This exploratory study investigated factors related to attitudes toward referring others to
psychological services. In the preliminary investigation, participants were presented a hypothetical
situation of a friend who has psychological problems, and were asked whether they would refer the
friend to a psychological service, elaborating on the reason for their choice. These descriptions were
categorized using the KJ-method independently for three groups: referring group, ambivalent group,
and non-referring group. Content analysis categories of, “image of utilizing psychological services”,
“perception about seriousness of psychological problem”, and “mental burden of a friend referred to a
psychological service” arose as key factors worthy of investigation further in the main research, which
quantitatively investigated the relation between these main factors and attitudes toward referring
others to a psychological services. Results indicated that “indifference to psychological help” which
was a subscale of “image of utilizing psychological services” scale had a negative relationship, and
“perception of seriousness of psychological problem” had a positive relationship with attitudes toward
referring to psychological services. The implications of these findings for effective intervention to
foster behavior of referring to psychological service were discussed.