Online ISSN : 2758-5522
Print ISSN : 1880-6422
  • 伊木 治子, 酒井 麻紀子, 森田 美弥子
    2024 年 17 巻 p. 1-11
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study investigated the process of pet loss experienced by middle-aged and older adults. We used a semi-structured interview method and the Modified Grounded-Theory Approach to interview 10 pet owners aged 40 to 60 years who had lost their pet. Consequently, six categories, 11 subcategories, and 41 concepts were generated. These categories included: [1] irreplaceable company, [2] anxiety and mental conflict, [3] overwhelming sadness, [4] acceptance of the fact and reconstruction of life, [5] cherishing relationships with family and surrounding people, and [6] deteriorating relationships with family and surrounding people. The pet loss was comparable to the loss of a human loved one, but there were few negative emotions, ambivalence, friction, and conflict that the owner had toward the pet. Pet loss entailed having to undergo significant personal growth and change. We suggested that involvement with family and friends mitigates the owner’s grief, but can also arise in anger and loneliness.
  • 春日部 好香, 野村 あすか
    2024 年 17 巻 p. 12-19
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study examined the moderating effect of mindful parenting on the relationship between children’s difficulties and maternal parenting stress. Participants were mothers (N=359) of 3–5 year old children attending preschool. Correlation revealed a positive relationship between children’s difficulties and parenting stress, and a negative one between mindful parenting and parenting stress. Hierarchical multiple regression indicated that children’s difficulties and mindful parenting predicted parenting stress, while the interaction between mindful parenting and children’s difficulties was not significant. Furthermore, this study examined mindful parenting separately by subscale, revealing that the ability to describe one’s own his/her child’s experiences, the ability to withhold negative feelings toward the child, and not being critical or evaluative of one’s own internal experiences serve to reduce parenting stress. From this, we suggested effective approaches to parenting stress.