Online ISSN : 2758-5522
Print ISSN : 1880-6422
16 巻
  • ―自己注意の操作を用いた検討―
    吉田 翔子
    原稿種別: 原著
    2023 年 16 巻 p. 1-8
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/05/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study examined the relationship between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tendencies and self-reference effect, through experimental manipulation of attention to self. Participants were 55 university students (14 men and 41 women, M = 19.2 years old [standard deviation = 1.15]), who were randomly divided into two groups: self-attention group and other-attention group. The low-ASD tendency participants exhibited shorter correct response times to memory tasks pertaining to self, and information (p < .05), whereas the high-ASD tendency participants showed no significant differences. There was no significant difference in correct response time between the self- and other-attention groups. From this, we discussed that individuals with a high ASD tendency may process social stimuli (such as self and others) similarly to non-social stimuli, as part of their personality feature, hence resistant to change through any type of temporary manipulation.
  • ―偽装と隠蔽の比較―
    田口 恵也
    原稿種別: 原著
    2023 年 16 巻 p. 9-17
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/05/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study investigated the effects of deception strategy (fabrication and concealment), seriousness of situations (not serious versus serious), and relational closeness (friend versus acquaintance) on evaluations of prosocial deception from the observer’s perspective. The participants (N = 154) read scenarios about situations in which telling the truth was harmful, and evaluated the morality and acceptability of the statements (i.e., fabrication, concealment, and truth). Results indicated that fabrications were evaluated to be more moral than concealments and truth. Furthermore, fabrications were evaluated to be more acceptable than concealments. These results suggest that people generally perceive prosocial fabrications, albeit deception, to be favorable for interpersonal relationships.
  • ―EMDR とメンタルリハーサル後に職場復帰した看護師の一例―
    今井田 貴裕, 今井田 真実, 磯和 壮太朗
    原稿種別: 原著
    2023 年 16 巻 p. 18-26
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/05/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    In this study, we created the Ego-Strengthening Technique of Activates Generic Resources (ESAGR) based on the script of the hypnotic ego-strengthening technique already exists. A single case study involving a woman having difficulty returning to her nursing job was conducted. As a result of implementing ES-AGR in the first half of the session, the client’s resources were activated, and she could return to work. In addition, EMDR and mental rehearsal conducted in the second half of the session was also successful, and the case was completed in nine sessions. Results suggest that early implementation of ES-AGR in psychological clinical practice recover the client’s self-confidence and ability to cope with stress, and facilitates the application of psychotherapies with high psychological load, such as EMDR. However, since this was a single case study, its findings may not be generalized. In the future, multiple cases need to be conducted under randomized controlled trials.
  • 松本 明日香, 小川 一美
    2023 年 16 巻 p. 27-37
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/05/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study examined the relationships between the value of subject majors, career awareness, and university life satisfaction. Career awareness was measured by the Job Orientation Scale, and the shortened version of the Scales of University Life Satisfaction was implemented. Canonical correlation was used to analyze the first set of variables on four sub-scales measuring value of subject majors, and the second set of variables on all sub-scales of job orientation or university life satisfaction. Results showed that when utility value, interest value, and private attainment value were high, human relations orientation and job challenge orientation were also high, whereas working conditions orientation was low. Furthermore, all sub-scales of the value of subject majors positively correlated with study satisfaction and commitment to the university. Furthermore, public attainment value showed a different pattern of relationship to job orientation and university life satisfaction than the other values.