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クエリ検索: "中河内" 大阪府
378件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 中西 美季, 日置 将之, 児童・YA図書館サービス研究グループ
    2009年 61 巻 2 号 118-127
    発行日: 2009/07/01
    公開日: 2017/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 青木 勝治
    1937年 9 巻 3 号 65-76
    発行日: 1937年
    公開日: 2011/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 主として大阪府を中心として
    檜垣 松夫
    1953年 26 巻 8 号 337-349
    発行日: 1953/08/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    With the change of era the industrial zone has seen alternations by the influence of its nation's social economy; and its amplification tends to synthetize the zone. To prove this, firstly by apprehending the reproductive correlations, it is necessary to explain the structural factors of the zone. Consequently, the, author as to explain the geographical conformation of industrial zones chiefly, in Osaka Prefecture.
    The distribution of industry of Japan has its center in Tokyo and Osaka, and composes regional structure including groups of factories in satelite cities. Industrial zones belong to their respective regions and their faculties are gathered in the center. The calls this central faculty its nucleos. These nuclei are responsible for the organization of our nation's four large indus-trial zones and their marked features of distribution. The nuclei of Osaka may be considered. the nuclei. of Japan and can be classified into the follo-wing wing three types.
    1. City central type-Composed of, 9 districts around I shiyama Daichi (Osaka. Castle), highly productive districts of medium and small scale .indus-tries specialized in machine tools and sundries The -chief finished product enterprises are the medium and small sized factories dealing with clothing, printing and book-binding, etc. Their diversions in. enterprise and factory site are rampant. Neverthless, the density of distribution is thickest in Japan.
    2. Suburban type-Composed of 13 districts on the outskirts of (1) where numerous large scale machine, machine tool and ceramic factories: stand; and, their local transfers are rampant. The whole industry is made up of large, -medium and small' scale factories. None of these alone is, , dominating, but factories of over 200 workers are beginning to be predo-minant.
    3. Satelite city-Composed of 15 cities and 7 c_??_ties (guns) scatteringly distributed over Osaka Plain. These are new-born cities and counties boo-ming with -textile industry. The number of factories is largest in the: cities of. Fuse and Sakai and in the county of N aka I awachi. Cities have a marked, feature of having greater number of factories and more efficient skilled workers than counties.
    This characteristic distribution can. be considered as a, . result of local diversions influenced by unclear factors. It can be. obtained by both centri-petal and centrifugal forces. That is, as can be observed in various stages, of the history of development, the former exist in the social economic and superior maintenance conditions, and the latter, in the changes in scale and system of management ensued by, the rate of industrial growth.
    But if we study the factors responsible for the development of zone, we. can observe that the superior topographical conditions such as port., in respect to the shipment of material and the availability of labor have a close chain like relation with the zone. And this fact clearly appears inn het cost ratio.
    Hence, the composition of zone is developed and: amplified by its nucleus-in the center. Predominance. in production has been. brought about by the influence of both centripetal and centrifugal factors, . and has formed local.. characteristics. Fut., since, in general, the movement towards heavy che-mical industry can be noted in the constant changes of local conditions, it is necessary to improve the quality of topographical conditions based on this movement.
  • 天野 光三, 前田 泰敬, 二十軒 起夫
    1985年 5 巻 197-205
    発行日: 1985/06/25
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    東大阪市地域は、昔の河内の国の中央北部に当たり淀川, 大和川の2大河川にはさまれた、旧大和川の溢流地域である。これらの河川が運んできた肥沃な土壌によってはぐくまれた河内平野の農産物は、綿, 菜種といった二次加工を必要とする産物が多かった。そして、これらを製品化するための輪送, また、瀬戸内海を控えた、堺, 大阪の港への輪送や, 市場と京都, 大和への人貨の輪送は、河川を利用した舟運と、堤を利用した陸路や生駒山脈越えの道によって行われていた。しかし、明治以後の近代化によって、交通手段の変革、即ち鉄道, 自動車の出現, 並びに、治山・治水事業により水利にも変化をきたし、舟運の衰退とこれに替わる道路網の発達によって集落の形成状況が大きく変化し、都市化の状況が著しく変貌した。
  • 自治体の公式WEBからの分析と検討
    猪池 雅憲
    2017年 19 巻 19-30
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/04/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • *原 知子, 阪上 愛子, 澤田 参子, 東根 裕子, 八木 千鶴, 山本 悦子
    2019年 31 巻 P-k25
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/08/26
    会議録・要旨集 フリー






