Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
日本薬学会は,1880年に創立された,我が国では歴史ある学会の一つです.現在,約15,000人の会員を擁しており,毎月3誌の学術誌を刊行しております.英文による学術誌の一つとして「Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin」(Chem. Pharm. Bull.)は, 1953年にPharmaceutical Bulletinとして創刊され,その後Chem. Pharm. Bull. と名称を変え,薬学と健康科学に関する化学分野をカバーしています.二つ目として,「Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin」(Biol. Pharm. Bull.) があり,これは1978年に創刊されたJournal Pharmacobio-Dynamicsを起源としており,更に1953年に創刊され,2012年に内容を引き継いだJournal of Health Scienceの後継誌として,薬学と健康科学に関する生物学分野を領域としています.英文と和文両方にて構成される学術誌として,「YAKUGAKU ZASSHI」(薬学雑誌)があり,本学術誌は学会創立の翌年(1881年)に創刊され,最も長い歴史を有しています.薬学雑誌では,和文による原著論文・総説等のほか,臨床薬学領域研究については英文による投稿も受け付けています. 日本薬学会におけるこれら学術誌のスコープは,基礎研究から臨床研究に至る幅広い分野に渡りますが,いずれも薬学・健康科学をベースとしています。3誌に投稿された論文の平均審査期間は,現在,投稿された方へ最初の判定を通知するまでに約1か月ですが,更なる時間短縮を目指しています.3誌ともにJ-STAGEにて無料公開しており,研究成果を世に広める一助となることを期待しております.皆様の研究成果をChem. Pharm. Bull.やBiol. Pharm. Bull.,薬学雑誌へ積極的にご投稿下さいますよう,よろしくお願い申し上げます.

中川 秀彦
収録数 11,488本
(更新日 2024/07/27)
Online ISSN : 1347-5215
Print ISSN : 0918-6158
ISSN-L : 0918-6158
2022 Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
ジャーナル 査読 フリー HTML 早期公開
Scopus Pubmed
47 巻 (2024) 6 号 p. 1119-1122
Epigenetic Regulation of Carbonic Anhydrase 9 Expression by Nitric Oxide in Human Small Airway Epithelial Cells もっと読む

S-Nitrosylation of DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibits its enzymatic activity, resulting in DNA hypomethylation and aberrant gene expression related to its pathogenesis. The authors demonstrated that nitric oxide epigenetically induces CA9 expression in human small airway epithelial cells through pharmacological evaluation using DBIC, a specific inhibitor of DNMT3B S-nitrosylation. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF1α) is recruited to the CA9 promoter region via nitric oxide-induced epigenetic regulation. These findings indicate that nitric oxide is a key epigenetic regulator in normal human cells.

47 巻 (2024) 6 号 p. 1148-1153
CRISPRa Analysis of Phosphoinositide Phosphatases Shows That TMEM55A Is a Positive Regulator of Autophagy もっと読む

Transcriptional activation of endogenous genes using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats activation (CRISPRa) is an excellent tool not only for biological research but also for treatment of diseases. The authors have successfully upregulated three endogenous genes encoding phosphoinositide phosphatases using the CRISPRa system targeting multiple promoter sites. The effects of gene upregulation on autophagy, a potential therapeutic target for various diseases, were investigated. The results showed that TMEM55A/PIP4P2, a phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase, promotes autophagosome formation. It was also revealed that TMEM55B/PIP4P1 and SAC1 are involved in autolysosome formation.

47 巻 (2024) 6 号 p. 1172-1178
Altered Expression of Astrocytic ATP Channels and Ectonucleotidases in the Cerebral Cortex and Hippocampus of Chronic Social Defeat Stress-Susceptible BALB/c Mice もっと読む

The increasing number of patients with depressive disorder is a serious socioeconomic problem worldwide, and effectiveness of several therapeutic agents used clinically is insufficient and thus discovery of novel therapeutic targets is desired. Focusing on dysregulation of neuronal purinergic signaling in depressive-like behavior, Nishioka et al. revealed that in astrocytes derived from cerebral cortex of chronic social defeat stress-susceptible mice, the expression levels of mRNAs for connexin 43 and P2X7 receptors were inversely correlated with mouse sociability. Together with recent findings, it is suggested that ATP channels expressed by cortical astrocytes might be potential therapeutic targets for depressive disorder.

47 巻 (2024) 6 号 p. 1209-1217
Heterogenous Gene Expression of Bicellular and Tricellular Tight Junction-Sealing Components in the Human Intestinal Tract もっと読む

[Highlighted Paper selected by Editor-in-Chief]
This study revealed the gene expression profiles of bicellular and tricellular tight junction components in different segments of the human intestinal tract. Claudin-8, angulin-1 and -2 could be potential targets for intestinal permeation enhancers in the rectum. Claudin-2 and -15 may serve as targets for drug absorption enhancers in the upper intestine. Claudin-7, occludin, and tricellulin appear to be suitable targets for enhancing drug absorption throughout all intestinal segments. Furthermore, claudin-3, -4, and -7 modulators seem to be the most potent intestinal permeation enhancers. Thus, this study provides valuable insights for the development of intestinal drug permeation enhancers.

47 巻 (2024) 6 号 p. 1218-1223
Omeprazole Induces CYP3A4 mRNA Expression but Not CYP3A4 Protein Expression in HepaRG Cells もっと読む

Understanding the mechanisms behind the induction or inhibition of CYP enzymes, which are pivotal for drug metabolism, is essential for predicting drug-drug interactions (DDI). In this study, the authors demonstrate that omeprazole, a well-known inducer of CYP1A2, not only increased CYP1A2 mRNA expression but also elevated CYP3A4 mRNA levels. However, omeprazole treatment did not lead to an increase in CYP3A4 protein levels because it caused the CYP3A4 protein to degrade more quickly. These findings suggest that evaluating CYP protein degradation, in addition to CYP induction and inhibition, is crucial for more accurate DDI predictions.

月間アクセス数ランキング (2024年06月)
  • Biol. Pharm. Bull. Vol. 46 No. 9
    Current Topics: Recent Advances in Understanding Nervous System Responses against Physical, Chemical, and Biological Stresses
  • Biol. Pharm. Bull. Vol. 47 No. 5
    Current Topics: Pharmaceutical Research for Viral Infectious Diseases
  • Announcement of Academic Journals’ Awards Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (BPB)