gentle flowing movements synchronized with the breath. This study evaluates the effects of practice of a Sun Salutation practice on mood states and arousal changes.

    [Methods] Each subject in the sample of 16 males and 20 females spent 30 minutes each performing the Sun Salutation and walking, following a random order of conditions. Subjects were asked to evaluate the profile of their mood states and answer the Japanese short activation-deactivation adjective check list to assess arousal before and after yoga and walking.

    [Results] Tension-Anxiety, Depression-Dejection, and Anger-Hostility significantly decreased after performing the Sun Salutation and walking, while Vigor and Confusion were not significantly different before and after these activities. Fatigue only significantly decreased after walking. High Activation significantly decreased after performing the Sun Salutation and walking. General Deactivation only significantly increased after walking, while Deactivation-Sleep only significantly decreased after the Sun Salutation.

    [Conclusion] These findings suggest that Sun Salutation brings about mood and arousal changes similar to walking. Further investigation is necessary to confirm the effect of longer-term Sun Salutation practice.

  • 吉鷹 幸春, 西田 泰悟, 中村 一成, 木村 昌彦, 吉永 慎也
    2022 年 55 巻 1 号 p. 13-28
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー

      In this study, we conducted a survey on the implementation of Budo classes in each prefecture. The items surveyed were the possibility of implementing multiple Budo, the issues of teaching from the perspective of "knowledge and skills," "ability to think, judge, and express," and "ability to move toward learning and human nature," with a view to integrating teaching and evaluation, the teaching system, and measures to devise and improve the content and methods. Based on these investigations, examples of teaching practices to solve the problems will be examined, and teaching plans for 8 to 10 hours will be prepared and practical lessons will be conducted with the integration of teaching and evaluation in mind. Although judo is the main unit of the practical classes at junior high schools, the purpose of this project is to examine the possibility of improving the percentage of students who take classes in multiple martial arts by inserting elements of other martial arts into some of the preparatory exercises and class development.
