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クエリ検索: "ピラールプレス"
28件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 渡辺 浩明, 東 弘志, 田中 宏尚, 武野 俊也, 井上 靖隆, 稲垣 貴裕, 飛澤 国広, 今井 隆人
    2012年 14 巻 3 号 94-100
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/12/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Objective: We investigated the incidence of side effects related to contrast medium employed in our hospital based on monitoring materials to improve the safety of contrast-enhanced examinations.  Furthermore, we compared the incidence of side effects between the original product and generic drugs to confirm the safety of each preparation.
    Methods: The survey period was from April 2007 until March 2011.  Based on the number of patients who underwent contrast-enhanced examinations and that of patients with side effects, we calculated the incidence of side effects in our hospital, and confirmed its annual changes.  Subsequently, we again collected the incidence of side effects per each manufacturer’s preparation employed, and confirmed the state of side effects of individual preparations.  Furthermore, we evaluated the symptoms as side effects, interval until appearance, and treatment for side effects during the data collection period, as well as the subsequent state, symptoms as side effects, and interval until appearance.  The chi square independence test was employed to compare the results among groups.  p<0.05 was regarded as significant (paired test).
    Results: There were no changes in the annual incidence of side effects.  There were also no significant differences in the annual incidence of side effects among the preparations.  Furthermore, there were no marked differences in the symptoms, interval until appearance, treatment for side effects, or subsequent state among the preparations.
    Conclusion: We investigated the appearance of side effects regarding contrast-enhanced examinations for 4 years.  We confirmed that there were no differences in the incidence of side effects among the preparations.
  • 室 伊三男
    2014年 70 巻 8 号 839-844
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/08/20
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 岡部 和代, 諸岡 晴美, 谷田貝 麻美子
    2013年 54 巻 1 号 68-75
    発行日: 2013/01/20
    公開日: 2017/05/30
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    乳がん術後女性のブラジャーと補整パッドの不具合解決にむけた指針を得ることを目的に研究を行った.被験者は,胸部形状に左右差のある乳がん術後女性12名(右全摘4名,左全摘4名,温存4名)である.実験1では適合したブラジャー(My ブラ)と補整パッド(My パッド)を,実験2ではMy ブラに同一型で重量の異なる補整パッド(トライアングル型シリコンパッド)6 種を試料とした. 実験1:全摘の被験者は,肩がこる,左右のバランスが気になる,全体的な圧迫感があると,半数以上が訴えた.パッドを装着しない時の重心は,多くの事例で術側にあったが,パッドを装着すると健側方向に変位した.実験2:全体の衣服圧はパッドの重量増加で高くなったが,特に術側の衣服圧が増加した.また,被験者はパッドが重いと感じ,肩がこる,全体の圧迫感がある,左右のバランスが気になるとした.術側の負担を軽減するためには,被験者ごとに補整パッドの重さを再検討する必要がある.

  • 藤上 明子, 岡部 和代, 谷田貝 麻美子
    2011年 52 巻 10 号 624-632
    発行日: 2011/10/20
    公開日: 2016/12/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


  • 藤本 桂子, 神田 清子
    2017年 31 巻 論文ID: 31_fujimoto_20170220
    発行日: 2017/01/01
    公開日: 2017/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー

    要 旨

    本研究の目的は,初発乳がん患者が告知を受けてから小学生の子どもに罹患に伴う情報を伝えることを決断するまでのプロセスを可視化し,子どもに伝える時の看護支援の在り方を検討することである.小学生の子どもを持つ初発乳がん患者14 名に半構造化面接を行い,修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて質的帰納的分析を行った.伝える決断のプロセスは,がん患者ががん診断による衝撃を受けながらも,子どもの唯一無二の母親であるという意識のもと,母親役割を遂行するために子どもに罹患に伴う情報を伝えることに至る体験であり,母親役割の強化・停滞要因が影響していた.子育ての経験を活かした,これまで通りのコミュニケーションスタイルをとることで,子どもに情報を伝えることを可能にしていた.患者が母親役割を果たす強化要因を早期に把握し,強化要因を強化する支援が必要である.また,母親の存在意義を認め,子どもが持つがんのイメージを理解し,自信をもって子どもに罹患に伴う情報を伝えるための看護システム構築の必要が示唆された.

