Venture Review
Online ISSN : 2433-8338
Print ISSN : 1883-4949
Volume 41
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
Contribution Article
  • Hideki Tsutsumi, Tamane Ozeki
    Article type: Article
    Subject area: Economics, Business & Management
    2023 Volume 41 Pages 11-26
    Published: March 15, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: January 25, 2024
    This research will show how Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (hereinafter, EE) is formed. While previous studies of EE have mainly focused on observing actors and factors, the accumulation of research on context has grown in depth in recent years. With Autio et al. (2014) identifying six types of contextual research trends (geographical, institutional/policy, social, organizational, industrial/technological and temporal), there has been further development in research on the relationship between context and EE formation in the last few years, with 27 papers published in 2019. This research will do a systematic review on 80 peer-reviewed papers published between 2001 and 2020 in English, introducing descriptive analysis and thematic analysis, and clarify (1) how the papers analyze each context and (2) how each context influence formation of EE. As a result of the analyses , it turned out that there is need to pay attention to both geographical and temporal contexts to design EE appropriately. Also, other contexts should be embedded in this process but research on interactions between each context is missing. This research introduces framework of Autio et al. (2014) and put focus on interactions among contexts that are to form EE rather than Entrepreneurial Innovation (hereinafter, EI) that takes place in EE and contribution of EI to regional economy. After 2014, much research has been done on these areas comprehensively, however, further research is needed to contribute to creation of EE and EI.
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  • Yasuhiro Ikeuchi
    Article type: Article
    Subject area: Economics, Business & Management
    2023 Volume 41 Pages 27-41
    Published: March 15, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: January 25, 2024
    The interest in entrepreneurship research has shifted from the characteristics of individual entrepreneurs to the context surrounding them In recent years, the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE) has emerged as a central topic in aspects of research, policy, and practice.. However, it has been pointed out that the concept of EE lacks a theoretical foundation. It is also emphasized that there are some cases in which the concept of EE is not adequately used in empirical studies. In this paper, I present an integrative literature review on the concept of EE from a theoretical perspective. Based on the review, the theoretical description and boundary conditions of the EE are extracted and integrated according to the requirements of the theory. This review critically examines EE and provides guidelines for future research on EE.
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Case Study
  • -The Role of Experience in Quasi-Abstraction Theory-
    Takayuki Sakai, Tatsuhiko Inoue
    Article type: Case Study
    Subject area: Economics, Business & Management
    2023 Volume 41 Pages 43-58
    Published: March 15, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: January 25, 2024
    One method of business model creation that has been attracting attention is analogy. In this study, we analyze cases of entrepreneurs who used analogy to clarify the influence of base characteristics in analogy. By comparing and contrasting entrepreneurs who created new business models by referring to knowledge they understood in depth through direct experience with entrepreneurs who created new business models by referring to a wide range of knowledge through indirect experience, we found that knowledge gained through direct experience promotes multidimensional understanding and influences the efficiency of the analogy process.
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  • Satoshi Yamamoto
    Article type: Case Study
    Subject area: Economics, Business & Management
    2023 Volume 41 Pages 59-71
    Published: March 15, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: January 25, 2024
    The purpose of this study is to explore and insist the importance of perceived Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation(IEO)for others and perceived IEO discrepancies for oneself-others. In entrepreneurship research context, many studies focus on the influences of their own IEO of employees based on self-reported questionnaires. On the contrary, we try to insist the perceived IEO discrepancies for oneself to others based on social comparison theory. For those aims, we conducted questionnaires for employees in one Japanese traditional manufacturing company. We put our questionnaire data and the administrative data including the performance appraisal from the human resource section for our empirical studies. As a result, we find that perceived IEO discrepancies are significantly related to job variety as the subjective variable for the job-design and the past performance appraisal as the objective variable. The determinants of perceived IEO discrepancy are different from those of perceived IEO in some respects.
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  • −The Case Study of the Export of Koshu Wine to the UK −
    Hiromu Shiozaki
    Article type: Case Study
    Subject area: Economics, Business & Management
    2023 Volume 41 Pages 73-87
    Published: March 15, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: January 25, 2024
    This is an explorative case study of how the attitudinal dimension of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is linked to the behavioral dimension of EO through a case study of entrepreneurial process in exporting Koshu wine to UK market. The study indicates the following two major findings. Firstly, the entrepreneur's attitudinal dimension is linked to behavioral dimension through own company and platform activities. Secondly, the evaluation and reaction of stakeholders will affect the attitudinal dimension. The results suggest that EO is a dynamic process in which attitudinal and behavioral dimensions of EO create new interaction with stakeholders both inside and outside the region.
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Research Note
Book Review