Transactions of the Visualization Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1346-5260
ISSN-L : 1346-5252
Volume 37, Issue 8
Displaying 1-1 of 1 articles from this issue
  • Shinsuke IMAI, Yosuke ONOUE, Naoki MIYANO, Hirohisa HIOKI, Koji KOYAMA ...
    2017 Volume 37 Issue 8 Pages 40-47
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2017

      As our society getting complex and academic disciplines getting divided, social issues become difficult to be solved by a single academic discipline only. Interdisciplinary studies, i.e. fusion and cooperation of multiple academic disciplines, become much popular under such situation of our society. In interdisciplinary studies, it is important that researchers in different academic disciplines understand each other's values and cultures, which stays quite difficult for the most of researchers. In order to promote the mutual understanding among different academic disciplines, we analyze the result of a survey asking researcher's academic philosophy and behavioral features, find research communities and extract their cultural characteristics. We visualize the result of the analysis as a network with charts that represent academic disciplines' cultures. We believe that our system makes it easier to compare academic disciplines' cultures and helps researchers in different community understand each other.

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