  • 手作りと既製品
    八木 千鶴, *阪上 愛子, *澤田 参子, 原 知子, 東根 裕子, 山本 悦子
    2017年 29 巻 P-k25
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/08/31
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    【目的】平成24年からの日本調理科学会「次世代に伝え継ぐ 日本の家庭料理」研究から山海に恵まれ商都として栄えた
  • 明治~昭和初期の大阪周辺地域を事例にして
    青木 伸好
    1980年 32 巻 1 号 1-22
    発行日: 1980/02/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    A city exerts influences on its surrounding areas, but its effects are discontinuously produced. They are chiefly due to the situation of the surrounding areas. The author attempted to analyze this discontinuous urbanization in a case of Osaka and its surrounding areas, during Japan's industrial revolution, from the late Meiji to the early Showa eras. Osaka is the city where the modern industry developed earliest in Japan. But, since the Edo era, rural cotton industry was prosperous in its surrounding areas, especially both in Kawachi, the district to the east and in Izumi, the district to the south of Osaka. At that time it was more prosperous in Kawachi than in Izumi. But in the Meiji era, the cotton industry developed more in Izumi.
    In this period Osaka was not yet big enough to exert a strong infuluence on the surrounding areas. Economically Osaka had a close connection with towns in the surrounding areas. As towns developed earlier in Izumi, the district had a closer connection with Osaka. By establishing connection with Osaka, Izumi could develop cotton industry earlier than other areas.
    Though Kawachi is situated nearer to Osaka, few towns sprang up there and it could not establish a close connection with Osaka. And so the industrial growth there was much hindered. Besides in Kawachi agricultural growth was also retarded. In the Meiji era Kawachi was behind Izumi in view of economic development.
    But in the Taisho era, on account of the urban growth of Osaka, industrialization and urbanization were greatly advanced in its surrounding areas. This urbanization through expansion of urbanized areas does not matter whether many towns developed or not in the surrounding areas. Urbanization of Kawachi was one of this sort. Being situated nearer to Osaka, the number of commuters to Osaka increased in Kawachi since the Taisho era, and the industry began to develop there. On the other hand urbanization of this type was only faintly progressed in Izumi. The nature of urbanization of these two districts was different. The industrialization and urbanization were more developed in Kawachi than in Izumi. Kawachi economically reversed Izumi at this time.
    The inversion, in other words the discontinuous urbanization, of Izumi and Kawachi depends on strength of influence of Osaka on the surrounding areas and on the different regional situation in the neighboring districts.
  • ―救急医療崩壊への道―
    岩井 敦志, 志内 隼人
    2010年 13 巻 5 号 643-649
    発行日: 2010/10/31
    公開日: 2023/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    目的:二次救急病院数が減少するなか,残存する二次救急病院である当院への救急搬送人数の変化につき検討した。対象および方法:平成16年からの5年間に当院に搬送された患者を対象とし,地域別に搬送人数・入院人数の推移を検討した。結果:搬送人数は経年的に増加し,19年度にいったん減少したが再度増加した。地域別では,柏原・羽曳野・藤井寺(以下 柏羽藤)で有意に増加した。入院人数は経年的に増加し,柏羽藤で有意に増加した。考察および結論:いずれの地域においても搬送人数は減少傾向にあるが,当院への搬送人数・入院人数はともに増加し,背景には二次救急病院数の減少があった。2つの医療圏に属する柏羽藤では,3病院が救急告示を取り下げ,医療圏を越えて二次救急患者を搬送していると考えられる。二次救急病院数が減少すると残存した二次救急病院の負担は大きく,三次救急医療機関がそれを補わざるを得ない状況であると理解すべきである。

