Journal of Japan Academy of Home Care
Online ISSN : 2758-9404
Print ISSN : 1346-9649
Volume 21, Issue 2
Displaying 1-15 of 15 articles from this issue
Publication of Japan Academy of Home Care Statements on Improvement and Promotion of Home Care Practice
The 22nd Annual Academic Meeting of Japan Academy of Home Care
Chairman Lecture
Special Lecture Sustainment of Long-term Care Insurance and Care Quality Assurance
Symposium Preventing Long-term Care Support and Safety Management
Original Articles
  • Michiko Hashimoto, Yumi Inoue, Masumi Nishida
    Article type: Original Articles
    2018 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 33-41
    Published: 2018
    Released on J-STAGE: December 06, 2024

    The present study aimed to clarify the significance of cooperation between registered dietitians and kitchen staff in the process of providing meals for community-dwelling elderly people at “community restaurants” established as part of the integrated community care system. Individual interviews were conducted with seven kitchen staff members, and concept analysis was performed using the steps for coding and theorization (SCAT) technique. As a result, three themes were extracted, including: ① as kitchen staff, learning the significance of meals taking elderly people into account, ② acquiring skills and knowledge in meal preparation to gain the ability to prepare meals with peace of mind that meet the needs of people living in communities, and ③ providing meals with the support of trusted registered dieticians while giving advice to young individuals. Local kitchen staffs develop as cooks through cooperation with registered dieticians, and are promising human resources who will undertake community activities through meals. It was suggested that the role of registered dieticians might involve community support utilizing community empowerment.

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  • Kayo Murayama
    Article type: Original Articles
    2018 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 42-49
    Published: 2018
    Released on J-STAGE: December 06, 2024

    The Civil Code imposes liability for damages in tort acts committed by persons with mental disabilities, such as persons with dementia, on their family. However, if family caregivers have comprehensive liability for damages because of family, it might cause them to give up home care, leading to early institutionalization. This study aimed to examine who had liability for damages inflicted by persons with mental disabilities and what kind of duties to take measures to prevent care accidents caused by wandering of persons with dementia were required, and to offer suggestions on how to address future similar cases. The Method consisted of analyzing the 2016 Supreme Court case concerning family caregivers’ liability for damages inflicted by a person with dementia killed by a train and cases of care accidents caused by persons with disabilities’ wandering while under care of care facilities. This study comprehensively dealt with liability for damages related to wandering of persons with dementia. The Supreme Court judged that the family caregivers did not have liability to supervise the person with dementia because of being family. Furthermore it defined criteria to find a Person Equivalent to Supervisor who was liable for damages inflicted by persons with mental disabilities. Analysis results showed that the Court did act to reduce the family caregivers’ burden: these criteria required consideration of the caregiver’s living conditions, the care-receiver’s nature and incidence of the problematic behaviors, and the relationship between the caregiver and the care-receiver, and did not attach great importance to kinship. Furthermore, analyzing the cases of the care accidents caused by persons with disabilities’ wandering while under the care of the care facilities showed that the Courts did not require the caregivers to take high-level measures to prevent persons with dementia from wandering. If these judgments are considered appropriately, the human rights of both family caregivers and persons with dementia who choose home care will be protected.

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Study Articles
  • Aki Araki, Shinobu Yamaguchi
    Article type: Study Articles
    2018 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 50-58
    Published: 2018
    Released on J-STAGE: December 06, 2024

    The aim of this study was to professionally evaluate and revise the draft “Health Education Program Targeting People Approaching Old Age who are Trying to Stay Healthy to the End of Their Lives.” This program was developed based on the results of a study on the thoughts and daily efforts made by people approaching old aged for better living as they face the final stages of their lives. The present study surveyed 79 nurses from Japan who specialized in care for the elderly and have a thorough grounding in elderly nursing care, and 57 nursing workers at regional comprehensive support centers in “A” Prefecture, Japan. The draft program proposal and survey forms were sent by postal mail to the nurses, and the survey questionnaire was self-administered (recovery rate: 34.6%). Evaluation of the aims, targets, composition, and contents of the program was made using a four-stage rating: “Appropriate,” “Somewhat Appropriate,” “Somewhat Inappropriate,” and “Inappropriate.” The content validity index was calculated from the responses. Then, the study extracted, sorted, and examined the reasons recorded for responses of “Somewhat Inappropriate” or “Inappropriate” in the survey response forms. The draft program was partially revised based on this investigation. The content validity index was found to be 0.80 and above for most survey items, thereby confirming the validity of the program draft. Further starting program will be necessary.

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  • Hisae Nakatani, Akiko Kanefuji, Miki Oeki, Akiko Sakai
    Article type: Study Articles
    2018 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 59-66
    Published: 2018
    Released on J-STAGE: December 06, 2024

    We created a website for care managers to learn about case studies, and we then conducted ICT training in which care managers could learn from video-based case studies. The purpose of this study is to identify whether these case studies, delivered through e-learning, are effective in educating the care managers.

    The research subjects were 44 anonymous care managers who voluntarily agreed to take part in e-learning. The participants watched case study videos, and went through the 6 sets of content over 4 weeks. The website was accessed 296 times, and the average number of views per person was 6.7 times. The rate of access between 18:00 and 24:00 hours was 43.4%. The most useful evaluation of the contents was the one that showed the “posting and reviews of the participants” at 77.8%. The aim of the study in Cognitive Domain (5 items) and Af fective Domain (5 items) was achieved by ever yone, and in Psychomotor Domain (2 items) reached from 37.6% to 29.6%. A total of 85.2% of the subjects voted in favor of the effectiveness of e-learning, whereas 14.8% of them were against it.

    Learning the practice of care management through ICT education proved to be an effective educational method for on the job-training as well as for self-study methods.

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  • Yumiko Kohno, Shihomi Sakurai
    Article type: Study Articles
    2018 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 67-75
    Published: 2018
    Released on J-STAGE: December 06, 2024

    The purpose of this research was to elucidate the relationship between stress and recognition of abuse in care workers in group homes for dementia.

    The subjects were 645 care workers in group homes for dementia. We surveyed participants using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire sent by mail. We used the Japanese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory as an index of stress. Binomial logistic regression analysis was performed to study the association between individual recognition of abuse, workplace environment, and presence or absence of recognition of abuse in daily care (p < 0.05).

    The analysis results revealed an association between stress and problems in the workplace environment related to abuse. Furthermore, it revealed an association between stress and recognition of abuse in daily care, which is a new observation. These results suggested that reduction of stress could increase the likelihood of executing daily care by respecting the dignity of elderly individuals with dementia.

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  • Niu Xiaochen, Hidehiro Sugisawa
    Article type: Study Articles
    2018 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 76-85
    Published: 2018
    Released on J-STAGE: December 06, 2024

    Synopsis: The purpose of this study is to examine factors related with demands for long-term care services for elderly parents among middle-aged people. Two factors which have been ignored in previous studies were included as possible related factors: family norms and awareness of long term care services. Participants were obtained from people aged 45-59 years old living in Xuzhou city, China, who were taking care of their elderly parents. They were recruited through personal networks of the researchers. A self- administrated survey was conducted for 320 candidates of participants. The number of effective participants for the analysis was 154. Demands of long-term care services were categorized by three types; “only care by family”, “care by family and community services”, and “only care by services (only care by community service and nursing-home admission)”. In addition to the factors described before, possible related factors included psychological factors, such as knowledge of community services, needs for long- term care, and socioeconomic status. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used by using “only care by family” as the reference category. Higher negative feeling for the long-term care services was significantly related to lower demands of “care by family and community services”. More knowledge of the long-term care services was significantly related to higher demands for “care of family and community services”. Children with higher number of disabled elderly parents were more likely to have higher demands of “care by community services”. Children with 30min-1h distance from living place of disabled elderly parents were more likely to have higher demands of “care by family and community services” than those living with parents or within less than 30min distance.

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  • Rie Narahara
    Article type: Material
    2018 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 86-91
    Published: 2018
    Released on J-STAGE: December 06, 2024

    In this study, educational policies looked for by visiting nurse station managers when hiring newly graduated nurses at visiting nurse stations are described. The objective thereof was to create basic materials for these newly graduated visiting nurses. The subjects of the study were nine managers of visiting nurse stations, and the study implemented quasi-structured interviews and an analysis that employed qualitative synthesis or the KJ method. The following four topics were extracted: “OJT emphasizing the individuality of the user,” “collaborative education with medical institutions,” “collaborative education with nursing education institutions,” and “integrating learning in collaborative education institutions.” Results suggest the need for visiting nurse stations, medical institutions, and nursing education institutions that exist in the community to create education systems. This would enable the learning of newly graduated visiting nurses to be integrated as policies to be used when hiring these individuals.

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