  • 堀 英祐, 井上 友理, 関野 正人, 長谷見 雄二
    2016年 81 巻 725 号 625-632
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/07/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     After the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake, the establishment of a regional medical system and a preparation of disaster medical system that is the establishment of the disaster base hospital. Medical facilities are needed to be actuating when the disaster occurs, and varieties of standards and guidelines of architecture and facilities has been established. To enforce medical services smooth enough when the disaster occurs, we need improvement projects that assume disaster medical services beforehand.
     But, at a large scale earthquake such as the Great East Japan earthquake, a case which sufficient medical service was difficult to enforce because of the shortage such as water and fuel due to long-term passage of the lifeline in addition to the damage of building equipment and medical equipment even in disaster base hospital has been reported.
     About the facility requirements that is based on the correspondence of the disaster, it is determined comprehensively based on expenses among the minimum capacity that is prescribed by Building Standard Act/the Fire Services Act and the capacity that is demanded from the activity assumption, but at the time of disaster there are many cases that caused restriction of medical services because of the restriction on use of medical equipment and the capacity lack of the private power generator, so it doesn’t mean that it is always decided appropriately.
     Therefore in this study, we will grasp about the priority of the disaster medical service in the disaster base hospital and the necessary medical equipment and make a survey and analyze about electricity consumption accompanying with it, to estimate the appropriate capacity of a private power generator becoming necessary for correspondence at hospitals at the time of disaster. This study is intended to contribute to the development of the hospital plan which can carry out the medical service at the time of disasters smoothly, by calculating electric power load that is based on the medical policy at the time of a disaster assumed on every hospital.
     In this study, we grasped about the priority of the disaster medical service of 14 disaster base hospitals and the necessary medical equipment and make a survey and analyze about electricity consumption accompanying with it, to estimate the appropriate capacity of a private power generator becoming necessary for correspondence at hospitals at the time of disaster. The obtained knowledge is shown below.
     1. The ratio of the private power generator to the contract demand of the 14 hospitals that the answer to the questionnaire was provided was from 43% to 155%, and considering the margin of the contract demand, most hospitals hold private power generators that has generation capacity of 60% degree of ordinary time.
     2. As a result of the medical equipment load that is assumed by each medical service contents at the time of the disaster calculated by per unit floor space, electricity consumption of emergency patient correspondence and the image diagnosis inspection were big , and the average electricity consumption of 5 hospitals were from 18.95 W/m2 to 22.40 W/m2.
     3. From the results of estimating the medical equipment load corresponding to the priority of medical services, we found that the medical equipment load account for 51.8% to 120.4% of the capacity of private power generator and 44.5% to 86.3% of the contract demand, even performing duties only that has have the medical services also be always performed at the time of disaster.
  • 川端 博子, 谷田貝 麻美子
    2011年 62 巻 10 号 649-658
    発行日: 2011/10/15
    公開日: 2013/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    We conducted a questionnaire survey on 344 females who suffered from breast cancer to investigate their problems with clothing after breast cancer surgery. In this study, we focused on the use of brassieres and the inconveniences they caused.The results obtained were as follows:1) More than half the participants felt there were difficulties and inconveniences associated with their brassieres, such as an imbalance of the two breasts, crawling up of the cups, and a humid sensation inside the bra cups, all of which were more often found amongst the participants who had undergone a mastectomy.Difficulties and inconveniences of bras, such as tightness under the bust, slipping down of the shoulder straps, and pain from abrasion were more often found in the participants who had undergone a breast conserving surgery. The first step we should take in solving these problems is to sort out the relationship between the inconveniences of bras and the diversity of the deformity and wounds in the breast area.2) We examined the connection of the inconveniences of bras with the physical symptoms and side effects of breast surgery. The results suggest an urgent need to provide patients with not only better bras but also other clothes ranging from innerwear to outerwear.3) The bras used were classified into three types: exclusive bras for breast cancer patients, ordinary bras different to the ones used before surgery, and the same bras as those used before surgery. The exclusive bras were shown to be easy on the body and were highly ranked except for moisture and hotness inside the bra cup. We believe this result was achieved through the use of silicon pads. The results for bras different to the ones used before surgery tended to show the greatest inconveniences, suggesting a need for more information in order to improve the comfort of bras after surgery.
  • ―内部被曝の予防策―上気道管理の重要性―
    岡野 光博
    2013年 116 巻 10 号 1159-1162
    発行日: 2013/10/20
    公開日: 2013/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 下郷 智弘, 奥平 訓康
    2020年 76 巻 9 号 899-905
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    Aim: The aim of this work was to evaluate the coincidence between light and X-ray field width in air. Background: Light fields are often used for confirmation of irradiation position to superficial tumors and final confirmation of the patient’s irradiation position. To guarantee collation by the light field, the light and X-ray fields must coincide. Currently, the light field width is determined mainly by visual evaluation using manual methods, such as use of graph paper and rulers. The light field width is difficult to visually recognize a definite position at the edge of the light field. Materials and Methods: We quantified the width of light fields emitted from a linear accelerator using a light probe detector and compared the results with those of X-ray fields. In-air measurements were conducted at the same position in the light field with the light probe detector and X-ray field using an ionization chamber installed in an emptied three-dimensional water phantom. Results: The radiation field in air was approximately 2 mm larger than the light field, and we found some influence of transmission and scattered rays on the penumbra region. Before and after exchanging crosshair sheets, the fields also exhibited differences in uniformity. Conclusions: The proposed method quantifies the light field using a photodetector and can be used to compare the light field with the X-ray field, conforming a useful tool for evaluating the accuracy of treatment devices in an objective and systematic manner.