  • 山中 進
    1977年 29 巻 6 号 563-589
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The writer intended to study the changes of regional structures in Yao after the industrial revolution of Japan in terms of the side jobs (subsidiary industries) of the inhabitants. After the industrial revolution, which began in 1890's, the great cities as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya have expanded so much that the surrounding areas of the cities have been changed in an amazing speed by way of the urbanization. Yao was also one of them.
    Yao stuaties in the southeastern suburb of Osaka built-up areas, about ten kilometers from the city center. Its area (Yao, Higashi Osaka City) is about 100km2., and there extend marshy lowlands between Osaka and Ikoma Mts., in either side of Previous Yamato River. In the period from the late Feudal Days to 1880's, cotton cultivation and cotton industries in small scale had flourished there, but the introduction of the modern industries in Osaka has changed remarkably the areal structures of the surrounding areas, especially that of Yao. The traditional side jobs in Yao inevitably altered their contents. Semboku, which lies in the southern suburbs at the similar distance from Osaka, has experienced the different changes from Yao. And why?
    The results of this study are as follows:
    1) The cotton cultivation and cotton industries in Yao have entirely vanished in 1880's and in Wakae, Shibukawa and Shiki, which are in the northwestern and Southern part of Yao, new side jobs as making buttons, planting animal hair to tooth brushes, putting a label on match boxes, which were all related to the modern industries in Osaka, were introduced. But such changes have not occurred in Semboku.
    2) This owed to the early decline of cotton cultivation in Yao and there were much of cheaper labor force as the results of the decline. On the contrary, in Semboku, there has remained many side jobs as sugar refining, bleaching of cotton cloth, seed oil refining which had begun already in the late Feudal Days.
    3) It is very interesting to see that the side jobs such as the production of glass lenses and watch glasses, which was directly introduced from Osaka, were in the western part of Yao and the production of hammocks and knitting had a relation with the old traditional industry of cotton cultivation of Yao itself.
    4) Taking advantage of these new side jobs, Yao have afterwards developed into the suburban industrial region of Osaka.
  • 中島 茂
    1998年 44 巻 1 号 1-17
    発行日: 1998/03/31
    公開日: 2017/05/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    下河内地方北部での綿織物工場の展開を, 河内地方における綿織物業の近代的工場制生産への萌芽とみなし, その特質を明らかにしようとするものである. 同時期の河内地方北部における綿織物業者の動向を知るために, ここでは当時の
    全域を対象とした同業組合の設立を目指していたが, 同織物関係の流通業者を取り込めないまま,
    郡内の製織業者のみの同業組合しか設立できなかった.しかも, 同組合関係者の中からは一部しか織物工場主へ転化しなかった. 北河内郡では綿ネル, タオルなど明治期以降に導入された綿織物製織業者が中心で, 同業組合関係者の多くが織物工場主へ転化し, 工場制生産がかなり早くから展開し始めた. その点で和泉地方と同様, 織物業の近代化への動きは存在していた. しかし, 河内地方北部では明治末以降, 新たな織物工場の展開が不活発となり, 和泉地方での綿織物工業の発達とは対照的に, 綿織物業は停滞した. この地域では大阪への近接性が農村労働力の流出や労働賃金の上昇に結び付き, また, 製織業者の小規模性, 小資本性が停滞の要因になっていた.
  • 水田 昭夫
    1971年 9 巻 1 号 16-26
    発行日: 1971/03/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 竹内 祥一朗
    2023年 75 巻 1 号 3-24
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー



  • −正月と祭りを中心に−
    *東根 裕子, 阪上 愛子, 澤田 参子, 原 知子, 八木 千鶴, 山本 悦子
    2021年 32 巻 P-k25
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/09/07
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    【目的】平成24年から実施している日本調理科学会「次世代に伝え継ぐ 日本の家庭料理」研究において,


