Coal bed CO
2 sequestration, which separates and collects the CO
2 generated by a large-scale point source and then injects it into a deep underground coal bed, can be regarded as a viable form of carbon capture and storage (CCS). However, many uncertainties are still involved, due to the fact that coal reacts with CO
2 in a variety of ways. In verification tests at Yubari, CO
2 was injected from an injection well into the coal bed at depth of 900 m, and methane was produced from an production well. Since the injection rate of CO
2 was one tenth of magnitude that estimated by the preliminary analysis, N
2 was injected in an attempt to improve its performance. While the injection rate of CO
2 increased temporarily, it later decreased again in a short time. To try to clarify the phenomena observed in the Yubari trials, we conducted two types of laboratory tests under stress constraint conditions. In the test I, we injected liquid CO
2 into a water-saturated core specimen and heated it to make supercritical CO
2. This is based on the assumption that during the initial CO
2 injection at Yubari pores of the coal bed were saturated with water. In the test II, we injected supercritical CO
2 into the specimen saturated with N
2, and then repeatedly injected N
2 and CO
2. This test corresponded to the N
2 injection and CO
2 re-injection at Yubari. During the test I, we observed a swelling strain of 0.25 to 0.5% after injecting CO
2; during test II the swelling strain was 0.5 to 0.8% after injection of supercritical CO
2. Following the further injection of N
2 in the test II, slow shrinkage was observed. At effective confining pressure of 2 MPa, permeability of the water-saturated specimen was 2 × 10
-6 darcy. In contrast, the permeability of the N
2-saturated test specimen was originally ranged during 5 × 10
-4 to 9 × 10
-4 darcy, and after injection of supercritical CO
2 it decreased to 2 × 10
-4 darcy. Further injections of N
2 and supercritical CO
2 caused little subsequent change in permeability. It seems that when liquid CO
2 is injected into the water-saturated specimen, it does not completely replace water in the coal matrix, based on residual amounts of CO
2. To explain this behavior, we developed a model in which the CO
2 permeating the coal is distributed in clefts shaped like flat cracks and in fine pores in the matrix interior.