  • - 乳がん看護認定看護師の看護ケアの実状と課題 -
    小林 万里子, 市川 加代, 樋口 友紀, 廣瀬 規代美, 中西 陽子, 堀越 政孝, 二渡 玉江
    2011年 61 巻 3 号 349-359
    発行日: 2011/08/01
    公開日: 2011/09/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    【目 的】 乳房温存術後の放射線治療を受ける患者に対する乳がん看護認定看護師の看護の実状と課題を明らかにする. 【対象と方法】 日本看護協会ホームページの認定看護師名簿を参照し, 無記名式質問紙調査を郵送法で実施した. 放射線治療前・中・後のケア内容などは選択式回答, 課題は自由記述とした. 【結 果】 対象者97名中, 有効回答は40名 (41.2%) であった. 放射線治療前はケア内容の約半数で実施割合が70%を超えていた. 治療中では約90%の項目で30~50%, 治療後ではすべての項目で40~60%の実施割合であった. 課題としては, 【質の高い放射線看護の実践】, 【継続的ケアシステムの確立】, 【連携の充実】の3カテゴリが抽出された. 【結 語】 乳房温存術後の放射線治療看護では, 放射線治療中・後において専門職を活用した質の高い放射線看護の実践, 継続的ケアシステムの確立, 連携の充実の強化に取り組む必要がある.
  • -質問紙調査の概要-
    谷田貝 麻美子, 阿部 恭子, 佐藤 真理子, 若林 槇子, 川端 博子
    2010年 61 巻 6 号 365-373
    発行日: 2010/06/15
    公開日: 2013/02/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    A questionnaire survey was conducted on a total of 334 breast cancer patients and survivors to investigate the problems with clothing experienced after breast cancer surgery. The questionnaire consisted of 136 questions in six categories, including the demographic and disease characteristics of the participants and the details of the bras and pads used. The findings obtained from the collected and analyzed data were as follows: 1) the participants who had undergone a mastectomy or breast conserving surgery encounter short-term to long-term difficulties or inconveniences related to clothes, ranging from innerwear to outerwear; 2) these difficulties or inconveniences result from deformity of the breast area, as well as physical symptoms experienced after surgery and side effects from the treatments given following surgery. These problems need to be resolved considering many factors related to clothes, such as mobility, fit, thermal comfort, touch sensation and garment coordination.
  • 上原 忍, 小林 啓一, 鎌田 孝広, 嶋根 哲, 相澤 仁志, 栗田 浩
    2012年 38 巻 4 号 442-446
    発行日: 2012/12/25
    公開日: 2013/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 合田 喜賢, 松本 正富
    2020年 85 巻 778 号 2611-2619
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     Isolation Hospitals are one of the important hospitals in modern Japan, but there are many things that are unidentified about buildings form because there are few old buildings and reference documents. This paper tries to clarify the conditions for the planning of early Isolation Hospital by analyzing the contents of 21 practical books for infectious disease control (written by health official instead of architect) published from the Meiji era to the Taisho era.

     The summary of the conclusion is as follows:

     1) Conditions of planning early Isolation Hospital could be classified into building site (9 items), block planning (4 items), plan of hospital room (11 items). 2) In terms of building site, convenience for transportation was more important than quarantine at the late Meiji era. 3) The site was partitioned into clean area and contaminated area in the late Meiji era. Management in the hospital was strengthened by establishing a traffic disinfection station at the boundary between these two areas. 4) The ward plan of pavilion type appeared at in the Taisho era. 5) Open spaces, gardens and playgrounds for the patients were recommended. 6) Beds on wooden floor were recommended not to reduce the work burdens of a medical staff, but to keep the hospital rooms clean. 7) The main circulation of isolation wards was located on the south side of the hospital rooms and sub circulation for nursing and care was located on the north side of the hospital rooms. At the end of the Meiji era, glass was used at Shoji (sliding door) on the south side of the hospital rooms.

  • 高橋 雅彦, 橋本 真衣子, 上原 真澄
    2018年 74 巻 6 号 531-538
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    The present study aimed to prepare a small acute-phase cerebral infarction phantom made of gelatin and sucrose to simulate brain parenchymal cells, and a phantom made of collagen peptides and sucrose to simulate cerebral infarction for diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). During the preparation of gelatin and sucrose mixture (17.0 wt% gelatin, 20.0 wt% sucrose), a cylindrical wooden bar was placed in the center of the phantom and covered with a heat-shrinkable film to ensure space remained after gelling. A mixed solution composed of collagen peptide and sucrose (16.0 wt% collagen peptide, 27.5 wt% sucrose) was then enclosed within the space. The T2 relaxation time and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the phantom were set equal to those observed in actual patients with acute-phase cerebral infarction. The mixture was selected based on the signal intensity of both the healthy brain tissue and that subjected to acute cerebral infarction, such that no contrast was observed during T2-weighted imaging (T2WI). T2WI and DWI were performed using a 1.5 T scanner. Although contrast between the mixed gel and mixed solution was obscure on T2WI, cerebral infarction was clearly visible on DWI. However, the phantom exhibited mono-exponential changes in the ADC value at b values of 0 and 1,000 (s/mm2), and was affected by the proton density and T1 value depending on the imaging condition.

  • 市川 直明
    2013年 61 巻 3 号 162
    発行日: 2013/06/10
    公開日: 2013/07/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 熊澤 千恵
    2022年 39 巻 47-57
    発行日: 2022/09/02
    公開日: 2024/04/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • - 乳がん看護認定看護師と乳がん患者に関わる看護師の看護実践の比較 -
    小林 万里子, 高平 裕美, 市川 加代, 堀越 政孝, 二渡 玉江
    2012年 62 巻 2 号 129-137
    発行日: 2012/05/01
    公開日: 2012/06/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    【目 的】 温存術後放射線治療期の看護ケアの特性を明らかにし, 看護の質向上の基礎資料とする. 【対象と方法】 乳がん看護認定看護師 (CN) と乳がん看護に関わる看護師 (NS) に郵送による無記名式質問紙調査を行い, 放射線治療期の看護実践等を比較した. 【結 果】 有効回答は, CN 40名 (41.2%), NS 102名 (56.7%) であった. CNとNSの看護ケア実施割合の比較では, 放射線治療前27項目のうち15項目 (55.6%), 治療中の18項目すべて (100%), 治療後20項目のうち9項目 (45.0%) において有意差がみられた. このうち, 治療前の1項目以外はNSの実施割合が有意に高かった. 【結 論】 温存術後放射線治療期の看護ケアでは, (1)NSの放射線治療前実施割合は総体的に高く, 治療中・後においても比較的高い, (2)治療過程を通して, NSの看護ケア実施割合はCNより高いという特性が示された. 乳がん看護に携わる看護師が必要に応じて協働や連携を強めることで温存術後放射線治療期の看護ケアの質向上につながると考える.
  • 包 暁蘭
    2018年 29 巻 1 号 40-49
    発行日: 2018/07/31
    公開日: 2019/08/08
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 今野 浩之, 大森 純子
    2021年 41 巻 772-779
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー HTML




  • 福田 大祐, 森 千鶴
    2021年 30 巻 1 号 1-11
    発行日: 2021/06/30
    公開日: 2021/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

