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クエリ検索: "イラプアト"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 児玉 達哉, 林 伸好, 太田 真一郎, 青木 亮太, 淡島 舞子, 濱川 侑介, 田上 陽一, 三沢 和央, 藤倉 雄二, 叶 宗一郎, 川名 明彦
    2018年 40 巻 4 号 372-377
    発行日: 2018/07/25
    公開日: 2018/08/17
    ジャーナル フリー

    背景.超音波気管支鏡ガイド下針生検(endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration:EBUS-TBNA)は,縦隔・肺門リンパ節腫脹を伴う悪性腫瘍に対する有用性が確立しているが,近年感染性疾患の診断に対してもその有用性が報告されている.今回,EBUS-TBNAが診断に有用であったヒストプラズマによる縦隔リンパ節炎の1例を経験したので報告する.症例.58歳男性.約1カ月のメキシコ滞在から帰国後に発熱と咳嗽を主訴に当科を受診した.胸部単純X線で右中肺野に結節影を認め,胸部CTでは右中葉に周囲にスリガラス影を伴う結節影及び右肺門・縦隔・右鎖骨上窩リンパ節の腫脹がみられた.結節性病変に対する経気管支鏡下生検(TBB)を施行したところ,小型楕円形の酵母様真菌を認めた.後日腫脹した縦隔リンパ節に対して行ったEBUS-TBNAにおいても,同様の真菌を認めた.また血清抗ヒストプラズマ抗体陽性であったことから,急性肺ヒストプラズマ症に合併する縦隔リンパ節炎と診断した.結論.EBUS-TBNAは肺ヒストプラズマ症による腫脹した縦隔リンパ節に対する診断においても有用である.

  • 内山 直子
    2019年 35 巻 2 号 55-69
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/03/07
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー HTML


  • 青木 芳夫
    1980年 14 巻 13-29
    発行日: 1980年
    公開日: 2022/09/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ヒメネス ベルデホ J.R., 布野 修司, 齋木 崇人
    2007年 72 巻 617 号 95-101
    発行日: 2007/07/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Authors have been conducting the field research under the title 'Origin, Transformation, Alteration and Conservation of Urban Space of Colonial cities' since 1999. In the period of the Spanish urbanism in America, one of the most interesting creations was the Colony of Nuevo Santander, constructed 250 years ago. The formation of this group of spanish colonial cities was made at the same time, in the period (1749-1776), in the same area (Nuevo Santander of Mexico, now Tamaulipas region) in the same territorial net and designed all by the same person (Jose de Escandon) and with similar plan. But in that time all theses cities were planed under the influence of 250 years before of Spanish urban experience in America. This paper analyze Urban Model by Jose de Escandon. The design of the cities of D. Jose Escandon was based on the same grid model with square Plazas with dimensions that move between 124 varas and 224 varas. The form and distributition of the block depends on the dimension of the Plaza. This paper discusses mainly the differences between the Escandon's model and the model by Indias Laws.
  • 千葉 典
    1990年 33 巻 1 号 1-17
    発行日: 1990/10/20
    公開日: 2017/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The objective of this article is to make clear the significance of the contract farming system in Mexico by means of some detailed case studies. The contract farming system usually involves the developed countries' agribusiness and farmers in rigid contracts with respect to their agricultural production and supply of agricultural products. It has often attracted researchers' attention as a strategy of the rural development in less-developed countries, and was formulated as "the core-satellite model" by Arther Goldsmith (1985). The case studies in this article deal with production of asparagus and strawberry. These crops have been grown for exporting abroad from Mexico since the beginning of their production. Both the production and export of these crops have remarkably increased since the 1960s. They are mainly exported to the United States and other developed countries. In the States of Guanajuato and Michoacan, which are the prime producers of these crops in Mexico, the large-scale farmers concentrate a large proportion of the total sales of farm products, irrigated land, farm laborers, and so on. One of the case studies investigates the contract farming of asparagus in Bajio Vally (in the State of Guanajuato), the other analyzes that of strawberry in Zamora Vally (in the State of Michoacan). These case studies make it clear that the most advanced technologies in agriculture have been introduced to Mexico through the contract farming there, and as a result of this, the productivity of the Mexican agriculture has been unambiguously enhanced. The large-scale farmers have further increased the number of their farm laborers and enlarged the scale of cultivation. The small-scale farmers, by contrast, have little opportunity to share the benefits provided by the contract farming. On the other hand, the contract farming system enables the agribusiness to command farmers' production by holding the channels of sales, furnishing credit in kind, and rigidly controlling the production process in agriculture. The agribusiness can also extend their sphere of activities into the farm supplying industries. In short, the contract farming system functions as one of the new ways of comprehensively controlling agriculture by the agribusiness, and creates a new form of the evolution in capitalistic agriculture. Completely commercial agricurture is operated under the total control of the agribusiness, for the purpose of sales in the world market, with the most advanced technologies applied.
  • ―米国・メキシコ・カナダ協定(USMCA)の労働・環境を題材として―
    太田代 身生, 秋山 公平
    2024年 155 巻 148-173
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー



