Journal of Epidemiology
Online ISSN : 1349-9092
Print ISSN : 0917-5040
ISSN-L : 0917-5040
20 巻, Supplement_III 号
  • Hirotsugu Ueshima
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S505
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Nagako Okuda, Katsuyuki Miura, Katsushi Yoshita, Yasuhiro Matsumura, A ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S506-S514
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: Diet is one of the most important lifestyle factors that a affect healthy life expectancy through onset of various lifestyle-related diseases. Large-scale cohort studies with sufficient baseline nutritional information are scarce. NIPPON DATA80/90 is cohort study of representative Japanese population, and the cohorts also participated in the National Nutrition Survey in Japan (NNSJ) at the baseline. The corresponding datasets could be combined.
    Methods: Individual records of NIPPON DATA and NNSJ were compared and integrated. Intakes of nutrients and food groups for individual participants were calculated by distributing intakes in the each household in NNSJ, considering age and sex of the individuals. The results from an international cooperative epidemiological study (INTERMAP) were utilized to estimate intakes of 75 nutrients for NNSJ80 and 70 nutrients for NNSJ90. Nutrient intakes calculated utilizing INTERMAP data were compared with those in the NNSJ datasets.
    Results: NIPPON DATA80/90 datasets were enhanced with detailed baseline nutrient intake data (the numbers of participants combined were 10 422 and 8342 for NIPPON DATA80 and 90, respectively). The mean nutrient intakes calculated through utilizing INTEMRAP data and those calculated from the NNSJ datasets were similar, and the calculated values were strongly correlated with those calculated from NNSJ datasets (Pearson’s correlation coefficients greater than 0.8 [P < 0.001]). Detailed nutrient intakes (eg, cholesterol, fatty acids, amino acids, and dietary fiber) were complemented.
    Conclusions: The nutrient intakes calculated from NNSJ datasets for the participants of NIPPON DATA are appropriate as the baseline nutrient intake data. The enhanced cohort datasets are suitable for investigations of baseline dietary habits and the consequent health status.
  • Katsushi Yoshita, Yusuke Arai, Miho Nozue, Kumi Komatsu, Hirohumi Ohni ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S515-S523
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: This paper investigated the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and total energy intake as well as intake of three major nutrients in representative Japanese populations enrolled in the National Nutrition Surveys of Japan in 1980 and 1990.
    Methods: A total of 10 422 participants (4585 men and 5837 women) and 8342 participants (3488 men and 4854 women) aged 30 or older from 300 randomly selected districts participated in the National Survey of Circulatory Disorders and the National Nutrition Survey in Japan in 1980 and 1990, respectively. The nutrition surveys were performed with weighing record method for three consecutive days to each household. Individually estimated total energy intake and intakes of three major nutrients (carbohydrate, protein, and fat) were compared by the categories of BMI and by 10-year age groups.
    Results: In men, total energy intake (kcal/day), intakes of three major nutrients (g/day) and energy intake ratio from protein and fat (%) increased as BMI increased in each age group, whereas energy intake ratio from carbohydrate (%) decreased. In women, total energy intake, intakes of three major nutrients, and energy intake ratio from protein increased as BMI increased. Energy intake ratio from carbohydrate and fat decreased as BMI increased in women in 1990. When participants were categorized into quartiles according to total energy intake in each sex group, BMI increased as total energy intake increased in men in both 1980 and 1990.
    Conclusions: A positive relationship was observed between body mass index and total energy intake in Japanese men. The relationship was weaker in Japanese women.
  • Katsuyuki Miura, Nagako Okuda, Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Naoyuki Takashi ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S524-S530
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: The relationship between dietary salt intake and blood pressure (BP) has been rarely investigated in a large population of Japanese. The characteristics of nutrients intake and foods intake in Japanese people with high salt intake have also not investigated well.
    Methods: Data of 10 422 participants (4585 men and 5837 women) aged 30 or older who participated in both the National Survey on Circulatory Disorders and National Nutrition Survey in Japan conducted in 1980 were used. The nutrition surveys were performed with weighing record method for three consecutive days to each household. BP and intakes of nutrients and foods were compared by the quintiles of estimated individual salt intake per day. Analyses of covariance were used to calculate multivariate-adjusted mean BP values by the quintiles.
    Results: Participants with higher salt intake showed higher intakes of soy beans/legume, fruit, other vegetables, and fish/shellfish. Intakes of protein, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and fiber were higher in higher quintiles of salt intake. In men, adjusted systolic BPs were higher in the higher salt intake quintiles; there was 4.3 mm Hg difference in multivariate-adjusted systolic BP between the lowest quintile (mean salt intake 8.7 g/day) and the highest quintile (mean salt intake 23.5 g/day) (P < 0.001). In women, adjusted mean systolic BPs were not statistically different among the quintile of salt intake.
    Conclusions: A positive relationship of dietary salt intake to BP was observed, especially in men, in this large-scale representative Japanese population.
  • Makoto Watanabe, Aya Higashiyama, Yoshihiro Kokubo, Yuu Ono, Akira Oka ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S531-S536
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: It is well-known that albumin is synthesized in the liver; serum albumin is a major component of serum proteins. However, it has not been well elucidated how dietary protein intakes are associated with serum albumin levels in general populations without extreme malnutrition. We cross-sectionally investigated in the representative Japanese the association between dietary protein intake and serum albumin levels.
    Methods: A total of 7715 subjects (3220 men and 4495 women, aged 30 years or more) with measurement of serum albumin who participated in both the National Survey on Circulatory Disorders in 1990 and the National Nutrition Survey in 1990 were analyzed in the present analysis. Multiple-adjustments were performed with linear regression models to estimate the association between serum albumin levels and animal or vegetable protein intake adjusting for age and body mass index.
    Results: The very weak positive association between animal protein and serum albumin levels was observed. On the other hand, there was no clear association observed between vegetable protein and serum albumin levels. Regardless of sex and models, age was inversely associated with serum albumin levels with statistically significance, and standardized coefficients of age were considerably larger in both sexes than other variables. Adjustment for body mass index hardly altered the coefficients of animal or vegetable protein intake, but adjustment for total cholesterol clearly attenuated the relationship between animal protein intake and serum albumin levels.
    Conclusions: Present analysis indicated the possibility that animal protein intake was related with serum albumin levels, while vegetable protein intake was not related.
  • Aya Higashiyama, Makoto Watanabe, Yoshihiro Kokubo, Yuu Ono, Akira Oka ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S537-S543
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: It has been considered that reducing protein intake is one of important measures to delay the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the relationship between protein intake and renal function is still uncertain, especially in relatively healthy general population.
    Methods: 7404 individuals (3099 men and 4305 women) who participated in both National Survey on Circulatory Disorders and National Nutrition Survey in 1990 and were free from past history of renal diseases were included in the present study. We estimated sex-specific age- and multivariate-adjusted glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and odds ratios for the presence of CKD according to the quartiles of protein (total, animal, vegetable) intake per body weight (kg).
    Results: There were significant differences in each protein intake among the age groups in both men and women. Both participants with and without CKD took more protein intake than that of each recommended level. There were positive relationships between GFR and the quartiles of each protein intake in both sexes. The odds ratios for the presence of CKD were significantly decreased in the higher quartile of protein intake in women.
    Conclusions: The higher protein intake was associated with higher GFR in both sexes and low prevalence of CKD in women. However, further studies are needed to conclude the relationships between protein intake and renal function.
  • Yasuyuki Nakamura, Nagako Okuda, Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Akira Fujiyos ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S544-S548
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: The National Nutritional Survey in Japan (NNSJ) was initiated in 1946. Using the majority of the participants for NNSJ, the National Survey on Circulatory Disorders (NSCD) has been conducted every 10 year since 1960. We compared fatty acids intakes obtained from NNSJ and serum lipid profiles from NSCD conducted in 1990.
    Methods: A total of 8344 community residents (4856 women and 3488 men, age ≥ 30) from 300 randomly selected districts participated in the both surveys in 1990. At baseline, history, physical, and blood biochemical measurement and a nutritional survey were performed. We estimated nutrient intakes of each household member by dividing household intake data proportionally using average intakes by sex and age groups calculated for NNSJ95.
    Results: Total fat, saturated fatty acids (SFA), poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), dietary cholesterol, and Keys dietary lipid factor (KEYS) were inversely associated with age in both men and women (all Ps < 0.001). In women, age and body mass index (BMI) adjusted serum total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc) were positively associated with SFA, total fat intakes (%kcal), and with KEYS (P < 0.001). In men, age-BMI adjusted HDLc was not associated with SFA, total fat intakes, and with KEYS factors unlike in women. Other associations were similar to those in women.
    Conclusions: The total fatty acids, SFA intakes, and KEYS lipid factor obtained from NNSJ were significantly associated with serum total and LDL cholesterol from the National Survey on Circulatory Disorders conducted in 1990.
  • Mizuka Higashiguchi, Toshiyuki Onoda, Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Kiyomi S ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S549-S556
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary calcium intake and associated other dietary factors among representative sample of Japanese general men and women.
    Methods: Data was obtained by linking NIPPON DATA80 and 90 with the corresponding National Nutrition Surveys held in 1980 and 1990. We analyzed data for 10 422 subjects (4585 men and 5837 women) in NIPPON DATA80 and 8342 subjects (3488 men and 4854 women) in NIPPON DATA90. Calcium intake was calculated by age groups. Dietary calcium intake was classified into quintiles and physical, life-style, and dietary parameters were examined across the quintiles.
    Results: For both men and women, calcium intake tended to be positively associated with age in NIPPON DATA80 and 90, and there were significant differences in estimated calcium intake between age groups. Calcium intake tended to be positively associated with age, protein, fat, saturated fat, vitamins A and C, sodium, potassium, and iron for men and women. Calcium intake also tended to be positively associated with intake of nuts, potatoes, sugar and sweeteners, soybeans and legumes, fruits, green and yellow vegetables, other vegetables, mushrooms, sea algae, fish and shellfish, eggs, and milk and dairy products for men and women.
    Conclusions: The characteristics of calcium intake in Japanese people were able to be clarified by using the baseline data of NIPPON DATA and the National Nutrition Survey.
  • Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Nagako Okuda, Katsuyuki Miura, Yasuyuki Nakamu ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S557-S566
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary iron intake and associated other dietary factors and clinical characteristics among a representative sample cohort of Japanese population.
    Methods: We obtained data from NIPPON DATA80 and 90 that were conducted with the National Nutrition Surveys in 1980 and in 1990. Then we estimated nutrient and food intakes of individuals in the National Nutrition Survey of 1980 and that of 1990, which were adjusted on the basis of data of the National Nutrition Survey of 1995. Finally, we analyzed data for the 10 422 participants (4585 men and 5837 women) in NIPPON DATA80 and 8342 participants (3488 men and 4854 women) in NIPPON DATA90 having dietary iron intake information.
    Results: In NIPPON DATA80 and 90, there was a significant relationship between the dietary iron intake and age for both men and women. Dietary protein intake was associated with iron intake where as dietary fat intake did not show any association. Regarding the minerals, significant relationships were observed between the different minerals and dietary iron intake. Apart from the food group of milk and dairy products, there were significant differences in other food groups according to quintiles of iron intakes for men and women.
    Conclusions: We described the mean dietary iron intake and its relation with other dietary factors and clinical characteristics in Japanese adults as the baseline data in NIPPON DATA80 and in NIPPON DATA90.
  • Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Nagako Okuda, Katsuyuki Miura, Yasuyuki Nakamu ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S567-S575
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary potassium intake and associated other dietary factors among a representative sample cohort of Japanese population.
    Methods: We obtained data from NIPPON DATA80 and 90 that were conducted with the National Nutrition Surveys in 1980 and in 1990. Then we estimated nutrient and food intakes of individuals in the National Nutrition Survey of 1980 and that of 1990, which were adjusted on the basis of data of the National Nutrition Survey of 1995. We analyzed data for 10 422 participants (4585 men and 5837 women) in NIPPON DATA80 and 8342 participants (3488 men and 4854 women) in NIPPON DATA90 having dietary potassium intake information.
    Results: In NIPPON DATA80 and 90 it was observed that there was a significant relationship between the dietary potassium intake and age for both men and women. Higher potassium intake was associated with higher age, intake of protein, iron, calcium, sodium, vitamins, and fiber. Regarding food groups, lower amount of dietary cereals, rice, flour, fats and oils were associated with higher dietary potassium for both men and women. On the other hand, higher intake of nuts, potatoes, soy beans, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, sea algae, fish and shellfish were associated with higher dietary potassium.
    Conclusions: We obtained the mean dietary potassium intake and its association with other dietary nutrient intake in Japanese adults as the baseline data in NIPPON DATA80 and in NIPPON DATA90.
  • Imako Kondo, Kaori Funahashi, Mieko Nakamura, Toshiyuki Ojima, Katsush ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S576-S581
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: Dietary habit is one of the important determinants of health. Investigation of the association between diet and blood lipids at the food product level is more advantageous than that at the nutrient level because the results can be applied more directly to improving dietary habits for disease prevention.
    Methods: The integrated datasets of the NIPPON DATA and National Nutrition Surveys in Japan conducted in 1980 and 1990 were used for analysis. The association between serum total cholesterol concentration and food group intake was examined by multiple linear regression analysis separately for sex and survey year with data adjusted for age, body mass index and total energy intake.
    Results: Intakes of rice, sugar, sweets and snacks, fruit and vegetables other than green and yellow ones were lower and intakes of green and yellow vegetables, mushrooms, seaweed, eggs and milk were higher in the 1990 survey than in the 1980 survey. Intakes of meat, milk and eggs showed a positive association with serum total cholesterol concentration in both sexes while intake of legumes showed a negative association only in men in both the 1980 and 1990 surveys.
    Conclusions: Sex- and age-specific food group intakes for 1980 and 1990 were identified, and positive and negative associations between serum total cholesterol concentration and food group intake were revealed in a representative sample of the Japanese population. The results provide some insights into the improvements in dietary habits that can be made for disease prevention in Japan.
  • Yasuyuki Nakamura, Nagako Okuda, Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Akira Fujiyos ...
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S582-S586
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: The National Nutritional Survey in Japan (NNSJ) was initiated in 1946. Using the majority of the participants for NNSJ, the National Survey on Circulatory Disorders has been conducted every 10 year since 1960. We performed a comparative study of the NNSJ80 estimated individual-based nutritional data by comparing those with NIPPON DATA80 food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) data.
    Methods: A total of 10 546 community residents from 300 randomly selected districts participated in the both surveys in 1980. At baseline, history, physical, and blood biochemical measurement and a nutritional survey by FFQ were performed individually. From household-based NNSJ80 data, we estimated nutrient intakes of each household member by dividing household intake data proportionally using average intakes by sex and age groups calculated for NNSJ95. We re-categorized NNSJ80 estimated data to correspond to NIPPON DATA80 FFQ categories. Data were analyzed in men and women separately.
    Results: Cross tables showed fairly good agreement of the two categories. The majorities of participants situated on the diagonally aligned cells or the next to them. Weighted kappa ranged from 0.152 to 0.241. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between the two categories ranged from 0.224 to 0.338, and those between NNSJ80 continuous data and NIPPON DATA80 categorical data ranged from 0.237 to 0.354. All these values have P < 0.001.
    Conclusions: These results may indicate that the present nutritional estimation method is applicable to, further studies.
  • Hirotsugu Ueshima, Katsuyuki Miura, Nagako Okuda
    2010 年 20 巻 Supplement_III 号 p. S587-S596
    発行日: 2010/05/05
    公開日: 2010/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー