Online ISSN : 2189-5899
ISSN-L : 2189-5899
7 巻, 3 号
  • 田辺 将也, 木村 朗
    2020 年 7 巻 3 号 p. 1-7
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Background: Health care for the cerebrovascular disease is important in institutionalized populations as well. Few existing studies have reported on the relationship between reasons for behavior and the amount of physical activity in institutionalized elderly with disabilities. We aimed to document the types of motivations for these activities along with behavioral observation methods for physical activity. We used a newly developed narrative camera method to classify the motivations of the elderly with disabilities in elderly care facilities when they perform physical activities with reproducibility of the process.  Purpose: To categorize the motivations of the elderly with disabilities in need of the Nursing care unit for physical activity through text mining of verbatim recordings of 24-hour time-lapse images and sequential listening data. Subjects and Methods: The research design was a cross-sectional, observational study. The target population consisted of elderly people aged 75 years or older who were residing in a long-term care health care facility. Inclusion criteria were: cerebrovascular disease or musculoskeletal disease, the inclusion of at least 5 days of supine and sedentary time in a year or more than 5 days of a day that exceeded standing time, disorientation, the ability to stand, and the ability to perform the physical activity was recorded for 24 hours using a camera with time-lapse function (recolo IR7; King Jim) that took pictures once every 30 seconds. The auditory recordings were compared with the image recordings, and the reasons and motivations for the physical activity were created by creating phrases with target events and verbs, and the frequency of these phrases was counted. These phrases were categorized as reasons for the activity, either as physiological or non-physiological events. Furthermore, the reasons for the activity were classified as preference or non-preference, and if they belonged to neither, they were judged to be intermediate factors. Results: The most frequent motivation for physical activity was for urination. The second most frequent motivation was to enhance pleasure, the third was to defecate, and the fourth was to obtain information. Physical activity by these four factors accounted for 52% of the daytime structure time. The backward classification of preference and non-preference was not completed, with exceptions. Conclusion: Physical activity was found to withstand a backward analysis when classified as physiological need-based or non-physiological need-based activities based on the reason for the activity in question. The classification based on preference and non-preference reasons warranted further investigation, as there were reasons to satisfy both.
  • 鳥毛 正弘, 田辺 将也, 小山 将, 桑原 英眞
    2020 年 7 巻 3 号 p. 8-17
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    背景:高齢女性において起き上がりと起立・着座動作を含む起居動作能力の低下は脈波伝播速度(baPWV) に負の影響を与える要因と考えられている。70歳前半の集団において、年齢、起居動作能力から動脈硬化との強い関連性が報告されているが、介護老人保健施設で生活をしている平均寿命に近い要介護高齢者では不明である。 目的:本研究の目的は日本の郊外で典型的な介護老人保健施設に入所する平均寿命に近い要介護高齢者において下肢筋力、動作能力と脈波伝播速度との関連性を明らかにすることであった。 対象と方法: 対象は群馬県内の3施設の介護老人保健施設に入所する自立歩行可能な要介護高齢者集団であった。横断研究の期間は 2016年4月より2018年3月であった。アウトカムはBMI値、体脂肪率(%) 、全身筋量(kg) 、上腕-足首間脈波伝搬速度(baPWV)。パフォーマンステストの測定:5 回立ち上がりテストの所要時間 、30 秒間反復踵上げ反復テストの回数であった。統計解析はそれぞれの記述統計およびアウトカムに関する標準値域に入った人の頻度等を評価し、重回帰分析を行った。 結果:参加者は49 名、解析対象者は32 名であった。baPWV 値は施設 A: 2089.8±623.3,施設 B :1961.5±353.0,施設 C :2203.5±773.9 施設間の差は認められなかった。低 BMI 群は正常 BMI 群と比べて有意に baPWV が高いという結果が得られた(p=0.010)。20 回以上踵上げ運動を行えた群は 19 回以下の群よりも有意に baPWV が高かった(P=0.035)。 結論 :BMI は運動機能と独立して血管機能に関連していることが明らかになった。20 回以上踵上げ運動を行えた群では有意な関連性を示した。平均寿命に近い要介護高齢者では、可能な限り動作能力の向上と区別した血管機能維持を目的とした下肢筋力の維持にかかわる理学療法が重要であると考えられた。
  • 田辺 将也, 田島 幹也, 木村 朗
    2020 年 7 巻 3 号 p. 18-23
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Abstract: BACKGROUND: An attempt was made to categorize the motivations for physical activity and to investigate the frequency of physical activity motivations by proposing an objective method of assessing the initiation of physical activity based on physiological and non-physiological demands using a method actually named the wearable camera method. There are few reports on the effect of those frequencies on the actual amount of physical activity. Therefore, we investigated the effects of different motivations for physical activity on the amount of physical activity among elderly people who needed institutionalized care. Objective: To investigate the effects of different reasons for physical activity on the amount of physical activity among elderly people who need institutionalized care. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The subjects were eight people living in a long-term care facility with a history of cerebrovascular disease and three with a diagnosis of dementia. There were 11 subjects, 2 males and 9 females, with an average age of 84 years and 90 years. The methods included behavioral recording and sequential interviewing of the subjects' reasons for their 24-hour activities using a stationary chest-mounted timed imaging device (recolo IR7; King Jim) and an IC recorder (ICD-PX440; SONY) to classify the motivation for each individual's physical activity and to determine the motivation for activities based on physiological demands, The effects on the mean amount of physical activity divided into two groups by the median of the total time of activities based on non-physiological needs and preference and non-preference were evaluated by an unpaired t-test. RESULTS: In the activity groups categorized by motivation for physical activity, there was a significant mean difference in the amount of physical activity by the amount of total time of the activity based on the person's non-physiological needs between the groups where the total time of the activity based on non-physiological needs was greater than 198.5 minutes and the group where the total time of the activity based on non-physiological needs was less than 198.5 minutes. Conclusion: the amount of activity based on non-physiological needs had a significant effect on the amount of physical activity. The utilization of activities based on non-physiological needs is expected to be an effective method for the prevention of the syndrome of physical inactivity.
  • 田辺 将也, 鳥毛 正弘, 木村 朗
    2020 年 7 巻 3 号 p. 25-30
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    背景:我々は、施設入所要介護高齢者におけるウェアラブルカメラを用いた観察により、身体活動の動機の違いが身体活動量の多寡に及ぼすことを報告した。身体不活動はこれまで脈波伝搬速度の悪化を促進することが知られている。身体活動の促進は動機を評価し、環境設定も含めたアプローチが必要とされるが、実際、健康関連指標である脈波伝播速度への影響が及ぶ程度は不明である。 目的:施設入所生活における身体活動を伴う行動の理由の違いが身体活動量の多寡に及ぼす脈波伝搬速度の悪化に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることであった。 対象と方法:対象は要介護老人保健施設で生活する脳血管障害の既往がある8 名、認知症の診断があるもの 3名であった。男性 2 名、女性 9 名の計 11名、男性平均84 歳、女性 90 歳であった。方法は、対象者の 24 時間の行動の理由について、胸部据え置き型定時画像撮影装置(recolo IR7;キングジム) と IC レコーダー(ICD-PX440;SONY)を用いて行動記録、逐次聞き取りを行い、各個人の身体活動の動機を分類し、生理的要求に基づく活動、非生理的要求に基づく活動の別に分け、その合計時間の中央値で2群に分けたものと脈波伝搬速度の悪化に及ぼす影響を対応のないt検定にて評価した。 結果:身体活動の動機を類型化した活動群において、本人の非生理的欲求に基づく活動の合計時間の多寡による身体活動量は、非生理的欲求に基づく活動の合計時間が 198.5 分より多い群と 198.5 分以下の群について、身体活動量が有意な平均値の差を示した。 結語:非生理的欲求に基づく活動の多寡は、身体活動量の多寡に有意な影響を示した。非生理的欲求に基づく活動の利活用が身体不活動性の症候群の予防にとって有効な方法になることが期待される。
  • 田辺 将也, 鳥毛 正弘, 木村 朗
    2020 年 7 巻 3 号 p. 31-37
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    BACKGROUND: We reported that different motivations for physical activity affect the amount of physical activity in elderly people requiring institutionalized care, but the amount of physical activity alone, which has the little kinetic effect, is likely to have little effect on pulse wave velocity as a health-related indicator, using wearable cameras. However, as physical activity declines with age, the significance of activity support based on a person's preference is essential from a clinical perspective. We attempted to show the effectiveness of care in which the person's motivation for physical activity is lived by a measure of subjective well-being. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the motivation for physical activity and subjective well-being of elderly people in residential care. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The subjects were eight elderly people living in a long-term care facility with a history of cerebrovascular disease and three with a diagnosis of dementia. There were 11 subjects, 2 males and 9 females, with an average age of 84 years and 90 years. The methods included behavioral recording and sequential interviewing of the subjects' reasons for their 24-hour activities using a stationary chest-mounted timed imaging device (recolo IR7; King Jim) and an IC recorder (ICD-PX440; SONY) to classify the motivation for each individual's physical activity and to identify the motivations for activities based on physiological demands, Divided by non-physiological demand-based activities and divided into two groups by the median of their total time and their effect on the worsening of pulse wave propagation velocity were evaluated by the unpaired t-test. RESULTS: In the activity groups categorized by motivation for physical activity, the amount of physical activity based on the individual's non-physiological needs showed a significant mean difference in the amount of physical activity for the groups in which the total time of activity based on non-physiological needs was greater than 198.5 minutes and for the groups in which the total time of activity based on non-physiological needs was less than 198.5 minutes. Conclusion: the amount of activity based on non-physiological needs had a significant effect on the amount of physical activity. The utilization of activities based on non-physiological needs is expected to be an effective method for the prevention of the syndrome of physical inactivity.