The Journal of The Society of Scientific Photography of Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-6327
ISSN-L : 1884-6327
Volume 17, Issue 2
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • [in Japanese]
    1954 Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 41-49
    Published: November 30, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: August 11, 2011
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  • Akira Sasai, Shinya Mizusawa, Shinji Otaka
    1954 Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 50-53
    Published: November 30, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: August 11, 2011
    To know the constituents of photographic developers, the method of paperchromatography was employed for the separation and identification of developing agents. As an apparatus, Paperchromatographic Cylinder Model B (Toyo-Roshi Co.) was used. Solvents as chromatographic developers are composed of “n-butanol”, acetic acid (glacial) and water, mixed in the volume proportion 4 to 1 to 5, and “ethylacetate”, acetic acid (glacial), and water, mixed in the volume proportion 4 to 1 to 2, from which the organic layer is separated after shaking, and used. As spray reagent, a 2% solution of ammoniacal silver nitrate was used. And paper used is Toyo filter paper No.50 (2cm×40cm).
    From chromatograms, Rf-values of the known developing agents were calculated. And we compared these chromatograms with those of unknown samples. Microdol, Promicrol, Atomal, Atofin, Mikrolin etc, were employed, as unknown samples.
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  • Shuji Umano, Nobuya Nakamura
    1954 Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 54-59
    Published: November 30, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: August 11, 2011
    1% solutions of photographic gelatins are prepared and they are titrated potentiometrically by 2/100 N silver nitrate solution. The electrodes are pure silver and D. N. C. E. The potentials are widely different for various gelatins, but it is the tendency that the higher the photogrphic action, the lower the potential, namely, the stronger the affinity to silver ion.
    The potential progress with addition of silver nitrate solution is the characteristic of individual gelatin. These potentials widely change with pH of the solution. At 2-3 pH all gelatins show minimum affinity. The reason is uncertain. pH titration curve shows no extra feature in that region.
    Effect of gelatin on the conductivity of Ag+ and Cu++ is also examined. In the former case, the trend is the same to that of potential and in the later there are no differences between different gelatins.
    The absorption of small quantity of silver ions to gelatin is made mainly by-SH group, and then by =NH, or -NH of high sensitive nature. The reducible impurity will also take a part.
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  • Akira Sasai, Shinya Mizusawa
    1954 Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 60-64
    Published: November 30, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: August 11, 2011
    Analysis of developing agents in photographic developer by eerie sulfate Ce (SO4) 2 is tested.
    This method contains two separate extractions by solvent, one is to extract hydroquinone and the other hydroquinone and metol. By shaking the developer with ethylacetate, the developing agents semove to the solvent, at pH≅2 hydroquinone only, at pH≅8.4 metol and hydroquinone. After diluting the extract with about twenty-times of water, the titration is carried out by N/20 ceric sulfate Solution with diphenylamine indicator. Sulfite ion entered into solvent at the extraction at pH≅2 unactivated by formalin, and then titration is executed.
    Compared with iodimetry, this cerimetry is more easy in operation. Time of distillation is omitted, color change of diphenylamine at the end point is very sharp, and so we feel no difficulty to judge the end point. Accuracy of measurement is sufficiently high for the control of photographic developer in cinematography.
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  • Hidesaburo Genta
    1954 Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 65-72
    Published: November 30, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: August 11, 2011
    Originally, the multi-layer-films are automatically separated three fundamental colors by the function of its emulsion at one exposure, but, there is the some limit on the color gradation and latitude by reason of that can not has the theoretical color sensibility and silver coloid yellow filter to perfectly absorb the blue light. If the each layers are separated with the red, green and blue filters according to its color sensibility, it is better than the one exposure at the color latitude.
    This report tried to separate the color film by the function of multi-layer emulsions and three color filters for several color lights. About this two cases compared to the effect that measured the photographic character, color spector and the others.
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  • [in Japanese]
    1954 Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 73-75
    Published: November 30, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: August 11, 2011
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