  • 小口 悦子, 米村 典子, 藤田 明子
    1973年 46 巻 12 号 811-825
    発行日: 1973/12/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    戦後飛躍的な進展を示した日本工業界は,その急激な進展の速度にともない1950年代後半以降,中小企業層の増加を顕著に示し,零細性を助長してきた.特に,下請要求度の高い金属機械部品などに小企業の増加が著しく,大阪周辺地域における既存中小企業卓越地域の一つである大阪市東部:城東・生野・東成各区から東大阪市にかけての地域でも,この現象が顕著である.この地域で, 1965年以降,その最下層に位する貸工場群が,目立ってきた.貸工場群地域の形成という特異景観をもった新現象について,聞き取り調査を重ね,その成立過程と要因の分析を行なった.
  • ー地域別「四季の食卓」ー
    *山本 悦子, 原 知子, 東根 裕子, 八木 千鶴, 阪上 愛子, 澤田 参子
    2022年 33 巻 P-k24
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/09/02
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    【目的】平成24年からの日本調理科学会「次世代に伝え継ぐ 日本の家庭料理」 研究から、山海に恵まれ商都として栄えた



    ・北河内・大阪市・ 三島・豊能)に分け、その土地に30年以上暮らしている27名を対象に聞き書を を行った。調査時期は2013年11月から2015年9月、方法等は学会ガイドラインに則った。

    【結果】物流や商業の中心地大阪は「天下の台所」とよばれた。 近くに海や山を控え、あらゆる自然の恵みを手近に入手できる位置にあり、平穏な瀬戸内海の船の便によって、遠隔の地からの産物が運ばれてきたためといわれている。ちらしずし、いなりずし、かやくごはん、はりはり鍋、どぶ漬、きつねうどんなどが大阪全域で作られていた。地域別にみると、大阪市内:えんどうごはん(春)、はもの皮ときゅうりの酢の物・はもの照り焼き(夏)、バッテラ(秋)、小田巻蒸し(冬)など。三島・豊能地域:たけのことわらび・ぜんまいの煮物(春)、花・実さんしょうの佃煮(春)、畔豆ごはん(秋)、栗の甘露煮(冬)など。北・


  • 田中 元浩
    2005年 12 巻 20 号 47-73
    発行日: 2005/10/20
    公開日: 2009/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 市原 優子
    1956年 62 巻 728 号 244-249
    発行日: 1956/05/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 村上 晴美, 面谷 幸子, 初田 泰敏, 名徳 倫明
    2024年 25 巻 4 号 204-210
    発行日: 2024/02/29
    公開日: 2024/03/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    Objective: Owing to the increase in the rate of outpatient prescriptions each year, community pharmacists are expected to actively participate in the drug treatment of patients. Currently, tracing reports (TRs) are used as a tool to feedback patient information obtained at community pharmacies to medical institutions. However, it is reported that about 30% of community pharmacists have never used TRs. It has been reported that the use of templates can increase the use of TRs. Community pharmacists need to understand cancer chemotherapy regimens as outpatient cancer chemotherapy is increasing. The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of using hospital websites as one method of obtaining TR templates and cancer chemotherapy regimens.

    Methods: 348 hospital websites in Osaka Prefecture were visited between June 26 and August 28, 2022 to investigate the TR template and cancer chemotherapy regimen.

    Results: Among hospitals in Osaka Prefecture investigated in this study, 16.2% posted tracing reports and 24.0% posted cancer chemotherapy regimens. By the bed functions, both tracing report postings and cancer chemotherapy regimen postings decreased in the order of decreasing acuity. By secondary medical area, although there were regional differences, both tracing reports and cancer chemotherapy regimens were posted in all medical areas.

    Conclusions: This study allowed many of the surveyed hospitals to access their websites, and found the current status of patient information sharing tools between community pharmacies and hospitals on hospital websites. The percentage of hospitals where these tools are posted is low. However, there are hospitals in all regions that have these tools posted, and it is utility to use hospital websites as a way for community pharmacists to obtain these tools.

  • 松崎 愛莉, 押越 佳奈
    2024年 48 巻 1 号 39-43
    発行日: 2024/03/10
    公開日: 2024/04/15
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー